kao i see what you're saying, and if the options were some of the stages or none id much rather have some.
forgive me for not wanting to scan back through the pages but which stages do you think should be brought back then?
also there was someone who posted a while back when arguing wit scar about his spoc ruleset that if a stage is "fair" enough to be a legal stage than it should be a neutral. There shouldnt be a difference between fair and kinda fair, either its fair or it isnt. kinda idealistic and would never happen in the community but thats how we always play when we train :D everything on. ur post made me think of that.
well I like brinstar as anti ff.
rainbow is good against ppl with slow aerial mobility, or good for power house characters in some MUs. it also allows fox to camp. but we can't just shut fox out. rainbow is timed and non random. I see floats as the same but jankyer. the flat surfaces in rainbow allow slower characters to move better or have to do less random jumping. no reason to have both stages legal. fox can camp alot of places but these two amplify that ability. its not fair to ban them just based on that. but say I wanted to avoid the side scroll jumpy stage cuz I play m2 or yoshi. I would ban rainbow....****! fox just picked floats. I can't have everything my way, so banning the side scroll means be prepared for the low ceiling stage. a choice I would have to make. I can choose aspects of the game im most suited against and prepare for others.
japes-epsilon said the camping is super gay. ive honestly never had this happen to me. not to say its not a valid concern. but I can say pikachu/pichu/m2 can use the extra ledges for added mobility. padding against vertical kills. general survivability. ganon/zelda can play king of the hill. smaller main platform makes it easier to corner rolls/cover options. characters who have a harder time tech chasing can use that as a potential advantage.
mute city-obviously peach and jiggs stand out. but characters with low lag up b can benefit. or just get more chances to punish a marth/sheik/falcon. chances they may not normally get. now pichu can utilize that crazy strong f smash.
kongo-like a DL. I like it a little, its the closest cp to a neutral stage. fox can camp tho. but the ceiling is high. idk really know how I feel about it because other than decent against marth idk if it benefits anything/style/character other than fox/puff peach? my guess is high platforms don't interrupt some vertical combos....idk, no real use
stadium-honestly by now everyone is comfortable here. it doesn't really boost fox in any area but they like the platforms. most fair fox cp imo.but not a neutral.
for balance of the game we should look at what the stages actually do to the metà in conjunction with each other.
cps are designed to give a style/character/something a boost. its suppose to tip the scales. but fox is a versatile power house, if we just allow every stage because we haven't proven it broken fox will run wild. imo if it doesn't promote diversity more our equal to fox's ability to camp then we don't need it.
also saying something like pika samus on corneria is bs. fox greatly ***** on low ceiling and pika could chose ys instead. no character benefits from the low ceiling more than fox. that fin **** is dumb imo. but if it is a viable strategy aka i cp corneria so I can play with the fin then its possibly a decent stage. if not...random ships and fox out weighing the benefits in his favor = no.
either cps should be chosen specifically to balancE as much as possible or we should play all neutrals adding stadium and kongo and just strike no cp.
fox being good because he is the best its ok. fox having an infinite array of stages to essentially power all of his skills up is whack. if he benefits the most from a stage...why have it.
I would be interested in hearing people's reasonings as to what they think are metà game advancing or skill/character benefiting for the other stages. something other than whats "fair" things that are fair can still destroy integrity.
such as the monopoly rule. its illegal irl for a reason.