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Queen B. Kyon's Random Question Thread


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Well...I don't really think your sexuality in general should matter when it comes to matters of the heart and being true to yourself. And Hiroi if your mom won't like it if you're gay it's going to be tough and all but that's her problem and she'll have to deal with it. Just don't forget that whatever sexuality you are and no matter how she feels about it she'll always love you because you're her son and that doesn't change soo yeah Im really indifferent about sexuality in general :D I love everyone and I have met gay guys who are pretty open about it but I love it cause...i dunno it just shows that they are being true to who they are i suppose I hope i worded this correctly =/ I'm pretty horrible at wording things ^^,


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
I don't think it has anything t do with "Too Gay". It is just not fair to the gay people who are not flamboyant butterflies to be lumped into the same category as the ones that are.
People are not born to be that flamboyant. It is a learned behavior, it's unnatural, and they take it over the top for attention for some-odd reason. I am constantly compared to a neighbor from down the street because he is also gay, but the difference is that he is a cross-dresser, has a different guy at his house every other day, and parades it around. Nobody gives the down to earth guys a chance...
I think that blog was Dead-on.
I know what you mean about being "lumped together" but that's what I mean about pride, and the parade. I equate a flamboyant drag queen to paella, and the more demure gay to, say, rice and beans. If you have 2 stalls, one selling paella and one selling rice and beans, I bet you get more "ooh's and ahh's" from the paella than you do the rice and beans, even if the rice and beans is more ubiquitous to the society, it's less "foreign" than the paella. It's the same reason the more flamboyant gays are celebrated, or, at least, more recognizable to people not familiar with the culture.

I'd argue that some people are just born that loud and flamboyant, but that's another matter. I believe it to be a combination of "male" bravado and posturing, and the more "female" penchant to be able to express oneself readily. Combined, you can have something loud and flamboyant. And hey, I was doing a school nurse rotation, and there was a flamboyant little boy there, hands on his hip, loud, ***** stare, he had everything. And I really doubt he learned it from someone else any more specifically than a boy learns to be "a boy" and a girl learns to be "a girl."

As far as being compared, hey. It happens to everyone from the outside looking in. Take Drk.Pch, would you say he's black, or hispanic? Generalizations based on personal upbringings kind of clouds how we see things, especially if we lack the knowledge and understanding of different subgroups to be able to make clear distinctions between, say, you and your neighbor. It happens to me, too, all the time :p I'm a man, a woman, gay, transsexual, transgender, transvestite, a freak, something else, androgynous, genderqueer, intersex, 3rd sex, and the list goes on. But when I'm allowed the voice to explain who I am, people can see it and get it, and accept it readily because it makes sense.

Hiroi (And by that I mean that 2 Dolla Ho who stuck a bobby pin from her koolaid weave into the electric socket):

Your profile says you're 16. I was 16 when I came out :o (Well, the first time, the second time kinda just eased its way in there over time ;P) Certainly not saying you should do anything you're not ready to do.

This is my (gay) coming out story, for you, my little AIDS princess~

Um. My little brother was leaving to DC? for the national spelling bee, and my mom was going with him (hotel and stuff, he was in middle school iirc.) On the way out, down the steps, as they were leaving, I whispered "I'm gay" in her ear before she left, and she stared at me. Then, because I didnt like her standing right there, staring, I kind of nudged (pushed) her down the steps. I don't recommend doing that. I dont remember what happened after that, but when she got to the hotel (no cell phones), she called me, crying, and we talked about it. She said she wasnt mad, she was sad, that she lost the son who had the future she had always dreamed of happening. She lost grandchildren that were never even born yet. She lost the image of who she wanted me to be, and I reassured her that the person I was, was still here, and she really didn't lose anything, she still had me.

There's probably more, but I don't remember :x But yeah, don't tell your mom then push her down the steps. But I think if you and your mom have a good relationship (I would think you do), and she's clearly thought about it enough to be able to bring it up to you in conversation, she knows it already. She might be looking for you to prove her wrong, but moms are smart. If you do tell her, be sure to tell her you love her no matter how she feels about you, and tell her that you hope she still loves you, too.



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
People are stupid And can't think for themselves. Always wanna follow something. One of the many reasons I can't stand people.

if a person is gay whey should anyone give a damm? Seriously. If one is gay, it is not changing who the hell they are. There is no law stat states it is bad to like the same sex. If a who likes another dude..............ok? Means nothing at all. People making a big deal about it and making themselves a victim makes me sick.

As White-Peach said about me, people mistake me for being black all the time. if people see anyone dark skinned, they would assume they are black right away. One time I got these losers talking **** about me in spanish. I went up to them and told them I knew what they were saying....In spanish. They looked at me like "WTF?" Then they were like they were kidding and stuff, then left. Morons. People judge and always wanna go by what they THINK is right. And Being gay is bad to a large amount of people. Or just plain wrong.

If I was to just become gay out of random and told everyone I know. They be like........"Ok, so you are gay now, cool" Thats it, and we go on about what we were doing. They dont care that I went gay, and mostly importantly, I don't give a damm. Cause I CHOOSE to be gay. No one told me to be gay or forced me. I just woke up one morning and decided to be gay.

Same way as I like girls. No one told me to like girls. I was never forced to like girls. I choose to like girls cause I find them attractive. Guys do nothing for me at all. And I can never see myself with a dude. Guys bring no attraction to me at all.

One chooses to be gay or straight based on how they grew up. they make thier choice based on that. Like I had a friend who was *****. After that happen, she lost interest in guys and became a lesbian. She choose to be a lesbian just like that. What happen to her really sucked. But she still could have stayed straight despite what some ******* did. But she decided to go les. She did not feel right about guys after that. She made that choice to like woman.

I will say that while I am cool with gay people, there is one thing that pisses me off about them. When they are ashamed of being gay or wish they were not. Being gay dones not mean ****. And being straight does not mean ****. Being with someone you like is all that matters. And if people can't expect that then the hell with them and go on about your own. You run your life, no one else. You are never forced to be who you are. You choose to be who you are.

In the end, people are stupid. And they always will be. thats society for you. And it will never change. The good new about this is along side this large group or morons, there is always people who are nothing like them. Just hard to find cause they are a rare breed.



Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL

i read the blog, and it basically made me think of the comparison between black people and ******s :laugh:

dont feel bad. no one likes ******s either. just black people

most of you guys = black people. I havnt really met any gays that are equivelant in *******ry to ******s yet...i fear the day i meet one

edit: some clarification. all of the sensored words is the N word used to refer to some types of black people. starts with N. ends with iggers. you get the idea


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
@White Walgreens Shop Lifter Peach: How's your relationship with your mother now? Yesterday, I was like a second to coming out. After having a Glee-A-Thon with friends, Kurt became my biggest inspiration. Everything he did just motivated me more and more. And I told myself that there is nothing to hide and nothing to fear. If I get kicked out, which I doubt but I put things to extremes, I can go to a foster care. And my relationship with my mother is decent at best. I always felt second compared to my sister, so me and my mom conversation are usually 'Mmhmm' 'Right' 'Okay' 'Love You' 'Bye'. But she tells me alot of whats on her mind compared to my sister so I guess we have a more trustworthy relationship. And today at breakfast, my dad was saying something on how a spanish Anchorwoman was dating a Korean guy, and I was like 'Ugh not fair!'. So I have the mindset that I allready told them, which is good, but now I just have to execute which I have it planned. Just waiting for my sister to get home from work so I dont have to come out twice.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Soooo, change of topic yes?

I've heard of a proposal for a "Marriage Extension Contract/Option" since the divorce rate is through the roof now (55% to be exact). The proposal is an alternative to people needlessly paying money to cancel their marriage (which I myself believe to be asinine). It gives both parties a chance to agree to an extension (between 3 years and 5 years, neither of which have been decided as of yet), and both spouses must agree to the extension in order for it to be carried through. So basically, if one party feels that "they cannot stand it anymore", then they should not be obligated to go through a mundane and expensive divorce process.

In fact, why should the government be involved in a marital process to begin with? I'm content with the idea of a "marriage" being carried out in any way that makes the two people involved happy. Whether it takes place in a church, a different location, or if both people decide to stay together and remain monogamous without a traditional marital binding--- my personal favorite option; I don't believe in marriage because of how shallow and pointless the whole "till death do we part" concept has become with all of the corruption, temptation, and adultery in the world today, not that my opinion on marriage would be swayed otherwise anyway.

So yeah, why must religion or the government be included in order for a marriage to be considered legit/legal? I call baloney and I'll personally never believe in such a force-fed tradition.

Thoughts on the proposal and/or anything else?

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Whoops my bad. Thought it was the general discussion when I typed that out. xD

Bring the GD back Air. >.<


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
@White Walgreens Shop Lifter Peach: How's your relationship with your mother now? Yesterday, I was like a second to coming out. After having a Glee-A-Thon with friends, Kurt became my biggest inspiration. Everything he did just motivated me more and more. And I told myself that there is nothing to hide and nothing to fear. If I get kicked out, which I doubt but I put things to extremes, I can go to a foster care. And my relationship with my mother is decent at best. I always felt second compared to my sister, so me and my mom conversation are usually 'Mmhmm' 'Right' 'Okay' 'Love You' 'Bye'. But she tells me alot of whats on her mind compared to my sister so I guess we have a more trustworthy relationship. And today at breakfast, my dad was saying something on how a spanish Anchorwoman was dating a Korean guy, and I was like 'Ugh not fair!'. So I have the mindset that I allready told them, which is good, but now I just have to execute which I have it planned. Just waiting for my sister to get home from work so I dont have to come out twice.
We're good, but I think we do better (or at least she's nicer in general) when we don't see eachother as much (meaning I need to move out ASAP :p as soon as finances allow!). With me, it's not a gay thing anymore, but I still like guys and she doesn't care. Sometimes she jokes that I need to marry a cosmetic surgeon so she can get a discount or a landscaper so she can have an even nicer yard (she's all about the garden/yard), you know, joking about using me to get a man that benefits her in some way :p But now, the current issue is my plans about my future, and how I want to start hormone therapy ASAP. She understands why, but she associates it with her idea that I'm a boy, and that wanting hormones means that I want to be a girl. I try to make her understand that it isnt that way, and that I have a broader concept of who I am, and moving within that concept isnt hard for me, that the hardest part is my hair currently falling out (I know right?) She just thinks that I would be better off taking hormones to be more masculine (I've got mixed secondary sex characteristics), and people wouldnt be confused about me, and that I would be happier and be able to have a "normal" gay relationship. Yes, while taking hormones would complicate the whole relationship thing by narrowing my audience of potential "suitors", it makes me happier. We've had the dinnertable discussion openly about who I am and why I want to do certain things, and she's more confused and worried than mad or disappointed because she understands that I've always been different, and has always been the one to reassure me that my body was "normal" when I was growing up, even when it wasnt. I guess a big part of it is that she still wants me to be "normal" instead of who I want to be, because she believes that it will make me happier and make my life easier. But she doesnt understand that always trying to be "normal" doesnt make me happy, and that I've always tried to fit in and it could never work. I just explain to her something that she can see, and that is that I've been much happier in life and with myself, when I started to live more freely, and began doing the things that I chose to do, even if it wasn't normal.

I think a lot of maintaining your relationship with your mom is about showing her that you've thought about these things, and you've tried to do the things she wanted and be the person she wanted you to be, but that it made you unhappy. And be sure to tell her who you want to be, and how you want to live, because it makes you happy. Moms like it when you're happy, it's something hard for them to argue with :)

Edit: What a beautiful wall-o-text. If I were Meno, it would be a wall-o-sext. Shameful.


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
How would you describe your Peach? Like personality and playstyle? And what kind of music do you see or hear when you play as her? A theme so to speak.
Ehh, can I still answer to this question?
Im going to do it anyway hehe

I have actually no idea how to describe my Peach, which fits me as I cant even describe my very own personality @_@. I think my Peach is fast and fluent and one that dares to take risks while still trying to play as safe as possible. My weakness is that I cant adjust myself to another play style (for example, my style is not working vs an opponent, yet I still play in the same fashion because I have trouble adjusting.) It also makes me predictable. Im working on that. I had lately also got pretty bad at approaching, but that has got less now.

As for me and Peach's theme, it would be Rihanna's Wait Your Turn. I love the message: the way to the top is a hard one.



Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2006
When I was younger I would always have a bad one, since I'm scared of sudden loud noise. xD

But now I don't mind it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
My cousin threw one of the ones that spin really really fast and look like balls of Light at my face, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Haha.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
uhhhh your friend is crazy O_O and i looove fireworks but i really dont like those little firesparklers or w.e. i always thought itd spark on me and burn =[ aside from that i love fireworks ^_^ pretty colors are amazing


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
I dropped a lit sparkler on my foot when I was a kid. I was wearing sandals and the lit sparkler landed perfectly on flesh. Ow... :cry:


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
My dad was doing his annual 4th of July fireworks show that he does at the lake my grandpa lives on, when the raft he and my uncle were floating on caught on fire. It was hilarious/horrifying/awesome :D


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
I have yet to experience badness when it comes to fireworks ^_^. (and i use them alot too /knocks on wood)

but the worst possible thing that might have happened, was i lit dry grass on fire when i was back home in Kansas. it was a teeny tiny thing and i stomped it out quickly lol


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2010
Worcester, Ma
haven't really had any bad experiences with fireworks that i remember.
yesterday me and my friend where we were using my nephews toy gun (he was tired halfway through the fireworks show so he slightly went to sleep) and pretending that the gun would activate the fireworks and make them explode. it was so immature but so much fun XD


Banned via Administration
Feb 14, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
As for best fireworks experience, my friend and I would shoot roman candles at each other. We'd both get about 5 roman candles with 10 shots each and just have a shootout in the alley. Very fun times. :)

Too bad he moved to Norcal so I can't do it with him this year. :cry:


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
im going.

best birthday weekend ever

peoples better get your tickets soon


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
I wish i was going to Apex but due to no money and nick not getting his mlg money till the next mlg which is like a week or 2 after apex we sadly cant go =[


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Please keep your comments relevent to my topic or do not post in here. Thank you.
lol, that was pretty much him saying "no i cant go" in a comical way

i guess you didnt get it...or it wasnt that funny. i lol'd alittle bit though


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
I want to go

I just don't know if it'll be too late before I get enough money for plane tickets for both ways and the tournament in time before things get too expensive.


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2010
Worcester, Ma
not going, i have a college thing i need to attend that's starting on the final day of apex. also i wouldn't have a ride for it even if i wanted to go.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
In a museum
Not going.
All the Jobs I applied failed and its too late.
And I was really excited....
</3 thats all i have to say...

Im going, just need to register tonight and ill be all set


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Can't go :( My loans are coming into repayment one the 14th of every month starting this month. And every job I've applied for thus far hasn't HIRED A ***** :| I think I'm going to apply for a DC license reciprocity (like $200+?) and try to get ANYTHING. Even if it's part-time, even if it's a drive everyday, it will be experience towards my next application. My current job gives me some money to slow the damage to my savings caused by the loan payments, but I don't feel comfortable cutting into it to go to a tournament.

I need to get a real job soon, like bad :/ I need to have a sexy rig to play FFXIV that comes out in September... My current computer is crap and I won't be able to play it, and to miss out on the joy that is the creation of a new world (and being able to establish my STRONGHOLD OF EVIL while everyone is an equal) would be heartbreaking. I had to "do without" (really, it wasnt doing without, but it was like working harder/longer at my minimum wage job to earn a nice pair of shoes when an entire nation is wearing Prada and SELLING ME MY OWN SHOES) a lot of the time because of an entire Japanese monopoly of everything. I eventually got ahead by being very lucky and being in the right place at the right time making the right decisions, and taking advantage of an inflating economy and going from 1 million gil to 66 million gil, then having the economy die down while I sat on my fortune. Being a good enough player to get into a game-wide recognized group of elite players allowed me access to the best gear (that could not be purchased) and my fortune basically grew in value while economy stabilized. I'd like to be just as rich (if not richer) this time around, because not having to worry about money is great. So yeah, GET A JOB, GET RICH!

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Oh how the joyous reunion has faltered. xD

Probably not going now. Going to MLG Raleigh instead if anything.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I won't be attending as much as I'd like to. I'll be at Supercon though! You're coming Kyle, right? :D

I'm also considering MLG Texas.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
McLean, Virginia
Hmmm. I've been thinking, and I've realized that I can use my birthday as an excuse to go to a tournament (as in my parents letting me go to a tourney = a "present"). I was considering APEX, but now that not many Peaches are going, I have to reconsider. Hmmmmm........
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