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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
thats how the pokemon system works. people suggest the same three pokemon repeatedly and bash anyone else who didn't pick their pokemon also...

oh and DEOXYS FO BRAWL!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2007
Buu, I think Meowth not appear in Brawl as selectionable character u_u

Probably he appear as assist... but inside in a pokeball is more factible xD


I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
while i doubt it will be happening...
i would really like for Jigglypuff to come back as a playable...
i really enjoyed playing as Jiggsy because its sucha silly character...
i wont be horribly surprised if Jiggsy isnt back...
but i will be a litle dissapointed...:dizzy:
buy eyy...
its not like i wont buy the came just because one character isnt there, right???:p
sorry if this was opptopic or in the wrong place or any of that sort of stuff...

I Like Smash...

Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2007
Baltimore, MD
don't worry, jiggly will come back, he always comes back..... HE WON'T DIE!!!!!
i certainly hope so...
if he isnt playable...
an AT is ok, but still not quite the same...
but at the same time it would give me another reason to play as Pit...:)
as for any Pokemon newcomers...
i dont really know the new Pokemon...
i always thought Hitmonlee was cool looking...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
*sigh* IDK or really understand what that wall of text PUS made was about but heres my take on it. . .

Your saying that the ONLY choices for 4th gen are the ones we knew of like years ago right? Because of marketing and w/e form the anime or movies or what not right?

WELL, I could use Roy as proof that a character from a new game (unreleased well smash was being made) with no (if any) fanbase could get in because Sakurai wants it.
But Im not going to expand upon that. . .:dizzy:

But to sum up my last post, I am very much sure that Sakurai didn't wait till "October or November" to pick out all the characters that are getting in (or that he is limated to that time spand to not toss out or change things) nor do I think any of us can actually say that "w/e and so-and-so are the only ones he can choice from" when it comes to the big 3.
Really, like I said before, I think all of us are over thinking this.

(But well we are on the subject of time limates and crap I would like to say that I live in Chicago and I knew what Buneary/ Lopunny was last summer. . .Im pretty sure that if it is Jpuff hot in Japan that it got that hot pretty fast)

But even if it's about "marketing" ( I showed you popular 2nd pokemon on the melee polls that I know was used more for marketing than Pichu by the way) what does that do for Lucario? Yeah, he was in a movie 2 years ago. . . this is 07 and we knew of Darkrai sence mid 06 because he is the star of the next movie.
So by that logic he would be used to "market" the 4th gen right? I mean, he is the star of the first true 4th gen movie which comes out the year DP hits world wide (it comes out this Month) so he would be good for "marketing" right?

It's funny really, you are the 2nd Lucario "yes man" I have ever seen.
First it's "pokemon newcomers will have to be popular in both the US/ UK and Japan". But now that you see he aint liked in Japan and that his fanbase here has been falling sence winter 06 you run to "his fanbase most likely was really high in the time they where picking" as a guess-a-mation of when Sakurai stopped.
And now I hear the "Fanbase doesn't matter as much as marketing! And Lucario + w/e where the only pokemon from the 4th gen that we knew of for how ever long before what I think was the end of character picks so they are the only choices" reason. . .

Really, IDK where you are on this topic.:confused:
Here is the melee pokemon ranking.
Pika-Mascott for the pokemon series.
Jpuff-Popular in Japan.
M2-Popular AND is the villain of the series.
Pichu-Rip of the main mascott and reps baby pokemon in the 2nd gen.

Now, the 2nd gen was out in Japan for 2 years and out here a whole year before melee. IDK how Pichu was used to "market" a game that has been out for at least a year world wide:ohwell:. Pichu was added NOT because it was popular, NOT because it was used to market the 2nd gen the most (it wasn't used much for that at all) but because . . .

1. Melee was rushed so they where strapped for time. In order to get in the most that they could they made (you guessed it) clones. And because of this they did this the following. . .

2. The main character from each of the top 3 series got cloned because they are the most popular from thos series. The only logical chioces for pokemon was either Raichu or Pichu and of the 2 Pichu was the only one that could rep the 2nd gen by being a baby.

So I see using Pichu as a example for why Lucario would get in for marketing as pretty moot.

And for the record micah is right for the most part. Pokemon doesn't really have many set main characters. I think it has more to do with popularity and/or repping different/ new things in the newer gens and less to do with "marketing" because of how "Pokemon is a cash cow" according to a few here.:p

(And your rants about Lopunny porn is getting old. . .fast. I can hit you up with a pic of Pika giving "Jebuss" a BJ so why does this matter to you? (I saw that Pic as the 2nd pic that came up for a google search on Pika I might add))

Edit- ANY WHY moving on to one of my favs. . .Darkrai.
New pic from a new trailer.

Add yea, he has legs.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I'm saying this only in the case of 4th generation Pokemon. Perhaps I didn't elaborate clearly what I'm talking about.
To summarize, I believe the character list was finalized late in the fall of last year.

Belifes are not fact, and i doubt it is still finalized as of today

If that is the case, no fanbases would have had time to truly develop for any of the D/P pokemon not known about before game release in Japan.
You would be surprised how quick fanbases arise. Plus JPN had it,so that would mean whatever JPN thought was cool would get,meaning lucario would not be in :p

Marketing is MUCH more of an influence than fanbase. Because Pokemon is purely a cash cow.
Ahh marketing and fanbase go hand in hand, you market what is popular,and what is popular would be based on fans. Why would you market somthing that does not have a fan base. Never start a company of your own anytime soon.


Smash Rookie
Jul 7, 2007
Call me old fashioned, but I really think the pokemon series "jumpedtheshark" after 2nd generation. All of the pokemon from the 1st one seemed perfect, the second seemed like it had a few clones and odd ones, and the 3rd and 4th generations really just had weird art styles and recycled pokemon from the previous generations. For this reason I voted cubone although I'd be happy with any 1st generation pokemon, because he owns, and doesn't look like a freak. I really don't like any of the pokemon from 3rd and 4th generations, they just deviate too much from the original.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2007
aw you forgot bulbasaur and squirtle, or at least there evolved forms! they should be in brawl. but at least my fasve pokemon pikachu is in all 3 games.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
this is 07 and we knew of Darkrai sence mid 06 because he is the star of the next movie.
No. That's BS. People first heard about Darkrai shortly after D/P was released in Japan, when someone hacked the game, and found it. It was officially announced by Nintendo early this year.
(And your rants about Lopunny porn is getting old. . .fast. I can hit you up with a pic of Pika giving "Jebuss" a BJ so why does this matter to you? (I saw that Pic as the 2nd pic that came up for a google search on Pika I might add))
But that's WHY Lopunny is popular. And it's not really an argument as much as the reason I wouldn't want Lopunny in Brawl.
I admit to making some assumptions, but doesn't everyone?
Please give me proof that Lucario's fanbase is fading, and that Lopunny's is larger. Those are your assumptions, as unprovable as my own.

WELL, I could use Roy as proof that a character from a new game (unreleased well smash was being made) with no (if any) fanbase could get in because Sakurai wants it.
But Im not going to expand upon that. .
Are you trying to have it both ways? Saying Lopunny will be in Brawl because of its massive fanbase, and then saying fanbase doesn't matter, because Lopunny will get in if Sakurai likes it. What if Sakurai saw Probopass, and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread?
And you still can't get around the fact that Lucario is winning this poll. It doesn't matter to me, but using your "fanbase is everything" school of thought, Lucario will be in Brawl.
Ahh marketing and fanbase go hand in hand, you market what is popular,and what is popular would be based on fans
Plusle and Minun were on a great deal of the Pokemon marketing and merchandise, yet have never been very popular. The marketing of Pokemon tends not to utilize internet polls.

Another point I have to make is that internet fanbase is only the tip of the iceberg, especially with regards to Pokemon. Lucario may be HUGELY popular among the mass of ten-year-olds who bought D/P, but we wouldn't know, would we? The internet is NOT an accurate tool for gauging popularity. If it was, Ron Paul would be a lock for the Republican nomination for president.
It's funny really, you are the 2nd Lucario "yes man" I have ever seen.
That's almost as bad as koarin's insult. Almost.
My position is not out of love for Lucario, it's out of recognition that Lucario's inclusion in Brawl is inevitable.
Now, I'm going to ignore you, because you're a Lopunny fundamentalist (probly the only one).

Now, I'd like to bring up the much happier topic of Meowth.
Meowth is cool.
Meowth throws coins.
Meowth has a guitar and a song in his heart.
Meowth is the brains of Team Rocket.
Meowth is a talking alley cat with claws of fury.
In conclusion, support Meowth. Or suffer feline fury.

Lupo Aro

Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2005
I doubt Darkrai will make it in Brawl, as I highly doubt he will be made public anywhere besides Japan by the time the game comes out. It's too bad, given that Darkrai is one of my faves.

Link to this new trailer please.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 30, 2007
charizard sounds like a good pick, but i'd also like to see my fave kanto pokemon other than pikachu and the 3 starters, machop! or his evolved form machoke! Or the four armed monster, MACHAMP!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
pinaple, i took a short class on markiting,so i think i know how to market.

its not a lucario yes man,it's lucario facist. :p


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
I'd really like to see Deoxys in Brawl. He could transform inot his different forms like Zelda did to become Shiek. EEach form would be completely different. But thats just me.


Smash Rookie
Jul 5, 2007
I'd really like to see Deoxys in Brawl. He could transform inot his different forms like Zelda did to become Shiek. EEach form would be completely different. But thats just me.
I want Deoxys also. I think that Lucario isn't as cool as Deoxys but chances are Lucario will get the spot.:(


Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2007
Why not go with Dragonite? He is awesome in all the Pokemon games he's in. Also, why not have a heavier Pokemon in Brawl? It's been Pikachu and Jigglypuf (both small), then Pichu and Mewtwo (smaller mouse and a guy that can float). Show some love for the hefty ones!
dragonite can fly ****** thats practically like floating but more in a jigglypuff way


Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2007
i voted for lucario but blazekin is my 3rd genre fav. for the brawl
ive made a very good move set for all his moves but i wont post it unless someone ask,,,i guess


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
No. That's BS. People first heard about Darkrai shortly after D/P was released in Japan, when someone hacked the game, and found it. It was officially announced by Nintendo early this year.
*sigh* Well SORRY if I don't see 9-10 months ago as being that much different than a year. Late 07. . .

But that's WHY Lopunny is popular. And it's not really an argument as much as the reason I wouldn't want Lopunny in Brawl.
I admit to making some assumptions, but doesn't everyone?
Please give me proof that Lucario's fanbase is fading, and that Lopunny's is larger. Those are your assumptions, as unprovable as my own.
My "proof" (but much more perfered to be called "base for stating this") is that many places I go to that where all "Yayyyss, Lucario!!" now only come up with very few post on the few topics that seem to be more like "Why do people want Lucario?" or "Lucario . . .".
This topics have a whole lot of people going "Im meh on Lucario" or " I like w/e more" before they die a 1-2 page death.
And my claims on Luponny lay soley on Japan. . . but I point to the Lopunny porn to show some amount of fame (again, porn=/= making something popular. . . it's the other way around).

Are you trying to have it both ways? Saying Lopunny will be in Brawl because of its massive fanbase, and then saying fanbase doesn't matter, because Lopunny will get in if Sakurai likes it. What if Sakurai saw Probopass, and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread?
And you still can't get around the fact that Lucario is winning this poll. It doesn't matter to me, but using your "fanbase is everything" school of thought, Lucario will be in Brawl.
Sorry lil man but you can't twist this up on me.
I was clearly pointing out that your BS about there only being like w/e amount of 4th gen pokemon Sakurai can add was untrue. YOU are the one thats talking about marketting and time limates and what not.
And Im sorry to say this but this 1100 vote poll =/= everything US/UK has to say about pokemon in smash. The Nsider (which is much larger and what not) is most likely the place he would have looked to and thats one of the "Lucario aint to hot now" places I was talking about.

Oh, and I said fanbase and/or being able to actually REP something (Pichu= baby pokemon which = something brand new to the 2nd gen) is probly what will matter.

That's almost as bad as koarin's insult. Almost.
Humm, than I guess you wouldn't like the other word Im thinking of:ohwell:

I would just saying that it's ALWAYS something different with you once one stand gets blown away.
"Lucario is a mascot for the 4th gen" Not really. Theres others. . .many others at that that could rep the 4th gen logically.
"Lucario is popular" Thats been going down hill sence last year. . .
"Lucario was one of the only 6 or w/e pokemon Sakurai CAN choose from" Complete BS.
"Lucario is used to market w/e" So are others and marketting=/= getting into smash for Pokemon (Pichu). Plus, marketting would be better used for a corrent movie star and not one from 2 years ago.

Well, that was interesting:p

Well, onto something I likes to call "Darkrai's kicka$$ pic".

Im actually looking forward to his movie. I hope he does more than the 2 attacks I have seen already.


Dec 19, 2002
Darkrai puts people to sleep and gives them nightmares XP. In the games, every turn a Pokemon is asleep with him out, they will take some damage every turn because of his special ability. He has a unique move called Dark Void, which puts one opponent (or both in double battle) to sleep, and also has a higher accuracy than Hypnosis.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Yea, now that I think of his in game attacks and what not I actually think he could work somewhat like Jpuff (Her Bv-B^ moves).

Putting characters into a dream like state well hurting them with nightmares. . . . interesting.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Ah, anecdotal evidence. The best kind. If it worked for Reagan, it can work for anyone.
Anyhoo, Lopunny ain't logical, but since you won't accept any arguments contrary to your 'Lopunny must be in Brawl because it's cool" position, arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall. Which is no fun. So I'm not gonna do it any longer. In conclusion, Meowth for Brawl. Suckafoo.
Darkrai has very little chance, too, but unlike Lopunny, it's actually sorta awesome.
Yeah, this poll needs to be remade with 4th gen options.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Ah, anecdotal evidence. The best kind. If it worked for Reagan, it can work for anyone.
Anyhoo, Lopunny ain't logical, but since you won't accept any arguments contrary to your 'Lopunny must be in Brawl because it's cool" position, arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall. Which is no fun. So I'm not gonna do it any longer. In conclusion, Meowth for Brawl. Suckafoo.
Darkrai has very little chance, too, but unlike Lopunny, it's actually sorta awesome.
Yeah, this poll needs to be remade with 4th gen options.

I want to see you give me a good reason besides his still in the anime for meowth to be in brawl.


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2007
I think Blaziken would be good to implement. it would be interesting if he uses martial arts, almost like firebending XD and as much as I'd like to play as a couple of the heavier pokemon, I can't see those pokemon being practical to use in a game like SSBB, where ther fighting is more dynamic than other fighting games


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2007
New York State
(Lukario Pic.) You just can't go wrong with this one. Fighting type, with interesting moves that are NOT fire based, popular on both sides of the Pacific, thanks to a DECENT Movie releace, and is from the most recent generation of Pokemon, which will remain in the minds of gamers for years.
I really couldn't agree more...Not only is Lucario a fighting type pokemon, but he is a popular character also. I don;t know one pokemon fan that hasn't caught and trained a Lucario or just loves the Pokemon. Out of all the Pokemon on this poll, I bleieve Lucario is probably the best choice.
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