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POE3 Results: Wobbles, Zhu, RockCrock, MacD, Kels, COSMO?!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2010
Fantastic tourney. I guess I was too tired to notice how much drama was going on behind the scenes. Looking at all these names in the thread, I wish I had played with more of you. Shoutouts! Hope I'm not forgetting anyone.

Peef - Thanks for hosting. I guess you had some problems running the event, I don't know enough to offer constructive criticism. In any case, you found a good venue and got tons of great people to come out! Can't wait for the next one.

Bunbun, Amba, 18Spikes, KirkQ, BigD, etc. - Sounds like you all had your hands full. Thanks for getting everything in order and running a really efficient bracket. Sorry I didn't get to play with/speak to any of you. Next time.

Geno - Ah, sorry for flaking out of doubles. I bet we could have done pretty well. St. Louis represent!

Trail - Nice guy, great player. Our matches were so close! Thanks for helping me avert Dart's panic attack. :)

Dart - Good to finally play you. Better keep improving or I'll get you next time!

Jace - You are too clutch. Good set in pools. I'm sure I will see you around.

Daniel - Good set. I think you are a bit too concerned about match-ups. Just pick one character and work on your fundamentals.

Bolum (?) - Second marth in my pool. Good games. Way to step it up after a brutal first round.

Sveet - Whoops, I guess I didn't introduce myself. I was the guy who bummed five cents off you. Thanks again. We'll play next time for sure.

Rashad - I don't think our matches were as one-sided as you remember. Always fun playing with you.

Luke - Always a pleasure. Looked like you guys were tearing it up in doubles. You're going to school near St. Louis this year, right? You'll have to swing by at least once.

Anthony - I wish we could keep our rivalry going, but you've gotten way too good. I have a feeling I'll be cheering for you in finals soon enough. Too bad about your set with IHSB; you almost had it.

Lemon - Had fun hanging out with you, even if Sonic is pretty gross. Will have to try something new at the next tourney.

TJ - Good to see you still tearing it up after all this time. Your set with Zhu was a lot of fun to watch. It's nice to know that even the veterans get nervous.

Vorhese - Close set. I barely pulled it out.

Dmac - Thanks so much for helping us out. Sorry I wasn't home when you guys came through. I imagine you all needed to get going anyways.

Wife - It was cool meeting "the voice" :). Fun games. Thanks for being so friendly. EC has to stick together out here in the wilderness.

MacDaddy and Zhu - Great to meet you two. Sorry we didn't do anything exciting during your visit. I guess we were all tired after the tourney. Thanks for letting me win a few matches. You guys better take Apex! If Melee doesn't pan out for you, McCain, there's always DKC 2. Give me a ring if you ever find yourself in the area again.


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2004
Kouts/West Lafayette, Indiana
MBR said:
Stage Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Starter Stage List until only 1 remains, and the players then play the first match on that stage. Players strike stages in 1 2 2 1 order
At least 5 people I played tried to mess this up, so I want to make sure everyone remembers this for next time.

Player A strikes one level, Player B strikes two levels, Player A strikes one level.

It is unfair for player 1 if they are struck 1 2 1 2.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
Charleston, IL
im not hearing enough about dat armor in this thread. and sonic was definitely sub par at best. shoutouts when im not a ****ing **** ***** **** *** ***** **** ****ing loser.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
East Peoria, Illinois
Yeah but Zhu>Kels and WC>Mid west so it doesn't matter
Not only are we better at drinking and womanizing and etc and so forth, but we did win doubles. Get outta here!

And now that I think about it, this tourney has done one great thing. We got BlackPanther back into business ^_^ He's hella hard to read again and I'm hoping I can use that to my advantage as I work towards being good at tech chasing spacies ^_^;;


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
New bracket image added to the OP. It uploaded a little weird but there is nothing I can do about it. You should be able to read it.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Alright Shoutouts :

People I played, talked to, or whatever:
Falco that teamed with smeesh, Zhu, iori, Tink, Kels, ********, Jace, Watty, MacD, SleepyK, Wife, John!, FluxWolf, Dmac,Voorhese, Moogle, Sliq, Big R, JesusFreak, Oranos, 18Spikes, Geno, GooseFactor

Thanks a bunch.

Special Shoutouts:

BunBun – Next time we need to play singles lol, can’t believe ur Kirby/marth team almost beat our puff/fox team >_> GGs

Bzoo – we didn’t get to play at all…. Did u even go? I didn’t see you, we gotta get friendlies next time, I’m gonna hunt you for them

Wobbles –Thanks for the support =), as always ur ICs are fun to watch and definitely my favorite. I remember watching yours and Chudat’s videos when I played ICs like years ago; definitely makes me want to go back to them but they’re soo hard >_<

BlueZaft - u took the last Italian sausage :mad:, I believe I played u in bracket? If so GGs

Book – our rivalry… =O, u need to start playing more again ;), still fun hanging out/playing with you

Smeesh – Our match… ridiculous. You 3 stock me on FD, then I somehow do the same right back lol. GGs, I want friendlies

Ripple – don’t quit melee =(, but thanks for housing and stuff, wouldn’t mind playing brawl with you if ever given the chance lol (*puts flame shield up* lol)

Tomacawk – Thanks for teaming with me “powered up” lol, I need to try that in tourney.

J00T – Man, can’t believe we both lost to SpaceBalls the same way lol. Suicide buster. Love ur falcon man, Definitely want more friendlies.

Spaceballs – Our set... lol, jab rest, can’t believe I did that to you =P. Close set and GGs, next time I definitely won’t suicide. I want a ton of friendlies.

Shonic – Thanks for tourney hosting and showing me that real life Zelda sword O.o

Amba – Nice tourney, thanks

Peef – at first, I thought u were doing a poor job running the tourney. Then when the tourney ended, I was like “peef did a pretty decent job”. Good tourney man, and if I were in your situation, I’d prolly freak too lol

RockCrock – One awesome guy, <3 your ganon. Can’t believe I didn’t know what RockCrocking was >_<, and I’m craving for a RockCrock Sandwich now. U need to make one.

YummyNBeefy – Mascot of the MidWest? Lol You talk a lottt lmao, hope you had fun here

Reneblowd – Thank you soo much for housing and letting me play Dead or Alive Beach VolleyBall 2 and taking pictures of those animated chicks lol. Mad fun to hang with.

Sveet – Happy Late* Birthday! And thanks for the car ride to Denny’s or w/e. Too bad we didn’t get to play at all =\

orly(chris) – We definitely need to do that “no shine falco” vs ur falcon thing. I’ll prolly get ***** >_<, and also, too bad we didn’t get to play that many friendlies. Love ur falcon too. Both urs and J00Ts are prolly my favorite Midwest falcons lol.

Looshkin – No friendlies? Lol we need to

DBag Dave – Lol, ur a gag, I still haven’t played u since SMYM.

Cosmo – OMG, u ****!! Lol. I expect to see Zelda to be a lot higher on the tier list now
Peoria Crew – Good stuff =),
Rashad, you could’ve been the reason why BigD wouldn’t have made it out of pools lol, I love that fact.

And Dave…. no comment lol =P.
Josh, I just feel bad about ur bracket O.o, at least u pooped on Zhu’s falco for a bit.
Adam (Captain Prawn, nude, legion, etc.) good job making it out of brackets lol, whats ur official name now? Pron, Prong, Prawn, Poon

Tried to get everyone I played on here, sorry if i forgot anyone and GGs


nerf zelda's dsmash
Feb 5, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
so judging by the bracket image these are the results then

1: Wobbles :popo:
2: Zhu :falco:
3: Iori :ganondorf:
4: Kels :fox:
5: Cosmo :zelda:
5: Tink :fox:
7: MacD :peach:
7: BigD :falcon:
9: RockCrock :ganondorf:
9: VirusIndigoMage :samus2:
9: BlueZaft :jigglypuff:
9: Vist :luigi2:
13: dmac :fox:
13: GooseFactor :marth:
13: Watty :samus2:
13: Z :shiek:
17: Viperboy :falco:
17: Trail :popo:
17: Jiano :falcon:
17: AnDaLe :falco:
17: BigR :falco:
17: Cheap :peach:
17: Husband :peach:
17: Phatgamer :shiek:
25: john!
25: KirkQ
25: VirusTealMage
25: j00t
25: Sliq
25: 18Spikes
25: Dope
25: Lemon
33: Smeesh
33: JesusFreak
33: Chris
33: Jace
33: KrazyKnux
33: Zeu$
33: Ripple
33: Juke
33: Wife
33: blackpanther
33: Sveet
33: Book
33: VirusSepiaMage
33: GenoBlast
33: Moogle
33: JBM
49: Lance
49: VirusTurquoiseMage
49: zicore
49: Looshkin
49: PEEF
49: Shaka
49: Oro
49: Clutch$
49: DashDanceDan
49: Rezo
49: CaptainPrawn
49: Voorhes
49: Raithe
49: DBD
49: VirusRobin'sEggBlueMage
49: Dart

i think the chars there are accurate


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Because of the time crunch, Brackets were not seeded well as far as location goes.

Viperboy would have had to play Lemon 2nd round, and they have been roommates for 5 years. In order to combat this, we switched Lemon and Kirkq (with permission from parties involved). We didn't change it around in TIO (iunno why honestly. it's an easy fix).

In the bracket, after first round, Kirkq = Lemon and Lemon = Kirkq


Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2006
Springfield-ish, Illinois
Kirkq, what's the fair order if there are 7 stages?
1 2 1 2 2 1?
1 2 2 1 1 2?

Also: the number of players who get out of pools needed to be officially announced BEFORE pool play ends (preferably, before they begin). I was told anywhere from 2-4 players advanced during pools, and when our pool wrapped up, it was still 2. After we finished, it was announced that top 4 would advance. However, it should be noted that at the time of my last pools set, I was playing a friend who had been moved into our pool. By that point, there was no reason for me to win (I was "out" and a victory by him would guarantee that he advanced). By winning that set, I may have advanced (depends on the tiebreaker), but at the time I had more of a "what do I actually gain by winning this set" mentality.

yummynbeefy: had a great time teaming with you(too much fun), it's a shame we didn't place better

*other shoutouts later


Smash Ace
Jul 25, 2004
Kouts/West Lafayette, Indiana
Kirkq, what's the fair order if there are 7 stages?
1 2 1 2 2 1?
Player 1 reveals information first, Player 1 reveals information first, Player 2 reveals information first. Unfair to Player 1.

1 2 2 1 1 2?
Player 1 reveals information first, Player 2 reveals information first, Player 1 reveals information first. Unfair to Player 1.

I think it cannot be done fairly with 7 stages. "N" is number of stages, (N-1)/2 must be even to be fair.

By that point, there was no reason for me to win (I was "out" and a victory by him would guarantee that he advanced). By winning that set, I may have advanced (depends on the tiebreaker), but at the time I had more of a "what do I actually gain by winning this set" mentality.
- Stupid Fastliketree Rule: Throwing round-robin matches may be grounds for disqualification.

One could argue that this was technically not in effect this tournament, but I generally regard "not trying your hardest in order to help your friend" (AND SCREWING OVER SOMEONE ELSE COMPLETELY) as a **** move.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
Yeah, pretty much what Kirkq said as far as the pools thing goes. We didn't know how many were making it out.

I thought it was top 2 as well, and with Watty, JBM and Iori in my pool..... >.>

Let's just say I had fun with my pools matches.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Fun tournament everyone. Kirk, remind me to never get on your bad side. 0_0

To the few that I played friendlies with and actually found out who you were:

MacD: I had a great time playing your Peach. Those combos and edgeguards you were landing were sick.

18Spikes: Heh, I never even knew Doc could do half the crap you did with him! Sorry that I didn't want to make them MM's like you wanted. Hopefully you still had fun playing.

jOOt: Dude, your tech chases with Falcon were too good! And maybe I'm just a scrub for saying this, but it was cool to see his moonwalking actually used to extend your combos. And I won't lie, your G&W had me sweatin' for a bit!

AnDale: Fun matches indeed, dude. Your Falco combos were so precise, and you never failed to finish them with a dair :(. You'll have to come up for an SSBO some time soon!

Andrew: Meh, I GUESS it was ok seeing/playing you again :p Too bad we couldn't play longer. Also, hook me up with some of that cologne of yours. Come up to Purdue again soon, you scrub.

Zhu: I didn't play you, but it was nice to meet you nevertheless. You seem like a pretty cool guy. Also, I very much enjoyed watching your friendlies with Cunning.

The Dew Crew: I'm still not sure how you guys coerced me into coming to this thing in the first place. Friday morning I had every intention of leveling up my Ike and Soren in Fire Emblem, and then the next thing I know I'm in DJ's car with cloud generators to my left and Voorheeses to my right. 0_o

And GG's to everyone else I played in pools/brackets.

Oh, and Amba, thanks for letting us stay at your place Friday night. Waking up to donuts is totally top tier, lol.


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Oh boy, a results list so I can do shoutouts :)

Wobbles: Nice work. I could tell you were ultra nervous and wanted to throw up for most of the tournament, so good job surviving!

Zhu: You were 75% of my cheering this tournament! Thanks for all the support and advice and just general coolness. You are officially AZ coast now :) and if you're ever interested in teaming at a tourney, let me know!

Iori: What punishment? I was so scared of playing you that when RockCrock asked me to play friendlies, I stopped him after about five minutes and asked him to start coaching me against Ganon. I also lost to your Ganon with Sheik, which would be a tremendous humiliation and embarrassment to me if you weren't so **** good! I didn't know coming into this how skilled you'd be with a variety of characters--since last time we played you were Mewtwo and then camped me Fox on Corneria lol--but you're a really good player and I bet you're only gonna get much better.

Kels: If a good Fox is normal mode and a great Fox is nightmare mode, then a great and patient Fox with ICs experience is hell mode (lightning enchanted, no less). I was not expecting to be able to win our second set, but playing you taught me a HUGE amount about how to fight Fox with ICs and I can't thank you enough. GGs sir, you're a champion.

Cosmo: Zelda? I sat around practicing with JesusFreak while you were fighting with Kels because I was paranoid I'd have to play you

Tink: Nobody on this green and blue planet ***** Nana like Tink. I would have loved to infinite you but I kind of needed a second climber to do it and she was alive for maybe ten percent of our set

MacD: Never got to really sit and play you, but it was cool having you sit next to me while I played Zhu and make appreciative sound effects when we did cool things :) We'll play some time!

BigD: ICs v Falcon; I was at a major advantage because Darkrain lives in Dallas now. But GG sir!

RockCrock: You are at least 25% of the reason I won; if you hadn't sat down and let me puzzle out the ICs-Ganon matchup I would have been completely reamed by Iori. You're also tons of fun to just hang with, so next time we need to actually do that :p

VirusIndigoMage: Don't shoot the puppy! It was a good time seeing you again sir, maybe next time we'll actually... you know, play.

BlueZaft: The Z isn't capitalized dammit! We'll get 'em next time in doubles :) Great job on singles. Where are you at? You are styling, and also looking very mad cute.

Vist: Not to schadenfreude it up in here, but I'm glad BigD beat you because your Luigi was beasting on me and Bluezaft in doubles and it was a big relief not to have to fight it 1v1.

Viperboy: We only got a few friendlies in, but your Falco is really solid :) Needs IC experience but there's not a lot of that to go around; hope to play you again some time!

Trail: Didn't get to play, and didn't get to watch your 1v1s :( But it was good meeting you for all of ten seconds, I guess?

Jiano: GG man. Pity we didn't really hang out much :(

AnDaLe: Glad you like my ICs! Your Falco is also really good, you were doing a great job of not letting me grab you, otherwise I would have loved to show off all my dumb grab tricks :)

Phatgamer: It was good to see you again sir.

john!: Good friendlies before the tourney; your Peach kinda crushed me that first game we played -_- weird as it is though, I actually know a decent amount about fighting Game and Watch with ICs. Crazy, huh?

KirkQ: I would not have beaten Kels without your advice sir. You're a smart guy and I owe you big time!

JesusFreak: I know this guy. He whooped my *** in doubles and drove 20+ hours in a car with me to do so.

Ripple: I'm sorry you're the last Roy main on earth :( if it makes you feel much better, one of my friends from AZ mained Roy and I also got to play a lot against Sethlon. I have matchup experience in the weirdest places -_-

Sveet: You're a cool guy! We only got to play the tourney match but I think friendlies with you would have been lots of fun.

PEEF: I remember another certain player who did not receive much love when he wobbled people. He turned out alright, I think. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, the tourney could have run a LOT more smoothly and efficiently, but I also have tried to play/run a tourney at the same time, I've drawn up brackets by hand while seeding skill+location, and I've done it while people run around asking me questions and yelled at me to do it all faster: it's a tremendous strain on the old noggin, so you've got props from me for doing your best. I've also been messing around with the different u-throw u-smash and f-throw u-smash like you mentioned, and it's interesting; I'll let you know what I think.

VirusRobin'sEggBlueMage: Sure was awesome playing tons of doubles friendlies with you in Arkansas then GUESS WHO MY FIRST MATCH IS. But it happens, different location + bracket seeds = gotta play who you gotta play. I'm glad you found the experience worthwhile :)

VTS: I think you're one of the silly VirusColor*****es, but I'm not sure which, so you get your real name! Thanks much for housing us the first night, thanks for the cheering, and thanks for just being a pretty alright fella :) I'll be happy to share what I know about ICs anytime.

Shonic: You took like a gajillion people into your home and housed us, and I can't thank you enough! Funnily enough, it looks like I really DID need to practice my wobbling considering how much I screwed it up! Peace dude. Thanks a ton.

BunBun: Yeah boy running tournaments what what. You be careful not to shoot the puppy either, you hear?

I know I forgot other people. Each person gets one (1) free *****-slap on me next time we meet.

I'll see all you folks around. Peace :)

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
KirkQ: I would not have beaten Kels without your advice sir. You're a smart guy and I owe you big time!

Sveet: You're a cool guy! We only got to play the tourney match but I think friendlies with you would have been lots of fun.
Yeah definitely :) If you're at apex we can try to get some time in for that. I didn't even get to try my marth vs you.

book said:
Sveet - Whoops, I guess I didn't introduce myself. I was the guy who bummed five cents off you. Thanks again. We'll play next time for sure
oh that was you?? i didn't recognize you XD


Smash Champion
Dec 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
I'm such a little Iori fanboy. He's so good. Good **** to Zhu/MacD for coming all the way out to the MW. You too Rockcrock!


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
bluezaft played Marth against me in bracket O.o? he got 9th or 7th (too lazy to look at list)


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
get at goosefactor, highest placing marth at this!!
bluezaft played Marth against me in bracket O.o? he got 9th or 7th (too lazy to look at list)
True story. Marth is my main for singles.

Technically I played Marth once in pools, so that would make ME the highest placing Marth :)

Did you come to this tournament from Dallas? So many OOS people, and I play the Jigglypuff. Poop.
Technically San Antonio, but Texas is all the same...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2006
Not Dreamland
Like, instead of using tinypic. I think it resizes it to a really bad size. Just give the URL to my site.
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