Moar Sonic music pls
Chance: 1%
For whatever reason I don't think Nintendo & Sakurai feel like music is something people are interested in buying. Which imo is ********, people bought the Sans costume for Megalovania. But yeah, premium Mii Costumes and the obvious Character Packs seem to be how they're adding music, and I don't think it's gonna change. Especially given the current situation, if it was ever in the cards it might have been canceled.
Want: 100%
I'd pay for pretty much any new music. I love Smash music, to me it's one of the most important additions that any series can bring. There's tons of stuff missing from Smash, that I'd like to see - off the top of my head:
More Mario Land remixes, the ones we got are excellent.
More Mario RPG music (though maybe this could come with Geno or Paper Mario?)
DKC2, 3 and Tropical Freeze songs (w/ Dixie pls)
More Zelda medleys
Modern Kirby tracks (w/ Dee pls)
More F-Zero and Earthbound music, any will do (Porky Means Business needs to be in Smash)
Anything from Kid Icarus Uprising, that game's OST is a treasure
Wario music. Any Wario music. WarioWare. Wario Land. Master of Disguise. Anything. It's all great.
Metal Gear Solid V and Peace Walker songs (Love Deterrence, Sins of the Father, and Quiet's Theme are a must, along with a vocal Snake Eater and the weirdly missing Old Snake)
Sonic music. All of it.
Xenoblade tracks for them X fans because that game has sweet music and XC2 songs if Rex & Pyra ain't getting in.
Punch-Out Wii themes for that cultural variety.
Songs from Mega Man spinoffs (especially X and Legends)
Shin Megami Tensei music, Persona 1, 2 and other 2 music and the egregious omissions from 5 (and Catherine music if we're being greedy)
Splatoon 2 and Octo Expansion music
And of course, this is the best way to get a decent amount of FF7 (Bombing Mission, One Winged Angel) and FF in general (Overture, Aria di Mezzo Carratere, Man with the Machine Gun, Terra's Theme, Battle at the Big Bridge, etc) music, for a price that makes sense with the licensing required.
That's without naming the series that don't have characters that would bring amazing music, which might be wasted opportunities but to me are much better than a lame 4-Spirit event.
as promised, Gordon Freeman x5
Twintelle prediction: I don't know how the community feels about her, I'm going to say low and go with 7.89%
Kid Cobra prediction: 5.34%
Byte and Barq prediction: 2.01%
...What was Brian's total noms anyway?
I think it was 106