Cash Mooney? Were you at FAST1? Because I definetly ***** someone named cash mooney in a friendly. Me and my brother played you guys in friendlies or something. Then I played you and you're team mate 1 on 1 each and I 3 stocked both of you. I was the Red MK with the RDHAL tag lol.
edit:You didn't even make it out of pools and you're trying to talk **** to me XD?
And Hrnut said I have the best Metaknight in Florida by far. I've only been in 1 tournament with Rx which was my VERY FIRST tournament, and I've only been to two tournaments total, so don't make assumptions about my skill level.
Dude, quit trying to put words in my mouth. WHO SAID that Metaknight was comparable to fox in Melee? He's more comparable to Akuma, though not that broken.
Metaknight having no bad matchups, means you can counterpick anyone with him, meaning he counters everybody.
There's your arguement. You really can't prove MK has any bad matchups, because he doesn't. Go ahead and try if you want.
LOL, you wish you could. I went to fast, we did not play, I know exactly what you look like lol. I did see you play there though in a few singles friendlies. If you did play me at all, tell me who i was using, pl0x, because you are clearly full of ****.
I was not ***** that entire tourney either, fyi. I never played friendlies with finch before the tournament. Infact, I hardly played any brawl friendlies, except on one TV, where I decided to use my MK during friendlies. If you did play me in friendlies, I probably was not trying whatsoever, it is brawl after all, and I really don't care how succesful i am with this game.
I went all random box that day as well, and I had the hardest pool there. I highly doubt you would have made it out of my pool either, even if you tried lol.
Cool, somebody from FL's PR said you are the best MK in FL, yet you don't place well at all due to "travel johns". Sorry, I'm not impressed.
Fox is really broken in melee, and MK is broken in brawl. Using akuma's name here is irrelivent too. If you would read over my post, you would see why I used fox as an example.
I never said MK has bad matchups, because he doesn't. But that doesn't mean he counters everybody.
And please, don't flatter yourself again, by saying you think you 3 stocked me, ROFL, your incompetence is already clear as daylight, best MK in FL or not, lmao.