How do you battle people through Wifi?
QUESTION : How many new Pokemon are there?
ANSWER : 107, bringing the total to 493. An odd number, I know...
QUESTION : Can this game trade with Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, etc?
ANSWER : It can't do direct trades, but it can do one-way transfers from
your GBA game to your Diamond or Pearl game. You can only do this
after you have gotten the National Dex, by going to the Pal Park.
QUESTION : Will a _______ version of this work with a ________ Nintendo DS?
ANSWER : Yes. The Nintendo DS and all of its games are Region-free, so a
Nintendo DS will be able to play DS games of any language.
QUESTION : Can you trade between a Japanese Diamond and an American one?
ANSWER : Yes, you can.
QUESTION : Where is the Pokemon Day Care in this game? Where do I get Eggs?
ANSWER : The Pokemon Day Care can be found in Solaceon Town.
QUESTION : I go and start a New Game, but it isn't letting me save!
ANSWER : For some reason, you are now unable to save your game if you
already have a save file. You'll need to erase your existing save
file first. To do so, at the title screen (where it shows either
Dialga or Palkia), hold in the following buttons:
You will then be asked if you wish to erase your saved game. If you
say yes, you will erase the save, and will be able to start a New
Game AND be able to save it.
QUESTION : What is the Pokerus?
ANSWER : The Pokerus is a very rare virus that Pokemon can catch that
increases the rate at which their stats grow. It has the same
effect as giving a Pokemon the Macho Brace in Ruby/Sapphire, except
without the decrease in Speed. On a more technical level, it
doubles the EVs you get in battle. The Pokerus will spread to any
Pokemon in your party that hasn't yet caught it, and the virus will
go away after 24 to 48 hours, unless the Pokemon is kept inside of
a Box in the PC. If you catch the Pokerus, it's strongly
recommended that you spread it to other Pokemon, and then keep some
of them in your PC so you can spread it as often as you like.
QUESTION : Can I complete the Sinnoh Dex with only one of the versions?
ANSWER : Yes, you can! Although you cannot catch all 150 Sinnoh Pokemon in
any one of the two games, you are able to SEE all 150 of them in
either of the versions. Please read the following question for a
list of where some tricky-to-find Pokemon can be found if you need
to know where they're at.
QUESTION : Where do I find Drifloon (#65)?
ANSWER : You can find a wild Drifloon every Friday, in the Valley Power
Plant, after earning at least 2 Badges. It is a sprite and not in
the tall grass, so you shouldn't have any difficulty seeing it. The
only Trainers that use Drifloon in the Sinnoh mainland are in
Yosuga City Gym, so if you missed out seeing one there, you will
need to catch it on a Friday in the wild in order for it to count
as being seen for your Sinnoh Dex.
QUESTION : Where do I find Cranidos (#36) or Shieldon (#38)?
ANSWER : In Sinnoh Underground. Rarely, you may find a fossil down there.
Take the fossil to the Oreburgh Museum and talk to the scientist,
select the fossil you wish to revive, and then step outside for a
second (make sure you have an empty slot in your party). Then, go
back inside and talk to the scientist again and he will give you
the revived fossil, at Level 20. Cranidos is in Diamond, and
Shieldon is in Pearl.
QUESTION : Can I get more than one fossil per game?
ANSWER : Yes. You can find an unlimited number of fossils in Sinnoh
QUESTION : Where do I find Combee (#53), Aipom (#63), or Burmy (#45)?
ANSWER : Use one Sweet Honey on a golden tree (found all throughout Sinnoh),
then wait 9 - 12 (more or less) hours. The tree should be shaking
then. Examine the shaking tree and a fight will start, and one of
the Pokemon there might be one of the said Pokemon. Saving before
examining the tree and then resetting will not change the Pokemon
that is in the tree, although it will change the Level and Gender
of the Pokemon.
QUESTION : Where do I find Unown (#114)?
ANSWER : This one gets asked a lot, surprisingly enough, but that's mainly
because no Trainer in the game uses one. You can find Unown in the
Solaceon Ruins (section 7.3.).
QUESTION : Where can I see Dialga (#149) or Palkia (#150)?
ANSWER : You will fight, as well as get a chance to capture, Dialga in
Mt. Coronet before earning the 8th Badge in Pokemon Diamond. In
Pokemon Pearl, you encounter Palkia instead. After beating the
Elite Four, you can speak with an old lady in Celestic Town to see
a picture of the one that you didn't encounter, which will count
towards completing your Sinnoh Pokedex.
QUESTION : In battle, on the bottom screen, why are my Poke Balls shaking?
ANSWER : It means that they're close in EXP to gaining a Level. Nothing
more. I find that it's kind of helpful for letting me know who's
close so I can gain that Level really quick.
QUESTION : How do I trade over Wi-Fi?
ANSWER : In the basement of any Pokemon Center (after getting 1 Gym Badge, I
think), talk with one of the receptionists and you'll be given the
Pal Pad.
In there, there should be three options. The first one shows your
friends that you have added, the second one allows you to add
someone's name and Friend Code, and the third shows you your own
Friend Code. Both you and the person you are trading with will need
to add each other to your friends list by using the second option.
Then, talk with either of the two receptionists on the left side of
the basement and say yes to their stuff and you will go online.
It will then show nothing, although you will be able to set your
status to "looking for trade," or "looking for battle" (I forget
how you do this). One player will need to set their status to
"looking for trade" (the recursive arrows). When the second player
gets on Wi-Fi, it will show both players online on each DS and the
second player should have to press A on the first player and then a
trade should start (perhaps after a prompt).
In the trade, you select one of your Pokemon, he or she selects one
of his or her Pokemon, and then the trade commences.
QUESTION : If I were to transer my pokemon from one of the GBA games, would
the hold item be transferred with it?
ANSWER : Yes, every part of the Pokemon remains intact when you transfer it
over to Diamond or Pearl by using the Pal Park. This includes its
nickname, gender, held item, moves, stats, and so on.