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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Oct 25, 2009
aka - Megalodon77
TES: Oblivion is my favorite game of all time and I don't think anything will ever top it. I am really disappointed in how they haven't even announced the next game yet. I liked both Mass Effect 1 and 2, Dragon Age Origins. KOTOR 1 is in the top 5 games of all time for me and I understand calling KOTOR 2 bad but really just for the fact that it was incomplete and it was easy. Kinda like how people compare melee and brawl. All the Fallout games are good. As for the worst RPGs I would go with Two worlds and the fable series. Brawl is the first fighting game i've ever liked enough to say I play it.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Yesterday's tourney that I told nobody about was pretty cool. I got 3rd out of 20 with all Snake.

...Without practicing for two whole weeks, save for a bit of wifi with Velox the night before. Yay?


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
Uhh, I lost to the eventual winner in winner's semis (Wario) and then went 3-2 with D3m0n1ct00nl1nk in loser's finals. It was probably enough to kick me up a spot or two on the PR next time we decide to do it.

The entire day was fun, mostly because I got to play HeartGold for the first time. I also had an absolute blast playing with the Pokewalker. I caught a Kangaskhan on it (the Pokewalker), and I felt proud. I really want to use my winnings to get the game, but there's a concert this Wednesday that I really want to go to. A ticket and a copy of the game cost about the same, and I think I'm going to go for the ticket first.

OHHH AND I GOT TO PLAY BRAWL-, THAT **** WAS SO FUN! When I first tried Brawl+, I didn't have an sort of initial fun or excitement, but with Brawl- I was kicking *** and laughing at the stupid stuff immediately.


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
Loved SoulSilver <3

And pretty much every Pokemon game I've played. There are only very few of them that I haven't played yet, such as Pokemon Trozzei, or any of these DS puzzle games. Let's see... Zelda! Ocarina of Tme, Twilight Princess, and Windwaker. I still need to try the other stuff, and I really can't wait for the new Zelda game for the Wii to come out!

Sonic Battle Adventure 2, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Oblivion: Elder Scrolls IV, and I can't remember anything else at the top of my head at the moment but these are my top favs.

Oh I was finally able to get Dazzle to work, so here's a vid of my very noob Snake for you guys to critique on. Even though I won this match, I know I need lots of work on him. Please don't be too harsh, as I'm fairly new using him. Thanks guys =D


BTW Congratulations on your placing, Underload! And Ally too ^^
Aug 6, 2008
I had forgotten all about BanjoKazooie. The Jinjo's where funny xD

For the video, your snake is pretty good as is. Nothing noticeable stands out that you did wrong. You seem to be really patient in making every move count really only doing things when your opponent did something first.

I will say that it is sort of difficult to judge how well you did agaisnt the person you played. Typically a match where it goes fairly even instead of a 2 stock victory shows more how you play than anything else really. More so is this Shiek didn't even use Needles or Ftilt as much. Single Needles and full needles really mess Snake up. ALong with Snake being so heavy, Ftilt chains would ruin him.

But from what I gathered, try to avoid using so much full AAA. While the person you were playing was unable to punish it, it is a fairly bad move. The AAA can be PSed on the last hit making it the perfect moment to punish Snake. This doesn't mean you cannot use it, but using it so much will lead to it getting punished more often when you play someone that knows they can PS the hit.

Also, when caught in Shiek's AAA, you tried to Uair, and jumped out. Shiek's AAA is something Snake can punish. Try using DI to get behind Shiek like you are in the air as you were @3:01. After that use Bair. If you start getting AAA and Snake is on the ground, it's better to try to shield, then grab, or try to DI away, then come back and Ftilt Shiek.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
first step to becoming better: PLAY META KNIGHT

hey smashboards was down for a long time I have to get the troll out of my system -_-


Smash Champion
Feb 5, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
i noticed mochamew didn't use alot of ftilt, so try using that

its one of his best moves

dacus is always nice too
sometimes you should mix up your ftilt game, like ftilt and grab if they shield, or use the first hit of ftilt again if they don't shield
avoid using bthrows at low percent, as dthrow does 12% and can lead to a ftilt which is like, an easy 33%
Aug 6, 2008
i noticed mochamew didn't use alot of ftilt, so try using that

its one of his best moves

dacus is always nice too
sometimes you should mix up your ftilt game, like ftilt and grab if they shield, or use the first hit of ftilt again if they don't shield
avoid using bthrows at low percent, as dthrow does 12% and can lead to a ftilt which is like, an easy 33%
My counter arguement for the throw stuff xD If you are a bad read like me, then I would rather take my chances with edgeguarding for damage than TechChasing for damage lol I'm really bad at tech chasing, or even following up with a Ftilt. Typically I end up getting punished for it.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
Also, Mocha. Remember to bair when you're getting hit.
Uhm, when you got back on stage using dair you should short hop it instead. O:

Uhm! I noticed you always try and fair when you're upbing and you just get hit. XD; So you should spot dodge. instead.
You're pretty aggressive, too and you always approached and got punished so get better with that.

I can't say too much! But good luck and just get better!


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons

More so is this Shiek didn't even use Needles or Ftilt as much. Single Needles and full needles really mess Snake up. ALong with Snake being so heavy, Ftilt chains would ruin him.
Yeah I was surprised myself that he didn't use these either. <_<

But from what I gathered, try to avoid using so much full AAA. While the person you were playing was unable to punish it, it is a fairly bad move. The AAA can be PSed on the last hit making it the perfect moment to punish Snake. This doesn't mean you cannot use it, but using it so much will lead to it getting punished more often when you play someone that knows they can PS the hit.
OOh I noticed this as I went back to watch the vid. I was hoping to use an A to d-tilt or grab (although I don't even know if Snake is fast enough to pull this combo off). I finally managed an A to uptilt at the end. But yeah, I want to stop using the AAA so much. I need to learn more on cancelling xD

Also, when caught in Shiek's AAA, you tried to Uair, and jumped out. Shiek's AAA is something Snake can punish. Try using DI to get behind Shiek like you are in the air as you were @3:01. After that use Bair. If you start getting AAA and Snake is on the ground, it's better to try to shield, then grab, or try to DI away, then come back and Ftilt Shiek.
Ooops! Alrighty, thanks for the tip

first step to becoming better: PLAY META KNIGHT
Yush xD

XD I'm a huge Pokemon dork!! I relaly love Pokemon~! Ahwuu!
And lol! Wow, Mocha! Those are a lot of games!
And BanjoKazooie was so entertaining. XD;;
Yep! Lol, I'm just waiting for a Banjo and Kazooie texture to be made. Woo!

i noticed mochamew didn't use alot of ftilt, so try using that

its one of his best moves

dacus is always nice too
sometimes you should mix up your ftilt game, like ftilt and grab if they shield, or use the first hit of ftilt again if they don't shield
avoid using bthrows at low percent, as dthrow does 12% and can lead to a ftilt which is like, an easy 33%
Yeah f-tilt! Think I used it like once the entire match xD I'll be sure to use it more for sure. I love Snake's d-throw <3 I think I got some lucky reads with that move on this match. As for dacus, I've gotten used to it by now so I can pull it off almost all the time. I used it a few times, but should it be used so much? I find that the move makes your opponent do weird things sometimes, or maybe it's a good move to 'break the flow' if an opponent has a healthy lead on you. Sometimes I feel like if I use dacus too much though my opponent will punish me xD

Also, Mocha. Remember to bair when you're getting hit.
Uhm, when you got back on stage using dair you should short hop it instead. O:

Uhm! I noticed you always try and fair when you're upbing and you just get hit. XD; So you should spot dodge. instead.
You're pretty aggressive, too and you always approached and got punished so get better with that.

I can't say too much! But good luck and just get better!
Bair, kk. And yeah the timing on the dair is tricky for me. Really need to work on it

I fair a lot? Looool, I didn't even notice xD Alright I'll keep that in mind! Yeah, been trying to mix up my offensive and defensive game. Playing defensive is still a new thing for me (this is very hard to achieve for a Zelda main lol) but this is pretty much a staple for any Snake main to know, I noticed. Will def. work on that =)


Thanks for the critique guys! I will try my best to apply all of this to my Snake and keep working on him. ^_^
Aug 6, 2008
If you ever feel like playing wifi, do let me know. :3 Newer people to play are a lot of fun. Espically the ones I get to talk to with afterwards.

Jab canceling stuff you can get down fairly quickly. Just training mode with jab -> Ftilt; jab -> grab. You will get it down eventually as we all have lul

I fair a lot? Looool, I didn't even notice xD Alright I'll keep that in mind! Yeah, been trying to mix up my offensive and defensive game. Playing defensive is still a new thing for me (this is very hard to achieve for a Zelda main lol) but this is pretty much a staple for any Snake main to know, I noticed. Will def. work on that =)

Huh? Since when did you ever really get aggresive? To me, it was the shiek that kept moving into you. And a zelda main not using to play defensively o.0 I thought Zelda was best at simply being defensive.
Aug 6, 2008
Hey guys, what's up? Haven't been on in a while.
Also, congrats with your placing Underload!
No one has really been on in while with SWF being down for maintence for like 2 days straight. I bet tonight they will be under maintence again.


Coffee Addict
Jun 12, 2009
In the land of princesses, frogs, and dragons
If you ever feel like playing wifi, do let me know. :3 Newer people to play are a lot of fun. Espically the ones I get to talk to with afterwards.
Oh for sure! I love fighting Snakes for some reason, though I don't know how Snake dittos will be for me. Zelda dittos are ******** as hell... maybe Snake dittos won't be so bad xD

Jab canceling stuff you can get down fairly quickly. Just training mode with jab -> Ftilt; jab -> grab. You will get it down eventually as we all have lul
Will do =)

Huh? Since when did you ever really get aggresive? To me, it was the shiek that kept moving into you. And a zelda main not using to play defensively o.0 I thought Zelda was best at simply being defensive.
Yeah I thought I was letting the Sheik come to me most of the time, but w/e xD Also, Zelda wants to be defensive, but sadly, Din's isn't exactly a reliable projectile, lol. Still though, you can still play against opponents without projectiles and let them come to you most of the time. It just gets tricky on characters like Falco, as laser spam forces you to approach and Nayru's is too slow to be used effectively. Don't even get me started on Olimar. My worst MU for Zelda. Would rather fight 10 MKs. Hopefully Olimar isn't too bad for Snake.

Also, Zelda needs grenades >:K


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Olimar is considered a soft snake counter,I thought. And don't tell me a good snake can 0-death an oli every time. That joke is old.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Snake vs. Olimar is either even or in Snake's favor.

You just have to play the matchup a little bit diff from everyone else.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005

I am actually surprised I could get to here.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
I play both Olimar and Snake. It's even! XP But yeah, I think in certain situations in can go either way but most of the time slight Oli's favor.
All I'm going to say is that imo, Oli outcamps and out combos snake. 70+ from a grab? yes please. The only thing that can rival that is the "infinite" which isn't actually practical or realistic. 55:45 oli. Only because of Snake's loltacular kill power and hitboxes.


Feb 5, 2009
Oh yeah, and I got 2nd place in teams while teaming with a Lucario.

I got 60% combo'd off the side of the right platform an Japes because I kept missing the tech and then flew into the klaptrap in Grand Finals...

Only because of Snake's loltacular kill power and hitboxes.
That's Snake vs most of the cast.
Aug 6, 2008
Play me eevee boy. Even if it's wifi, it's something, right zajice?

Why did you lose to lucario? Projectile kill you or something?
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