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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
Lucario and Blaziken would be the most logical, I just think Blaziken has the most you could mould with.
Lucario is also a good choice, but he's pretty bland really.
Blaziken's dual type with fire and fighting means he could have a very varied movepool, mixing powerful kicks and his fire powers.
He's a tad more interesting, while Lucario has the cool element.
It could do with a cute one to appear in Brawl though from Gen 3 or 4.
I think perhaps Jirachi if they were to put Lucario in, or Manaphy if they were to put Blaziken in.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2007
Miami, FL
Lucario and Blaziken would be the most logical, I just think Blaziken has the most you could mould with.
Lucario is also a good choice, but he's pretty bland really.
Blaziken's dual type with fire and fighting means he could have a very varied movepool, mixing powerful kicks and his fire powers.
He's a tad more interesting, while Lucario has the cool element.
Er? Have you seen Lucario in action in the series? He's far more interesting a fighter than Blaziken.

Being a steel/fighting type that also has a psychic affinity makes Lucario's moveset even more varied than Blaziken(who would basically be just a Poke-fired Captain Falcon). Lucario's movement is also more interesting, it's somwhat similar to a ninja's.

Well now that Deoxys is no longer a possibility as playable, the list was dropped in 'most wanted'.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Er? Have you seen Lucario in action in the series? He's far more interesting a fighter than Blaziken.

Being a steel/fighting type that also has a psychic affinity makes Lucario's moveset even more varied than Blaziken(who would basically be just a Poke-fired Captain Falcon). Lucario's movement is also more interesting, it's somwhat similar to a ninja's.

Well now that Deoxys is no longer a possibility as playable, the list was dropped in 'most wanted'.
. . .Lucario aint psychic. That was only one Lucario from that movie who learned to talk like that.

And all Lucario did in that movie was use the arue ball. . . and run/jump around like a ninja :ohwell:.

Hell, if we are going to pag Blaze a CF pokemon than we might as well pag Lucario as a light ball tossing Star Fox pokemon (They run alike, are both short - mid sized and use fighting moves. . .like omgs!!!).

He doesn't find Lucario's fighting style interesting. . .big deal.:ohwell:
I think Blaze is more interesting as well. . . so?
Good vid for the moment.
(I will be back with a Blaze vid)


Smash Cadet
Jul 13, 2007
But look at Lucario's varied movepool, it can use fighting moves,psychic,water,dark,rock,steel,ground and normal.

Blaziken can use fire, fighting,flying,normal IIRC

Lucario's movepool has much more variety.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
But look at Lucario's varied movepool, it can use fighting moves,psychic,water,dark,rock,steel,ground and normal.

Blaziken can use fire, fighting,flying,normal IIRC

Lucario's movepool has much more variety.
. . . .Mewtwo can use a crap load more moves than he has but would it really fit his character to bust out with a attack like surf/ Fire Blast/ Thunder or w/e?

Pika can learn some ground attacks too but does he have them in smash?

Really, Lucario would have moves that go with his character most likely just like all the other pokemon (as in fighting moves like the arue ball and steel moves like metal sound or w/e).

Oh, and here. .
Blaze can learn poison/ dark/ ghost/ ground/ GRASS/ rock and psychic moves + the types you listed.
Would it make much sense if she did solar beam/ shadow claw/ poison jab and w/e just because she could learn them in the games?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
Er? Have you seen Lucario in action in the series? He's far more interesting a fighter than Blaziken.

Being a steel/fighting type that also has a psychic affinity makes Lucario's moveset even more varied than Blaziken(who would basically be just a Poke-fired Captain Falcon). Lucario's movement is also more interesting, it's somwhat similar to a ninja's.

Well now that Deoxys is no longer a possibility as playable, the list was dropped in 'most wanted'.
Fair enough, I guess Blaziken would just be like Bowser/Falcon mix.
About Lucario, that's the anime, the anime mess everything up, they're not canon. Lucario has the cool element, but realistically he'd be a bit unimaginative.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
but besides the point a steel/ fighting dog looking thing would be pretty cool. with aura sphere, extremespeed, dragon pulse, force palm. close combat. he would be one heck of a fighter


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
It's been a few pages, so I have to stop in and remind you all:

And I think seein' him wield at least one Psychic move wouldn't be out of character for Lucario. Part of his character in the movie seemed a bit psychic in nature...

And in DP I felt it was very fitting when the Lucario in the elite four POUNDED me with Psychic. Didn't know he could learn that at the time, but it seemed accurate enough.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
Fair enough, I guess Blaziken would just be like Bowser/Falcon mix.
About Lucario, that's the anime, the anime mess everything up, they're not canon. Lucario has the cool element, but realistically he'd be a bit unimaginative.
Not canon? Pikachu was in the past 2 smash bros. because he was the most popular from the Anime. They dont go by the games, because a crap pokemon could be popular and make it to Brawl.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Not canon? Pikachu was in the past 2 smash bros. because he was the most popular from the Anime. They dont go by the games, because a crap pokemon could be popular and make it to Brawl.
. . . Pika is THE pokemon mascot for EVERYTHING pokemon.:ohwell:
Not just because it's in the anime. . .

Going by that logic Meowth would have made it in jpuff's place 2 games ago.

An my comment about character was directed at the pokemon breed in a whole. . . not "well one in the anime did something like it so it's apart of it's character".:dizzy:

And I agree with part of Sgt.Frog post. Yeah, I do think Lucario would be bland and would must likely let many of his fans down (ones expecting him to use every powerful attack of random type attacks he can learn from the game) but I don't see Blaze being a CF+Browser character.

If anything I see Blaze using her kicks and legs about as much as Sheik with some flashy moves (both fire and non-fire) and maybe 2 ranged fire projectiles.

Edit- I really don't know how the person under me got that "logic" out of my post. . .


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
And I agree with part of Sgt.Frog post. Yeah, I do think Lucario would be bland and would must likely let many of his fans down (ones expecting him to use every powerful attack of random type attacks he can learn from the game) but I don't see Blaze being a CF+Browser character.

If anything I see Blaze using her kicks and legs about as much as Sheik with some flashy moves (both fire and non-fire) and maybe 2 ranged fire projectiles.
Honestly, I think if we go off of what we know about the characters in this fashion, what we have here is-
Lucario: Fox Clone with a charging projectile and regular projectile
Blaziken: Captain Falcon Clone with projectile and/or short burst ala Bowser

...I don't think either choice is more desirable than the other, really, if we're gonna hinge it on this logic.
All in all I just think Lucario's cooler. That's all. I don't think he'd be any more bland or unoriginal than any other pokemon you're going to find, and I like him, so I hope I get to play as him.



Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
Not canon? Pikachu was in the past 2 smash bros. because he was the most popular from the Anime. They dont go by the games, because a crap pokemon could be popular and make it to Brawl.
That's pretty much how Pichu got in, not necessarily Mewtwo, as he's the 150th pokemon.
Meh, I thought Pika was the mascot anyway.
Why they follow the anime IDK, It phails.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York

I know he has like a -300% chance of getting in, but honestly, any pokemon who can kick your *** with a leek is Chuck-Norris-y in my book.

I would SO totally main him.

And yes, I'm dead serious.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
That's pretty much how Pichu got in, not necessarily Mewtwo, as he's the 150th pokemon.
Meh, I thought Pika was the mascot anyway.
Why they follow the anime IDK, It phails.
Pika= Pokemon mascott for everything pokemon.
Mewtwo= Pokemons one true villian.
Jpuff= Pokemon highly popular in Japan at the time.
Pichu= 2nd gen baby pokemon that rips the main Character (Pika) much like how Doc and Y,Lonk rip Mario and Link.

Heres my Pichu reasons. . .
"1. Melee was rushed so they where strapped for time. In order to get in the most that they could they made (you guessed it) clones. And because of this they did this the following. . .

2. The main character from each of the top 3 series got cloned because they are the most popular from those series. The only logical chioces for pokemon was either Raichu or Pichu and of the 2 Pichu was the only one that could rep the 2nd gen by being a baby.(Yes, Rai did end up on the melee polls well Pichu didn't. . ) "

As in the anime didn't play much importance. They needed a clone of the pokemon's main character and it's between Rai and Pichu. . . one reps something new and the other doesn't.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
for all thoses who think lucario does not have "OMG HE SO COLLZZ "fans.
look at the above poster,his rerason for lucario being in: "cause he is cool"

just had to point that out.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007

I know he has like a -300% chance of getting in, but honestly, any pokemon who can kick your *** with a leek is Chuck-Norris-y in my book.

I would SO totally main him.

And yes, I'm dead serious.
I think anyone with a soul would main him. I really do.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I'd love to play as Farfetch'd.
Too bad he's so... err... what was the word again...

Actually, did anyone ever realize how strange the title is, really?
"Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?"

Did you ever see a Pokemon work hard to become a big star? Actually, that might just be how Jiggly got in...

If it's about "deserving" to be in, Spoink should be a candidate. Those poor things die if they stop bouncing! Awwwww!


Smash Rookie
Jul 7, 2007
I know it's unlikely, but I'd like to see 3rd and 4th generation not represented, they're mainly made of clones and weird art styles. I don't know maybe it's me hating anime and such, but Lucario doesn't seem like a pokemon, I don't know what he is really. So I'll reiterate, cubone or no other additional pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
for all thoses who think lucario does not have "OMG HE SO COLLZZ "fans.
look at the above poster,his rerason for lucario being in: "cause he is cool"

just had to point that out.
Everything has fans just becuase they think said thing is cool. Hell, it's probably the main reason anything has fans at all :laugh:. Yes, we can try to justify ourselves with sum fancy logic-shmogic, because we all like to look smart, but deep down, most people like things merely because it made a good impression in them. Which is why it's so difficult to use reasoning to convince a fan that his "thing" is actually awful, and why it's also so hard to convince a hater that something is actually not so bad: 'cause reason has nothing at all to do with likes and dislikes ;).

I myself support Lucario simply because I like him better than pretty much any other candidate save for Mewtwo and Gardevoir. I can try to analyze the reasons why I like him, of course, but in the end of the day, the thing is, I support him just because he "is cool", in your words, and logic be ****ed :p

Oh, and Gardevoir for Brawl :)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Lucario would be kewl; could replace falco.
I support Lucario for Brawl.

But if Falco gets cut from Brawl, and it's somehow determined that it's Lucario's fault (I don't know how), I'm booting up my Pokemon Diamond game, pitting my Lucario against the Elite Four all by himself and letting his *** get kicked.

Do you want that on your conscience? DO YOU?!

I know it would accomplish nothing, but it would make me feel better.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Everything has fans just becuase they think said thing is cool. Hell, it's probably the main reason anything has fans at all :laugh:. Yes, we can try to justify ourselves with sum fancy logic-shmogic, because we all like to look smart, but deep down, most people like things merely because it made a good impression in them. Which is why it's so difficult to use reasoning to convince a fan that his "thing" is actually awful, and why it's also so hard to convince a hater that something is actually not so bad: 'cause reason has nothing at all to do with likes and dislikes ;).

I myself support Lucario simply because I like him better than pretty much any other candidate save for Mewtwo and Gardevoir. I can try to analyze the reasons why I like him, of course, but in the end of the day, the thing is, I support him just because he "is cool", in your words, and logic be ****ed :p

Oh, and Gardevoir for Brawl :)
Perfectly acceptable way to be. Frankly I was just hooked on Lucario the minute I heard his Japanese title and saw that it basically meant HADOKEN POKEMON ELOL. And then I saw him do some sweet backflips and it was all downhill from there. ;)

Really, like you said, this is pretty much the reason most people like most any character. Long as you recognize how much of your opinion is subjective and how much is objective, no harm done. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
Deoxys has already been confirmed to get out of a Pokeball,Meowth already came out of a pokeball in the n64 version of Smash Bros. We had Pichu in Melee,why Pichu Bros. I would go with Lucario since he has the same move as Mewtwo,but Mew should be in the game....but he came out of a pokeball in Melee and N64,soooooooo Lucario for BRAWL!,HULK HOGAN FOR BRAWL,BRAWL FOR BRAWL,POWER PUFF GIRLS FOR BRAWL,TELETUBBIES FOR BRAWL,BARNEY FOR BRAWL


Dec 19, 2002
FYI, Lucario doesn't share moves with Mewtwo. Well in the game, Mewtwo can also learn Aura Sphere, but they are completely different.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Carnivine-Replaces Electrode as the 'SPLOIDY TIME! Pokemon.
Munchlax-Stockpile and Spit Up. Gets nearest brawler in its mouth, then spits it out without remarkable force.
Probopass-Causes all brawlers to attempt to gouge their eyes out.
Lunatone&Solrock-COZMIK POWAH! Bunches of shooting stars fall on arena


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Everything has fans just becuase they think said thing is cool. Hell, it's probably the main reason anything has fans at all :laugh:. Yes, we can try to justify ourselves with sum fancy logic-shmogic, because we all like to look smart, but deep down, most people like things merely because it made a good impression in them. Which is why it's so difficult to use reasoning to convince a fan that his "thing" is actually awful, and why it's also so hard to convince a hater that something is actually not so bad: 'cause reason has nothing at all to do with likes and dislikes ;).

I myself support Lucario simply because I like him better than pretty much any other candidate save for Mewtwo and Gardevoir. I can try to analyze the reasons why I like him, of course, but in the end of the day, the thing is, I support him just because he "is cool", in your words, and logic be ****ed :p

Oh, and Gardevoir for Brawl :)
I just say this because there are a lot of peeps who use the "he is just cool" thing as a negitve,but i see your point in they have to be cool to have fans.

If lucario replaces falco, i will officialy HATE LUCARIO, i am ok with him now,but falco>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>lucario

Gannondorf the fifth

Smash Apprentice
Jul 1, 2006
So, has anyone mentioned Steelix yet? He's by far huge, awesome, would do serious damage, Oh did i mention wayyyy cooler then onyx and lastly, not on that poll.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 18, 2007
I actually watched the Lucario & Mew film on CN earlier, and I now believe if they were to include a 4th gen 'mon, he should be it.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
*points at Gardevoir and probably Darkrai and Lopunny and the fact that most of the Pokemon on the poll have no chance at all*


Smash Cadet
Jul 21, 2007
Whereas Pikachu and Pichu hold relevance, I see no reason to have Mew as well as Mewtwo.

Jigglypuff seems a waste to me. Her priority attacks are strong, and while her Roll-Out may be useful in LIMITED situations, she's just not in the game. A wasted character in my opinion.

Pichu also hits my books as a wasted character. Honestly, the little guy HURTS itself? It's speed makes it a force to be reckon with among players picking up the controller for the first time, but to a smart player, it's a waiting game.

Pikachu HAS potential to be good, and while I don't play as Pikachu, I can safely say it isn't a wasted character.

Mewtwo also has potential, though less than Pikachu in my opinion. His jumping ability is far too strong in many cases, and needs alleviation with its Up-B, thus leaving a major opening. It's Shadow Ball (?) is strong and tricky at times, but knocks Mewtwo back a notch or two, rendering him useless for at least 2 seconds--enough time to Side-Step, Wave Dash, Dodge Roll, jump over, etc. the Shadow Ball without worry. Other than that, his other attacks seem to be fairly laggy, though, I'm no expert in the area of Mewtwo.

I believe combining all Poke'mon elements into a Mew (as it can use Metronome) would be an interesting take. All that aside, if Jigglypuff deserves to be in Smash Bros, Mew CERTAINLY deserves a spot.



Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Whereas Pikachu and Pichu hold relevance, I see no reason to have Mew as well as Mewtwo.

Jigglypuff seems a waste to me. Her priority attacks are strong, and while her Roll-Out may be useful in LIMITED situations, she's just not in the game. A wasted character in my opinion.
So she has godlike priority and a semi usefull move. How the crap is she a wasted character?
Pichu also hits my books as a wasted character. Honestly, the little guy HURTS itself? It's speed makes it a force to be reckon with among players picking up the controller for the first time, but to a smart player, it's a waiting game.
So forcing the player to play a waiting and baiting game is bad?
Pikachu HAS potential to be good, and while I don't play as Pikachu, I can safely say it isn't a wasted character.
So you're saying he has potential, even though you don't have play experience as him?
Mewtwo also has potential, though less than Pikachu in my opinion. His jumping ability is far too strong in many cases, and needs alleviation with its Up-B, thus leaving a major opening. Say what? Him having good recovery is bad? When you fly as easily as Mewtwo, you usually never have a chance o even use that recover.
It's Shadow Ball (?) is strong and tricky at times, but knocks Mewtwo back a notch or two, rendering him useless for at least 2 seconds--enough time to Side-Step, Wave Dash, Dodge Roll, jump over, etc. the Shadow Ball without worry. How does his inability to move make it easier to dodge the attack? You shoot the thing and you go flying back, while your opponent get's nailed by the shadow ball, giving you more than enough time to follow it p.
Other than that, his other attacks seem to be fairly laggy, though, I'm no expert in the area of Mewtwo.
Then use his near godlike tilts, his first jab, or shffle the teleport.
I believe combining all Poke'mon elements into a Mew (as it can use Metronome) would be an interesting take. All that aside, if Jigglypuff deserves to be in Smash Bros, Mew CERTAINLY deserves a spot.
Mew? How the crap did he join this? And what does he have to do with the Jiggernaught?

You phail'd, please come back and try again.
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