Nope lol I soak up all that juicy Falco experience when I get the rare chance to play Mango. =)
I'm half Italian, but yes my hands are pretty animated when I talk.
When we go see my mom's side of the family it's pretty funny LOL.
WTF! I didn't knew, come here Kevin!
Aldwyn talks with his hands a lot. All the Italian smashers I met do. I don't think they can help it
Actually I see most people around the world talk with their hands, but the main reason italians do it the most is just because it helps understand concepts, or making 'em stronger.
Like if I'm saying something like "Go f*ck yourself!", I'm going to raise my arm in some direction, so you can see where you have to "go and f*uck yourself", stuff like that. xD
There are also some gestures there are pretty clear and don't need words with them, like if I'm calling you to get near me, I'll do a gesture with my hand and arm, so you'll see and get here where I am.
We're cool.