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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009

Whatchy'all think of this new stage list for Snack? I'd buy into it, imo
idk about PS2 I've only been to one tournament where it was legal and only got CP'd there once(I won that game though with snake), but I think picto is going to be pretty overrated for snake

I am however going to use this as an excuse to force everyone to play picto with me on wifi any time I play now because I do have some awesome hacks on that stage that have been going to waste : )


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
I agree. I'm actually interested in how PS2 would function for Snake as a consistent counterpick. I'll admit, I haven't played on that stage much, so it seems kind of foreign to me.

I haven't counterpicked Halberd in months in a tourney set, and now that I have a much smaller list to worry about (Colorado's kinda liberal with their stage list. Not SBR liberal, but it's up there) I can get decent practice in with all of them, especially with my prospective CPs. Maybe even bring Halberd back into style. Frigate, Delfino, Halberd would be my big three, probably. I usually get ****ed by Warios and MKs on Rainbow Cruise and Brinstar, and if I can guarantee getting rid of at least one of those through stage banning, it makes me feel a lot more comfortable.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
the base layout for PS2 is good for snake IMO but the physics transformations are bad, snake + massive air time is obviously a disaster waiting to happen and conveyor belts screw him over pretty hard too


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
it's not that bad if you ignore tactical, or put BPC, dark peach, and like 50 other people on ignore rofl

but seriously staying away from the tactical board is much better for your mental health

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm growing sick of smashboards

ridiculous amounts of theorycraft/logic are bad for you
Troll, where trolling is due, son :reverse:

Might be starting to use Snake more again. I wanted to focus more on my main character for tournament but Snake is just so awesome that I had to start using him seriously again. Plus the japanese Snakes are so~ inspiring. Watching Shu and Ganbaranai ****** the **** out of people makes me mad jealous.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I'm using snake more again recently but I'm also not attending tourneys anymore

the two are probably related lol, once I get air camped by a mediocre MK the tempation to go back and **** them in the ditto is too great


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
The Japanese snakes both inspire and piss me off at the same time.

They do something amazing, then twenty seconds later they do the stupidest thing that makes them lose a stock or something.

Then they do something amazing and creative - that works.

Then they **** it up by using their worst option in a given scenario.

Repeat cycle.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
that's kind of how you have to play snake IMO, he's reads and mindgames. if you want "do the safest thing in every situation" gameplay you're better off playing MK or falco

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I have no idea what you mean, Susa. Like when do you see them doing anything dumb that costs them their stock? Must be some not-so-good Snake because Shu, Ganbaranai, Souther and hiko aren't like that at all imo.

Edit: Etecoon is right. Going for hard reads is essential for many characters in top level play and Snake is one of them. One good read can turn almost any match into Snake's favor.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
my most frustrating issue I have with snake is how badly/well I can be rewarded for risks I take, and the lack of actual safeplay being effective in his moveset

I had alot of it happen yesterday at a tourney, and i'm starting to wonder if I'm just gonna keep moving on from snake, I dont know what to do

if you aren't in someones head and you're both of a fairly high skill level and you're snake, you're probably gonna lose


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
maybe, I find that, when it works at least, it's the most fun for me though. I'll win more consistently with MK but when you can get in someones head as snake it's so rewarding. and to some extent I actually find that valuable in that I seem to have a better ability to make comebacks as snake, like last tournament I was at I was losing game 2 as snake pretty badly and I just pulled the last stock out of my *** by playing near perfect, this has happened numerous times before but for some reason that doesn't work with my MK...ever. I need to get the lead early or keep the game close, my snake has more resiliency

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I think accepting a flaw and be aware of it will get you further, Nappy - regardless of character choice. I mean, is it really a surprise that people who pick up MK to "prove" that he's broken all have failed miserably? To me it's not. Why? Because you can't get the most out of you and your character if you don't see your character's limit and every character has a limit. The top level MK players all accept that even the best character in the game does not have all options available at all times and that many times his options aren't particularly powerful. It's not a surprise to me that almost all of the top level MK players have very powerful second characters [something I hardly see with Snake players] either because they actually understand this concept.

Snake is a broken character. But you're not supposed to take it for granted because even a broken character has some issues that need to be taken care of. Snake players have been taken his power for granted too long and a lot of people are still doing it. Saying "Snake sucks lolololo" isn't accepting a weakness btw. It's cynical - accepting a weakness is a constructive thing. You have to learn how to deal with it before you can work around it.



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
snake isn't broken...meta knight isn't even broken, people throw that word around too much

diddy kong is a ****ing cheat code though

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I was just thinking about adding a part to my post regarding the "broken" thing. It's a relative thing. You can say MK is broken and I'm fine with it. But then Snake, Diddy and Falco are broken too in my eyes. I should've used a term like "very good" instead though. Using too many superlatives can be very misleading.



Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I know what you mean gheb, I dont wanna sound like some sort of cocky *** but i feel like when it comes to control with snake I've got it to what it can go to, but at this point I just need more matchup experience and the ability to outsmart people...

my main issue is just being consistent, and snake is a bad character who's horribly limited

the reason I wanna move onto diddy is because I think he's alot better and that I've always used him (and hadmore fun) but I'm just too much of a snake fanboy to drop the old man and move onto diddy who I find annoying as a character (not like it matters, not referring to how he plays either, diddy just pisses me off for some reason...lool)



Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
my favorite part of snake is being juggled

i was jking about my last post btw

seriously though can i humanly react to all options after d-throw vs opponents who get up attack away?

right now i obviously don't get that all the time and i'm trying to either solve the problem or mitigate it.
Aug 6, 2008
You can to the get-up attack, and simple get-up. The rolls are a different story as it depends upon the speed and distance they go. Link is like a guaranteed no reaction for regrab because of how far it goes.
Aug 6, 2008
well i don't think roll distance should matter as much if I only want a dash attack or dacus the roll
In that case, yeah, I am fairly confident that you can punish just about everything. It was amazing that since I was finally able to play someone offline for a change, I managed to tech chase DDD multiple times without failing.


Smash Master
Mar 22, 2008
more than one place
that sounds horrible... and it's happened to me. by susa. T-T

good thing DDD's grab is even more devastating :) more damage and puts you offstage!

and the infinite too i guess even though I think it's not practical, especially with tournament pressure
Aug 6, 2008
that sounds horrible... and it's happened to me. by susa. T-T

good thing DDD's grab is even more devastating :) more damage and puts you offstage!

and the infinite too i guess even though I think it's not practical, especially with tournament pressure
Interestingly enough, I now have the habit to throw up whenever I grab someone o.0 Playig marth against spacies is bad.

Why is that horrible? It is wonderful to snake. Or are you not a snake main and instead a spy?
Oct 25, 2009
aka - Megalodon77
diddy is the best character, with MK its just easier to be good with. DDD isn't that bad IMO. Next time I see a DDD in tournament I'm just gonna strike YI and FD. Then let him take anywhere and try to never touch the main stage. Susu had a thread all about tech chasing each character that was pretty good. I can't remember if he had info about each getup attack but the roll distances and whether you could react to each was in there.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I've started thinking of writing certain things down in a notebook and keeping it with me at tourneys, it seems like everytime I Pick soemthing up I forget something else, and I wanna be able to keep on top of my game during them and this seems like an easy way

and plus I could keep something like the direction of getup attacks/roll distances in there and check it before matches (lol) since my memory is garbage
Aug 6, 2008
Hey, SuSa, how much information have you cited from other people? When I think about that Dthrow thread, and other threads you have made, most of it is compliation of data that was spread out.

I have been thinking of doing the same thing. After hearing of SuSa doing it, one other person doing it, and reading about it in this fictional tennis story called Baby Steps, I believe bringing notes would help greatly.

I hate DDD on FD. The stage is too large allowing for longer CGs, and I feel it makes it too easy for DDD to juggle us. Without a platform to possibly fall too, our recovery is simply too easy to follow. I would go with SV over any other stage. At least we have some sort of platform to mix our recovery with, and the stage is smaller lessening the CG. On the other hand, a smaller stage helps our tech chase.
Oct 25, 2009
aka - Megalodon77
I hate DDD on FD. The stage is too large allowing for longer CGs, and I feel it makes it too easy for DDD to juggle us. Without a platform to possibly fall too, our recovery is simply too easy to follow. I would go with SV over any other stage. At least we have some sort of platform to mix our recovery with, and the stage is smaller lessening the CG. On the other hand, a smaller stage helps our tech chase.
if you don't b reverse nades you will get beaten badly and always recover high when possible.

I feel like THIS video might help you understand what i mean when i say "more room to run away"


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
I've started thinking of writing certain things down in a notebook and keeping it with me at tourneys, it seems like everytime I Pick soemthing up I forget something else, and I wanna be able to keep on top of my game during them and this seems like an easy way

and plus I could keep something like the direction of getup attacks/roll distances in there and check it before matches (lol) since my memory is garbage
dooooo it
i keep all my smash notes on my black berry lolol



Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I've started thinking of writing certain things down in a notebook and keeping it with me at tourneys, it seems like everytime I Pick soemthing up I forget something else, and I wanna be able to keep on top of my game during them and this seems like an easy way

and plus I could keep something like the direction of getup attacks/roll distances in there and check it before matches (lol) since my memory is garbage
I wonder where that short term memory went : p

LOL megla, I called that video before I clicked on it. I think I must account for like half the page views for that game, spams snake was so hilariously gay
Aug 6, 2008
if you don't b reverse nades you will get beaten badly and always recover high when possible.

I feel like THIS video might help you understand what i mean when i say "more room to run away"
That first statement is like the staple of snakes everywhere. If you recover in any other way, you are doing it wrong lol

I love this Snake's methods in the first part of the video. It is like trying to get past Falco it looked like lol


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
from what I've heard it's very unlikely that anyone will be able to do this consistently

and if they can then I'm glad I used to main meta knight <_<
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