Tyranitar, Latias, Flygon, Latios, Starmie, Salamence, Infernape, Staraptor, Slaking, Swampert, Azelf, and Gliscor are probably your best bets for the Hall, all of which are speedy attackers who can get good coverage, while having a likely KO without set up. I should remind you that this is considering Lati@s without Soul Dew, as the item is banned.Can Battle hall be beaten besides via Garchomp. Everyone always suggests him, and thats cool but, is he really the only one who can do it? >.>
Entei, Dragonite, Magmortar, Milotic, Alakazam, Gengar, Ambipom, Tauros, Gallade, Scizor, Machamp, Empoleon, Mismagius, Togekiss, Porygon-Z, Moltres, Zapdos, Absol, Arcanine, Dusknoir, Rhyperior, Ursaring, Heracross, Porygon2, Mamoswine, Tangrowth, Charizard, Froslass, Metagross, Bronzong, Aggron, Jolteon, Gyarados, Ninjask, Snorlax, Lucario, Medicham, Heatran, Aerodactyl, Kabutops, Mesprit, Sharpedo, Raichu, Sandslash, Primeape, Clefable, Golem, Hitmonlee, Kanghaskhan, and Sandslash are also good options, but have some things bringing them down, whether it be bad speed, defenses, shallow movepool, etc.
Yeah, uh, I did a little theorymoning with a friend on the subject. <8D