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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Pinaple's quote
Koarin never apologized for using the term "Lucario Nazi" which is highly offensive.
Also, I'm deeply annoyed by people who don't always type in complete sentences.
But I was very tired last night
Dude,you did not say a thing about it until kaid and co. decided to bring it up. and then you say blaze commie wich could be just as worse.

as for diamon art, Dialga and lucario are both on there


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Putting Lucario in brawl would be the biggest mistake ever witnessed throughout the span of time and space. He is the dumbest looking pokemon ever to be concieved and would ruin my life and everyones around. PERIOD. If there is a God, Lucario will not be in Brawl.

Thank you for your time.

Discussion is over, lock the thread.
WTF i dont know what people think when they post BS like this "if there is a god" :mad: dumb *** i think lucario is just a little to hyped but he looks amazing but anyway I want to see kingler as a pokeball pokemon doing Crab hammer i think he would be cool and he is my fave pokemon beside milotic :p

AAMAN4567 has proven that noobs are getting dumber by the day WTF dose lucario have to do with fox or falco just go some where and go to sleep please

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
sorry im not trolling but i seriously dont want lucario in the game, he looks like a mix of fox and falco and well we already have fox and maybe falco.....why do we need another? If anything they should only have original pokemon becuase the newer ones are not even close to the koolness of the originals.(im no pokemon hater im just saying)
I kind of agree. I think the originals were the best (they're really the only ones I'm familiar with anyway). I'd much rather see different elements represented than new pokemon represented. I'd be cool to have water type and plant type and all that...

That's like saying we shouldn't have Gannondorf because we already have marth AND roy.
I don't follow the logic at all...they aren't obliged to give Ganondorf a sword, if that's what you're getting at.

And we shouldn't have Roy.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Looking at the poll results now, Lucario has exactly double the amount of votes that the closest runner-up, Blaziken, has.

Just because I'm bored, here are the standings:

Bottom Tier (20-30 votes)​

15) Sandshrew/Sandslash
14) Pichu Bros/ Plusle and Minun
13) Hitmonchan

Low Tier (31-45)​

12) Farfetch'd (tied)
12) Eevee (tied)
12) Dragonite (tied)

Middle Tier(46-65)​

9) Hitmonlee
8) Scizor
7) Gengar
6) Cubone/Marowak
5) Charizard

High Tier (66-199)​

4) Meowth
3) Deoxys
2) Blaziken

Top Tier(200+)​

1) Lucario

Lucario has a very good lead, and Blaziken has stayed second since the very beginning, but Meowth and Deoxys are fighting for second. The whole middle tier has stayed more or less constant, though Charizard, Gengar, and Cubone are very close.

Now, the fact that Farfetch'd, who was put in as a joke (awesome though he may be) is tied with Dragonite and Eevee kind of tells you something about their popularity here. Personally, I like all three of them, so eh.

Since these results don't look like changing anytime soon, my suggestion is to restart this poll, taking off the bottom three, who obviously don't have much support around here, and adding in some 4th gen choices. Lopunny, maybe; Munchlax, though everyone hates him, it seems; and maybe Gallade. Gardevoir also has a chance, at least more of a chance than Scizor, Eevee, and Farfetch'd. These characters might draw some votes off of the top candidates and change up the results by quite a bit. You could even add Mew. ;)

Just my two cents, for what they're worth.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I have to partly (PARTly) agree with aaman's last post. I use to be as big of Lucario fanboy as Kaid but over my leave from this site I just lost interest in him.

I just couldn't see him as much other than the love child of M2 and Fox. . . a Falco fast close ranged fighter with a few light based attacks. . .who also looks like a K9 and that would be 4 K9s in game if Wolf and K-Fox get in. Plus, the basic reason I see for him by most random Lucario fans boils down to "Oooohhh, he looks COO!!" and thats not really a good base to stand on imo.

(Now Im going to get around to my Blaze love that happens to has stayed somewhat later on.)

One of the things I like about pokemon is the completely off the wall ways they can work like with Jpuff/ Pika/ Pichu and M2. 2 of them are 4 legged, one is a ball of pink puff and the last uses only it's mind and tail to attack. These are some of the most unique characters when it comes to smash and I think that, by fare, this is one of the most unique collections of characters from one series in the game (only counting the 2+ character series in smash).

Now, with that said, once I started looking for what other pokemon I think would be unique I saw great potential in pokemon like P&M who are a team of 2 pokemon that where made to work together as one (I have a few good P&M attack ideas somewhere). Once I heard of Gard's and Buneary's/ Lopunny's Japan love I started to support them because. . . well I very much like how the anime buneary attacks + I like bunnies:p and Gard looks to have a very interesting move-set and way of working.
And even now I see Darkrai as a great choice because of the uniqueness of dark type attacks that are in the game.

Ok, because of this I took alil time off on Blaze because of my reasons for dropping Lucario. But after actually seeing a movie with Capoeira I saw how much my idea of Blaze could actually be unique to Smash. It was a fighting style that clicks with her. Not only would her style be mainly kick based but it could look flashly with the dance like movements and kicks of Capoeira (I don't see Sheik coming back so that leaves a huge spot for a kick based move-set).
Plus, she can use bird attacks like Brave Bird/ A.Ace/ peck/ drill peck and what not. And the fire attacks she learns can look REALLY flashly and unique to smash (I have a very flashly Blaze move-set somewhere after my re-awaking).

Thats why my wish list is Blaze/ Gard/ Lopunny-Buneary/ P&M/ Darkrai and I have even tooken a slight shin to Pachirisu. These are just the ones I support, don't know if any of them will get in but I can give reasons for each.

NOW, after I have said all of this, Im not putting anything down. Im not saying Lucario aint getting in. But I will say that I DO know for a fact that there are other pokemon that can rep DP in a reasonable manner other than Lucario. (Darkrai, first Dark legendary/ Electivire, this gen is full of new 3rd stage evols for old pokeys/ Gallade, lots of splite gender evols + gender differances/ Manaphy, first breedable legendary)
And Im also not saying he HAS to be a M2+Fox thing. . . but I don't see him as very unique.

So there, my long rant about why I support that pokemon I do and why I just don't like Lucario much now.

(And I use to be a Deoxy fan but really, are they going to make 4 characters in one just so that you can transform into any of his forms but most likely just choose his attack/ speed modes? And he doesn't even transform in the game so why would he now?)

And I WILL quote this later so that it isn't lost on the bottom of this page. . . I know I going to have to post this more than once.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
But what in the hell dose Lucario have to do with Fox or Falco

but of that i am really douting if any 4th gen will be on the reason i think this because it just seems to early for them to be on i think over the looks that Scep Blaze or Swampert will be better for brawl to play with i dont know but this is just what i think i dont want anyone to get mad but i think Lucario should sit back and enjoy the show unless they have more 4th gen than him bonsly and Munchlax

and i dont know i still fill they can do alot with Deoxys but i dont care right now i just want to know what the next update will be and when the release date will be so i can move on with my life


Smash Rookie
Jun 25, 2007
Portland, Oregon
"WTF i dont know what people think when they post BS like this "if there is a god" dumb *** i think lucario is just a little to hyped but he looks amazing but anyway I want to see kingler as a pokeball pokemon doing Crab hammer i think he would be cool and he is my fave pokemon beside milotic

AAMAN4567 has proven that noobs are getting dumber by the day WTF dose lucario have to do with fox or falco just go some where and go to sleep please"

what are you crying about. stop being a baby and grow a pair. Lucario is lame like you so it upsets you when people think lucario is stupid because they are saying your stupid. now if your done crying good, but if you arnt please go ahead and look stupid by replying to this post.

for those that agree with me thank you and have a wonderful day and may all your wishs come true.

lucario is stupid and should not be in brawl because he's lame. thats the end sorry. LOCK THREAD.

thank you.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
*ignores troll*
Do me one favor, B/L. Stop calling Blaziken a "she". As a PokeFreak, it annoys me.
but of that i am really douting if any 4th gen will be on the reason i think this because it just seems to early for them to be on i think over the looks that Scep Blaze or Swampert will be better for brawl to play with i dont know but this is just what i think i dont want anyone to get mad but i think Lucario should sit back and enjoy the show unless they have more 4th gen than him bonsly and Munchlax
We've known about Lucario since 2005, I think. Certainly the developers would know about Lucario. And I'd be willing to bet that they were privy to early copies of D/P.
*Is feeling non-belligerent today*


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Pinaple, blaze can be a boy or a girl. It's not like we are refering chansy as HIM or the hitmons as SHE.And you call yourself a pokefreak

And you say we've known about lucario,we've also know about blaze



Dec 19, 2002
Actually Deoxys CAN transform ingame. In Diamond/Pearl, you go to the town with the department store and there are 4 meteorites. Go to any of them with Deoxys in your team and it will transform into a different form depending on the meteorite you pressed A on.

I really don't care who gets in anymore. I'm just trying to see whatever gets updated on the Brawl site.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
But what in the hell dose Lucario have to do with Fox or Falco
Hmm.. when thinking back of showing Melee to my friends for the first time, they knew who Mario, Bowser, Peach, Luigi, Link, Zelda, Pickachu and Jigglypuff were. But Falcon remained a mystery, so I explained to them. Later, when I had unlocked Ganondorf, they wouldn't believe me when I told him he was from LoZ series, rather then another F-Zero racer. They simply thought because he had the same moveset they had to be from the same game. They also called Doc. really lame, cause they rather have seen Mario with his fireflower outfit and they didn't know in which Mario game there would come a stetoscope out of a question box, to transform him to a docter. Basically, what I'm saying is, a lot of people new to super smash might just look at Lucario and go, hey, that's just another Fox and think they are clones. My friends actually didn't play Doc and Ganon because they were just the same thing. So no, they aren't really alike and have nothing to do with each other, you know, I know, but there are always those who don't. (look at aaman4567)

but of that i am really douting if any 4th gen will be on the reason i think this because it just seems to early for them to be on i think over the looks that Scep Blaze or Swampert will be better for brawl to play with i dont know but this is just what i think i dont want anyone to get mad but i think Lucario should sit back and enjoy the show unless they have more 4th gen than him bonsly and Munchlax

I agree with the fact that it might be too early for 4th gen pokemon. To be honest, before visiting this thread I didn't know there was a 4th gen, I remember the Jotho League (sp?) being the second one after, well Pokemon. And down 'ere in Europe, I feel like a lot of people lost track. After all, I don't even know what League thing came after Jotho. And the Anime probably isn't that far here either. So yeah, maybe put in Meowth first, I know who Meowth is, I know how he looks, I just don't think he'll be very good but still, I do know him. Now if they have some more of those 4th gen pokemon in Pokeballs etc.. and maybe in a Pokefloat like level, you could make them playable in the next. I wouldn't mind seeing Scissors in. Also, if I look at Wikipedia in Dutch, my first language, there aren't any articles yet on 4th gen pokemon (like Lucario and Blaziken) just some with a red link showing that an article has to be made. Also, it does have an article for Deoxys but no pictures etc.

and i dont know i still fill they can do alot with Deoxys but i dont care right now i just want to know what the next update will be and when the release date will be so i can move on with my life
Well it doesn't really look like anything that could excist. It looks more like erm.. they didn't do DNA yet cause it's not an actual animal. And pokemon are just real animals kinda, modified and put into a ball so.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2007
Miss you Ryan
First off isn't blaziken 3rd gen?
Second off, these two actually have movesets and character models that could easily be integrated into brawl. Lucario had his own movie so theres some popularity right there. I haven't argued here in a long time, but I still maintain that Blaziken and Lucario have the best chances out of any others.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
*ignores troll*
Do me one favor, B/L. Stop calling Blaziken a "she". As a PokeFreak, it annoys me.
. . . Blazikens can be either male or female. I just choose to refer to it as a female.

Really, would you be "annoyed" if I refered to Blaziken as a "he"?:ohwell:

(Like I care about annoying you. . . )


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
It's not even as though Blaziken points towards either gender in terms of appearance, at least not to the extent of Mr.Mime or Gardevoir. I don't see referring to it as a 'she' is any more offensive than referring to it as a 'he'. If it was Hitmonlee then you'd have a point, but Blaziken isn't gender exclusive.

And personally, I always thought the female gender suited Blaziken, until I heard it's overly masculine voice in the anime >_<.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Mabey we should start disscusing each pokemon on the poll starting at the bottom. Nothing much else to do.

So farfetched? good or bad choice?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
"WTF i dont know what people think when they post BS like this "if there is a god" dumb *** i think lucario is just a little to hyped but he looks amazing but anyway I want to see kingler as a pokeball pokemon doing Crab hammer i think he would be cool and he is my fave pokemon beside milotic

AAMAN4567 has proven that noobs are getting dumber by the day WTF dose lucario have to do with fox or falco just go some where and go to sleep please"

what are you crying about. stop being a baby and grow a pair. Lucario is lame like you so it upsets you when people think lucario is stupid because they are saying your stupid. now if your done crying good, but if you arnt please go ahead and look stupid by replying to this post.

for those that agree with me thank you and have a wonderful day and may all your wishs come true.

lucario is stupid and should not be in brawl because he's lame. thats the end sorry. LOCK THREAD.

thank you.

Sorry but i got to say i was not crying just saying how i felt

but anyway Farfetch'd would not be a Marth clone. I think they would give it some original attacks but i still dont think it should be in


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Time to regurgitate some information to in unaware:

Blaze: Hey, it's the next Charizard! Am I the only one to realize that? Charizard was hugely popular, blaze was hugely popular. Lucario is also hugely popular. where does that leave Blaze? It leaves him with a dying fan base. He's a fad people, and his fad has died. But you know who's fad has yet to fully realize?

Lucario: His fad has just started in the US, and soon to be in Europe. Let him have his limelight as a new character and die out in SSB4. And besides, it's about time a fire starter isn't in the limelight.

And for something totally random...

Ok, you must all be thinking "Darkrai?" But think about it this way:
His movie just premiered in Japan
He's one of the main characters

Do you know what that means? He's got everything Lucario had going for him, and more than what blaze had. Darkrai for brawl!


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
^^^Actually, from what I have seen, Lucario has been losing his fame sense fall 06 on alot of big smash sites I go to. Blaze has kept her fame for the past 4 or so years well Lucario's peek seems to have been in summer 06 for the US/Uk.

Really, he isn't "just starting" seeing as he was in a movie that was youtubed like 2 years ago. And Blaze still has a solid fan-base. . .even after all these years.:ohwell:
Not really a "fad" seeing as it lasted (and still goes on today) for years. If anything I think it's the Lucario rush that is poofing out seeing as (on these other sites) I just see more and more people saying "screw Lucario, Meowth or [insert pokemon] would be a better choice".


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Time to regurgitate some information to in unaware:

Blaze: Hey, it's the next Charizard! Am I the only one to realize that? Charizard was hugely popular, blaze was hugely popular. Lucario is also hugely popular. where does that leave Blaze? It leaves him with a dying fan base. He's a fad people, and his fad has died. But you know who's fad has yet to fully realize?

Blaze has yet to "die out" as B/light put it, it still has a decent fan base(cant say the same for marowhack:p) Blaze also had to get popularit based on the anime and manga alone,Deoxeys was verey little known about untill this movie came out.

Lucario: His fad has just started in the US, and soon to be in Europe. Let him have his limelight as a new character and die out in SSB4. And besides, it's about time a fire starter isn't in the limelight.

His fad also started much more early than you said, when his movie came out,all pokefans went to youtube and watched it untill there eyes fell out,but sadly only the true fans stayed true.Most left when other fads had uprisings(buneary,ect)
But scince he was popular during they production along with blaze,they were both highly concidered

And for something totally random...

Ok, you must all be thinking "Darkrai?" But think about it this way:
His movie just premiered in Japan
He's one of the main characters

Ok,so since moltres ,zapdos,articuno and lugis were mains in the pokemon movie 2000, that means they shpuld have been playible in melee?NO. they were pokebaled

i think the same would or will happen to darkrai

(you are most likly being sarcastic,but i will still respond as if you are serious)

Do you know what that means? He's got everything Lucario had going for him, and more than what blaze had. Darkrai for brawl!

I laugh at darkrai:psycho:


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Saying that Lucario won't be in Brawl is like denying the Holocaust.
Just kidding.

In all seriousness, I'm baffled at your obsession with current fanbase. You act like current fanbase is everything. But Samurai Goroh had massive support, and look what happened.
I believe that at the time the character list was being made, Lucario was at the height of popularity. It is completely irrelevant what is popular now. We can only consider what was popular, and what character was used for marketing.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007

Blaze has yet to "die out" as B/light put it, it still has a decent fan base(cant say the same for marowhack) Blaze also had to get popularit based on the anime and manga alone,Deoxeys was verey little known about untill this movie came out.
Wait for Diamond and Pearl to hit Europe. And Marowak has infinate popularity. Him and Scizor.

His fad also started much more early than you said, when his movie came out,all pokefans went to youtube and watched it untill there eyes fell out,but sadly only the true fans stayed true.Most left when other fads had uprisings(buneary,ect)
But scince he was popular during they production along with blaze,they were both highly concidered
Evidence! I want evidence!

Ok,so since moltres ,zapdos,articuno and lugis were mains in the pokemon movie 2000, that means they shpuld have been playible in melee?NO. they were pokebaled

i think the same would or will happen to darkrai

(you are most likly being sarcastic,but i will still respond as if you are serious)
I was being half sarcastic. He could work as a character, and he has absolutely nothing to do Articuno, Zapdos, or Moltres.
GAAAAAH! Was that ten?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
I think a wise choice would be either Palkia or Lucario. Since they added Mewtwo, a legendary, I don't think it would be a stretch to add another legendary. I think Dialga would be more fun though, but since the Diamond mascot is not bipedal like Palkia or the rest of the smash crew, it would serve as some technical difficulties. Lucario is also another famous Pokemon that could serve as representation for the Sinnoh region's Pokemon.


Dec 19, 2002
Palkia is supposed to be huge, creates space, and is some kind of a god in the Pokemon universe...I don't think he should be playable. It would be nice if they had Mt. Coronet as a stage with Dialga and Palkia randomly appearing to attack though...or just put them in Pokeballs. Darkrai...I don't really care as long as he makes some kind of appearance. As Pokeball, he should use Dark Void to put all your enemies to sleep, and their damage counter will continually rise while they are still asleep. If playable, Dark Void or Dark Pulse should be the final smash.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Saying that Lucario won't be in Brawl is like denying the Holocaust.
Just kidding.:ohwell:

In all seriousness, I'm baffled at your obsession with current fanbase. You act like current fanbase is everything. But Samurai Goroh had massive support, and look what happened. Im baffled at the use of S-G as a example. From what I know he was HIGHLY liked here in the US/UK for some time now (aka sence brawl was known about). . . .and still is. But what happened to him? he didn't get to be a PC. I think thats a anti-point. . . shows that even it a character is hugely popular here that they could still get shafted.
I believe that at the time the character list was being made, Lucario was at the height of popularity. It is completely irrelevant what is popular now. We can only consider what was popular, and what character was used for marketing. Actually, before I move on, I would like to address this "marketing" stand point. if I remember correctly Celebi was used alot for marketing along with Scizor and co yet they where pokeballed well Pichu got in based on repping something new + being part of Pika's fam. I don't think Pichu was used very much for marketing because I could very well name a few pokemon used more than he for the 2nd gen in that area. In fact, the only melee pokemon that is used alot for marketing is Pika, the mascot pokey:ohwell:
Oh, and part of my claim for Blaze is that she has been hugely popular sence RS came out so IDK why your taking that stand with Lucario being at his highest populary 06 summer.

And I still don't see why Sakurai would take a 4th gen pick from here when we are only resently getting the 4th gen.:ohwell:

If anything I think we are all over thinking this with booster packs and marketing and what not. Heres the Melee polls for pokemon. . .

1. Mewtwo
2. Mew (-)
3. Ash (-)
4. Random Pokémon
5. Lugia (-)
6. Meowth (-)
7. Raichu
8. Maril (-)
8. Bulbasaur
8. Togepi (-)
( the last 3 where tied)

(-) = Marketable for either the anime or the 2nd gen. (Mew2 was suppose to be in SSB64 according to Sakurai so I left him out)

Really, I think it's in popularity and actually repping something ( Jpuff/ M2 where popular well Pichu reps baby pokemon from the 2nd gen).
From the looks of it Gard/ Blaze have been popular sence RS started well, in Japan (where the 4th gen came out first), Buneary/ Lopunny/ Gard male are their popular 4th gen pokeys and the 4th gen has alot of pokemon that could rep it because of all the new things in it.

I also think he has taken his US/UK picks before the polls where up because of the relationship between the newcomers we know and the Nintendo mag polls (Wario was #1 and Pitt was #3)
Plus the lateness of the Japanese poll makes me feel that he wanted to make sure he got his Japan picks down before 07.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Hmm i think blaze Dose look More like a girl but that Manly voice just aint working for it but i think it should be on Brawl more than Lucario or Palkia (Hell no giga Bowser pokemon style). I like lucario and every thing but its just not time for 4th gen yet i mean come one 3 rd gen have not even came out but what eve on dat but yeah i think Blaze will come first


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
Why does no one want Mew to be in Brawl? Mew's awesome! It seems to be popular too, being second on that poll Black/Light just posted, and being first on the poll they had on the Pokemon website to see who the most popular legend is (I'll link it if anyone cares). I mean, why not stick Mew in as a Mewtwo clone with a few tweaked attacks?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I agree. Mew was one of the first characters I wished for in Brawl.
But I guess Mewtwo is somewhat more popular and most people would like for him to stay, which would make Mew kinda redundant...

I dunno, it definitely IS one of the very most important Pokemon, but it seems to be less popular than Mewtwo, and seems to take priority below some other Pokemon that people wish for more. In my case, Gardevoir ( and Mewtwo ). And roster space is limited.


Smash Rookie
Jul 5, 2007
Definitly Lucario.

-Fighting type
-Not just popular in Japan, not just popular in america-popular everywhere
-A representation of the newest pokemon generation
-His character "look" looks like it would fit into Brawl
-He can communicate with others, not just pokemon.
-Starred in a somewhat recent movie.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
I agree. Mew was one of the first characters I wished for in Brawl.
But I guess Mewtwo is somewhat more popular and most people would like for him to stay, which would make Mew kinda redundant...

I dunno, it definitely IS one of the very most important Pokemon, but it seems to be less popular than Mewtwo, and seems to take priority below some other Pokemon that people wish for more. In my case, Gardevoir ( and Mewtwo ). And roster space is limited.
I guess there ARE higher priorities. Still, I'll go on praying for Mew as a Mewtwo clone in Brawl.

Just for the fun of it, though, here's a non-clone moveset for the little guy:

B – Force Bubble – Mew creates a bubble of sparkling energy around him. You can hold B for up to five seconds. While he’s in the bubble, enemies just bounce right off, and projectiles disappear upon impact. Nothing can penetrate it. There’s some lag at the start, though, as well as at the end, keeping it from being nearly as broken as the Shine. It also can’t be done extremely quickly: it lasts for at least one full second.

Forward B – Ancient Power – Mew starts glowing, then, a second later, he launches a white ball of energy straight forward. The backlash of the ball makes Mew turns a backwards somersault in the air. The ball travels straight, gaining speed and power, and, after about the distance of the Fox Illusion, it turns into a heavy rock that does heavy damage and knockback on contact. Great for edgeguarding.

Up B – Soaring – Mew suddenly hurtles headfirst, diagonally, up, swimming through the air like a crocodile through the water. As he does so, he says, “Mew,” in a mystical voice. A trail of sparkles is left behind him, though they disappear quickly. The attack does no damage, but has good recovery distance. Also, at the second Mew first uses it, attacks that hit him seem to miss; he takes no knockback or damage.

Down B – Transform – Mew does one of three things: 1) He turns into Pikachu, then launches a great bolt of lightning forward, zapping foes with fairly high damage; 2) He morphs into Pidgey, and then flaps his wings once, making all foes nearby fly into the air with Gust; and 3) He becomes the very image of a young Lugia, then shoots a great blast of air directly above him in a wide beam, damaging foes a lot but doing little knockback. If he’s hit while transformed, he instantly shifts back.

A – Mew floats onto its back and delivers a weak kick.
Forward Tilt – Mew spins around and delivers a long-ranged whip with his tail. A very quick attack.
Up Tilt – Mew whip his tail directly above him without moving his body. He hits foes on either side of him as well.
Down Tilt – Mew, while floating, spins his tail in an arc beneath him. A decent attack that launches foes up.
Forward Smash – Mew uses Mega Punch, making his fist glow, and then launching a powerful punch with very short range.
Up Smash – Mew does a backwards flip, whipping foes all around him with his tail. Very quickly executed but a bit underpowered.
Down Smash – Mew thrusts both palms out on both sides, and psychic energy knocks any foes nearby away in a low horizontal knockback.
Dash Attack – Mew turns a quick midair somersault with a giggle. The most damage is on the tip of his tail when he completes his flip.

Neutral Aerial – Mew spins around in midair, like Pikachu, but with multiple hits and lower knockback. The damage can stack up quite nicely, though.
Forward Aerial - Mew creates a Shadow Ball, but made of light (bit of an oxymoron there) and holds it in front of him, zapping foes.
Backward Aerial – Mew flicks his tail out behind him. Great range and does a fair bit of knockback on the tip.
Up Aerial – Mew flips upside down, then whips his tail above him very quickly. Somewhat like Fox’s juggle, but weaker.
Down Aerial – A small ball of energy, shot straight down. Unpredictable knockback, depending on the angle they were hit at.

Grab – Mew’s tail suddenly grows in length and shoots out, wrapping around foes and reeling them in. Not quite as long range as Samus, but about the same as Yoshi’s.
Forward Throw – Mew does a somersault while holding the foe, then launches them forward.
Back Throw – Mew encases them in a force bubble, then hurls them behind him (the bubble pops as soon as they leave Mew’s hands)
Up Throw – Mew uppercuts the foe with his tail.
Down Throw – Mew floats to be over the foe, then creates a force bubble, which knocks them straight into the ground.

Style – Mew is lethal in that it combines speed and quick attacks with excellent recovery. The only thing that is sacrificed is weight. A good Mew player can stack damage effortlessly with quick tail whips, then hurls the foe off the stage. Mew’s superior edgeguarding will do the rest; his Backwards Aerial alone can keep them off for good, although Ancient Power is useful if they’re using a slower character who can’t recover more than one way. Mew is also a superb juggler. Once he’s on the defensive, though, it’s easy to destroy him, so Force Bubble and Soaring should be used to escape from nasty situations and get back on the attack.


Dec 19, 2002
I wouldn't say a two year old movie was recent...and Lucario isn't as popular now as he was when the movie first came out. Of course, I wouldn't know if he will make any type of appearance based on that.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Why does no one want Mew to be in Brawl? Mew's awesome! It seems to be popular too, being second on that poll Black/Light just posted, and being first on the poll they had on the Pokemon website to see who the most popular legend is (I'll link it if anyone cares). I mean, why not stick Mew in as a Mewtwo clone with a few tweaked attacks?
if it dose come in it will only be in a pokeball or something or be a light clone of Mewtwo (or would Mewtwo be the clone?) but i dont know i really dont think it would fit in to all the madness brawl has to offer Mew vs Giga Bowser (poor mew):chuckle:

Lucario use vanish Attack

Vanish a move only lucario can use so people will quit posting the Same thing over and over about it "Lucario look so cool" "Lucario for brawl" Lucario this Lucario that

I think Lucario should sit brawl out and come in SSB 4


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
From the looks of it Gard/ Blaze have been popular sence RS started well, in Japan (where the 4th gen came out first), Buneary/ Lopunny/ Gard male are their popular 4th gen pokeys and the 4th gen has alot of pokemon that could rep it because of all the new things in it.
This is the only point I shall refute. The others are either accurate or incoherent. I never said Blaziken wasn't popular, I said Blaziken has no business being in Brawl. Jigglypuff, to be sure, got in on fanbase, but that was in SSB64. In Melee, Mewtwo had both popularity, and relevance. Pichu was there for marketing.
Anyhoo, you're saying that nearly any 4th generation Pokemon could be in Brawl.
That's not true at all. And I am going to make a Probopass moveset. :D
And my contention is that fanbase in regards to the 4th Generation means little, as the character roster MUST have been decided by the time of the second trailer, and probably earlier. I would say October or November. So they couldn't just find whatever had just gained popularity, because the fans were still playing the game, not really drawing Pornography yet. *shot by Black/Light*
If the character list was determined in the fall of last year, the only considerations they could make would be marketing considerations. Thus, Lucario.
Though that logic would also support Munchlax and Weavile.
That's my main argument for Lucario and against Lopunny.
Frankly, I find the idea that Lopunny could get into Brawl disgusting.
But that might be because I've seen a little of it's Porn art.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
This is the only point I shall refute. The others are either accurate or incoherent. I never said Blaziken wasn't popular, I said Blaziken has no business being in Brawl. Jigglypuff, to be sure, got in on fanbase, but that was in SSB64. In Melee, Mewtwo had both popularity, and relevance. Pichu was there for marketing.
Anyhoo, you're saying that nearly any 4th generation Pokemon could be in Brawl.
That's not true at all. And I am going to make a Probopass moveset. :D
And my contention is that fanbase in regards to the 4th Generation means little, as the character roster MUST have been decided by the time of the second trailer, and probably earlier. I would say October or November. So they couldn't just find whatever had just gained popularity, because the fans were still playing the game, not really drawing Pornography yet. *shot by Black/Light*
If the character list was determined in the fall of last year, the only considerations they could make would be marketing considerations. Thus, Lucario.
Though that logic would also support Munchlax and Weavile.
That's my main argument for Lucario and against Lopunny.
Frankly, I find the idea that Lopunny could get into Brawl disgusting.
But that might be because I've seen a little of it's Porn art.
So by this you're trying to prove what? That characters don't get in on fanbases? Lucario's getting in as a promotion? Professor Oak is Ashes father?

If you're trying to prove that characters don't get in on fanbases you proved your self wrong by saying Jiggernaught got in on a fanbase, or that Mewtwo got in on a fanbase. Really, there are very few Pokemon that have any relevance to the games, they're just there because they can be. Even most of the legendaries are forgettable. Fanbases are one of the few reasons for a Pokemon to get in. That, and what I'm assuming you're trying to pont out, and marketing.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
I'm saying this only in the case of 4th generation Pokemon. Perhaps I didn't elaborate clearly what I'm talking about.
To summarize, I believe the character list was finalized late in the fall of last year.
If that is the case, no fanbases would have had time to truly develop for any of the D/P pokemon not known about before game release in Japan.
So they would have to rely on marketing.
Sure, Lopunny wins judging by current fanbase, or fanbase three months ago.
But the character list was done likely at least six months ago.
So current fanbase is irrelevant.
Can anyone give me data on fanbases for certain Pokemon in November?
That would be helpful, though hard to find.
Fanbases are one of the few reasons for a Pokemon to get in. That, and what I'm assuming you're trying to pont out, and marketing.
Marketing is MUCH more of an influence than fanbase. Because Pokemon is purely a cash cow.
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