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Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
WOW BASIC SAUSAGE ACTUALLY HAD A SMART POST AND WAS SERIOUS...... that was pretty scary n don't do that again. like i said, i have no beef wit nj. just sayin please don't start problems just cause u lost to a ny head. like dire sayz man the cluck up and train. come bak harder and prove ur worth instead of startin problems

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
why not put $ on it nj and stop praising the same 2 ppl NY vs montage/nj/whoever

Name day and time and step up if not no johns

I'll make sure it happens myself.

So Inui talk to Nj and let play fc rules 5v5 $5 per player Ny wont back down Fo Sho


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
I Actually Would Want Ny N Nj To Be Cool Instead Of This Rivarly Stuff Cause When It Comes Down To State Battles, We Have To Team Up Anyway. Also I'm Thinkin About Puttin More Days Of Games In Web2zone. Now Wit More Fightin Games And People Liking Games From Melee, Brawl, Arcana Hearts, I Wanna Have A Day Strictly For Fightin Games


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
inui you sound like u play the game to the point that u don't go outside. frankly i don't care if u can beat me wit ur cheapness or not. trust and believe i'm a very smart player who can beat ur marth and then you will say well u lucky spammer or m2k is not here : ]
I don't lose 90/10 matches. I would just pick Dedede and make DK a worthless character unable to win, which would force you off of your main. I know you're better than me and I know NY is slightly better than NJ overall; such things were conceded long ago. I'm not going to lose matches that are 90/10 in my favour, though; my brain functions.

Basic Sausage's post was not intelligent. He said he'd do better against Mew2King than players far above his level do against him. That's actually quite silly. I know I'll be accused of meatriding, but whatever; M2K is on an entirely different level than everyone else. You wouldn't beat him. He doesn't lose. Plain and simple.

why not put $ on it nj and stop praising the same 2 ppl NY vs montage/nj/whoever

Name day and time and step up if not no johns

I'll make sure it happens myself.

So Inui talk to Nj and let play fc rules 5v5 $5 per player Ny wont back down Fo Sho
My venue is awesome. Drag Bum down here and we'll do it.

I'd rather team with NY against MD/VA, to be honest. :)

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I Actually Would Want Ny N Nj To Be Cool Instead Of This Rivarly Stuff Cause When It Comes Down To State Battles, We Have To Team Up Anyway. Also I'm Thinkin About Puttin More Days Of Games In Web2zone. Now Wit More Fightin Games And People Liking Games From Melee, Brawl, Arcana Hearts, I Wanna Have A Day Strictly For Fightin Games

oh you mean $10 all day and something called casual friday... hmm i heard of this before at web2zone lol

Either way Bum we gotta talk I want this NJ vs NY thing to happen so we can put to rest who the best in the tri-state area is


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
just cause you can do the chain infinite which requires no skill. i guranteed you if that wasn't there, i would two or three stock almost any ddd. even wit that skill u have a high possiblity losing to me. i'm not a dumb player. reason why the possiblity goes down cause i forgot to tie my sneakers and i trip into ur grab. trust me u will not force me off my main. not u nor m2k nor any other ddd player. basic sausage made top ten wit ddd..... i use to play him in the bridge of eldin and sumtimes win lol. i'm not the type to quit cause one easy grab and get mad. just means play even smarter than the last time.

your 90/10 is a calculation of wrong. you lost to d1 falco 0-3. you have marth who can't even get chain by falco. you should of won 3-0 my friend. you said the same thing yesterday about how marth wins cause the advantages he got. remember the character can be bad.... but it's the player controlling the character that can make the difference.



Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
just cause you can do the chain infinite which requires no skill. i guranteed you if that wasn't there, i would two or three stock almost any ddd. even wit that skill u have a high possiblity losing to me. i'm not a dumb player. reason why the possiblity goes down cause i forgot to tie my sneakers and i trip into ur grab. trust me u will not force me off my main. not u nor m2k nor any other ddd player. basic sausage made top ten wit ddd..... i use to play him in the bridge of eldin and sumtimes win lol. i'm not the type to quit cause one easy grab and get mad. just means play even smarter than the last time.
Uh, okay. Dedede vs DK is 90/10.

your 90/10 is a calculation of wrong. you lost to d1 falco 0-3. you have marth who can't even get chain by falco. you should of won 3-0 my friend. you said the same thing yesterday about how marth wins cause the advantages he got. remember the character can be bad.... but it's the player controlling the character that can make the difference.

I beat him in winners. By the time we played in losers finals, I was tired of the game and frustrated from playing NinjaLink in winners finals. I don't care if people say that's a john, it's true.

Dedede vs DK is 90/10. DK's anti-grab game is not good, Dedede has insane grab range, and the walking chaingrab is too devastating. Dedede also can outcamp DK and edgeguard him well.

Either way Bum we gotta talk I want this NJ vs NY thing to happen so we can put to rest who the best in the tri-state area is
omg read my posts

Nobody is going to deny that NY is the strongest overall area.

Nobody is going to deny that M2K is the single best player.

There's nothing to actually be settled.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
Another Thing Alex I Really Don't Care For Who The Better Tri-state. I Been Realize Sumthin. Nyc Plays To Play. We Don't Go To The Cheapest Character For The Win. Wes Plays Sonic, Alukard Plays Ike, Bum Plays Dk, Nl Plays Diddy And If People Say He's Cheap, It's Only Wit Nl Lmao. Vanz Play Peach N He Hates The Game Lol. Dire Plays Mr Game And Watch, Ron Plays Pikachu, Dark Peach Plays Peach, Reno Plays Both Snake N Shiek, Snake Plays Zss, Basic Sausage Been Playin Ddd Since The Beginning, Shadow Been Playin Metaknight From The Beginning.

Nj Had So Many Changes To Find Who Was The Cheapest And Win Wit The Cheap. Thatz Actually A Compliment Cause They Do Wat They Have To Do To Win And Get That Title N Money. Like I Said I Really Don't Care For A State Battle Anymore, But It Would Be Fun To Have It And I Finally Would Get To See How Jersey Gets Down


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
Like Inui Be Serious, What Dk Have You Play? That Was Like When Peopel Said Dk Was A Terrible Player In Melee Or Jigglypufff Was And A Jigglypuff Wreck Ur Precious M2k That You So Adore. Dude Ur Becoming Annoyin And I Have No Beef Wit U, But Your Not A Computer And Humans Makes Errors. How U Figure It's A 90/10. Come To Ny To My House. I Would Pay For U To Come One Way And We'll Play All Day. So Maybe You Can Learn A Couple Of Things.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Like Inui Be Serious, What Dk Have You Play? That Was Like When Peopel Said Dk Was A Terrible Player In Melee Or Jigglypufff Was And A Jigglypuff Wreck Ur Precious M2k That You So Adore. Dude Ur Becoming Annoyin And I Have No Beef Wit U, But Your Not A Computer And Humans Makes Errors. How U Figure It's A 90/10. Come To Ny To My House. I Would Pay For U To Come One Way And We'll Play All Day. So Maybe You Can Learn A Couple Of Things.
-DK's anti-grab game isn't that great.
-Dedede has gigantic grab range.
-The walking chaingrab does a devastating amount of damage even on the smallest stages.
-Dedede can edgeguard DK well.
-Dedede can outcamp DK thanks to waddles.

It's not about players. Facts of the game, it's campy nature for the most part, makes the match heavily in Dedede's favour.

Btw, DK is good in Melee and Brawl and Jigglypuff is amazing in Melee.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Also, regarding Inui's idea for NY to team with NJ to do NY/NJ vs MD/VA...

I think it's not a bad idea, and I agree that MD/VA is a much larger target (and a more worthy opponent) than bickering within the Tri-State area, but if we did team together I do suppose that most of that crew battle team would be NYC anyway.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I do suppose that most of that crew battle team would be NYC anyway.

NJ's top 5 is elite. It's the rest that's lacking. NJ's top 5 would surely be used. And, since it's likely to NOT occur in NYC, Bum won't be there. >_>;


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
ok inui i would pay for ur ticket one way for u to show me that. cause even if a character has an advantage it's on the person controlling the character. just cause millions of people play as fox in melee, was they on m2k level? whatever dk u play wasn't my dk i assure you of that. you wanna state things ok

dk down tilt is fast and can make u trip early percentage
dk can edgeguard ddd extremely good
dk back air is longer and stronger than ddd
how did u just said ddd can spam donkey kong lmaooooo dude, in this game perfect shield is to good. anyone not only dk can go though spamming
dk has greatttttttttttttttt defense and crazy horizontal comeback
dk is alot faster than ddd
dk kills fast even ddd can't survive a down smash at a high percentage

are you free 2day? if u free like i said i'll PAY FOR YOUR TICKET ONE WAY TO SHOW YOU THAT YOUR NOT A MACHINE AND HUMANS MAKE ERRORS. keitaro told me like 2 months ago you wanted 2nd place cause you felt u was better than spammer and now spammer is the best? dude this is the last time i will even post here cause i'm about to train in soul calibur 4. my screen name on aim is oni163. if u wanna come n prove me wrong and i will even let u infinite chain me which i don't know if people allow that in tournaments or not, but in ny it's not allow cause even [not a joke either] my cousin who never plays smash did it on his 8th try and did 10 in a row lol. if u wanna keep thinkin ur a calculator so be it, but realize the world your in my friend.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
like i said inui i got nothin against u n i am one of the few that thinks ur alright, just the way u came in 2day is not cool. don't take anything personal, but i have to let a few things be known. oh m2k wanted 2 team wit me, but he sayz i don't travel...... well i'm gonna probably get my car this week so i'm gonna have to speak 2 him cause this is a whole new bum in play.

anyone that wants to train in sc4 2day, let me know cause i'm goin to my cousin house to train in the ps3 version. i will visit nj cause i have no problems wit ya and it be cool to see different styles.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I'm not going to NYC just to play one person. Sorry. I never claimed to be a robot. However, simply grabbing DK and chaingrabbing him requires no skill anyways.

I'd love to attend NYC weeklies, but it's unlikely. We will probably never play because you don't leave your state...or even your town. We never played in Melee, either.

keitaro told me like 2 months ago you wanted 2nd place cause you felt u was better than spammer and now spammer is the best?
I would never claim to be better than teh_spamerer. I always have complete and utter confidence in him and I think he's a genius at Smash.

Edit: If you travel, then hooray. Also, what do you mean "how I came in here today"? The first thing I said is that NY is better than NJ, lol.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
well i didn't mention anything about goin to a nyc weekly. i said do u wanna come here n play n i'll pay one way for ur ticket. like i said i will be travelin outta state soon enough whether ya believe or not. i honestly don't care whose better. i just like playin different games n different people.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I didn't read the whole argument, but I know I can take off at least 2 stocks off of M2K's Meta. I haven't had too much trouble against any top Meta player, and I have beaten M2K in a friendly :)
It would be an epic battle though, I really want to see and participate in NY vs. NJ.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee
character matchups are just that - the probability that youre gonna win doesnt determine the outcome of the match unless its 100 - 0, and no one has those matchups

bums knows that a ddd is a counter, but hes good enough that he can fight and win around them


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
yeah so i just can't help it, i get tired and super bored when i "train" i can only play brawl in small doses :'(


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
I'm not going to NYC just to play one person. Sorry. I never claimed to be a robot. However, simply grabbing DK and chaingrabbing him requires no skill anyways.
well i didn't mention anything about goin to a nyc weekly. i said do u wanna come here n play n i'll pay one way for ur ticket. like i said i will be travelin outta state soon enough whether ya believe or not. i honestly don't care whose better. i just like playin different games n different people.
dam, Bum Just...HoMaL-OWNED!!! Inui


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Jay0Yeah - I don't have a main anymore.. I just use who I'm in the mood to use. at the weekly, I've gone Peach, Dedede, Wario, Lucario, Diddy, ZSS, and Ike.. and I've used like every character in friendies.. LOL. it's too hard to use one character and not be bored.

Also, I would love to see Bum's DK vs. M2k's MK. that match would be hilarious.. for like 30 secs and than my 4 year old attention span will carry me somewhere else..

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
I want NY vs NJ to happen because I think it would be a great time had by all with lots of hype. It is sad that Bum does not seem too interested. I want him to and hell I will drag him myself to NJ just to prove a point that he can go toe to toe with M2K. I would definitely even risk paying for him myself.

Look Inui you want this to happen and so do I so we can plan it and do it at a neutral place or somewhere conveniently close ... it will happen


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
bum is the best brawler i know.. and easily one of the best melee'rs. i know everyone would agree he's ****in amazing but i don't even think that's enough to describe how good he is. bum i'm not gonna lie i wasn't really trying against u in our tourney match.. even you know i was mad psyched out cuz of what happened.. but i think the most i could ever take would be 1 stock off you. seriously airdodging is useless against bum.. he was hitting me with crazy **** like fair, double bair etc etc and he knows what you're gonna do and when. the way bum is playing is the way everyone should be playing brawl in a couple years from now, when people learn to predict airdodges. cuz that's all this game really is.. being smart and predicting dodges and sidesteps. and lots and lots of camping, lol.

bum and m2k are in a tier of their own and i'm not gonna say 1 of them is better than the other, because there has to be a match to settle that.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
if i wanted to read a discussion on match ups id go to a match up thread.... -_-

i cant ****ing wait to play SC4 that little corner in the back someone better have a Sc4 on friday or ill be so angry


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
That's one thing I could say that Bum definitely has over me, is being able to play how he's supposed to play against anyone.

My style, which I can't help is more of an automatic adjustment, I only play as good as my opponent most of the time. Like a crappy player can come close or even beat me, but I'll give a really good player a hard time or beat them.

If I can discover a way to rid myself of that, then NYC top spot will have one more crazy fighter to look out for :psycho:


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
All this could be avoided if it was just played out, heh oh well.

Just cuz your rivals on local level doesn't mean you can't **** md/va together i mean really lol


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I like how Inu said M2K does not lose and is a big azz fanboy of him.

Yet he did not tell you guys that my boy Orion 2 stocked M2K's DDD with Captin falcon in a mm and won the MM. No disrespect to M2k but if Your gonna leave details like this out, then you obvious just stay on M2K **** and just wont hop off.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Anyway enough porno movies in here..... All this **** meatridin. I had enough. I'm known for diddy but dont main him. I use whoever the hell i want (not aiming to u Bum, just saying). Reading the last couple pages got me frustrated. I hate...and i mean HATE anything illogical. Everything must have some purpose or meaning to it and alot of some posts were.....illogical to the fullest. U win or lose. No In-betweens such as the infamous word, 'Almost'.

Dont say anyones name besides urs to defend u cause in the end its gonna be u lookin at the crowd. Its like when black ppl complain about reparations wen the ppl who truly deserve it are the ones that suffered not the entire race. This basically relates to NJ relying on the same ppl. U shouldnt have to RELY on anyone but urself. Unless ur paying them like a ***** to win ur matches for you, your azz should be training. No one here is relying on Bum to win tourneys for us, so dont dont rely on M2K and teh_spamerer. Hell he needs u for. He doesnt need u to hold his hand like a 4 year-old. 'Daddy, Take me to Florida to win a tourney for a state who steals my credit as if it was theirs. I'm sure you'll love it too. It'll be fun.'

No More Bad '80s Porn Movies

I'm done. Im off to teach myself Soul Calibur 4.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Anyway enough porno movies in here..... All this **** meatridin. I had enough. I'm known for diddy but dont main him. I use whoever the hell i want (not aiming to u Bum, just saying). Reading the last couple pages got me frustrated. I hate...and i mean HATE anything illogical. Everything must have some purpose or meaning to it and alot of some posts were.....illogical to the fullest. U win or lose. No In-betweens such as the infamous word, 'Almost'.

Dont say anyones name besides urs to defend u cause in the end its gonna be u lookin at the crowd. Its like when black ppl complain about reparations wen the ppl who truly deserve it are the ones that suffered not the entire race. This basically relates to NJ relying on the same ppl. U shouldnt have to RELY on anyone but urself. Unless ur paying them like a ***** to win ur matches for you, your azz should be training. No one here is relying on Bum to win tourneys for us, so dont dont rely on M2K and teh_spamerer. Hell he needs u for. He doesnt need u to hold his hand like a 4 year-old. 'Daddy, Take me to Florida to win a tourney for a state who steals my credit as if it was theirs. I'm sure you'll love it too. It'll be fun.'

No More Bad '80s Porn Movies

I'm done. Im off to teach myself Soul Calibur 4.

I'd say i love you but my heart belongs to Leo apparently ;P


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
I like how Inu said M2K does not lose and is a big azz fanboy of him.

Yet he did not tell you guys that my boy Orion 2 stocked M2K's DDD with Captin falcon in a mm and won the MM. No disrespect to M2k but if Your gonna leave details like this out, then you obvious just stay on M2K **** and just wont hop off.
M2k was sandbagging, rofl. Still, no johns.
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