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POE3 Results: Wobbles, Zhu, RockCrock, MacD, Kels, COSMO?!


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I don't think I saw you trail. But yeah I was trying to tell yummybeef not to hate or bash on PEEF. Really people should be cooler in genaral, PEEF helped a lot of people, thank you soooooooooooooooooooooo much for those 2 small donuts PEEF. He was PEEFin it up.

however if PEEF had run many tournments poorly or something and didn't try to help everyone out he would be a douche and hate would be all right.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
peef is the man chill with all the hate

wobbles- good stuff..keep it up
zhu- congrats son.
iori- i knew u would get top 3, people are finally realizing how good u are..we need to team in the future

sleeepyk- great livestream, great quality, i enjoyed watching it


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Zhu - Sad to not see me in your shoutouts guess I wasn't that fun to play but it's understandable seein as how you have several foxes in Cali and I wasn't really playin that impressive but I felt like I we still had fun. And like I said about macD, I'm glad I won a match but next time will be different, next time we will go back and forth in matches =).
I promise the post I had earlier wasn't a full shoutouts, that was just a random spew of comments for the most part =)

You were easily one of the most memorable people I met at the tourny. Mad fun to play, and I think you have a much more competitive attitude than I'll ever have (which I'm somewhat jealous of).

But yeah, nice pools set, I'll have more to say in my full shoutouts when I get back / have time to do it LOL =)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2009
shout outs

Amba thanks for hosting keep at it your peach is going to be good.

IHSB- thanks for the advice we had some fun friendlies at peef's

Tink thanks for the marth advice it was fun powering up

Bunbun goodjob TO'ing I want to play you :(

Luke keep it up son you are getting better see you at apex

Gooey banana you hustled me good match I eed to work o that match up

the people i left out ggs


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2007
West Frankfort, IL
Here's my lackluster list of shoutouts.

Shonic - Thanks for the housing man. Your house is a beast, and your whole family is amazing. Send your mom my regards for all the help at the hospital and such.

IHSB - I really appreciate your concern with making sure I was okay. We need to get some friendlies in next time though. I gotta beat that Samus, son.

BunBun - You're easily one of the coolest people I met at one of my first midwest tournaments. (This one) I definitely hope to see you again soon. Also, hit me up if you're ever in So. IL. I'm retired so I can play anytime, pretty much.

VTS - I think this is what I should be calling you. Our friendlies were amazing! Shame my Zelda did better against those IC's than my Puff and my Marth combined hahah. Maybe next time I'll show you my space animals or my Sheik. ;D

Also, the list goes on, but I would like to recognize everyone that helped me out with my unfortunate accident at the venue. There's nothing quite as scary as waking up on a stretcher and not having a clue where you are. Although I don't know who helped me, I would like to thank all of you guys that did. It really makes me feel like the Smash community is the best competitive gaming community in the world. Hopefully next time something like that won't happen again, and I'll actually be able to show the midwest what I'm made of.

I really appreciate it guys. Much respect for everyone. Except those of you who steal. No respect for you. ;)


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
Here's my lackluster list of shoutouts.

Shonic - Thanks for the housing man. Your house is a beast, and your whole family is amazing. Send your mom my regards for all the help at the hospital and such.

IHSB - I really appreciate your concern with making sure I was okay. We need to get some friendlies in next time though. I gotta beat that Samus, son.

BunBun - You're easily one of the coolest people I met at one of my first midwest tournaments. (This one) I definitely hope to see you again soon. Also, hit me up if you're ever in So. IL. I'm retired so I can play anytime, pretty much.

VTS - I think this is what I should be calling you. Our friendlies were amazing! Shame my Zelda did better against those IC's than my Puff and my Marth combined hahah. Maybe next time I'll show you my space animals or my Sheik. ;D

Also, the list goes on, but I would like to recognize everyone that helped me out with my unfortunate accident at the venue. There's nothing quite as scary as waking up on a stretcher and not having a clue where you are. Although I don't know who helped me, I would like to thank all of you guys that did. It really makes me feel like the Smash community is the best competitive gaming community in the world. Hopefully next time something like that won't happen again, and I'll actually be able to show the midwest what I'm made of.

I really appreciate it guys. Much respect for everyone. Except those of you who steal. No respect for you. ;)
man i was so shook up after that happened, and i dont even know u

the smash community is pretty ****in amazing


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2006
I also wanna say that next time me and Wife are at the same tournament and there is commentary, he'd better be on the mic with me. Someone has to talk about the actual match...


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Shonic has possession of the brackets, and he is at Holiday World. He is sending me everything tonight. I will post it as soon as I have it.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Reneblade posting on Reneblade's account:

I just wanna say that I still have people over smashing from OoR and OoS cause im the best houser of smashers ever! /egoboasting

to people who i didnt house:

Zhu - Cool Falcon movement trixies. it was nice to finally meet you in person, i hope you enjoyed your stay in the MW enough to consider coming back again. like i said before, the fact that there are people who are better than you at this game scares me to no end.

MacD - you make peach move faster than I've ever seen, thanks for all the friendlies. again i hope you enjoyed your stay enough to consider coming back. get to work on that zelda, you gotta have a secondary since a bottom tier beat your main <3

Arby - Nice to finally meet you, thanks for the friendlies.

j00t - good **** brother, sad we didnt get to play more, but there will be more tournies

IHSB - Thanks for the friendlies, im sure you've heard it before, but you're a super-chill dude, even though i didnt this time, i'd house you anytime.

Tomacawk - LOL "Its like i get new hands, bro." too ****ing good man. next tourney were at together, ill come with yah outside for a smoke break.

ICG - It was a honor to finally meet you, I'll never forget the day i beat ICG in a pichu ditto :)


BigD - good **** helping with the tourney, im so tired, we did some falcon dittoes didnt we? over in the corner setup?

KirkQ - thanks for helping cleaning up the aftermath of peefs giant mistake

18spikes - clutch work with remaking the whole bracket, sorry to hear about your wallet man, after all that work you did, getting you wallet stolen. I guess a good deed never goes unpunished.

(This list is incomplete, ill add onto it as i remember)

People I housed:

Dart - you aint good at games, *****. Nah but really, you already know. you're my brother i'd do anything for you, kid.

Rockcrock - I sent this guy a pm on youtube one time and it said "you're my favorite smasher" well after housing you for about 5 days, i can say with utmost certainty that you are back on top of that list. i highly recommend hanging out with rockcrock if you ever get the chance. hes a beast at this game, and an incredibly awesome human being.

yummy-om-noms - You're a loud talkative little *******, but if it wasn't for you my apartment would've been alot quieter than it shouldve been. every group needs a talker, thats you. thanks man.

ORLY/Chris - You are the funniest, i wish i had my own pocket ORLY to take around with me everywhere. But not only that, your falcon is beyond legit, i hope to be as consistent as you sometime before 2012.

Sveet - Happy 21st! i dont think we got to play but 1 match, i wish we couldve played more, but i think we both know you wouldve just stomped on me. i hope to actually be good at this game the next time we see each other.

Douche Bag Dave - i mean, you do play sheik so you are a douche bag, but outside of character choices, youre a pretty cool dude.

Looshkin - Sup brojenowski? you pooped me pretty hard in pools, you earned that **** bro.

Anthony - **** son, why are you so good at this game? It sucks how you got eliminated though man, walking off of RC.....lame. You're a pretty awesome dude, i wish we could've smashed when i came up and stayed with Josh in Feb.

Rashad - Nice to finally meet you man, im sad we never got to play rach other other than doubles, i can tell though that you're still pretty amazing. again i wish we could've smashed when i came up and stayed with Josh.

Gooeynaners - Good to see you again Dave, i always am havin fun when you're nearby. we'll MM next time, i didnt do a single MM @ this tourney.

Adam - Big time improvement since the last time i saw you play, good **** man.

Shout-Outs over, other stuff now.

LOL WTF?! I didn't have a single space animal in my pool, wtf happened @ this tourney? top 10 filled with random characters + this? wtf?

PEEF - I hope you learned from this, you definitely deserve most (not all) of the criticism you've gotten. but you're a smart enough kid to never let this happen again. besides, PoE 4 cant possibly be run less smooth than # 3, its all up smooth sailing from here on man.

We came up with a tournament name for tournaments that i will never probably run.

"Dropzones for All"


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
reneblade it was brinstar, I taunted about 8 times, and I didn't know where I started so I ended up hurting myself a lot because pichu is so F***ing small. My problem is you didn't post a thread about that frog :).

If I wanted to john i'd john, I have to many problems to pin point a cause so even if I wanted to john what would I say? Would I say i'd do better if I could see? or played on brinstar or what it's my fault for haveing ibnfi number of problems.:)


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
I'm really bummed I had to miss this.

Shoutouts to Purdue(Goosefactor beat Jiano, thats all the falcon practice I gave you XD(just kidding)!!), E-ville, Chicago, and Midwest in general, much <3.

Kels + Tink: When Cunning texted me you guys won doubles, I was so happy!! You guys ****ing rock. Tink I have to say after teaming with you at Carys, seeing you **** with Chexr at SMYM9, and now this, you are an amazing doubles player. Great Job!!

Top 3: Wobbles, Zhu, Iori(surprised to see ganon i thought you played sheik). Congrats!

ALL OOR people: Thank you so much for coming to the midwest, even though I wasn't there it means alot to us. <3

Lastly, Cosmo: You are amazing, I remember your posts like "I'll see how zelda treats me at POE3, then decide to continue to play her or not...." I really wanna play you soon. Great job man!!


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Salty just historically means being mad. Good question though I have no idea what NaCl has to do with it.

Tee ay eye

Smash Hero
Jun 1, 2008
cuz you just got ***** on that stage, so you have a "salty" taste in your mouth because... well.. you get the picture.

and because of that, you are going back to the same stage.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
Charleston, IL
i think its because this time, the loser will be passing the salt.

dont even say it, i already know it doesnt make sense.
oh wait, i think thats supposed to be "inb4doesntmakesense."


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2006
Jonesboro, Arkansas.
(I am VTM for this post.)

To the people in pool 6 - I'm sorry that I was the last person to play, though really it didn't really matter much since everyone had to finish anyway lol.

Gooey- Close matches, could have gone either way I think with less messups from both sides.

Wobbles/JF/Bluezaft - I had a lot of fun hanging out with you guys over at Shonic's, glad I got to hear some words of wisdom from Wobbles. JF saved me at IHOP. Bluezaft killed me in pools but I'll do better next time.

Spaceballs - Really enjoyed staying at your house the night before we left. Lots of fun smashing and watching vids while being out of our minds lol.

Bunbun - We never got to play and I'm sad. FIND YOUR CRUISE CONTROL BUTTON DEAR GOD!!!

Husband - I'm really glad that I got to play you, and we had some really awesome matches. Been a big fan of yours since WAY back when.

Zhu - I had a lot more respect for you as a gamer now that I know that you're like me and keep up with a lot of competitive gaming. Was fun talking with you about Starcraft and SlayerS_Boxer.

Moogle - I wish we could have played some Smash 64 at some point...we never seem to be able to.

Joot - Yay peer pressure to get food from chik fil A.

To the tournament organizers - I'm sorry about the whole Virus Mage thing, in hindsight it was a really bad idea...I blame Bunbun.

Shonic - Super great housing, your parents are awesome, Don't shoot the puppy.

Hopefully next time I'll be able to rep Arkansas a bit better. I really don't feel like I played my best during the tournament and I never do. I always do better in friendlies.


nerf zelda's dsmash
Feb 5, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Lastly, Cosmo: You are amazing, I remember your posts like "I'll see how zelda treats me at POE3, then decide to continue to play her or not...." I really wanna play you soon. Great job man!!
haha yea this was a pretty good post imo:

this tournament will cement my thoughts on Zelda's viability in tournament gameplay. looking forward to it


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
reneblade it was brinstar, I taunted about 8 times, and I didn't know where I started so I ended up hurting myself a lot because pichu is so F***ing small. My problem is you didn't post a thread about that frog :).
get ***** ICG :D

yeah i think you killed yourself 1st stock thinking you were me. but yeah ICG gave me a little frog plush toy thing that i will hold dear in my heart.

Wobbling is dumb
True Story


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
i just realized cosmo beat all these big names and had a great tournament, but if you just look at who he lost to it might as well be a vro zone from last summer


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
lol, i walked right out? was i on the phone? the only times i walked i went to get food (2 times) and once to give JBM directions.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
i just realized cosmo beat all these big names and had a great tournament, but if you just look at who he lost to it might as well be a vro zone from last summer
lol, Chicago too good.

Reneblade, I totally wanted to play you. I think as soon as I was about to ask you, you left the room T_T. I'll play you next time I see you.

Also, I don't know who's roy I lost to, but I'm still very salt about it.
If it was a beastly man with a hat, it was most likely Ripple.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
macd: call me IMMEDIATELY, i sent you a PM with my number.

if anyone else knows him and can tell him to check his pm's and call me, thatd help a lot.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz

Z - I beat your Ganon and you CP Sheik. Not going to say I'm proud of that but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do to win =) Next time I'll make sure you regret CP'ing to that ho in the first place ;D GG's
Sorry bro, sheik is my main. I couldn't hit an L cancel to save my life that first game. It was cool chillin at pools though.

This thread got a lil crazy, wtf? Thanks for anyone who I got to play, great games.

JF - sorry man, you probably had me dead to rights until that SD.
Tink - Man...<3 but **** you.
Vist - You were amazing, good **** representing that luigi.
Phatgamer - get pooped on kid.

And whoever was that first captain I played in bracket, keep going man, it's tough but fight on!

Thanks for housing peef, and having that awesome dog around....**** yes.
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