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Project M Social Thread

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Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
I've always felt Norfair & Mario Kart were placeholder stages meant to be replaced by something better.

I seriously hope we get another classic stage and not just a reskinned Pokemon Stadium 2.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
I've always felt Norfair & Mario Kart were placeholder stages meant to be replaced by something better.

I seriously hope we get another classic stage and not just a reskinned Pokemon Stadium 2.
I know that the PMBR had something else planned for Norfair at one point, but I seriously hope they consider using Axcel's Norfair.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Axcel made a more competition friendly Norfair as well. It's like an elongated battlefield with a hole in the central platform. Looks like it'll make for amazing edge-platform play. I think PMBR should take a good look at it tbh.

EDIT: I, too, am looking forward to stage changes. Helps keep the game feeling fresh.
Do you have a link to that Norfair? That actually sounds pretty similar to my original idea for Norfair which we had in before Demo 2 came out.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Silly Joe, you know the PMBR supreme and infallible overlords care not for the petty creations of its lowly audience.

For more sardonism, stay tuned to "Talk down to Bunni for being unable to bomb jump despite putting hours of effort and practice into it because that's totally acceptable behavior when talking to someone trying to get into the game."


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
That requires a read and it's primarily for KO'ing purposes, though. His old dthrow had a lot of guaranteed set-ups (low% cg, throw -> aerial) and I don't think G&W has a problem with KO'ing.

I must admit I haven't really played around with G&W's uthrow, though, if it does work like that then it's neat, but then again it also makes him lose a higher % cg on spacies. :x

His old Dthrow was better and flowed better with his Uthrow. Especially vs floaties, Dthrow was amazing.

Silly Joe, you know the PMBR supreme and infallible overlords care not for the petty creations of its lowly audience.

For more sardonism, stay tuned to "Talk down to Bunni for being unable to bomb jump despite putting hours of effort and practice into it because that's totally acceptable behavior when talking to someone trying to get into the game."
To be fair, even I thought you were possibly trolling. However, bomb jumping with Link does feel easier than TL.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I disagree. That Vro vs Fox combo video material at FC? Yeee.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Silly Joe, you know the PMBR supreme and infallible overlords care not for the petty creations of its lowly audience.

For more sardonism, stay tuned to "Talk down to Bunni for being unable to bomb jump despite putting hours of effort and practice into it because that's totally acceptable behavior when talking to someone trying to get into the game."
By saying this, I don't think you're acknowledging the amount of time and effort Daze put into trying to help you out. He really went out of his way to help you, you should be thankful for that.

To be honest, I thought you were trolling as well.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
Does no one use smashmods? That is one of the biggest threads in the Project M Workshop subforum and has been there for like 4 months.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
why is every single stage in P:M flat + plat w no stage hazards or real defining characteristics other than a moving platform or two lmfao

delfino is the obvious exception


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Delfino is a pretty crappy stage though. New PM stages tend to favor simpler diverse designs because the game is made primarily focusing on the competitive aspect of Melee, where simple CP's are the best kind.

Brawl only has 3 or 5 tops good stages; BF, SV, PS2, FD, and YI:B; and even then only two of those are really close to neutral. The current stage list is ridiculously liberal with stage selections that would never pass if there were better stages to choose from.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
People complain about Skyloft having too radical of a stage layout, even. It's hard to make creative, unique designs that aren't going to actively detract from the gameplay at large.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Delfino is a pretty crappy stage though. New PM stages tend to favor simpler diverse designs because the game is made primarily focusing on the competitive aspect of Melee, where simple CP's are the best kind.

Brawl only has 3 or 5 tops good stages; BF, SV, PS2, FD, and YI:B; and even then only two of those are really close to neutral. The current stage list is ridiculously liberal with stage selections that would never pass if there were better stages to choose from.
You're wrong about Brawl stages, lol...

What is this obsession with PvP interaction? i would think that given the opportunity to create a new game, the PMBR would invest some time into creating stages that enhance PvP through PvS in unconventional/novel ways (unless they are -- Strong Bad?). Totally re-creating the Melee experience is clearly not the only goal they had in mind, as they kept quite a few aspects from Brawl. So what's the big idea? Why should we focus on "simple" stages when we have the opportunity to test new stage ideas for quite a while (I'm presuming that there will be many more demos to come)?

@Shadic an ACTUAL rebuttal to my post, thank god. So let me ask this question: generally speaking, what kind of layouts truly detract from gameplay? How do they detract from gameplay? Do they actually detract from gameplay or have a certain kind of depth that people are unwilling to learn? If this depth exists, then why do they not want to learn it? If this depth does not exist, then why not create it? These are all loaded questions, I realize, but I want to challenge the norm here. Part of the broader appeal of Smash is the great lengths taken to add a PvS element to the game (though many of these PvS elements are not competitively legitimate, as determined by the community). With P:M we have the opportunity to re-introduce and create PvS elements that are acceptable on all levels. Why shouldn't we take it?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Shadic said nearly the same thing as me with less elaboration, how does it make it more of a legitimized response just because he said it wtf.

Like I feel like I was just blindsided and side swiped from the conversation because a BR member reinforced my statement.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
You're wrong about Brawl stages, lol...

What is this obsession with PvP interaction? i would think that given the opportunity to create a new game, the PMBR would invest some time into creating stages that enhance PvP through PvS in unconventional/novel ways (unless they are -- Strong Bad?). Totally re-creating the Melee experience is clearly not the only goal they had in mind, as they kept quite a few aspects from Brawl. So what's the big idea? Why should we focus on "simple" stages when we have the opportunity to test new stage ideas for quite a while (I'm presuming that there will be many more demos to come)?

@Shadic an ACTUAL rebuttal to my post, thank god. So let me ask this question: generally speaking, what kind of layouts truly detract from gameplay? How do they detract from gameplay? Do they actually detract from gameplay or have a certain kind of depth that people are unwilling to learn? If this depth exists, then why do they not want to learn it? If this depth does not exist, then why not create it? These are all loaded questions, I realize, but I want to challenge the norm here. Part of the broader appeal of Smash is the great lengths taken to add a PvS element to the game (though many of these PvS elements are not competitively legitimate, as determined by the community). With P:M we have the opportunity to re-introduce and create PvS elements that are acceptable on all levels. Why shouldn't we take it?
Layouts that detract from gameplay: too large, too small (imagine a single platform being the entire stage), too many vertical differences (think Norfair, Onett), hazards, certain aspects like walls walkoffs.

You can make "interesting" stages, but they will follow a certain kind of guideline. Look at the new Sonic stage. That's a very good example of something different, but not so much that it detracts from gameplay. Metal Cavern is also a good stage in that regard: there are appreciable differences between that stage and BF SV FD etc. P:M isn't just a bunch of BF variations lol. In fact I'd say some of their stages went a bit too far in trying to be different, and had something noticeable off. Stage size wise some of these look a bit too big (definitely for singles). Look at SSE Jungle. They haven't gone crazy with hazards or wonky designs imo, but some of the sizes are a bit on the bigger side and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them get trimmed down.

As for the depth stuff, it really depends on what you mean by depth. Some stages are "playable", but on the grand scale of things aren't that deep. Or say you have a stage that's dominated by fast character camping. The RPS between those 3-4 characters might be fair, but for the rest of the cast who can't catch Falcon Fox etc on Hyrule.

Stage wise, the stage list has already been expanded by the new stages they have added/Brawl + Melee stages combined. I went over it with Neko for example, and even with fairly conservative criteria I came up with roughly 20 or so. That's a pretty big improvement over BOTH Brawl and Melee. I didn't include say SSE Jungle or some of the bigger stages, took off Hyrule etc. Still came up with about 20.

Shadic said nearly the same thing as me with less elaboration, how does it make it more of a legitimized response just because he said it wtf.

He's got a cooler name Bunni, sorry. Maybe Easter time you will have more luck


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hey, I told some people on my stream that I'd be streaming today, but unfortunately some things came up and that is no longer possible. I'll stream again next Saturdaze at around 4pm pst :)

Look forward to VGBC's stream on tuesday at around 7pm EST as well as legionary wednesdays at 6pm EST. There are always other PMBR members streaming 2.5 also that will post here whenever they go live :) Follow everyone!!

Edit: --Just like Standard Toaster up there! :p


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
@Shadic an ACTUAL rebuttal to my post, thank god. So let me ask this question: generally speaking, what kind of layouts truly detract from gameplay? How do they detract from gameplay? Do they actually detract from gameplay or have a certain kind of depth that people are unwilling to learn? If this depth exists, then why do they not want to learn it? If this depth does not exist, then why not create it? These are all loaded questions, I realize, but I want to challenge the norm here. Part of the broader appeal of Smash is the great lengths taken to add a PvS element to the game (though many of these PvS elements are not competitively legitimate, as determined by the community). With P:M we have the opportunity to re-introduce and create PvS elements that are acceptable on all levels. Why shouldn't we take it?
Something to keep in mind is that while the PMBR may appear stubborn and uncompromising from the outside, it's because we have these debates amongst each other in private, and actively test these theories.

There's no strict guideline on where a stage becomes "too much" of a nuisance, or "distracts" the main focus of the game - Player vs. player combat. It's a spectrum issue and people have different stances depending on if they're in tournament, what characters they play, and local preference has a part as well. It's why there's not really a true stagelist or even ruleset for a Smash game that is universally used.

For example - Let's look at Kongo Jungle 64. The level can be used as a legal counterpick stage, and despite having a relatively basic layout, can have a large impact on matchups.

Here's what it can do to the Peach v Ganon matchup.

Is that an acceptable amount of stage impact on matchup? The jury is out on that one. The match certainly would have been very different on a simpler stage such as Final Destination or (in P:M) Smashville. A large part of the "issue" on that stage would be the height of the top platforms on each side - and now think of the layout of Skyloft. While the stages are by no means identical, would a similar strategy work there? And is the community okay with this? Should the PMBR be, if a goal is to make a game this is fast-paced, dynamic game and interesting to both play and watch?

I could go much deeper into this, but unfortunately I don't really have the time, nor do I want to dwell too much on arguments that have already been made in the Project M Back Room. Please realize that we do spend a lot of time debating this stuff amongst ourselves, and we do try and create some unique, cool stages that are fun both competitively and casually, but it is something that isn't as simple as one may believe.
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