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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
I don't have a camera for this, but basically I sawed and sandpapered down the edges of a blue rod to shorten by half an inch. Clipped on one of the pieces that's used for the hands of K'nex men to it. I gorilla glued that together and then to the broken piece of the cup holder. If I get a camera I'll take a picture.

I've been without a cup holder for about a year, it finally bothered me enough to fix it.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
For the past few months, the only thing keeping me from quitting competitive smash is something to channel my competitiveness into. But today I finally found something thats able to replace it. From this day forward, I will be competing in the grand game of Dance Dance Revolution!

Goodbye Snake board, it's being fun.
Aug 6, 2008
That needs to be the title. Abandon Snake? You'll be back :D

Yeah, I quit snake a long time ago. Still playing.

But, DDR? Really?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
DDR is competitive? o_O I don't have it and haven't played it but it doesn't really look like something with much of a competitive element lol

I'm quitting taking brawl seriously. I'll still wifi when I'm bored probably but I'm not

going to tournies

practicing tech skill

reviewing replays and vids

studying frame data

etc anymore.

so much better **** to waste my time and money on, I should have quit months ago


Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2007
why do i smell all this saltyness from the snake boards? come to ktar, come to tournies, play this game. its all for fun anywayz..


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
saltyness was actually what kept me playing, I was hellbent on redeeming myself for not being as good as I thought I could be. once I learned to discard those feelings I realized the game is just really boring and not worth such an investment in

pretty sure yume is the same, no salt just moved on to better things


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
DDR is a bit different from smash in that your limits depends alot on your body. If I train myself to be competively good, it'll have a positive effect on my body as well.

And watch really good players play DDR is actually alot of fun, it'll be hard but def worth it.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
DDR is a bit different from smash in that your limits depends alot on your body. If I train myself to be competively good, it'll have a positive effect on my body as well.

And watch really good players play DDR is actually alot of fun, it'll be hard but def worth it.
Yea. DDR uses a lot of footwork. I suck at it though. It's better that people have the pads instead of the actual machine with railings - only the out of shape people use the railings. Get good enough to the point you can do the hardest difficulty while only using certain dance steps - ie: people do heel-toe instead of plain stepping on the arrows.

I've seen DDR be pretty competitive at an anime convention. o-o
True dat. Almost every video game will have hand-eye coordination but DDR is unique with foot-eye coordination. Hey, at least is helps people learn to dance on beat.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
going to tournies costs money, spending money on brawl is bad : p

and yeah I can see where DDR would be good in that regard, same reason why doing sports is good. much easier to exercise if it's a game. I try to do HIIT 3-4 times a week but I let it lapse a lot
Aug 6, 2008
You always waste money trying to do anything. YOu have to pay transportation anyway. Besides, you could probably not enter tournament and only pay venue fees.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
You always waste money trying to do anything. YOu have to pay transportation anyway. Besides, you could probably not enter tournament and only pay venue fees.
I wouldn't even have to pay venue(it's always collected along with entry fee here) if I just wanted to go and hang out, but what would be the point of that? too much travel and I'm not even that close to any of our active players

actually considered selling my wii but I figure I should wait until skyward sword is out so I can play one more zelda game, was my favorite series at one point although I can't say it's been anything special since majora's mask, everything since then has been pretty meh

gheb I don't recall saying I was quitting the game before? I jokingly mentioned it at times when I was on a 4 month hiatus but I always intended to come back from that. if you mean when I say I'm quitting snake I guess you're kinda right but not really, I've used him like twice in the past 6 months in tourney. I still used him in friendlies but I've gone almost straight MK in tourney since last october, the only two exceptions being leominster where I was having an off day and decided to use snake in losers bracket because I was failing anyway, and last weekend where I used snake against teevee in game 2 because he claims that MU to be his kryptonite(did do a little better than I did in the MK ditto but still lost)


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
DDR is a bit different from smash in that your limits depends alot on your body. If I train myself to be competively good, it'll have a positive effect on my body as well.

And watch really good players play DDR is actually alot of fun, it'll be hard but def worth it.
You know,actually being "fit" IRL is actually helpful for "normal" videogames.
Aug 6, 2008
@Anyone (mostly Etecoon):
Oh, try Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time out of sequence and abusing some glitches. I hadn't touched the series in ages, then I found some speedruns of finishing the game in like an hour or two. I think it is fun to do stuff out of sequence and learning the glitches makes the game enjoyable too. Like, once you know the glitches and how they work, you start looking for little areas where you can abuse them.

Even if it doesn't really get you anyway and you still have to go back and get a stupid mirror shield ;P it still seems fun to be a bit creatitive and doing stuff.

Part of the reason I never really liked DDR much was because I cannot really lose myself in the game.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2010
Austin, TX
Yea I actually quit competitively too. There's just so much I don't have control of that would really hinder me from getting better as quickly as I want. My background is music and if you want to get better in that you practice for 4 hours a day total and doesn't cost $ up the *** for tournaments/gas. All the responsibility falls solely on you and that's what I like. With smash you need other people to practice with and not everyone might have the drive that you have.

Even with all that said I still don't think it's that many obstacles to overcome so I kept playing. But lately I started to feel like if I'm going to channel all this effort and energy into something, I might as well do it into something that might have more of an impact on my future. That and I also asked why I'm putting so much effort into a game that clearly has major issues. =/ If I'm going to play a game competitively then why not look for a more balanced game. I want to play the ACTUAL game, and against my opponent. Not see how many times you can abuse dumb mechanics like drop down and cling back on to a ledge with almost no way to punish you. But I understand that that's what this game is. And it takes all the fun out of it for me. You have to what have to do to win, so I get that. But why subject myself to this awful game in the first place? Just doesn't seem worth my time if I have to deal with dumb stuff like this.

That and life is telling me to move on. Have a job now and I'm really looking to finish school and finally start my career(music). I can put all this mental energy into something that seems more fruitful to me.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
Knowing when to leave is a hard lesson to learn in life. I've played Brawl four times [including with friends] since the start of November. I think missing my ride to go to MLG was what made me really step away from the game. I noticed something was up when I was hosting tournaments, but not entering the events. I cared enough to go through the motions of running a bracket for the community and contributing to the Back Room. I've mostly spent my time playing with Melee, as a reason to hang out with the great people I met in my state through Smash.

I went from being the guy that was begging old players to come back, to being sought after by the new generation to enter events again. I didn't realize how annoying I must have been. Haha.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
Lost first set in winners, (I'd like to blame not well warmed up johns, but I suppose I can admit that I was outplayed).

Then I beat Nuke a diddy 2-1.

Then I lost to Cheese. I lost game 1 with Snake, it was pretty close. Game 2 I went Pikachu and he won with 2 stocks mid-high percent.

Also, nice meeting you False.

Edit: I woke up at 3:30 am Saturday morning, I returned home at 4:15 am Sunday morning.
Aug 6, 2008
lol Ran. That is making me think that Brawl has reached the end of its life. People wish to stop playing it after like 3 years, yet have no issue continuing a game that has been going on for 11 years. I wonder which was the best designed game :awesome:


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Knowing when to leave is a hard lesson to learn in life. I've played Brawl four times [including with friends] since the start of November. I think missing my ride to go to MLG was what made me really step away from the game. I noticed something was up when I was hosting tournaments, but not entering the events. I cared enough to go through the motions of running a bracket for the community and contributing to the Back Room. I've mostly spent my time playing with Melee, as a reason to hang out with the great people I met in my state through Smash.

I went from being the guy that was begging old players to come back, to being sought after by the new generation to enter events again. I didn't realize how annoying I must have been. Haha.
I'd say school johns is legit too. You in med school aren't you? What year are you in. Man, I just finished my first year at PA school and it's hard enough to keep on work and other stuff at the same time; I'm not even talking about Smash. Add smash on the list of things to do and it just gets even harder.


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2010
Dominican Republic
I've been testing around with the new Crouch cancel thingy and it seems we have frame advantage when we get hit by MK's Dtilt with CC. At low %s we have a 3 frame advantage


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
Oh randomly found this out in my set with cheese.
If after you popo dies, if you stick nana before she disappears, she'll reappear with the c4 on her still.
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