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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2006
Darien, IL
Outwards from the body.

Body has more than arm has more than hilt has more than blade has more than tip.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Magus I know that... what I should have asked is if there's any difference in the BKG and KBG values of the hitboxes, although I'm assuming the answer is no... in addition when I said differences on the tip I meant from the rest of the current, 2.5 hitboxes, on the rest of his sword, not from the 2.1 tip; I just wanted a comparison of all the hitboxes in 2.5's sword really. Probably my fault for assuminf PMBR changes the tip,but I hardly understood how it worked in 2.1 except that I think it had a lower angle knockback... I guess that's what I get for not wording things perfectly around Magus...

ANYWAYS now that I know the only changes to his sword are one percent differences that actually DO compensate for each other (i had figured PMBR wasn't going to make any part of Ike hit harder which is why I thought the sword changes were strictly nerfs) my only complaint about the sword is how unintuitive it sounds. Like I said before though the sword isn't what really bothered me. It's most the QD/WJ/run speed stuff. And new dtilt sounds way less good. And the silly hitboxes on fair didn't reallyneed tobe removed either, they weren't even that good but the backwards knockback was one of the really fun things to mess around with as Ike, specifically for edgeguarding, kinda like his extra WJs were...


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Now that I think about it, why would 2.5 be delayed? We've been watching streams of the completed build for a few days now.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
Shoutouts to metroid and everyone who participated and also those who watched our stream. I'll break them up into videos when I find the time.

It's a shame metroid couldn't stay longer though.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
I agree with Jewsushi.

So far, Every release has been delayed. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1...if the pattern continues the way it has been. in the next 40 hours or so thousands will flood this place asking for a release, this page will be closed, Hundreds will then flood Mibbit chat, after the clock strikes 12AM in Hawaii alot of people will be very mad, disappointed, tired....etc. Then wake up and say IT'S STILL NOT OUT...followed by rage-chatting as more and more wake up. Then, seemingly out of nowhere a ninja will appear stating the 2.5 is live. Then the whole internet will seemingly crash trying to download it. Eventually download links will crash...etc. Eventually enough people will get a copy as links are fixed and we all go on about our business. Then, Over the next few weeks people explore FFA, single players, items...etc and very strange/hilarious glitches will start to emerge and a month or 2 later we all log on for demo vs 2.6 to repeat the process over again.:cool:

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
I don't think 2.1 even had an announced release date prior to its release, so it couldn't have been "delayed".
Anyway, I've been told that they gave themselves much more extra time to work with when announcing the release date for this one, so I'm going to have faith in the P:MBR in delivering it on time this time around.


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2009
In the jungle, the mighty jungle
It's been long since I last posted but since the release is so close, I feel like speaking my mind. First of all, I'm kinda bummed out about Samus :(. That's the only bad part, 'cause I'm really exited for Diddy and Squirtle and the controller input fix. I have a little question though, does the controller input fix helps the fact that you can't act as soon as you jump?

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
I agree with Jewsushi.
in the next 40 hours or so thousands will flood this place asking for a release, this page will be closed, Hundreds will then flood Mibbit chat, after the clock strikes 12AM in Hawaii alot of people will be very mad, disappointed, tired....etc. Then wake up and say IT'S STILL NOT OUT...followed by rage-chatting as more and more wake up.
Or even better, you guys could just be patient and be happy when you see it there ready for download. :)

Just knowing approximately when we'll get it is better than not getting a date at all. Think of it as an estimate and maybe those salty tears won't flow like it's your time of the month. :redface:


Smash Apprentice
Jan 22, 2010
I can't recall anyone else mentioning this, but I noticed during the last Free Saltines stream that you can exit back to the main menu, and you won't have to reselect your character when you go back to character select. Good stuff, PMBR.

Edit: Will this be in Demo v2.5?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Just a sidenote to DMG
Edit: Post on Smashmods from you earlier today

That is much better, you're gonna wait til 2.5 is out before going all haywire on the changes and possibly seeing the upsides (along with design over balance). That's better than GrumpyFood by a mile! Still, a good chunk of this post still applies to you lol, you can skip the design over balance parts.

Ooooooooooooo the callouts! Challenging me and my Brawl Purple name! We go over this, and you don't seem to consider any upsides to Ike. Every change they have under taken, you've pretty much seen as a blatant nerf. You are missing the design aspect of Ike entirely, which is what they are addressing first. If you want to call it all nerfs, fine. You're missing the point though.

The analogy I'd use is Baseball. The old Ike steps up to the plate. Pitcher throws. If Ike makes contact with the ball, it's a homerun. Any part of his bat will hit a homerun. The new Ike now only hits homeruns with a third to a half of his bat. Some parts only hit doubles or triples, WHICH is still better than those poor ****ing characters who don't have a Bat because let's never consider that Ike's in a good place compared to the people under him begging for the spotlight.

It's better design, and in 2.5 Ike got quite a bit of it. All that you see are nerfs, instead of the change in direction he is taking and you are disregarding or missing on how Ike will now be easier to balance. Tell me how you were going to balance a character with:

1. Long Reach

2. Very Good Power

3. Great Grab/throw Game/tech chasing ("Ike's great grab game didn't need to get touched, I'm sad OH WAIT I FORGOT THE PEOPLE WITH **** GRAB GAMES LIKE WARIO I SPIT IN THEIR FACES I GET FREE HITS OUT OF UTHROW AND DTHROW BUT I'M NEEDY")

4. Flexible and above decent recovery (with part of it tying into edge guarding due to Side B wall jumping)

5. Very solid mobility on the ground due to QD

6. Very high weight (plays into good recovery)

7. Built in safeness on shield, to the point that certain moves and tilts were safe on shield if you had any inkling of spacing

8. Moves had no regard for spacing, hitboxes were like blunt walls

9. Limited opponent's DI and tech options during combos in part because of QD options and due to his reach

There's all the "good" about Ike. I can name plenty of characters who do not possess half of this list. But no, instead of that we gotta moan about a 1% damage change to certain spacing or Nair changes THAT MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING POSITIVE but because you haven't played it yet, you're gonna be pessimistic and say it probably sucks just like everything else the PMBR did with Ike. Call all changes NERFS because you're neglecting to even look at whether Ike's design was improved. It was. He's a better character design wise. If he's now a worse character and drops on the tier list, guess what the good news is? It's easier to balance characters with great design, than it is characters with **** design.

That should make you happy, but it won't because all you are gonna think about is "Why can't I endlessly wall jump out of Side B? Why would I want to consider different or optimal spacings on my moves when before everything hit the same? When my Fair put Ganon and the cast to shame, I don't want to think about spacing THAT of all things. Stupid PMBR delaying QD and making the uncharge go shorter, now my tech chases that required little thought are ruined. Moan ***** Whine Squeal Rant Write Letters to my Congressman UNHAPPY! PLEASE ME NAO!"

But please, continue calling me ignorant. I'm trying to think about what the changes will bring him, and whether he's been improved design wise. You're sitting here as the boy who cried "NERFED!". If you are actually thinking deeply about these changes, and just happen to disagree, then put some explanations into it instead of being a smart *** and making remarks like "Spacies TOO GEWD TO NERF, IKE'S THE PROBLEM RIGHT GUIZE?!?!?" because it doesn't contribute to the ****ing discussion at all. That's how I got my god damn Purple name, because I don't sit there and do what you ****ing do.

Edit: Post on Smashmods from you earlier today

That is much better, you're gonna wait til 2.5 is out before going all haywire on the changes and possibly seeing the upsides. That's better than GrumpyFood by a mile! Still, a good chunk of this post still applies to you lol.

It's not strictly worse because you seem to be completely ignoring that he also has a stronger hit available to him to use when he has the option to hit with it.

Here, the blue hitboxes do -1 damage, and the purple hitbox on the hilt does +1 damage (the difference in damage affects KBG). To hit the sweetspot you need to hit with the purple but not the smaller arm or shoulder hitboxes.

Turn grabs don't have animation based movement on them, so boost turn grabs have carried dash attack momentum into them since brawl.
Good picture illustration. I likey.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
So basically, by your logic, Ness and Lucas are better than Ike at baseball due to having a bat and a stick, and since bats and sticks are the equivalent of ****ing Excalibur and Durandal in the Mother series, those homeruns go so far into orbit, they orbit around the whole damn galaxy.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Ness and Lucas are kids

They play T-Ball

Argument invalid


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
This is dumb.

I am very grateful for P:M, I believe all of the PMBR knows this. Considering what I've seen of previous releases (outside of v2.1), I will say that I believe the game is likely to be delayed. The 72 hours remaining was a joke that I believe JC took in good nature (with a grain of truth added, because you know... jokes usually have those) as he didn't choose to say anything else about it.

So, like I said to daze-kun-chan-san-sama before. I doubt my own mother at times, so of course I will doubt the PMBR about this. Naturally, I'll be more than glad if I'm proven wrong.

EDIT: Archangel, you are an A+ kinda guy. Excited about 2.5 Pit?


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Or even better, you guys could just be patient and be happy when you see it there ready for download. :)

Just knowing around when we'll get it is better than not getting a date at all. Think of it as an estimate and maybe those salty tears won't flow like it's your time of the month. :redface:
I bet you thought you were being extremely witty when you made this reply. Sadly weren't. Let me ask you this. At what point did I personalize that post you quoted? I was simply stating the way things will go if history repeats itself. I also used words like "people" "they" implying the bulk of PM community but in no way do I imply me, myself, or I.

So, that makes you stupid but I must say the whole bit about salty tears flowing like it's my time of the month was funny. Seeing as how people who know women who have periods know that they not only have salty tears that flow but they also have salty, bloody vaginae that flow. Therefore someone reading that would then picture me as a man with female body parts, crying, as well as bleeding because I am emotionally unstable and moody. The image itself is impossible as well as illogical but it's so silly that it stimulates the brain evoking a behavioral response known as laughter. Brilliant stuff dude.


Smash Champion
Mar 27, 2011
I agree with Jewsushi.

So far, Every release has been delayed. 1.0, 2.0, 2.1...if the pattern continues the way it has been. in the next 40 hours or so thousands will flood this place asking for a release, this page will be closed, Hundreds will then flood Mibbit chat, after the clock strikes 12AM in Hawaii alot of people will be very mad, disappointed, tired....etc. Then wake up and say IT'S STILL NOT OUT...followed by rage-chatting as more and more wake up. Then, seemingly out of nowhere a ninja will appear stating the 2.5 is live. Then the whole internet will seemingly crash trying to download it. Eventually download links will crash...etc. Eventually enough people will get a copy as links are fixed and we all go on about our business. Then, Over the next few weeks people explore FFA, single players, items...etc and very strange/hilarious glitches will start to emerge and a month or 2 later we all log on for demo vs 2.6 to repeat the process over again.:cool:
I sure hope this doesn't happen

There is a tournament on the 29th and it would really suck if we had to play 2.1


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Should have specified my comment was directed at a collective you. If it doesn't apply to you, don't take offense. My apologies.
Who said any offense was taken? That's twice in arrow you've made an assumption that was incorrect. ;)

Lesson of the day. When you Assume you make an *** out of u.

but it's all good. Nothing but love here.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Also: Holy hell....why are there so many people in here?
Why do you think? People are already lining up here for the release. It'll only increase in numbers from here onward, despite your posts and everyone else's saying to "expect a delay of some kind".

People will line up for anything a day in advance because they're hyped up.

Shadow Huan

Smash Champion
Oct 31, 2008
Springfield, MA
at the people a few pages ago saying falco's recovery isn't bad, you're right

his entire recovery isn't bad, his upB is. the charge part is pretty much saying "hey come hit me!" lol

2.5 hype



Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
Nice...Well, with so many people in here we should play some kind of a game. For lulz...oh I got it. A guessing game?

"I was once the leader of a gang. Now I am a member of a team. I can't fly, I can fly, Who am I?"

ready? GO!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Switch FC
6939 6733 3968
Revven got it right... I'm lurking around waiting, I mean this patch is so good, Ivysaur and Squirtle, ZZS and Diddy Kong, KB stacking, stage striking and the best of all... Input lag fixed!!


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2012
I have a question about Project:M download, if my Brawl disk is little injured (Lucario selection causes crash) will I need to buy a new disk to play the game or is the information so much on the mod that it won't matter.


Project M Back Roomer
Nov 29, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
That sounds like a problem with your disk itself. I don't think using the PM lucario file would fix that. I'd suggest getting a new disk or USB loading.
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