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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
I love using Fox too False. If I can get good enough with him he might replace Snake as my tournament main.
Aug 6, 2008
^ This will tell you how to amke your own codes UseMeNades. Codemanager is really only useful for converting your .txt formatted code into a .gct file which is need for hacking the wii. I basically used it only once. To create a way to do frame by frame things with the wii.

I love using Fox too False. If I can get good enough with him he might replace Snake as my tournament main.
Snake mains are so loyal to their character :awesome: I'm using peach, shiek, falco instead now lol


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2010
EDIT: Ok, I have written out what I would like help with.

-So right now, I'm downloading Affinity's Pack thingy. He says where to put it, but it doesn't make sense to me, for example, it has the root at the end of a line. Where do I put the file I recieve?

-So with that Pack, all I need to do now is make the proper folders for characters and add the hacks ?(I understand this part, just don't wanna type out whole process)

-What folders go where? Specifically, the "apps" and "codes" folders. Right now they're in the root, but I'm not sure if that right or if they should be somewhere in the private/wii folder

-Do I need to use Code Manager or anything like that after getting this pack in the right place?

That's all for now, this is a lot more complicated than I thought


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
and now you're using peach instead!

I'm so bored tonight :/ tired of brawl, not in the middle of any other games atm, nothing I really feel like doing

should start playing something maybe but idk what
Aug 6, 2008
EDIT: Ok, I have written out what I would like help with.

-So right now, I'm downloading Affinity's Pack thingy. He says where to put it, but it doesn't make sense to me, for example, it has the root at the end of a line. Where do I put the file I recieve?

-So with that Pack, all I need to do now is make the proper folders for characters and add the hacks ?(I understand this part, just don't wanna type out whole process)

-What folders go where? Specifically, the "apps" and "codes" folders. Right now they're in the root, but I'm not sure if that right or if they should be somewhere in the private/wii folder

-Do I need to use Code Manager or anything like that after getting this pack in the right place?

That's all for now, this is a lot more complicated than I thought
SD Card Root/apps/Acciohacks - Gecko191 - homebrew browser
SD Card Root/codes/R - RSBE01.gct
SD Card Root/private/wii/app/rsbe/pf/info2 - menu - menu2 - pfmenu2 - stage - sound

seperation by - means multiple folder or files in that particular folder. Like the codes folder should contain the R folder and RSBE01.gct file

To get texture hacks, you simply put a "fighter" folder in the "pf" folder. From the fighter folder you have to create the folder for each person. You can add them in as you gain texture hacks.

I use this as a reference for the proper folder names for the characters.
No. You do not need codemanager if all you want are texture hacks, music hacks and stage hacks.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2010
New Orleans
^ This will tell you how to amke your own codes UseMeNades. Codemanager is really only useful for converting your .txt formatted code into a .gct file which is need for hacking the wii. I basically used it only once. To create a way to do frame by frame things with the wii.

Snake mains are so loyal to their character :awesome: I'm using peach, shiek, falco instead now lol
Never said i was gonna flatout DROP him though. Snake is too epic for that.
Aug 6, 2008
and now you're using peach instead!

I'm so bored tonight :/ tired of brawl, not in the middle of any other games atm, nothing I really feel like doing

should start playing something maybe but idk what
You could surf SWF like I have done for the past 2 hours lol

Alright, I think I will start-up FF X before I leave for college again. Taking only my

Never said i was gonna flatout DROP him though. Snake is too epic for that.
I am thinking of flat out dropping him. The playstyles are too hard to keep track of with snake included.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2010
Thanks Xeylode, that would've taken me hours to figure out. And the names you have up their are the names the folders should read?

I've tried to drop him. Twice. It never works, he's too awesome. I don't know how you do it. I do have other slightly less mains/secondaries.
Aug 6, 2008
@OnlyUseMeNades: I made a slight mistake UseMeNades. Put "pfmenu2" into "RSBE". That way when you open "RSBE", it should contain folders "pf" and "pfmenu2"
Edit: Yes, that is how the folders should be placed together. But, the SD card root thing is not a folder, I was merely saying that the "codes" and such goes into the SD card root.

@Etecoon: I agree. I'm a bit bored surfing this place at times. But I find something that interests me like the hacking thing and I keep staying on. I say go put in a movie you own.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I think I want to go all Snake and master all of his intricacies. This weekend just made me remember that my Snake is just so much more seasoned than my other characters. I know so much more about him than D3 and Falco lol I feel like that knowledge is pretty valuable and it would be a shame to waste 2 years worth of playing.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I've tried to leave him so many times but I can't lol. I don't think I'll get any better as a player either by bouncing my attention between 3 characters..its not like Snake has unwinnable matchups either. I think getting ***** this weekend opened my eyes to what I actually should be doing if I want to place better.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
that's kinda the bad thing about having a main, after this long you're basically stuck with them. not that I dislike my characters or anything but it is fun to have more variety but then you try to play other characters and it's like "oh yeah, I'm 2 years behind now" <_< I can only play like 5 characters decently and even then there's a huge difference amongst those characters depending on my experience

**** my ganondorf is better than half of my mid/high tiers LOL. when I first started playing online a few of the people I played the most just wanted to ganon ditto like every day so that's still one of my better characters lol


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I actually wish I had been like, falco or diddy, they're on a pretty similar level IMO except with meta knight EVERYONE studies that MU like it was the only thing they needed to know, every low/mid tier main you ever play basically knows the MU way better than you. it also just adds a lot of pressure because you're the best character and people tend to root against you. or maybe even marth, only characters I really hate with marth are DDD and ice climbers


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Yesterday, I realized that Brawl is all reading, and that I've always neglected getting good at that. As much as I want to say that I can become King Reader with Snake, iunno. Might mess around with Wario / Olimar for a while.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I think there's much more to it than that but what skills you need are partly dictated by your character, like someone with my tech skill could NEVER be a good ice climber player, while other people pick them up and learn their chain grabs and desynchs in days. likewise, a lot of ice climber players don't have the more general intelligence needed to have much success with other characters, they need the one read = one kill strength to function

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
My tech skill is trash so I use characters that rely more on reading and that aren't input heavy. I do make some pretty good reads so I like putting people in situations that turn into a guessing game because I win......profit!

I feel like Snake is about as tech skill heavy as I am comfortable using and even then I still mess up B-Reversals sometimes lol

My DK is actually decent but I don't see a use for him. I like Ike also but same thing as DK.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I think snake can be fairly tech heavy but maybe that's just how I play him

though as an addendum to my last post a lot of that is conditioning, IC players learn to play assuming that they can grab someone and get a kill just like I learned to play assuming that I have a sword and good walk speed, when I try to play most characters beyond MK/marth and maybe snake it's all foreign

ganon is fun for me because I do basically just play him on pure reads as UL said, he has nothing to gain by camping anyway, has simple spacing, you can only read/mindgame people to death pretty much lol

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I think Snake is pretty versatile in terms of playstyle. I mean you have to like a modicum of tech skill to play him but to play him at a mid level you don't need to have a great deal of it. But I do believe at high levels it becomes more essential to learn some of his other more technical stuff. But my Snake is based more on reads and mindgames than tech skill ability personally.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
snake requires SOME tech skill but I think snake mostly needs good reaction/processing speed, he needs more powershields than someone like MK or marth or diddy who have better OOS options, or other characters that rely less on their shields, you need to be able to keep track of multiple bombs at once and when they are going to explode...this is especially crazy in snake dittos, I have a hard time keeping track of which nades came from who so I don't always know when they're going to explode, need to be able to do things like utilt nado on reaction which is very strict in the timing if he weaves in and out to bait you etc.
Aug 6, 2008
Yesterday, I realized that Brawl is all reading, and that I've always neglected getting good at that. As much as I want to say that I can become King Reader with Snake, iunno. Might mess around with Wario / Olimar for a while.
Eh... I doubt that for most things. I feel brawl is all about being at the right place, at the right time, with the right option. Which mostly requires waiting for your opponent to act first.

I swear, once I stopped trying to do so many inputs as soon as possible and was more choiceful of my timing, everything got better. I mean, instead of uthrow into an instant aerial. You wait for someone to do something first. If they airdodge, you go straight into an aerial. If they jump, you set-up for their landing with something like a mortar. If they try to do an aerial against you, you shield and punish afterwards.

There will be obvious times where you have to do an input as soon as possible, but generally waiting for someone to act then react accordingly takes you so far.
I think Snake is pretty versatile in terms of playstyle. I mean you have to like a modicum of tech skill to play him but to play him at a mid level you don't need to have a great deal of it. But I do believe at high levels it becomes more essential to learn some of his other more technical stuff. But my Snake is based more on reads and mindgames than tech skill ability personally.
snake requires SOME tech skill but I think snake mostly needs good reaction/processing speed, he needs more powershields than someone like MK or marth or diddy who have better OOS options, or other characters that rely less on their shields, you need to be able to keep track of multiple bombs at once and when they are going to explode...this is especially crazy in snake dittos, I have a hard time keeping track of which nades came from who so I don't always know when they're going to explode, need to be able to do things like utilt nado on reaction which is very strict in the timing if he weaves in and out to bait you etc.
I agree with you both. Snake is not technical at all. Everything he has is timing and soft touch.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
I think if you ask the smash workshop someone would know.

Also, any of mah fellow snake boarders want to share some brawl notes? I can offer mine too.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
almost all of mine are MK oriented : p

I asked bizkit and he referred me to a blog hink made, gave me an idea of it but it was slightly inaccurate

I wish every stage had this kind of a night/day mechanic, lots of stages I'd like to have more than one hack on...even if just a simple night/day instead of all 5


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
it would be good to see a match from MK's angle, if you don't mind sharing I can send you whatever I have, it mostly list out some bad habits I have, but does have a few tips for Snake and Falco and like a few pointers on 4 matchups lol.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
it's been a while since I last took notes on any of my replays, I've been playing a lot more casually now, but here's the last film note session I did

- don't finish tornado on top of toon link hoping fora shield poke, this is literally the only way he can get a relevant punish on you as his ground mobility is ****, his grabs are horrible, and his projectiles will typically be stale and can't kill you anyway

- practice shield > reverse shuttle loop you **** up free damage and take punishment WAY too often on this

- try to adapt to shield camping faster by using more grabs and taking note of diminished shields to use more nado

- charging smashes or just throwing out hitboxes while edge trapping toon link is bad because he can just plank and throw projectiles at you all day. if you anticipate him using boomerang or arrows it's a free nado, if he drops off to pull a bomb you could run off and dair him if you hard read it

- stop dsmashing so much, dair also covers both sides pretty nicely and doesn't stale a kill move and is safer

- don't try to air dodge past MK in the ditto wtf, IT HASN'T WORKED FOR 2 YEARS WHY WOULD IT NOW

- mid range fair is bad in pretty much every matchup, it has 19 frames of winddown and is intensely unsafe on whiff, you're either looking to connect with it or use it at your opponents max range i.e. if snake runs a short distance and dash attacks here it would end here

also pretty good against wario for some reason, lol wario

- you're too greedy after many trade/break even situations where you go for punishes that aren't really there

- play more friendlies on halberd the background of the stage horribly affects your focus because you aren't used to it


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Good stuff ****! I like how personal notes pertains more to the person writing it so therefore helps that person the most. But they are still good to look at for others since they're info not found collectively in most posts and are interesting to read, I'll post what I have for general notes, snake specifics, and matchups against snake. Also perhaps we can make a seperate thread for this hmmmmm.

General Notes
• Recover high with Snake most of the time, if recovering low save your jump and go for the ledge.
• Don't spam kill moves when opponents are at high percents, camp if in lead if not try to grab to techchase.
• Stop staying in shield so much, learn to buffer spotdodges instead of shields.
• Always mix up camping game, if you feel like you are doing a pattern stop, unless you are winning. Stop when they figure out how to get past that.
• When getting juggled/edgeguarded always keep composure. Don't preemptively decide on what move to use. Think smart and react.
• Always know where you are, Snake is in danger if too close to the ledge at low percents. Falco too, he can ledge laser but only do it when opponent is not close/don’t have a projectile that can hit you off.
• Don't reset position if you have stage control, and be aggressive when juggling/edgeguarding, don't give them a free landing.
• Move around to control spacing, don't just stand in one place.
• Watch the size of your shield, dont shield unneccesarily as your shield size will shrink and you will get shield poked easily. If shield is small run/jump around until it is full again.
• Move around below your opponents while they are in the air.
• Remember to footstool.
• Still getting punished for jumping too much, if they approach dash attack/jab/running shield canceled grab.
• Watch which way you are moving when recovering, With Falco try to move away from the stage to avoid punishment then phantasm back, if they jump to try to punish should be able to phantasm back on the stage relatively safely.
• Do not always ledge attack so much when they are close to the ledge, mix it up, get up is a good option as your opponent do not have many frames to punish, but don’t overuse it.
• Taunt sometimes when hitting opponent very far for the mindgames lmao.
• Mix FF AD buffer into followups.
• Purposely make a "mistake"/taunt when opponent is far away to force an approach.
• Mix running away with approaching from similar situations.

As Snake
• Recover high with Snake most of the time, if recovering low save your jump and sweetspot the ledge.
• Snake is in danger if too close to the ledge at low percents.
• DJ C4 less, if you can land, land.
• Don't pull nades when opponent respawns, bad idea. Better idea is to pull nade before they respawn, grab it, grab the ledge, then ledge roll as nade explodes.
• Don't lob nades when opponent is up close, they will punish lag, shield drop/nade grab instead.
• If you dthrow them while their feet is offstage jab -> bair could score an early kill.
• Soft lobbing nade while landing from high then following it is a strong defense as it will blow up just as it gets to the ground depending on the spacing.
• Dair is great when the opponent is on the edge of the stage.
• Ledge drop to boosted up b is a good option, follow up with an autocancelled nair. Another good option is to release to second jump back, if they are shield right in front of you time a bair so that it will hit them if they try to grab you right before you get grabbed.
• Ledge release to uair autocancels if timed right.

Yume’s Addedum to nades

• The strength aka distance travelled of nades goes in increasing order of: pressing a -> tilt throwing -> cstick throwing
• Soft lobbing nade while landing from high then following it is a strong defense as it will blow up just as it gets to the ground depending on the spacing.
• Make use of tilting ground/walls for some different trajectory.
• Use grenades to supplement your attacks, eg. FH/SH DJ Nair from nade stance, or Bair, if opponent is stalling on the ledge a sh ff nair/dair to offstage can be profitable, but safer if you have a cooked nade in hand while doing so.

Matchup against Snake

• Powershield/Shield his nade strong? throw so they bounch back towards him.
• Walk away is better than running away, his dacus can punish running aways, and can't shield during initial dash. (Mostly against fatal cuz he DACUS alot).
• Try to preemptively SDI his ftilt after a laggy move or read techroll from his d-throw.
• Grenade grab beats a lot of ground approaches, if you have to approach be creative, use aerials, or walk to spot dodge.
• Good option to get out of a dthrow techchase is to wait for a split second, if he is not running forward then roll forward, if he is then roll backwards, would be beat by opponent running forward then backwards (or back to forward if you have a mediocre front roll).

edit: Etecoon for some reason when I referred to you by the last 4 letters of your name it got censored, while words like crap isnt <.<


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
lol that's because crap isn't really considered profanity where as apparently my name is actually a racial slur, I just thought it was some cool thing from super metroid!


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Lol i took an idea from like war and made a use for it a while back. I always keep trach of my c4 timing and since nearly all others dont when 27 seconds is about there taunt and they run right into that **** LMFAO. Just something funny i did i wanted to share xD.

Edit:only works the first time though xD still funny as hell. P.S. i love when anyone except wario,GaW,MK. CP me to brinstar. They dont expect that to be my pocket stage choice xD.
Jun 8, 2009
Maybe I'll throw some of my notes:

  • Capitalize on your camping and adaptive game
  • Learn how to mix up your tactics. Don't use the same tactic all over again
  • Be unpredictable! Do something that the opponent does not expect you to do
  • When you're in danger, retreat to another area using DACUS
  • Jump less. Jump only when it's needed.
  • Use the flatness and the color of the C4 and proximity mine to your advantage
  • When the enemy is near, space

Use Meta Knight
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