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Project M Social Thread

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Aug 6, 2008
I have little doubt that when the WiiU comes out that people will be able to hack it. And when that day comes, the same journey which began with hacking brawl into a more melee like game will happen for the new smash game. Then we begin the long road of Project Melee 2.0 for the WiiU.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
But what if WiiU games have insane encryption methods like those found in PS2 games like MGS3's important files? That is certainly something that can prohibit progress on hacking specific games(no one modded or extracted anything from MGS3's files formally for example), especially if Ninty steps their security game up.

All of matter of wait and see.

Rather discuss this than the topic that's about to rear it's ugly head.
Aug 6, 2008
But what if WiiU games have insane encryption methods like those found in PS2 games like MGS3's important files? That is certainly something that can prohibit progress on hacking specific games(no one modded or extracted anything from MGS3's files formally for example), especially if Ninty steps their security game up.

All of matter of wait and see.

Rather discuss this than the topic that's about to rear it's ugly head.
Could you send me a link to where you heard about this? I have tried doing searches for the progress on the MGS games, but have not found much of anything relating to crazy encryption at all.

Well, I bet the WiiU might have better security methods. They seemed determined to stamp out hacking finally when I noticed they force you to update to the new versions if you want to play a new wii game. Oddly enough, the update didn't harm my homebrew at all when it happened which I was expecting it too.

I just think that all Nintendo can do is make it difficult, but not impossible to hack the system at all. Someone somewhere will want the glory of being able to figure out a new system which will lead to all sorts of hacks and modifications. Its really only a matter of time I think before it happens and then if people still feel like playing smash, then a P:M 2 for the wiiU might follow if this current project is successful.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
We'll have to wait and see.

But TBH, P:M will probably be so good, so incredibly amazing in it's final iteration, that a P:M2 won't even need to exist.

Things can always be added in later. Like, if for example smash4 has a new character that's really cool- well, not to worry because they can just clone engine the character into PM, balance it, and have it be good to go.

I don't see why a PM2 would need to be created out of smash4's engine (which might be a completely different engine than 64, Melee, or Brawl considering sakurai's "new direction" he wants to take smash4 in) if PM is amazing beyond belief when it's done.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Graphics. 60 fps. Wider availability (since brawl may go the way of melee in being hard to get ahold of). An engine with potentially even MORE options if Sakurai doesn't brawl all over it.
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