Quick question regarding tech skill: What button inputs do y'all use to...
Shine OoS
Shine Bair/Dair
Shine shffl'd aerials
Ledgehop double lazers
Also, do you use up on the control stick to jump out of shine ever, and if so, when?
I'm not sure if the way I've been practicing my tech skill is optimal. For example, when I Ledgehop DL, I can't move my finger from X to B fast enough (I jump almost exclusively with X, should I learn to waveshine with Y or anything?), so what I've been doing is moving my index finger to Y and my thumb to B.
I can shine cancel / waveshine fine when practicing, but when I connect with it the hitlag screws with my timing and I miss the jump timing.
Any general tips would be nice too. Thanks in advance.
Shine OoS: Hold L -> Y -> B
Another option I don't use personally but seems like it would be effective is c-stick up to jump OoS and then as your thumb slides off the c-stick it will land right on be for the shine. For either one, if you are spot dodging try to just tilt down for the shine. It's really hard at first, but it pays off later, especially if you want to do stuff like grounded shines with Fox. Some people use up on the control stick to jump out of the shine, but I felt it was way too hard for Fox's jump because it's so much faster (you have to hit up to jump then press down to shine within 3 frames [5 for Falco]).
Shine Dair: Down+B -> Y -> Down+A
I keep down held the whole time, and because I use Y with the tip of my thumb, it's easy to press A asap.
Shine Bair: Down+B -> Up on control stick -> C-stick the bair
You can use the method for Shine Dairs instead, but I wouldn't recommend it. I learned to shine bair with Y and A and can still do it fine, but if you try to do it near a wall then you will wall jump trying to bair. A while ago I basically had to relearn how to shine bair just so I would stop wall jumping when I shine baired from ledges and stuff.
Shffled Aerials into Shines:
Just down+B and c-stick or A, depending on the situation. If I am doing something like an autocancelled bair where I want to aerial as soon as I get out of my shine, I will use A, but often times using A+Control Stick makes controlling your DI during the attack much more difficult. In those cases, I try to use the c-stick so I don't have to worry about tilting the control stick to both get the correct aerial as well as DI correctly. If you find yourself getting stuck in shine, make sure you aren't turning it around by accident, and learn to accommodate for the hitlag that is added when hitting opponents, and even more hitlag for when you're attacking shields.
Same as aerials, pretty much. I regularly wavedash with L and the control stick, and shining in between shouldn't really make you switch up how you do it. It just takes some practice to get from B to Y as quick as possible.
Ledge Hop Double Laser: Down to fast fall off of ledge -> Y -> B -> B (start DIing onto the stage any time after the first B press)
LHDLs seem to have a lot of things to keep track of and time correctly, but it really doesn't. The only thing that is difficult is shooting the first laser as soon as possible after you jump. How high the lasers go is determined by when you jump and how far you dropped before you do. The best way I would recommend to practice is to learn to Short Hop Double Laser with Fox; this will just give you a gauge of how fast you're shooting the first laser. Once you can SHDL with Fox, doing double lasers from the ledge with Falco will seem insanely easy.
Obviously if you use X, most of that won't really help. You can learn to claw, which I think is what you say you are doing. That is simply bringing your right index finger up onto Y or X so you can jump and press B without any trouble at all. I have never used that so I don't know what other impact it may have on your shielding/airdodging/l-cancelling/grabbing, but if it doesn't impact any of those it is definitely a reliable way of doing stuff that requires quick movements between jump and B.
also, is shine OoS easiest by rolling your thumb from Y to B?
See above.
I think I will have to create a tech skill thread so I can cover all the different options and stuff once and for all. lol