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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
I GUESS **** LIKE THIS HAS BEEN INSIDE you for a while ninjalink jeez lol i said nothing oded bad and you say that lol wow i say a few competitive comments towards snake just to want him to fight me and train so we can have some intense battles and here you go making an enemy with someone, the last person you want to get on thier bad side lol. I didnt say anything about ****** this and that lol you are throwing **** in my mouth and my dude dont
i have not lost to everyone at the weekly just you jesus( off of bs) and bum lol i guess you just ****ted on everyone since i lost to everyone(jesus you and bum) i guess everyone else in the weekly doesnt matter. But a word of advice to you dont come out your face so early in the game doing justice in weeklies and the game just came out lol. You must think i will lose to ppl like you forever lol. You really ****ed up big time coming out your face i guess your other crew members didnt give you the proper training lol or preachings for me. But you will see what i am talking about not even bum comes to me with that **** and he has beaten me more times than you WOW just wow this game turns melee benchwarmers into big headed brawl starters remember the only reason your a starter in brawl is cause the team is new team new everything so everyone is on the same skill level its just right now ur taller than me (play with zelda/shiek) and i pplay with samus/sonic and zss which is going to take a lil bit more time to be a TRUE STARTER so i am going to talk **** whether i win or lose everyone knoes that. I guess this game brings out everyones true colors all the fake hand shakes, grins and smiles was just shakes of jealousy and hatred waiting for thier chance to be the town hero for a few days compared to close to a lifetime lol.


ON ANY event relax reno i got no beef with u your still my lil asain ***** lol its all fun and games i just want ot play the guy and add some hype to our match thats all he is a nice person. And snakee **** melee you didnt need to play that god awful game lol. WE are talking abotu brawl now try and make a name for yourself now aight u and your browbrother lol.
i know every1 see me and wes talk **** to each other 24 7... but every1 has to understand without wes/dire talking **** to every1 u would not go home every night and play >_>...
thats why NYC is so good... ofcurse u wont like it but it makes u want to beat them...i agree with wes 100% all the people in melee that sucked now they get top 3 at a weekly 1 time they think they the **** (NO NAMES)we been doing that way be4 u >_>

well anyway wes no johnsz i ***** u ****ing suck...



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Oh man, after reading all of this, I'm afraid to get beast with brawl Peach and do well in tournaments. I'll be the one going though all of this next since i'm the only Peach main in N.Y > . >.........besides my crew member and rockin.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Thanks HAB. Im not tryin to be a ****. Just saying. There shouldnt be any enemies here. If anything just friendly rivalry. Oh just to lighten ppl up, heres a nice pic

and this


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
lol NL

Nl On Ur College Teams That Was Funny Man **** Brawl Has Made You Grow Some Balls Lol I Like That Talking Back Thats Cool But When I Win Game Over

Dont Lose To Me I Am Telling You I Am Going To Run With It.......

And Your Right Give You The Props That You Do Deserve, I Said I Was Sorry A While Back About Something, Wes Trying To Be A Man About Things And This Dude Just Says Some More ****ed Up **** To Me Lol So I Wont Give You Props Anymore. I Am Going To 3 Stock You Back Into You Cave You Came From That You Was In During The Melee Years.

I Cant Let You Beat Me Again Cause I Know If I Do Your Going To Come To Tournaments Next With A Blazer And Some Sunglasses And Some Gator Shoes Lol.

Then If You Beat Me Again Or A Weekly You Are Going To Come To Tournaments With A Car That You Took Out Loan For And Some Hookers Lol.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Thanks HAB. Im not tryin to be a ****. Just saying. There shouldnt be any enemies here. If anything just friendly rivalry. Oh just to lighten ppl up, heres a nice pic

and this
Oh don't TEMPT me to image spam up in here. I will post SO many LOLCats TecZero will want to triple block my posts.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Son, this shiz talking is maad stupid. Maaad stupid, I hate the fact that the melee pros talk shiz to the people who weren't so good in melee and are now good in brawl, and I don't like the people who are good in brawl and are now talking mad shiz. No offense Ninja, I like you in all, but you are being an OD hypocrite. You are tell wes if he loses don't bs, but when me and hab beat you did the illest john. What kind of john is, " I wasn't suppose to die" Nucca wall tech next time and you won't die, lol. But seriously, cool your jets because it's going to back fire, especially when you lose. It's gonna really suck for you now, because DA is just gonna get you tight all the time son...I feel bad for you. But seriously man, some of the things you say is maad unnecessary, like when I asked you are you going to train for the weeklie and you were like there isn't anyone that's a challenge, ok man....can't wait till friday budz...


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
i need ninja, hab, snake, diem, luck, shin, and d1 to add me on wifi i wanna play NY kk thnx.

EDIT- anyone who takes wes serious or gets pissy about wat he says obviously doesnt know wes and is way too touchy lol. i think everyone at one point or another got pissy whenever they had to play da and they were trashtalking the whole time and then everyone just got over it lol and laughs it off. i dont think i ever beat wes in a set in melee but i still did a double wall kicked and missiled him in the face and had DJ scream QUIT LIFE MAD LOUD so that was pretty epic. that made me love wes cuz he just laughed it off, wes is mad kewl ppls.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Nl On Ur College Teams That Was Funny Man **** Brawl Has Made You Grow Some Balls Lol I Like That Talking Back Thats Cool But When I Win Game Over

Dont Lose To Me I Am Telling You I Am Going To Run With It.......

And Your Right Give You The Props That You Do Deserve, I Said I Was Sorry A While Back About Something, Wes Trying To Be A Man About Things And This Dude Just Says Some More ****ed Up **** To Me Lol So I Wont Give You Props Anymore. I Am Going To 3 Stock You Back Into You Cave You Came From That You Was In During The Melee Years.

I Cant Let You Beat Me Again Cause I Know If I Do Your Going To Come To Tournaments Next With A Blazer And Some Sunglasses And Some Gator Shoes Lol.

Then If You Beat Me Again Or A Weekly You Are Going To Come To Tournaments With A Car That You Took Out Loan For And Some Hookers Lol.
Um...Wes....The bickery is over with. Only reason i said that cause u made a typo. Ask anyone here. If they make a typo on aim i'll make fun no matter who u are. Ask Dark.Pch. But Yet u go on and on. U kno why i talk back? Cause im tired of it. I heard enough of everyone talkin BS. And when did u give me props and when have u said sorry. All i heard was how zelda is easy to use and samus being hard to use, not ur good etc. Do what u want.I lost interest in ur posts so dont bother.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
ok there is big news and the big news is y singles that didn't finish will have to be delay. please verrrrrrrrry important decide on stages and rules before i do.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Aight, just going to post this one more time because nobody answered it..... (and I'm sorry if someone did and I missed it)

Is there a weekly besides the one that is being finished up from last friday?


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
the one that was pose 2 finish up, it won't be this weekly. there has 2 be a new one for sure. i need ya 2 vote on stages n rules right away. seriously


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Son, this shiz talking is maad stupid. Maaad stupid, I hate the fact that the melee pros talk shiz to the people who weren't so good in melee and are now good in brawl, and I don't like the people who are good in brawl and are now talking mad shiz. No offense Ninja, I like you in all, but you are being an OD hypocrite. You are tell wes if he loses don't bs, but when me and hab beat you did the illest john. What kind of john is, " I wasn't suppose to die" Nucca wall tech next time and you won't die, lol. But seriously, cool your jets because it's going to back fire, especially when you lose. It's gonna really suck for you now, because DA is just gonna get you tight all the time son...I feel bad for you. But seriously man, some of the things you say is maad unnecessary, like when I asked you are you going to train for the weeklie and you were like there isn't anyone that's a challenge, ok man....can't wait till friday budz...
First off ur not involved in this. If i wallteched yes i woulda been alive. But being i though the walls were a little larger i didnt worry as much. So misjudging now is a john. I'll remember that. Also ur paraphrasing what i say on the boards tryin to make me look like an evil person . Ur yet another reason why i dont talk to alot of ppl cause somehow personal convos appears on the internet. So ya kno. I'll go back into seclusion, keep to myself and keep talk to a bare minimum. Dont expect many posts from me anymore.

And of course im gona get a stupid response from certain ppl to make me post but whatever. Not caring anymore. See u all at the weekly.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
the one that was pose 2 finish up, it won't be this weekly. there has 2 be a new one for sure. i need ya 2 vote on stages n rules right away. seriously
No joke guys, seriously. If you do not post right now about the stages and everyone agrees on them, then bum will just do his rules, and you will all be ***** out.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
please ninjalink from stages i put can u vote from those rules n stages wat should be on? i need everyone to focus seriously


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Yo Jay0yeah that shiz isn't productive at all man >_> dead *** stay on topic... Ok I'm going to list all the stages in the game, just quote my comment, and write either Banned Neutral or Counterpick. Depending on the votes for each stages that is how it will stand.

* Battlefield
* Battleship Halberd
* Bridge of Eldin
* Castle Siege
* Delfino Plaza
* Distant Planet
* Final Destination
* Frigate Orpheon
* Lylat Cruise
* Mario Circuit
* Mushroomy Kingdom
* New Pork City
* Norfair
* PictoChat
* Pokémon Stadium 2
* Port Town Aero Dive
* Rumble Falls
* Shadow Moses Island
* Skyworld
* Smashville
* Summit
* WarioWare
* Yoshi's Island
* 75m
* Flat Zone 2
* Green Hill Zone
* Hanenbow
* Luigi's Mansion
* Mario Bros.
* Pirate Ship
* Spear Pillar
* Brinstar
* Corneria
* Onett
* Rainbow Ride
* Temple
* Yoshi's Island (SSBM)
* Big Blue
* Green Greens
* Jungle Japes
* Pokémon Stadium


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003

**** i didnt know he said that cass **** lol ppl think they are the head of this game lol **** just came out lol i am cocky at heart but i am not dumb. noone is really 100 percent wack **** i am going to play with anyone i can **** it everyone is somewhat a challenge u need to realize that ninjalink lol you will soon learn for showing your ***. Stay in ur box if u didnt start talking **** when u was getting ***** dont start now that your doing a lil damage in just new york at weeklies that your not even winning lol.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
yo bum jus tput D1's rules ... i haven't seen one post about keeping those crappy stupid hazard stages on ... seriously ... don't put urs up ... basically everyone said to put D1's so just do it ... ur obviously not going to get everyone to post ... but majority already did ... so yea


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
how many times ya want ppl to post on the same ****? d1 put up a set of rules like 5 ppl said they agreed( i agree btw) so just use those rules. the end


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
ok well singles will not be redone. it can continue in 2 weeks if ya want. i wanna see the rules before i announce watz goin on friday and yes i can do singles n doubles n we don't have 2 worry about time no more. thx 2 ur truly bum muahhhh


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Yeah Bum asked me to repost this so I am : P. Thanks for the support of Ruleset version.D1 ^_^

Rules for SSBB ( Courtesy of Vanz ) <refined by D1>

3 Stock
7 Minute time limit
Items off

*Mages dq rule! If you ARE NOT at your match when you are called after 7 minuntes, you will be DISQUALIFIED!

Rules so far :

- 3 stock
- 7 minute time limit
- best 2 of 3. finals matches (losers/winners/grand) being best 3 of 5
- Double Elimination
- items are OFF including smash ball

Neutral stages for singles: Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium, Delfino Plaza, Battlefield, Lylat Cruise

Counterpick stages for singles: Brinstar, Corneria, Halberd, Luigi's Mansion, Jungle Japes, Pictochat, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon, Corneria, Rainbow Cruise

Doubles :

Team attack ON
Life stealing is allowed

Nuetral Stages for Doubles: Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium, Delfino Plaza, Battlefield, Lylat Cruise

Counterpick Stages for Doubles: Brinstar, Corneria, Halberd, Luigi's Mansion, Jungle Japes, , Pictochat, Castle Seige, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon, Rainbow Cruise

Stage Banning: Each player / team may select up to 2 stages that will be banned from the tournament set. however, only one of the banned stages can be a neutral stage. (ex. yoshi's island and corneria makes a VALID ban. corneria and brinstar makes a VALID ban. yoshi's island and battlefield makes an INVALID ban.)

Stage Strike Rule: If a stage is selected at random, each player / team can elect to reset the stage pick ONCE PER SET. the reset all must occur within 3 seconds of the start of the match.

Counterpick Rule: The loser of the match first chooses the stage that the next match of the set will be played on. The opponent, then, makes the choice of changing character or not. than the loser of the match selects his/her character.

If the loser of the match chooses to select the stage at random. The opponent CANNOT change character. The loser of the match than makes the choice of changing character or not.

-Excessive "stall" tactics are banned.
-Controller Mods are banned

Violation of any rule is punishable by non-refunded disqualification.


In the event of a TIE at the end of the time limit, the player with the most stocks wins. If both players have ONE STOCK the players will quit the SUDDEN DEATH, set the stock to one, and start a match with stage being the same as where they had the tie. This will determine the winner.

Each Round is best of three matches; Grand/Losers/Winners Finals are best of five matches*

Singles seeding will be random with some courtesy to crews – you will be spaced evenly as to prevent playing each other in the first round. One of the two criteria must be fulfilled in ordered to be favored. You MUST have 3 or more people in a group hailing from the same region, or you must be part of a crew. Teams seeding will be done randomly.

In case more than 64 people come, Singles seedlings will be determined by pools – each player will be assigned to a pool, and each pool will play 2 Three (3) stock matches in a round robin. If a player wins a match, he must inform an official of how much stock he had remaining. Players will continue to play with each other until each player has played all of the other players in the pool twice. The lowest ranking players will be cut off from each pool, so much so until it meets the conditions of a 64-man bracket. All stages for pools are picked randomly, and all character selections will be double blind pick – both players must whisper their character choices for that match to an official, and then immediately select those characters afterwards.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
The Sun.
This is my most current events rules. There were actually no stage johns all day, so I'd recommend this

II.Disclaimer: There will be no fighting, threatening, or anything of the like allowed. No warnings, no nothing. You do it, you're done. Trash Talk, and other things are not only fine, but encouraged.

III.Before we delve into the rule sets, and whathaveyou, I want to discuss "BAN THE STAGE, BAN THE TECHNIQUE, OR BAN THE JOHNS!" If you have a SOLID opinion on the matter, and want your voice heard, IM me on AIM, or PM me here with a detailed reason on what you think you happen. Posts in this thread or any other will not effect this outcome. HOWEVER!!! I do want to see the desire for Melee! Posts in the thread are encouraged for this point!
Stages in discussion: Mario Circuit, Bridge of Eldin, Green Hill Zone, Corneria, Shadow Moses Island, Onett.
In your argument, please discuss the ideas of walk-off chaingrabbing, and infinite wall shining (and other techniques) for use in tournament play.

Edit: We're getting closer and the following changes have been made: (Due to popular demand)
Banned: Bridge of Eldin
Unbanned: Elektroplankton, Norfair for teams, Corneria, Onett, and Shadow Moses Island.

IV. Venue: 3499 Rt 1 South
Princeton, NJ 08540
The Palmer Inn

The tournament will be in the Garden Room. Call Inui at 732-829-1805 if you need directions. If you need to be picked up from the Princeton, Princeton Junction, or Trenton train stations, which are all close by, call someone at the tournament to pick you up and we'll be happy to do so.

Times!! :

Signups/Friendlies: 11 am!

Doubles! 12pm

Singles: After teams, or the bracket will begin at 4. Be there as soon as you can, it could start as early as 2.

House Fee is 2$ per person!! :D

Singles - 10$
Doubles - 10$ per team

Prizes: All money in pot will be used for the prizes! The cash outs go to the following:

1st: 65%
2nd: 25%
3rd: 10%

1st: 80%
2nd: 20%
3rd: Free Entry into Singles![/color][/size]

V. Brawl Rules!

* Matches will be THREE (3) Stock (again), EIGHT minute time limit.
* Double Elimination. All matches will be 2/3, with all finals being 3/5.
* No pools, random seeding
* Items will be off, while team attack will be on! Life stealing is allowed.
* Each person/team is allowed two bans. NO STAGE STRIKES
* Smashballs will be OFF.
* Advanced Slob picks: First match is a blind pick, where the competitors will tell their character to a judge, a proceed. The Loser of the first match will then pick the next stage, then the winner may choose his character. After, the loser will choose his character and begin. The same will happen for the third match, if forced.
* Dave's Stupid Rule Modified will be in effect. The same stage can not be played twice in a row in a single set.
* The Mage's DQ rule is also in effect:
2 Minutes Late ? Warning/Loss of first stock
4 Minutes Late ? Loss of first match of set
6 Minutes Late ? Loss of set)
* Any attempt at lame *** tactics will result in a warning. Any further attempt at lame *** tactics will result in forfeit.
These tactics include, but are not limited to:
-Stalling under a stage.
-Running away to run the time limit. (Excessively. If there's 30 seconds, and you bail, that's one thing. But if you waste 5 minutes, or be a jerk about it, I'm stopping the match. It's at the judge's discretion.)

I'd buy that for a Dollar!

V.5: Stages: (All stages listed above are in tentative positions.)


* Final Destination
* Battlefield
* Yoshi's Story
* Smashville
* Lylat

Stages for Counterpick:

* Delfino Plaza
* Luigi's Mansion
* Mario Circuit
* Great Sea
* Norfair (Only teams)
* Frigate Orpheon
* Battleship Halberd
* Castle Siege
* Pictochat
* Green Hill Zone
* Rainbow Cruise
* Brinstar
* Elektro Plankton
* Corneria
* Onett
* Pokemon Stadium Melee

NOTE: You may play any banned stage as long as both you, and your opponent agree and ask a judge! If you agree, there will be no complains!!!!!!!!

Banned Stages:

* Distant Planet
* Green Greens
* Yoshi's Island (Old)
* Bridge of Eldin
* Skyworld
* Mushroomy Kingdom
* Rumble Falls
* Pokemon Stadium 2
* Spear Pillar
* Port Town: Aero Dive
* Shadow Moses Island
* Donkey Kong Arcade
* Mario Bros Arcade
* The Summit
* Flatzone 2
* WarioWare Inc
* New Pork City
* Hyrule Temple
* Big Blue


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
For the weeklies that I will be attending (which, given that the semester will end soon, will not be many more), I can bring my laptop and man Tio. When I'm not there I know Rockin could do it if he had a computer to do it on.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Thanks HAB. Im not tryin to be a ****. Just saying. There shouldnt be any enemies here. If anything just friendly rivalry. Oh just to lighten ppl up, heres a nice pic

and this
Why is this somehow directed at me? XD

For the weeklies that I will be attending (which, given that the semester will end soon, will not be many more), I can bring my laptop and man Tio. When I'm not there I know Rockin could do it if he had a computer to do it on.
Yeah, I don't mind doing brackets and such as well. Makes me feel important lol

But even though I heard doing this is easy, I'll take it seriously.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2005
wheneva ya ready 2 hear the news. i told alukard about it and wes also. also if anyone can bring a laptop n use that tio, that would be great
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