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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2011
Training Room
Streaming in less than an hour with my best friend. He's not that good, but he's going to play Pikachu, lol.
OM ****ing G! Did you really have the Zero Punctuation Metroid Other M Review as the background music for your Nofair stage?!? LMFAO

I would follow you if your were on twitch tv:reverse:


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
except, marth isn't a broken car in any way, and you're asking for your ferrari to be featured on pimp my ride.
Perfect example of how stupid smashboards is.....It's called an analogy dude. I never compared Marth to a Broken car that needs fixes. I was comparing the treatment of a good car "ferrari" for example that has some known issues pre-release. You know how you see those notices sometimes "x company is recalling all of product y". Well I simply see no point in releasing and recalling something if you KNOW there is an issue already. Read M2K, Niko, and Dr.PeePee..etc in Marth boards. They have some pretty epic posts explaining alot of his current issues in Melee where he is pretty good still but with some small but heavily exploitable issues. Read Umbreon's post after you've done all of this. Then try putting everything together.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
North Carolina
vigilante showed MK on stream today. MK's blade slashes are a new blueish color. you can air attack out of his teleport. side b doesnt send him into free fall but you cant do another B move after that (i think). he got his old up b back that attacks upward then lets him glide but it has a slightly differnt flight pattern. The upward slash doesnt look like a kill move. his glide attack looks like it has an "on hit" animtion after it hits that doesnt send him into free fall. his dair is a "Link-like" dair but it multy hits and sends him straight to the ground kinda like wario (the downward momentum). in the stream Vigilante was doing dair canceled teleports alot. it also looked like he dash attacked out of a teleport. MK's airial moves look like the same animations but fair and bair look like they have less knock back growth. He got a new dash attack BTW. it looks kinda like marios dash attack. Oh the tornado move looked like a decent kill move but it doesnt have too much priority and only the final hit is deadly. (it killed luigi at about 110% on smash vile with both fighters about half way to the top blast zone. but in the same battle luigi was caught in another tornado but naired out of it and killed MK. um thats all i remeber right now.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2010
I wasn't actually supposed to use him, lol. He's very experimental, so don't mind that I won't comment any further, lol.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Perfect example of how stupid smashboards is.....It's called an analogy dude. I never compared Marth to a Broken car that needs fixes. I was comparing the treatment of a good car "ferrari" for example that has some known issues pre-release. You know how you see those notices sometimes "x company is recalling all of product y". Well I simply see no point in releasing and recalling something if you KNOW there is an issue already. Read M2K, Niko, and Dr.PeePee..etc in Marth boards. They have some pretty epic posts explaining alot of his current issues in Melee where he is pretty good still but with some small but heavily exploitable issues. Read Umbreon's post after you've done all of this. Then try putting everything together.

LOOOL. dude, chill. it was a joke- i thought that was obvious enough lol

and for the record, i did read umbreons post, and i agree with what was said in it. marth isn't as good in p:m as he was in melee, but he's still good lol


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I personally think MK's nair is the only aerial that needs changed, and that after that I'd put fair and bair in priority. Dair and Uair are fine and can be worked with by giving them not ******** good frame data.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
LOOOL. dude, chill. it was a joke- i thought that was obvious enough lol

and for the record, i did read umbreons post, and i agree with what was said in it. marth isn't as good in p:m as he was in melee, but he's still good lol
I'm talking about the other 95% of the post but if you say you agreed I'm guessing it's with everything.

I R MarF

Smash Ace
Apr 2, 2010
At my house
TBH, just give Marth the stronger bair (Noticeably stronger bair, that is). Will probably be a quick, harmless change and would certainly shut me up. Umbreon is really right about how Marth being good is actually more relative than him actually being good.

In P:M, I see no incentive to play him other than character loyalty. What he is good at is outperformed by characters like D3, Ike, and ZSS


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
TBH, just give Marth the stronger bair (Noticeably stronger bair, that is). Will probably be a quick, harmless change and would certainly shut me up. Umbreon is really right about how Marth being good is actually more relative than him actually being good.

In P:M, I see no incentive to play him other than character loyalty. What he is good at is outperformed by characters like D3, Ike, and ZSS
Exactly. In Melee Marth is known as the Range guy. Without that he's just an extra.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
Exactly. In Melee Marth is known as the Range guy. Without that he's just an extra.
but he outshines Ike and ZSS with his grab game and edgeguarding, and is far more nimble than DDD will ever be.

I can almost guarentee that once the metagame develops, non of the melee top tiers will retain their crowns.

Time to play some new characters :D


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
but he outshines Ike and ZSS with his grab game and edgeguarding, and is far more nimble than DDD will ever be.

I can almost guarentee that once the metagame develops, non of the melee top tiers will retain their crowns.

Time to play some new characters :D
Ike, ZSS, and DDD are all not only unfinished but they are also unexplored and unmastered. I think it's not only possible but probable that within a few months to a year of Project Melee's release a good amount of players will be far better than the coder/testers with the exception of maybe 2. Who knows what they'll be able to do with the new/revamped returning characters. It's more than likely this list will look nothing like brawls tier list when things shape up. with that said it is historical that certain characters go from top to bottom. In fact it has kind of been the smash bros curse. from 64-melee-brawl the bulk of the top characters in each game become drastically worse in the next game.

I already stated that I would probably be playing pit when this is released but I still think Marth should at least be decent or just removed entirely at this point in place of roy. Since there is such a huge reluctance to change Marth and yet change people who are even with him that I just think it would be best to have a buffed Roy instead. Otherwise the buffs to the other characters follow no logic. It's a system of favorites and I like this character so I will make them S-tier kind of thing. Again.....how is it that favorites of certain developers are getting so many buffs that it's looking like we really will have to ad a SS tier.....Idk I find it a little fishy is all. Then again...it makes sense and in a project such as this it's bound to happen. I would like to say that I wouldn't make Rob, IC'd, G&W mediocre/terrible tier but if I was in control....who knows.....:cool::scared::smirk::c:urg::awesome::( ;)

Spacies will always be in the top 5. Wolf may even join them.


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
i still think spacies will be the best lol
they are the most likely to retain high positions, but the rest of the characters may struggle to keep up. Of all melee top tiers, i personally feel that falco is the most likely to be top 3 in PM. Fox might have some very tough MU's because of his recovery and ability to be comboed

Spacies will always be in the top 5. Wolf may even join them.
If wolf can join them, then the developers have done a VERY good job with him and people can safely assume that having a shine guarentees a character to be high tier.

Most of the top tiers havn't received any buffs, the only exceptions to this are peach, falcon and sheik. Peach/falcon were always low high tier, and sheik is still in development.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
spam, are you saying that the PMBR is biased towards certain characters? lol

-and why the hell would brawl's tier list look anything like p:m's tier list? its a different game entirely lol


Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
somewhere cold and dreary
if falco is top 3, and fox has Superior recovery to falco, falco > fox?

youre nuts
Falco has far better stage control than fox and can 0-death 95% of the cast, so he is more likely to retain his position than fox. I'm not saying fox will drop more than 1 or 2 places, but he may find some new MU's difficult

on another topic:

Bowser v Spacies: thoughts?


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
kinda hard to say.

Only saw a few matches with cmart's bowser vs spacies, and he did pretty well actually. One of them was cmart vs plank or something like that, bowser vs fox, and bowser won.. Overall it seems like bowser can hold his own because of range, and edgeguarding capability, but it's not like we've seen the most high level space animal play vs bowser.

dr.pp vs a super bowser player anyone? showmatch


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
If wolf can join them, then the developers have done a VERY good job with him and people can safely assume that having a shine guarentees a character to be high tier.

Most of the top tiers havn't received any buffs, the only exceptions to this are peach, falcon and sheik. Peach/falcon were always low high tier, and sheik is still in development.
Did I hear that right? You are giving Sheik a buff and arguing against a Buff for Marth..............................................................WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as for wolf yeah I'll agree. If he is at least 90% as good as Fox and falco I'll conclude the same thing pretty much.

spam, are you saying that the PMBR is biased towards certain characters? lol

-and why the hell would brawl's tier list look anything like p:m's tier list? its a different game entirely lol
Yes I am. bias for some prejudice against others. As I said though there really is no way for it to not happen. The only way possible would be if you had a giant team of devs and they broke off into mini-teams that works on each and every character. This is not a professional creation though it's a hobby for some and a project for others. They are doing the best they can to uphold and so far it's turning out great but fact is some could decide to make DK S-tier by design and...well there really is nothing anyone else can do or say about it. At the same time Mario for example could be kept at around C/D-tier level of play because...well nobody cares about mario...lol

and why the hell would it look like Brawl's tier list......I'm sorry why the hell did you ask me why the hell? I'm simply stating how each smash game has yielded completely different tournament success results and P:M which as you said is a different game entirely....will be no different......I'm not sure what you read..maybe you read something wrong........................idk.

if falco is top 3, and fox has Superior recovery to falco, falco > fox?

youre nuts
don't believe what you read on the 2010 NTSC. Fox is number 1 for no reason there. He does not have results supporting his first place placing. he should probably be moved under falco and puff tbh. In theory and if people ever get close enough to his full potential than yeah fox is the best character no matter what. It's up to the fox main's really. but for now Falco is much better. He's got better stage control do to lasers which basically motion people to where you want them. Then there is the fact that he is easier to play from a technical standpoint which make him more likely to keep his spot.

DJ will **** if he gets P:M bowser..

DJ Nintendo's Bowser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xy84UdD094


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
While Mow's opinion on Marth in PM is certain valid and worthy of consideration, we're not looking to buff Marth at this time. Just letting you know right now so that when the demo comes out you're not disappointed that nothing's been done. We would prefer to get solid (eventually external, public) testing done to confirm that we feel this is the case. So Demo2 Marth will in all likelihood just be Melee Marth, FYI.

Dr. PP will probably play at least some once we finish SCD and kb stacking, so Falco plays right.


Smash Hero
Dec 4, 2008
Wilmington, Delaware
oh I am not expecting any Marth changes for V.2 Demo. I am hoping that he will have something even if it's just....idk something. Maybe he can have some of his neutral B effect on his UpB at the end....It's kind of lame that people can just Bair your recovery or multi-shine it. I mean dude just dropped the ball by saying Sheik is getting buffed...considering sheik is overall above marth and considered a 90-10 MU(read Marth threads to get the joke).


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Did I hear that right? You are giving Sheik a buff and arguing against a Buff for Marth..............................................................WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Um, I think jalued is referring to Sheik's crawl and wall cling... both of which don't change Sheik much at all. Which haven't been removed from her because, like I said, don't really change anything for her. She has always been able to duck under lasers and has always been able to wall jump Fair, it's just "extending" those things which in the end don't add much to her like a Bair tipper buff would to Marth (a Bair tipper buff affects every match-up for Marth, whereas a crawl only affects like a handful of match-ups if not less than that for Sheik).


Project M Back Roomer
Nov 29, 2009
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Why? Crawling hasn't been proved to be broken or anything yet. It's just a small addition to Sheik, Yoshi, Wario, Luigi, Bowser, and a few other characters IIRC.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
It just seems to lower the value and dedication crouching has. Unless crawling does not CC, it's essentially a mobile defense.

Note: I'm not saying it's broken, but rather it has no place in the game's setting. It would be analogous to giving certain characters walking shields or being able to turn around mid AAA combo. Or something else that is minor but odd.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
I disagree with like 90% of the previous 200 posts in this thread.

Which is up from the average amount that I disagree with posts in this thread. (probably about 65-75% normally)

What is happening?


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
the amount of crying in this thread about people's mains is some of the most pathetic, depraved, disconcerting garbage i've read in this thread in a long time. outside of umbreon's post nothing that has been said has been constructive or useful not to mention most of you haven't even played project M's latest build making your comments seriously hot air. it was already said that umbreon hadn't played the PM build of marth with the fixed animations... and most of you crying about your alleged-low-tier-main haven't even PLAYED the game.

what i see is nothing more than a bunch of the SAME self entitled righteous forum-dwellers attempting to cry and moan all the way back home from walmart because mommy didn't buy you that expensive action figure. "maybe if i whine until her ears bleed, she'll have no choice but to turn the van around and go back buy it for me!" well guess what, you're not convincing NO ONE, *AND* you're not getting your toy. how does that feel?!

y'all talk like your PEOPLE are being PERSECUTED when it comes to your character.... seriously, drama much? what is going through your minds when you make posts like that? get some bloody perspective on what you're saying and make posts that don't sound like they're coming from a 10 year old that's getting pwned in a fighting game (oh wait.), and MAYBE someone will sit down and consider the content of your post.

seriously guys, what the ****?
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