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r.i.p bx weekly. it was ok while it lasted.... on to better and bigger things.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
oh dear interesting thread this has become. from the time i was in boston and back in nyc.

hahahah NY is too good, cant wait to see everyone!

****in 5AM!!!

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
That video was funny lol. Thats what Falcon gets for being too d*mn fast. He's a minute man in sex, poor Zero Suit Samus lol. If I was her, I'll get right back to that Snake d*ck all day lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
would ya guys want crew wars to be next week? please post on that. also results are up from anti and me.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Dark, if you say you want people to tell you how they really feel, haven't you gotten this already? People said things about you being best peach, people said things about you complaining, people said this and that. You make it seem as tho the problem is people are being nice to you when they don't want to, but that makes no sense.

The whole argument started out of the peach debate, you got honesty and you didn't like it. Everyone who has posted something you didn't like has gotten some angry response. Why would you now say you are trying to get people to say these "honest" things about you when it just turns into you spazzing out on them? No one wants to deal with that.

How come you can't just accept what people are saying as their own opinions? You assume that everyone is misreading what you type, as if its their fault. Ryko made a perfectly clear post and you clowned him( more like yourself) saying you didn't get one word.

Master the English language a bit better, post more legibly, and perhaps you won't have these confusing mix ups. Honestly, if people are not getting what you are trying to say, it is because you are not posting it the right way.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Dark, if you say you want people to tell you how they really feel, haven't you gotten this already? People said things about you being best peach, people said things about you complaining, people said this and that. You make it seem as tho the problem is people are being nice to you when they don't want to, but that makes no sense.

The whole argument started out of the peach debate, you got honesty and you didn't like it. Everyone who has posted something you didn't like has gotten some angry response. Why would you now say you are trying to get people to say these "honest" things about you when it just turns into you spazzing out on them? No one wants to deal with that.

How come you can't just accept what people are saying as their own opinions? You assume that everyone is misreading what you type, as if its their fault. Ryko made a perfectly clear post and you clowned him( more like yourself) saying you didn't get one word.

Master the English language a bit better, post more legibly, and perhaps you won't have these confusing mix ups. Honestly, if people are not getting what you are trying to say, it is because you are not posting it the right way.
Took you long enough.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
You're brining negative things on yourself. Like you have this preconceived notion that everyone in the smash community WANTS to clown you. Stop it, be a man and just chill. I've seen your peach in person and in vids, and its MAD BEASTLY. Why can't you just be happy with that?

Like seriously, what do you want from people? Do you want people to say bad things, or do you want them to say good things? No one even knows anymore dude. You don't take the compliments people give you, and you SPAZZ on the negative things. Your not being realistic in your expectations of peoples reactions.

People post trying to HELP YOU in your interactions with the rest of the boards, and instead of responding respectfully, you say something smart like a female. Don't try to clown me for trying to help you dude for real. U take this way to seriously if you are sitting there WAITING for me in particular to post something, when I'm def trying to help you out.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
People trying to help me? That has to be the most funniest thing one has ever told me on smashboards. I call BS on that one. You think I am the way I am cause I choose to? My hate from this community was brought by this community. And all this time people always said it was me because *insert BS reason here*

Tired of always thinking it's my fault cause I can't meet up to peoples BS standards. The hell I gotta change who I am for people. Does not give them the right to treat them any different at all. As I said before I should not have to feel I can't play in my state cause people wanna give me crap and take away what I worked for and prove of it is shown. And just because people can't get the 2007 image of me out of their azzes I am in the wrong? if people would quit with this crap I not have a problem at all.

And I wanted these 2 faced people to speak up and the only way they would is if I pissed them off, though D1 came at me and Vanz came at me on their own terms so w/e.

Anyway I said how I feel about playing in this community. Which is freaking stupid. I won't be playing in N.Y anymore. I play out of state. I rather waste more money playing out of state then spending less playing here. Now no one has to worry about Peach competition or me in general. Vanz and D1 can compete and do w/e they want with Peach here. Idc.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Wow. So you are implying that I am two faced? Wtf? I don't even know you like that bruh. Does anyone really? Wtf do u even mean by 2 faced? This ain't a soap opera, this is men playing a game. How can you be 2 faced?

You go to a tourny, and place how you place. You act sooooo upset every single time. You act disappointed in yourself while everyone else tells you how well you did, but you won't have it.
Then someone says something negative about you, and you throw THE SAME ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT YOU TRASHED, in their faces, as grounds to believe you are amazing.

You place 9th with peach
your sad about it
Someone says something
all of the sudden, placing 9th with peach is amazing and ur d!ck should be sucked for it

See the pattern?

Take a look at how this whole thing started. Vanz didnt say anything rude to you lmao he just said he felt as tho, and so did other people, that his peach was better than yours...Point blank.

You went off on how no one could say their peach was better than yours because of your placings. What kind of sense does that make? Honestly, people can say whatever they want to say whether it is true or not. Also, people may base their opinions off of whatever they would like. Tourny results are not the only way of gauging skill, especially because they are HIGHLY influenced by the PEOPLE AT THE TOURNY. If you aren't beating names, your placings mean alot less.

If you want to prove something name all of the big names you have BEATEN that you don't think other peaches in the state could beat. Or fill out this little survery for me

How many of the following have you defeated in tournament?

High level metaknights:
High level snakes:
High level falcos:
High level game and watchs:

Show people something other than a number, and be proud of what you do from the door. I'm serious when I say that the negative attitude towards you has subdued by a LARGE amount since the melee days. Sometimes you post something that you probably could have just said to yourself and people respond letting you know that. You go into shoutout threads and shoutout yourself and how badly you didm and nothing else. If you claim to be a part of the community then dude, act like one. Stop being so selfish and ignorant to how smasher-smasher interaction is supposed to go via the boards.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Eazy- I never said you was 2 faced. Again people. don't assume and just ask. Why can't people just ask? Is is seriously that hard? is it really that freaking hard to do? I know who my friends are. And the reason Vanz got me pissed was cause what he said at the weeklie I went too. some kid that me and Vanz were playing in teams with was asking about Peach cause I was beasting on them in teams. And Vanz said I was the best in N.Y

Then he comes off saying what he said in here. If he thought he was better he have no need to say that. he could have just being honest and said I think I am better. Don't freaking lie to me is what I ask. you got something to say then say it.

And hold on about this tournament crap. the only tournament I was upset about was C3 other tournaments I may have screwed up when I had the win but really ment nothing cause of how I placed. And if I was mad about it, I be only mad for like 2 days. everyone gets pissed when they screw up a tourny. then like 2 days later they are over it and thats what I do. See what I mean with you people assuming so much. freaking ask me! de que diablo man I swear this crap drives me up the wall.

Aslo if what I done in tournaments pr the people I beat mean nothing, then you people go use Peach in the same ones I enter and to better to prove to me that I get off easy. And I don't have to work my azz off to get these placings. Big names/tornament or not. Don't anyone freaking dare try to take that work away from me. no one at all!

And you want your list? Take it!

DDD- Leo
Meta- Buuman (Money Match)
Snake- Ether/Gunx/Wigz
Falco- D1
Marth- D1
Malcom- Sonic

And this has nothing to do with my melee days, I was a scrub and nothing good came out of it expect me playing Mike G in a set. I was always depressed playing melee, something always had to screw it up.

This **** is over. I won't play in these tournaments in this state so no need to worry about it. with me out of here there wont be no more thread drama or any type of bull**** cause of me. I am out of you peoples way. just make believe I don't even exist in this state for smash. I am just some random person. you won't be seeing me anyway so it don't matter


It's over so now back to the weeklie. Not a thread for this. Bum, this is all my fault. you know how I am. sorry for causing **** in your thread. I like to let **** out in the wrong places. So sorry about this. now you boys can get back on topic with this thread. I'll start it off and I'll be on my way.

When is someone gonna step up and stop bum from getting first at these weeklies? Who will/can do it. Someone take it from here.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
step up ur TVs!!! Maybe if I have a ride down to NY sometime I'll come. Too bad no one in NJ would be willing to take me there, in fear of me stealing their chance at money :(
its not that u would steal money its just .... ur fat :(


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
step up ur TVs!!! Maybe if I have a ride down to NY sometime I'll come. Too bad no one in NJ would be willing to take me there, in fear of me stealing their chance at money :(
NJ hasnt won a bronx weekly yet you will be the 1st if you do win you vs bum in finals will be good if it happens


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx

Aslo if what I done in tournaments pr the people I beat mean nothing, then you people go use Peach in the same ones I enter and to better to prove to me that I get off easy. And I don't have to work my azz off to get these placings. Big names/tornament or not. Don't anyone freaking dare try to take that work away from me. no one at all!

And you want your list? Take it!

DDD- Leo :mad:
Meta- Buuman (Money Match)
Snake- Ether/Gunx/Wigz
Falco- D1
Marth- D1
Malcom- Sonic

Just to keep the fire goin cuz this sh*t is hot menq!

Dark pch. just because u beat sum1 once isn't really an accomplishment. its good sh*t to beat them that day but if ur not doing it consistently the list doesnt mean much really =\ :embarrass


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
so anyway i just skipped the 100+ pages of stuff ... and i want to say ... bum get ***** by that other zangief lol


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
my zangief *****!! (in XvS lol)

get at eazy putting that college to use on the boards.. i sure don't hahaha

also, this thread has kind of become lame since no one is talking about me.




Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
So I went to (VaNz) the store and the guy (VaNz) asked me what I wanted.

I (VaNz) responded by asking for a N64 control (VaNz) pak. They didn't have (VaNz) so I left.

This post needs more VaNz. So does the post above (VaNz).

In essence VaNz is cool and I'm not coming to Bums for now because I want to go to other tourneys that I can win. Can't do well at Bum's (VaNz) venue I guess I think too much there.

Oh and VaNz I think we did okay for the first time teaming, sorry for PKT2ing so much and hitting you.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
Raymond is garbage.
im definatley that trash can material =D

Raymond is good but he sandbags all the time.
i dont sandbag, im just whack shons lmfao

would ya guys want crew wars to be next week? please post on that. also results are up from anti and me.
that would actually be fun bum... but it looks like im the 1st 2 respond 2 this lmfao

so anyway i just skipped the 100+ pages of stuff ... and i want to say ... bum get ***** by that other zangief lol
LMFAOO, i need 2 see that boat stage again on sf2 turbo hd or w/e its called

how 2 unlock blackanese

1.play a match with blackanese
2. say an insult 2 blackanese (known as trash talking)

u unlocked blackanese =D, i reccomend not doing it, he wont shut up aftewords until the matches r done =DDD


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
I've Unlocked Blackanese. I don't mind his constant talking.

Also how do you Unlock Ref?

Oh and actually my dad said I can only go to this one so I guess I'll be there. Probably bringing my own TV. One without lag. This way I have No johns.

Everyone can camp my T.V.... Not like that though...

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
Bum, I highly suggest starting the crew wars a week after because some of us (like myself) are going to Smashpocalypse this Saturday. SWAT won't be in full force since some of us are leaving Friday to Philadelphia.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
Bum, I highly suggest starting the crew wars a week after because some of us (like myself) are going to Smashpocalypse this Saturday. SWAT won't be in full force since some of us are leaving Friday to Philadelphia.
definitely said it all


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
how 2 unlock blackanese

1.play a match with blackanese
2. say an insult 2 blackanese (known as trash talking)

u unlocked blackanese =D, i reccomend not doing it, he wont shut up aftewords until the matches r done =DDD
lol **** talk back and forth with you is mad fun in a match XD


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Yeah, and I am bringing my Lag free t.v it's kind of small though... 11 inches of screen but it's still cool...


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Malr is too good with these videos. That Snake vs Falcon actually looked interesting rofl.

Btw I want a WiiStation360 :(

And ugh...all of Dark Pch's posts are essays. Get at him. He probably has the most amount of total text typed on Smashboards in the history of Smashboards. Now THAT's an accomplishment. Dark Pch, next time I see you in person you're getting a free pencil set so your skill in writing can flourish even when you're not at a computer .


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
i know!! his videos were actually good, i was like wtf. the ones where he did spoofs of old shows were the best. and that "Zelda's Dream" video hahaha.. madd creative


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2008
im going next week again!!
fun money matches W/ Anti & Bum
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