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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Feb 5, 2009
Wow, that video looks absolutely terrible... It's like it's raining throughout the whole video. You can barely even see the nades.

Definitely get a better one.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I like the rain FD hack but yeah, video quality is pretty bad, could also use some awesome music for the final version : )


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
I hate the video editor so much. Windows movie maker wouldn't load the files. I am getting a new editor. This thing is a piece of ****.


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
Hello ^^

I'm a girl trying to pick up Snake xD I main Zelda and Pika, but lately have been trying out Snake in teams, so I'm hoping to improve with him in general. I have a very noob Snake, lol. I've been watching vids and reading around the boards to try to get better with him. Anyway, you can call me Mocha... nice to meet you guys!


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness

^ MochaMew; Heyo, Mocha! Welcome to the Snake boards! Just feel free to ask questions and people here will help! XP
I suggest posting up videos of how you play and then getting critique on your matches. That's one good way to improve.

I hate the video editor so much. Windows movie maker wouldn't load the files. I am getting a new editor. This thing is a piece of ****.
I know people enjoy Vegas Pro! -nod nod.-
Although the video seems okay to me. o-ov


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
You guys are going to actually need to buy a video recording software and just record from the game itself/reply played on the Wii. Most people buy what you call Dazzles.

Otherwise you can use: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=233863 It's by Kazoo and yoshq.
They record videos for you and you just send them the replay via Wii! It's really nice of them!


Smash Champion
Aug 28, 2009
Somewhere in the SubspaceEmissary(NC, Morrisville)
My title is still Moderator.

Mizu's name is just silly now though. Lol.
Yea...but I like how my name is pink so it matches with my Avi; but it still says f
"f'ed" under it.
It's awesome looking! I hope my name stays this way forever!

MAJOR EDIT: Wtf?!?!?!?! As soon as I made a post after logining in...it changed back.
*shrugged shoulder*
I don't really care... It looks awesome this way too!


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
You guys are going to actually need to buy a video recording software and just record from the game itself/reply played on the Wii. Most people buy what you call Dazzles.

Otherwise you can use: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=233863 It's by Kazoo and yoshq.
They record videos for you and you just send them the replay via Wii! It's really nice of them!

Yeah I went to Best Buy and got a video capture by Dazzle and I'm installing it now. I'm not sure where to start, but I'm toying around with it. It cost me 80 bucks too, so I hope this works <<;

Heeeeey, MochaMew! Welcome. If you ever have a question about Snake & improving with using him, then feel free to post here.

Thanks! I was actually kind of curious as to how you guys DI with Snake. I tend to use down air, but I understand there are better options to use. I also understand that his DI is situational? As in, you wouldn't be DI'ing with the same aerial all the time (depending on the direction he's being sent). Just wanted to confirm that


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness

When you DI you want to hit the control stick the opposite part of where you being hit.
Meaning if you are going to get hit up, you want to DI to the left or right. If you are going to get hit left or right you want to try and DI up!
Also, Snake's best is bair~

And good luck on that Dazzle!! >D


Feb 5, 2009
Yea...but I like how my name is pink so it matches with my Avi; but it still says f
"f'ed" under it.
It's awesome looking! I hope my name stays this way forever!

MAJOR EDIT: Wtf?!?!?!?! As soon as I made a post after logining in...it changed back.
*shrugged shoulder*
I don't really care... It looks awesome this way too!

It looked like that to me.
Aug 6, 2008
Ok everyone, I am bored as hell and procrastinating like my life depends on it. I'll be on for a few hours and need everyone to help me stay unbored. To simulate the conversation here I need all of your help.

What are the best RPG games you have played ever. Old or new. List them all. Maybe even list a few you have heard about that were good, but never played yet.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Pokemon, obviously. My favorite version is Ruby (Emerald was better, though, Ruby was just my original 3rd gen game), but I think HG/SS will be my favorite once I get it.

Then Paper Mario. Mostly the first, but I liked the second a lot and the third a little bit. They hold a bit of nostalgia to them.

KOTOR was amazing. I could never bring myself to do dark side (little kid johns)

Jade Empire was really good, but not as good as KOTOR. My copy kept freezing at loading screens for some reason.

KOTOR2 wasn't good. Not "wasn't as good as the first", just "wasn't good".

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is one of my favorite games ever.

That's about it.


Feb 5, 2009
Paper Mario and TTYD are both amazing. And the games they've made that are similar are just as good. Bowser's Inside Story, Partners in Time. All good.

I'm also a fan of the old school Final Fantasies. I never got into anything from 7 onwards really. I went in to tun in an application at a Gamestop the other day and they decided to quiz me on how much of a gamer I was. They asked me stuff about Final Fantasy 8, which I never played, and then Final Fantasy 6 which I remember nothing about. I felt silly. Luckily, I still got on their good side by discussing the competitive side of Blazblue and Guilty Gear.

And Pokermanz obviously.

I thought Fable was pretty awesome too. I always played the "do whatever gets me the best stuff" side. So I always ended up as a neutral character doing both the bad and the good. Haven't gotten to play Fable 2 yet though.

I could write a whole **** blog on RPGs but I'm not in the mood for that, so I'll leave it at this.
Aug 6, 2008
Alright, since SWF messed up for like a whole 3/4s of a day, I can finally make this post :laugh:

KOTOR was amazing. I could never bring myself to do dark side (little kid johns)
Jade Empire was really good...

I have not heard of those, I'll have to look into it eventually.

I could write a whole **** blog on RPGs but I'm not in the mood for that, so I'll leave it at this.
Well, I am so, prepare for a long one xD

Pokemon Platinum, Crystal, Yellow, and Emerald. (Pretty much all of the mothership games) Seriously, these games just all added new stuff to the series that you just simply have to love. I have no idea what is about pokemon that keeps me coming back, but it's replay value is extremely high for some odd reason.

Golden Sun, and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Probably one of my favorite ones for the GBA. If you combined the two together, you could easily have the makings of a game that could go to one of the home consoles instead of being a handheld. Although, without this game my selection of worthwhile GBA games would be very small indeed. I am so glad they are making a follow up to this series. It just didn't seem finished on the last game.

Tales of: Phantasia (GBA), Symphonia, Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and Abyss. 'Tales of' series simply has an engaging storyline that while different in each game, has a similar tone to it in each game. That tone is of questioning your ethics and what it really means to do right and wrong.

Dragon Warrior: Cobi's Journey. A spin-off title of Dragon Quest, but good anyway. I swear, it's Dragon Warrior's take on pokemon. It had a sister game with 'Tara's Adventure' that had different locatiosn for monsters to collect and breed, but the storyline and gameplay were short and not very deep. Still, it was a good game to play. I love how your killed slime went into a little coffin box and followed you everwhere xD

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, Oracle of Seasons/ Ages, and Ocarina of Time. SERIOUSLY CHANGE IT TO THE LEGEND OF LINK, IT'S ABOUT LINK ANYWAY!! *huff huff* Link is the pokemon that just never dies! While my interest in pokemon is waning, my interest in Link is not. I also have no idea why I like this series, but it's pure fun and the characters you mean in NPC are a miracle in keeping it active despite link nevering doing much more than yelling. Twilight Princess tops all other LoZ games.

Advance Wars: 1 & 2, Dual Strike, and Days of Ruin. One of the few strategy-RPG series out there that actually delievers. All the whacky characters gives the series an interesting fell to it despite it being a war game xD I found out that I suck at this game on anything that is not predeployed. The ability to create generic units and try to win an uphill battle is like impossible for me. Advance Wars Dual Strike wasn't that bad.

Fire Emblem (ALL OF THEM). This is probably a tie for my favorite series of all time with Star Ocean. I love middle age theme to it along with the strategy base system they have established. The difficulty is extremely high on some of them, maybe even impossible, but that gives you good replay value. The storyline while somewhat short on the older ones is still pretty good. I loved how FE7 gave support conversations between characters actually giving you a sense that everyone had a past, present and future. FE4 is my favorite of all time. They better release it in NA.

Star Ocean: The Second Story (PSP), Star Ocean: First Departure (PSP), and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. One of my absolute favorites of all time. A very interesting take on visting alien planets while futuristic technology, while at the same time having room for classic RPG elements like swords, bows, etc. What I really like about it after I finished all three was the underlying timeline that kept them all together. That sense of seeing earth proceeding further into the future was really cool.

Xenosaga 1, 2 and 3. I cannot pronouce or even remember the full names. While I never completed the full storyline, nor did I get very far into any of them, the storyline I saw and the gameplay was really good. I did have a few problems with the game that caused me to stop midway. There were times where you would get stuck in the game unable to go back for more supplies or battle people you could actually win against. The cutscenes occasionally ran extremely long. I swear the first 8 hours of each game was 50% cutscenes. And each of the games had a turn-based battle format that changed each time. Not that any of them were that great. They should have burrowed off of final fantasy more so.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, (Tactics) War of the Lions (PSP), and FF12/4 are the only games I have played and each one was really good. I think I prefer the newer ones compared to the old style ones like FF2/3/4. The games are just epic, that is about all I can say. I cannot wait to get a 360 and play FF13 along with other games I have been dying to play on the system.

Lufia: The Rise of the Sinstreals (GBC). A classic. That is all I can say about this game compared to all others. One of my top favorites of all time. This game combines all the right elements to it to make it great. You start off a single hero with no future until a chance meeting that sets you off on an epic quest with a good storyline, extra end-game content, a good battle system and plenty humorous cutscenes. The only downside is the never, ending, randomly, generated maps late game in the towers x.x

Suikoden Tactics. This was another one of those oddball buys I got that actually turned out fairly good. It has similar elements to FF Tactics. Not really pops out a lot about it except it was a good game and worth playing.

Paper Mario, and Paper Mario 1000-yr Door. These are the only two mario games I like. All the others suck. Games either have too much storyline (rare) or too little. Most of the other mario games have too little storyline and too much gameplay (you can only stomp on a goomba's head soo many times...). Anyway, they're simple, but good these two games are.

Rogue Galaxy. This game was another of my random buys. I was surprised to see how much like star ocean it was in a way. The storyline had a very treasure island feel about it. YOu search out for a great treasure while along the way you collect more people, learn lies and decit (a bunch of pirates, who didn't see that coming xD), and learn the truth of the main character. Exciting and fun. Too bad it fits my list of games that I played to the end boss, but never beat the end boss for some reason.



Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
it's back.

I'm really not a big fan of rpg's, theres only a handful I like...

Pokemon, both Golden Suns, and The Legend of Dragoon
Aug 6, 2008
I'm really not a big fan of rpg's, theres only a handful I like..
What are you a fan of?

I have bad news. I feel like dropping Snake in favor of Peach, Diddy and Falco. Snake's playstyle is way too different from how I actually play. How I play is with some pretty offensive styles with projectile spacing thrown in with quick movements. I can get that out of Peach, Diddy and Falco, but not Snake. For now, I think I'll stick with Snake until I can get some more matches played with Peach/Diddy and see how much better I like it.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
I'm really into fighters.

My favorite game series is Tekken. I also like Soul Calibur, Street Fighter (inclueds the Capcom vs. games) Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, some Mortal Kombat games, and of course Smash even though it's considered the least fighter of all of these.

I do enjoy some adventure/platformer games, my favorite of this genre being being Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. I love both Assassin's Creeds, and bunch of old PS1 games I could list for a while.

Also the only shooter I like is MGS4. I don't like Xbox anything, and I actually am not too into Nintendo games overall.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Uhh.... Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals was for the SNES. I liked that game a lot because it had no random encounters in dungeon and lots of puzzles.

You are thinking about Lufia: The Legend Returns. Still an excellent game though. It's a pity Neverland
has never made a sequel that can top it.

You should try one of the Capcom fighters (I.E. MVC2/TVC/SF4/etc.) if you want to be more offensive. Brawl is not the place to look for offfense(unless you're MK) to be brutally honest.

I thought I finally found the found the file for a certain mode that I'll keep hidden so no one getrs on my kool-aid, but I was wrong, as nothing happened when I did modify it. :( At least I got useful info from it.
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