*Shield thing is stopping my momentum. It's a spacing trick I'm practicing. :3
*Could you give some specifics regarding my static spacing?
*Yeah I derped my combo.
*I've tried this previously in other tournaments vs Okami. when I laser less he starts to gay me with WD back spam. I do agree that I need to be less pattern orientated with my lasers though.
Thanks for the feedback. :3
-That's a really good movement trick, and it's great that you are using it. Think you use it a little too much though. A lot of the times when you do it I think just dash wd in place or dash pivot or even just walking would be better. It's only really worth doing when you actually need the extra speed and precision it gives you. You should try to eliminate all the instances where it doesn't actually make you faster I guess.
Also just a thing to try if you feel like it: dash towards then away and shield stop sh AC bair. You can get the bair to extend really far pretty quickly and it's a great hitbox and pretty safe.
-Also sometimes you actually do just put up your shield from neutral postion without moving, when it really doesn't make sense to do so. Example: at 2:20 or so you do an uptilt and then shield right after. He dash attacks your shield and you miss the punish, and then you put up your shield again. Both of these times, he was far enough away that there was no immediate threat. Your main defense should be movement and active hitboxes; Treat shielding as a last resort. A good way to practice this is to spend a few matches not shielding at all, and just try really hard to not get hit. I think you'll be surprised how well you can get by without it.
This is also a perfect example of what I meant when I was talking about your spacing
being too static. It's kinda hard to give specific examples of what you should do differently in that regard, by the very nature of the thing. A general principle: you should try to obscure your active threat zones with unpredictable movement. By "active threat zone", I mean "all the spots on stage where you can put an attack faster than your opponent would be able to react to". On the object level, it mostly comes down to just moving a lot more from neutral postion. Just throw in more little dash dances, wave dashes, shield stop stuff is really good here, empty hops are good too. Last stock first game is a great example of you doing this right. Uhh I probably didn't explain that very well so if you need me to clarify I will.
-I really didn't pay very much attention to game 2 yesterday because I was tired but that was some damn fine falco there. good ****
-lasers. Okay so a pretty common thing people suggest is to try no laser falco for a while to make you appreciate lasers all the more, and I think this is good, but even better is to play minimal lasers falco. Try just not lasering very much, but only doing it when you really need it. So for example, if he starts wding back a lot when you shoot fewer lasers, try to start calling those and only shooting a laser when you think he's going to do it. The general principle here is to just make sure that every single laser you shoot has a purpose.