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Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
**** we got a protector on the loose

**** wes is hatin' MAD hard!!! LoL

I mean though to be honest, this is a new game.. and its a lesser game.. *cough*

and like.. its not as hard to get good... Snake and Shadow were playing at around the times of VLS, I remember them going and all.. So.. Eh wtvs.. They weren't like TERRIBLE.. They were like a lil below the average talent at a tourny like VLS, which isn't that bad on the grand scheme of things.

I saw Snake's match vs D1. D1 is a vet. Snake didn't do half bad, and still that deserves something. Not a lot, cuz brawl sux donkey nut. But you know, still gets props.


I'm just a giant hater that will still play Brawl b/c I like the community. Plus I'm mad raw at it.

Flame ON!

its funny how ur protecting someone who doesnt protect themselves i am just challenging the dude and his brother and now that i ****ing see he has fans i really want to play him now.

What puzzles me is that how u call urself snakee but you main zss thats weird to me i am tired of people like that especially people like NinjaLink lol but doesnt even really use link at all and has not characteristics of a Ninja in him nor does he play with any Ninja like Characters lol. Dont even mention zelda cause she is a princess and he doesnt play with shiek lol. You gotta love the community lol who likes a char but since they see they arent aht good or cant win forget about it they keep the name but lose the character.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
Mah Requests For Stage N Rulez

Everything you put for maps that people could choose from is a NO except for Green Greens which I think is an acceptable Singles Counterpick that is all.

No other maps should be ON AT ALL.


Counterpick rules
I'm ok with ---
Loser picks stage or character, not both. The winner must stay. If the loser picks character the map choice goes to random.

As well as the original rules...
Loser picks stage, Winner Picks Character, Loser Picks Character.

Saturday is tough especially early for me out far on LI.
Like Saturday at like 1-2pm would be awesome. .but the also the thing is saturday is usually reserved for like.. larger events..

I feel like yeah the weeklies are big but I mean.. I like them on Friday. They just have to be.. Well organized...
No body was reportin' matches and I saw MAD friendlies..

Me and HBK were waiting in the back for OD long waiting for a match! I thought we got like skipped or something.

This game generally takes longer than melee matches IMO.
Melee matches usually like 1min-3min..
Brawl matches usually like 2min30sec - 5min
Usually... its like a rough estimate.

So I was thinking.. like even though this is kind of f'd up.. either only allow like .. 30 some odd people to join singles so we can actually FINISH! The first 30 that register first. No LATE REGISTRANTS. Also for teams is ok b/c not a lot of ppl play teams anyway and even if they do the amount of matches are still lesser than singles.

NO MORE LATE REGISTRANTS!! It messes with the brackets and lets say we got a perfect 36 man bracket.. ok, LATE REGISTRANT! So now we got 37 after the 36 was all written out nice and random but we need to wait for the 37 bracket print out + rewriting..

What? Oh someone left. Great. back to 36. Oh man 2 people left.. .35 bracket lemme start rewriting..


4 hours later

Bum: Gg everyone
Everyone: F.U.C.K!


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
hey.. gimping is the best part melee and it was possible because there was enough speed to persue someone off the ledge.. not only that, but brawl seems hell bent on letting someone come back to the stage, so it's a lot harder to gimp now, which makes me sad :(

oh, and if I used wes logic, my name would be peachclimbers.. or NinjaPeach



Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006

Mah dude relax!
Not fan boy but like ****, tryin' to just promote some civility. And you posted at like 2am so I responded at like 3am cause I was up, what if they hadn't read the post yet to PROTECT THEMSELVES?! Durf... that was a D3 Moment Wesly! Lets be real! Btw I hate that too.. people who got those names throw me off..
NinjaLink? I was like omfg you don't play link?!
Mew2King? You are the most misleading of them all.
Reno? Wtf you're so amazing?


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I think it's funny when people have misleading names. who would ever expect snake the peach player, or shadow the jiggs main lolz

come to think of it.. reno reminds me of a redneck cop, bum reminds me of.. oddly, a donkey kong LOL

Hax reminds me of that useless cable channel PAX

D1 reminds me of A1 steak sauce

Technine reminds me of a gun

and Dionis reminds me of Ness..


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2006
GG @ Redneck cop

and PAX is such a bad channel.

Lol @ dionis.

Vanz the shoe. I love vanz brand shoes they're mad comfortable.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I Think Someone Is Feeling Them Selves, Yes I Do Ok Enuff Of The Shhhhhhhhhhhnanagins Lol. Lets Fight My W/e Vs Ur Zss And If U Want My Zss Vs Urs Eventhough Dittos Dont Mean Anything I Just Like To Break Spirits.

Cause I Am Tired Of Ppl Like U And Ur Brother Coming Out The Woodworks Lol Where The **** Were U When Melee Was Out Lol. U And Ur Brother ****ing Brow Brothers Lol This **** Is Going To End Now.
We Will Fight To The Death Brow Brothers.
See this why I feel like I need to catch up in Melee again. Because so many people didn't know who the hell I was back then and I figured they'd say stuff like this now. But what kind of player doesn't like new competition anyway....scared? :p. Let's go then MM me or whatever. I actually have played you before too. I had a set against you at a weekly and you won 2-1, but you didn't know me.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
hmm.. missed a lot lol. well i havent been on in order to "protect myself " lol thanks reno for actually noting that me n my brother have been around for quite a while and have played a lot of people that dont know us and think we're new.

well, i don't really care lol and ill play you too wes.. dunno why you're mad or something but oh well. we came in too late for melee to really get extremely good and become known well but we had been around for a while and got about average tournament level.

what's going on with the weekly though is it gonna be continued or not? >___<

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i remind vanz of ness lol dioNESS lmao 2 good =] i dont think it matters where they come from if theyre good theyre good,and everyone HAS TO ADMIT THAT BRAWL IS SO ****ING EASY TO LEARN I KNOW **** WELL IT IS


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
its funny how ur protecting someone who doesnt protect themselves i am just challenging the dude and his brother and now that i ****ing see he has fans i really want to play him now.

What puzzles me is that how u call urself snakee but you main zss thats weird to me i am tired of people like that especially people like NinjaLink lol but doesnt even really use link at all and has not characteristics of a Ninja in him nor does he play with any Ninja like Characters lol. Dont even mention zelda cause she is a princess and he doesnt play with shiek lol. You gotta love the community lol who likes a char but since they see they arent aht good or cant win forget about it they keep the name but lose the character.

Mah dude relax!
Not fan boy but like ****, tryin' to just promote some civility. And you posted at like 2am so I responded at like 3am cause I was up, what if they hadn't read the post yet to PROTECT THEMSELVES?! Durf... that was a D3 Moment Wesly! Lets be real! Btw I hate that too.. people who got those names throw me off..
NinjaLink? I was like omfg you don't play link?!
Mew2King? You are the most misleading of them all.
Reno? Wtf you're so amazing?
Reno I played u with Link in Melee. U musta forgot.

Wes, Now ur just gettin on my nerves with ur BS. I play Link and i play Sheik. I play about 30 chars in this game. I was using Link Against Dark.Pch. His name was Snake before brawl even came out but since we;re on this topic. How is ur tag name Wes when ur name isnt Wesley or anything like that. So now STFU cause ur losing to mostly everyone at the weekly and Everyone kicking ur A5S. U can be a pro in melee but this is a new game. Dont feel bad cause ur losing. Pro status doesnt 'Transfer' between games. Or maybe u feel bad cause u had the game before everyone else here and still losing to ppl who dont even have the game. That could be it. So stop with ur rants or ur 'shenigans' Cause no one here likes it. Have a nice day.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Reno I played u with Link in Melee. U musta forgot.

Wes, Now ur just gettin on my nerves with ur BS. I play Link and i play Sheik. I play about 30 chars in this game. I was using Link Against Dark.Pch. His name was Snake before brawl even came out but since we;re on this topic. How is ur tag name Wes when ur name isnt Wesley or anything like that. So now STFU cause ur losing to mostly everyone at the weekly and Everyone kicking ur A5S. U can be a pro in melee but this is a new game. Dont feel bad cause ur losing. Pro status doesnt 'Transfer' between games. Or maybe u feel bad cause u had the game before everyone else here and still losing to ppl who dont even have the game. That could be it. So stop with ur rants or ur 'shenigans' Cause no one here likes it. Have a nice day.
This must be said..i'm sorry but it must...........



das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
LOL, yeah.. VaNz.. my objective was to spread the word about comfortable shoes I NEVER wear.. lolz

snake - while I would like you and everyone to play melee more, you should have to play the game to "prove yourself." you should play it because it's amazing. but u got wes' attention for brawl, so apparently, ur the ****

oh.. snap

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
Reno I played u with Link in Melee. U musta forgot.

Wes, Now ur just gettin on my nerves with ur BS. I play Link and i play Sheik. I play about 30 chars in this game. I was using Link Against Dark.Pch. His name was Snake before brawl even came out but since we;re on this topic. How is ur tag name Wes when ur name isnt Wesley or anything like that. So now STFU cause ur losing to mostly everyone at the weekly and Everyone kicking ur A5S. U can be a pro in melee but this is a new game. Dont feel bad cause ur losing. Pro status doesnt 'Transfer' between games. Or maybe u feel bad cause u had the game before everyone else here and still losing to ppl who dont even have the game. That could be it. So stop with ur rants or ur 'shenigans' Cause no one here likes it. Have a nice day.
GO**** lol

oh and dionis >.< my irl name ...w/e i dont wanna go through this again i wish i could change me name on the boards >>< they should allow that its pretty easy to figure -out.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Just to add ur probably gonna say,
Wes: 'Oh I'm JuSst ScOPing OUt tHe COMpeTition'
'Yo ZelDA IS Mad Easy SOn!' (even though u suck with her *cough*)
and plz dont say MM me in melee when u was just thrashing the game.

In Other News

'Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch.....' I agree with the stages that D1 put up.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
So.. I'm a bit confused. I understand that everyone that played in the last weekly is going to finish up their matches this friday, but is there still a normal weekly after the previous one finishes up? Because if there is I'm definitely going to it.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
LOL, yeah.. VaNz.. my objective was to spread the word about comfortable shoes I NEVER wear.. lolz

snake - while I would like you and everyone to play melee more, you should have to play the game to "prove yourself." you should play it because it's amazing. but u got wes' attention for brawl, so apparently, ur the ****

oh.. snap
Well I just meant that I was there for Melee and don't want to be confused for the new ppl that started showing up for Brawl.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2005
New York Citaaay :333 Occupation: Stripper ;]
so yah... the weeklys should start earlier, not on sat. every1 should cooperate so this can finish on time, and bum doesnt gotta get in so much trouble 4 trying 2 have weeklys 4 us. if we just stop playing friendlys (including me lmfao) when tourney starts and every1 report their matches things should go mad smooth. and none of that crap where some1 comes mad late and people just put them on the bottom of the bracket, like seriously, we couldnt even finish singles

yah... i like cabbage patch kids


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
Pelham, NY
Stop bashing on NinjaLink. Just cause he used to main Link in Melee doesn't mean he's bound to using only that character in Brawl. So what if he wants to change mains, or enjoys playing other characters? He probably doesn't want to go through all the hassle of changing his tag, and we all know him as NL. I think you guys are just hating cause of your losses. Anger tends to do that. I know it's a competitive game and all but that doesn't mean you should be going around, bashing on all the nit-picky details you run into.

Actually, I asked him the same question, why he doesn't play Link anymore, but playing him/watching him, the answer just came to me. You guys have no reason to bash on him, making fun of a name, how indecent. If you were to make fun of a very newbie 'style' of play, like spamming one attack all the time, that'd be more understandable..

P.S. NL... your signature avatars are too happy they're scaring me.
P.P.S. Don't. you. dare. say anything I know this is a new account I just forgot my old name/pass. Oh well this one suits my name better anyhow.



Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Man I showed up... Pimpin' Ya Cold Up..

I head straight to weekly to post up.

I Jiggly Rolled Up... My Cup Mold Up..

***** don't just stand there with your nose up...

HAB HAB! What it do? What it do?

I am back on the boards. That's how beastly I am.

Watch DiAL and I's matches: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=65C5E54E1FDF9549

Also, weeklies need to be on Friday. That is all. Oh and get at Luck's G&W and Falco.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
WOW something i said that was so small just turned into something big

I GUESS **** LIKE THIS HAS BEEN INSIDE you for a while ninjalink jeez lol i said nothing oded bad and you say that lol wow i say a few competitive comments towards snake just to want him to fight me and train so we can have some intense battles and here you go making an enemy with someone, the last person you want to get on thier bad side lol. I didnt say anything about ****** this and that lol you are throwing **** in my mouth and my dude dont
i have not lost to everyone at the weekly just you jesus( off of bs) and bum lol i guess you just ****ted on everyone since i lost to everyone(jesus you and bum) i guess everyone else in the weekly doesnt matter. But a word of advice to you dont come out your face so early in the game doing justice in weeklies and the game just came out lol. You must think i will lose to ppl like you forever lol. You really ****ed up big time coming out your face i guess your other crew members didnt give you the proper training lol or preachings for me. But you will see what i am talking about not even bum comes to me with that **** and he has beaten me more times than you WOW just wow this game turns melee benchwarmers into big headed brawl starters remember the only reason your a starter in brawl is cause the team is new team new everything so everyone is on the same skill level its just right now ur taller than me (play with zelda/shiek) and i pplay with samus/sonic and zss which is going to take a lil bit more time to be a TRUE STARTER so i am going to talk **** whether i win or lose everyone knoes that. I guess this game brings out everyones true colors all the fake hand shakes, grins and smiles was just shakes of jealousy and hatred waiting for thier chance to be the town hero for a few days compared to close to a lifetime lol.


ON ANY event relax reno i got no beef with u your still my lil asain ***** lol its all fun and games i just want ot play the guy and add some hype to our match thats all he is a nice person. And snakee **** melee you didnt need to play that god awful game lol. WE are talking abotu brawl now try and make a name for yourself now aight u and your browbrother lol.

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
I LOVE SONIC ive definetly been playing him like i said i would ^_________^ someone play my sonic?also can someone play me online yo?ive got like noone and no1 wants to ****ing play meee!


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York

If anyone ask, no. I'm not challenging Dark Pch.'s essay awsomeness. I know my place >>

Well here are some issues we gotta addres

#1 - who has the bracket

#2 - how to convince w2z to let ppl come and play for free ( me and HAB got connections but that is a SUPER Tall order )

#3 - what are the exact damages of the event that took place


#5 - how many matches were completed in singles because if we start at 7 but end at 11 and there are too many matches than we could not finish it even if we had all 8 tvs cause at some point there will be ppl waiting for others to finish matches....then ur talking about 3 weeks to find a winner.

#6 - START ON TIME...DQ ppl who are not there and do not listen to this " i came from foreign lands to travel to this ONE TOURNAMENT IN NYC"...i love weeklies but lets be real this isnt pound 3 or even a smashacare its for locals...if ppl are late its their fault...leave earlier...then again i am a little lax with this rule cause some people actually dont know where the place is...but this mostly goes for ppl who have been here a hundred times and try that "they know me i'll show up and its all good" routine.

This is just my idea...so if you guys have a better idea than go for it.
1 - either Luck or Cass has the bracket

2 - I suggest people put 3 dollars in a special pot for W2z. that way, they'll get something while we restart this thing.

3 to 6 - I have no idea what to tell you. Before I left, everything seemed fine... >>

oh, and why is skyworld a counter pick?? that stage sucks soooooo badly, I'd rather pkmn stadium 2 over that.. it's a collapsable, campable, corny level.. it's just nasty. who likes skyworld??
...........I do. >>

Yes, Skyworld is a gimp stage, but it's not hazardish or anything. Plus it can kill several character's recovery game..

Ok random note...

As a wrestling Fan I was sadded when Jeff Hardy got suspended for violating the drug wellness program by the WWE...From there I was going to stop watching wrestling...think about it...Cena is ok but isn't for me...HHH is too old to connect with and thats really it...but then...Wreslemania 24


THERE IS A GOD AND THAT GOD SAYS "Alex your amazing so I am gonna give u CM Punk to win the MITB and go on to a world title"

And when jeff hardy returns it will be TWICE as amazing...

Thank you WWE for making me happy:)
I stopped watching wrestling when Brawl came out. sorry to hear that Jeff violated a drug policy ( I know a good friend who's pretty pissed about now...>>)

As long as Edge is still in WWE, I'll consider WWE watchable.

also should we continue the bracket or no? i'm goin to web2zone in a bit to talk 2 the boss.
Continue the bracket if we can find it. If we can't, then we should start over or something. Also, shadow Moses is a terrible stage for singles. I thought we went through this. it's banned for singles.

Rules for SSBB ( Courtesy of Vanz ) <refined by D1>

3 Stock
7 Minute time limit
Items off

*Mages dq rule! If you ARE NOT at your match when you are called after 7 minuntes, you will be DISQUALIFIED!

Rules so far :

- 3 stock
- 7 minute time limit
- best 2 of 3. finals matches (losers/winners/grand) being best 3 of 5
- Double Elimination
- items are OFF including smash ball

Neutral stages for singles: Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium, Delfino Plaza, Battlefield, Lylat Cruise

Counterpick stages for singles: Brinstar, Corneria, Halberd, Luigi's Mansion, Jungle Japes, Green Greens, Pictochat, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon

Doubles :

Team attack ON
Life stealing is allowed

Nuetral Stages for Doubles: Final Destination, Yoshi's Story, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium, Delfino Plaza, Battlefield, Lylat Cruise

Counterpick Stages for Doubles: Brinstar, Corneria, Halberd, Luigi's Mansion, Jungle Japes, Green Greens, Pictochat, Castle Seige, Norfair, Frigate Orpheon

Stage Banning: Each player / team may select up to 2 stages that will be banned from the tournament set. however, only one of the banned stages can be a neutral stage. (ex. yoshi's island and corneria makes a VALID ban. corneria and brinstar makes a VALID ban. yoshi's island and battlefield makes an INVALID ban.)

Stage Strike Rule: If a stage is selected at random, each player / team can elect to reset the stage pick ONCE PER SET. the reset all must occur within 3 seconds of the start of the match.

Counterpick Rule: The loser of the match first chooses the stage that the next match of the set will be played on. The opponent, then, makes the choice of changing character or not. than the loser of the match selects his/her character.

If the loser of the match chooses to select the stage at random. The opponent CANNOT change character. The loser of the match than makes the choice of changing character or not.

-Excessive "stall" tactics are banned.
-Controller Mods are banned

Violation of any rule is punishable by non-refunded disqualification.


In the event of a TIE at the end of the time limit, the player with the most stocks wins. If both players have ONE STOCK the players will quit the SUDDEN DEATH, set the stock to one, and start a match with stage being the same as where they had the tie. This will determine the winner.

Each Round is best of three matches; Grand/Losers/Winners Finals are best of five matches*

Singles seeding will be random with some courtesy to crews – you will be spaced evenly as to prevent playing each other in the first round. One of the two criteria must be fulfilled in ordered to be favored. You MUST have 3 or more people in a group hailing from the same region, or you must be part of a crew. Teams seeding will be done randomly.

In case more than 64 people come, Singles seedlings will be determined by pools – each player will be assigned to a pool, and each pool will play 2 Three (3) stock matches in a round robin. If a player wins a match, he must inform an official of how much stock he had remaining. Players will continue to play with each other until each player has played all of the other players in the pool twice. The lowest ranking players will be cut off from each pool, so much so until it meets the conditions of a 64-man bracket. All stages for pools are picked randomly, and all character selections will be double blind pick – both players must whisper their character choices for that match to an official, and then immediately select those characters afterwards.

D1's input:

<I honestly say these are the most fair rules ever cuz everyone is given an even playing field and a chance to win...no BS stages to count on for stupid kills. Contrary to popular belief about this game, at least the better player will be able to win on the fair stages...as long as gimmicky stages are on ppl will lose the love to return to these tourneys and probably will start attending oos Brawl tournies where "real rules are".>

...as much ppl want Friday night weeklies...its obvious that w/ the big attendance we can't continue to keep holding these on Fridays w/ a limited time slot...

...no one remembers how Saturday events are the best? You get there by like noon and leave around 8 or 9 mad easy. Not everyone that attends these weeklies has parents that don't talk sh** to them for getttin home late on Fridays. I bet if you had these on Saturdays less ppl will drop out as well...

I love saturday tourys, but I'm not sure if we can do saturday weeklies every time. Remember, there's other game touries that may go through with that company, and we have to be considerate. We should be fortunate we take up the most TVs even though the same days we have weeklies are casual fridays. Yes, saturdays are more better for everyone, but scheduling is important.

Listen, we should just make these rules D1 fixed up PERMANENT. I get agrivated that Bum has to ask for different ruling every weekly. If people start complaining about it later on, then tough. They had weeks of chances to do it.

Time to write these rules in permanent marker.

Speaking of tournaments, can anyone convince the manager if we can have big tournaments every 2 months or something?

Mah dude relax!
Not fan boy but like ****, tryin' to just promote some civility. And you posted at like 2am so I responded at like 3am cause I was up, what if they hadn't read the post yet to PROTECT THEMSELVES?! Durf... that was a D3 Moment Wesly! Lets be real! Btw I hate that too.. people who got those names throw me off..
NinjaLink? I was like omfg you don't play link?!
Mew2King? You are the most misleading of them all.
Reno? Wtf you're so amazing?

Why the **** ARE you amazing? XD
I think it's funny when people have misleading names. who would ever expect snake the peach player, or shadow the jiggs main lolz

come to think of it.. reno reminds me of a redneck cop, bum reminds me of.. oddly, a donkey kong LOL

Hax reminds me of that useless cable channel PAX

D1 reminds me of A1 steak sauce

Technine reminds me of a gun

and Dionis reminds me of Ness..
Oooooooooooooooo! what does my name remind you of? It's because I rock, right? RIGHT? ...................right...? ._.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2004
Queens, N.Y.
Tsk tsk...

Ninja Link....you used to such a good kid, humble...

What happened to you? you're so vain and cocky now, your nose threatens every ceiling pointing so high up.

What exactly is making you put yourself on such a pedestal man?...losing to Alukard who basically started training when he bought his Wii like a week ago? Must be that.

Do me a favor and money match Leo..if you can take his money then perhaps you'll be half a broken Pringles chip closer to feeling like you're king of NYC's brawl scene.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I GUESS **** LIKE THIS HAS BEEN INSIDE you for a while ninjalink jeez lol i said nothing oded bad and you say that lol wow i say a few competitive comments towards snake just to want him to fight me and train so we can have some intense battles and here you go making an enemy with someone, the last person you want to get on thier bad side lol. I didnt say anything about ****** this and that lol you are throwing **** in my mouth and my dude dont
i have not lost to everyone at the weekly just you jesus( off of bs) and bum lol i guess you just ****ted on everyone since i lost to everyone(jesus you and bum) i guess everyone else in the weekly doesnt matter. But a word of advice to you dont come out your face so early in the game doing justice in weeklies and the game just came out lol. You must think i will lose to ppl like you forever lol. You really ****ed up big time coming out your face i guess your other crew members didnt give you the proper training lol or preachings for me. But you will see what i am talking about not even bum comes to me with that **** and he has beaten me more times than you WOW just wow this game turns melee benchwarmers into big headed brawl starters remember the only reason your a starter in brawl is cause the team is new team new everything so everyone is on the same skill level its just right now ur taller than me (play with zelda/shiek) and i pplay with samus/sonic and zss which is going to take a lil bit more time to be a TRUE STARTER so i am going to talk **** whether i win or lose everyone knoes that. I guess this game brings out everyones true colors all the fake hand shakes, grins and smiles was just shakes of jealousy and hatred waiting for thier chance to be the town hero for a few days compared to close to a lifetime lol.


ON ANY event relax reno i got no beef with u your still my lil asain ***** lol its all fun and games i just want ot play the guy and add some hype to our match thats all he is a nice person. And snakee **** melee you didnt need to play that god awful game lol. WE are talking abotu brawl now try and make a name for yourself now aight u and your browbrother lol.
Im not tryin to make enemies . Fact is i dont like to repeat myself. I told u on multiple occasions about where my name came from but it pops back up over and over. So if i tell u why, accept it and not bring it back up to prove a invalid point. And also if u lose dont go quickly discrediting ppls wins over u. If u win/lose whatever, thats that. Not cause its BS. And once again u didnt read my post correctly if u automatically i play with over 30 chars not just zelda/sheik. U can ask everyone at the weekly i was picking random characters. Do i look like i use bowser? Of course not but i can use him along with the chars u use. btw u mean FREEDY COUGAR or Freddy Krueger cause FREEDY COUGAR sounds like a college football team. We all know how u talk to ppl but after a while it gets old.


Smash Ace
Aug 19, 2006
Williamsburg NY
Im not tryin to make enemies . Fact is i dont like to repeat myself. I told u on multiple occasions about where my name came from but it pops back up over and over. So if i tell u why, accept it and not bring it back up to prove a invalid point. And also if u lose dont go quickly discrediting ppls wins over u. If u win/lose whatever, thats that. Not cause its BS. And once again u didnt read my post correctly if u automatically i play with over 30 chars not just zelda/sheik. U can ask everyone at the weekly i was picking random characters. Do i look like i use bowser? Of course not but i can use him along with the chars u use. btw u mean FREEDY COUGAR or Freddy Krueger cause FREEDY COUGAR sounds like a college football team. We all know how u talk to ppl but after a while it gets old.

LMFAOOOOOOO at the cougar part but seriously guys guystake it easy who cares its just smack talk i saw let brawl settle it and thats that gezz


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Ninja Link....you used to such a good kid, humble...

What happened to you? you're so vain and cocky now, your nose threatens every ceiling pointing so high up.

What exactly is making you put yourself on such a pedestal man?...losing to Alukard who basically started training when he bought his Wii like a week ago? Must be that.

Do me a favor and money match Leo..if you can take his money then perhaps you'll be half a broken Pringles chip closer to feeling like you're king of NYC's brawl scene.
Dire, i have nothin towards you so why are u involved? U seemed to act funny when u asked me how i was doin in singles. Now tell me, I'm cocky how? Also why are u asking me to MM Leo and not urself?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
i love nyc ... reading these past few pages makes me wanna practice ... people like dire wes and comp are the **** ... cuz they make someone want to keep practicing if they won and ****ing really practice if they lost ... i think thats why nyc is the **** cuz we have people that make u wanna win ... also people that act like a win against u was like busting a mean nut lmfaoooooo i'm sure u can picture a few people ... but dam i actually feel like turning on that god forsaken game right now ... but i'm going to eat first lmaoooo ^_^

and i definitely loved ray's sig ... its ****ing hilarious ...

also NL definitely plays with patience and respect tho ... he didn't gloat when he beat me ... and i did'nt when i beat him ^_^ all in all i thought u were going to run it in my face lol ... but yea ... GG's ^_^


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my man ninjalink did not just say college football team LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL i am dying right now this kid just 4-stocked everybody LOL he actually made me post on smashboards.. i haven't done that **** in forever lol. too good :)


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
i love nyc ... reading these past few pages makes me wanna practice ... people like dire wes and comp are the **** ... cuz they make someone want to keep practicing if they won and ****ing really practice if they lost ... i think thats why nyc is the **** cuz we have people that make u wanna win ... also people that act like a win against u was like busting a mean nut lmfaoooooo i'm sure u can picture a few people ... but dam i actually feel like turning on that god forsaken game right now ... but i'm going to eat first lmaoooo ^_^

and i definitely loved ray's sig ... its ****ing hilarious ...

also NL definitely plays with patience and respect tho ... he didn't gloat when he beat me ... and i did'nt when i beat him ^_^ all in all i thought u were going to run it in my face lol ... but yea ... GG's ^_^

Same to u Alukard. At least i get some respect, and i give it back if ur good. I'm not cocky its just that imma tell u the truth straight up. I'm not gonna sweet talk u saying oh ur good and whatver when u truly suck. If ur bad thats that. I'm not giving ppl false hope. All im gonna say is what ur probs is and wat u should fix. If u dont like it dont ask my opinion. That is all.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Same to u Alukard. At least i get some respect, and i give it back if ur good. I'm not cocky its just that imma tell u the truth straight up. I'm not gonna sweet talk u saying oh ur good and whatver when u truly suck. If ur bad thats that. I'm not giving ppl false hope. All im gonna say is what ur probs is and wat u should fix. If u dont like it dont ask my opinion. That is all.
I give props to Ninja for being like... the dude at the game. I mean, he's got skill. And it took me mad mindgames and smart play to beat him. Of course, that doesn't make me a good player. Cass and I just got lucky.

However that doesn't make it any less true. I could make a list right now of who I thought was good and who is overhyped. But the only thing that'll accomplish is further dividing the community. I know that anyone who hears that I think they're pro at this game really isn't gonna get that big of an ego boost because, quite frankly, I'm balls at this game. The same SHOULD go for people who I think are overrated. But of course, if you have one nay-sayer's voice to try and hate on your hype, you're gonna get pissed, and that's just not helping the community as a whole out. We need to stop looking at each other as rivals and as a community. We are NYC Smash and we need to prove ourselves to the rest of the regions as THE place where Brawl is happening. All this petty squabbling isn't gonna solve anything but make it harder for the scene as a whole to take us seriously.

I should really stop using first person plural tense for this, though. I myself am not that integral a part of the community.

Also... Jay0 makes me lol.
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