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Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
lol @ this post

who is this anyway

well i no i will beat u BAD in melee and in brawl well i 'll still beat u:laugh::laugh::laugh:
That shigami is the guy from I.E or whatever is left...what a tool LOLz

Anyways in all seriousness good **** alukard u made truth in a world of maddness.

How about this

I suck in melee

I am eh at brawl.

I still love melee end of story:)


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Ok ranting boy. I said its best we have a brawl tourney in april. The game can be competitive. U can do combos . Just because u cant doesnt mean it isnt there. I did a 0 to death on ppl a couple times. And being u dont have the game how can u state how the game is fully if u havent had alot of time with it. Yes lets not have a brawl tourney but Alu stop bytching like u always do and leave it alone. We'll have melee tourneys until april. Then we'll slowly change over. Case closed.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2007
The BX! The place where hardcore is beautiful
stop whining about the same results ... STEP IT UP !!!! ... get better and win ... u guys swear like everyone started out maddd godly ... i remember when i first started going to weeklies ... pc told me ... bum still winnin nyc teams and singles ?? i was like yea -_- ... and he was like step it up ... so i did and now we giving him challenge ... and he is actually losing in doubles lol... y aneed to gain some fuggin confidence seriously ... bunch of wimps giving up mad easy lmao

LMFAO @ the fact that some people still want a game that isn't released in ur language at the tourney ...

lets be freaking serious here for a second ...

melee has amazing combo's ... brawl does not ... and cannot due to the game mechanics its stuck with ...

brawl is slo paced ... melee is not ...

brawl is in FUGGIN JAPANESE ... melee can b decoded by everyone ...

brawl doesn't look like its going to b a tournament game YET!!!!!! because of the games new engine ... the only reason it probably will get some tourney play so fast its because of the people that are sooo overwhelmed at being bad at melee or are tired of the game ...

the game doesn't look like a tournament game i'm sry its my opinion ... a lot of people that are good at the game agree ... especially top/good players from melee ... o and plz don't go and say ..."well its brawl so i have a chance now cuz its new .... " its still the same object of the game ... knock the mother f*cker off the stage ... u think top players mindgames wont work now cuz ur character has fast red shoes ... or a new black costume ... plz get over urself ... just let the ****ing game get released ... or have a month or two in everyones house so they can feel comfortable with choosing a character/stage ...

with that said i like brawl ... it looks like it will b fun ... cuz theres mad characters and new things to try .... but relax ... and the point vanz made with the set ups its sooo f*cking tru ... at pound3 just 1 set up had everyone crowding around ... look at last weekly .. there was just bums set up and it destroyed the weekly ... then ninjalink and D1 came and put two extra bullets in melee's face ...


=) o and

Brian for president.

No more arguing guys sheesh lets just play melee until brawl comes out, ya really want melee to die so fast? Ya acting like ya didn't have love for it, ya still would be playing if no one had brawl so why stop. I think it would be ok to do what vanz said, take the setups out AFTER the tourney, but not during it. It will only cause distractions and mayhem.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
I'll come to the weekly if there's melee.
ps captain jack said brawl is garbage LOL if the japanese don't play a fighting game u know it sucks.

what he said

i'll come if its melee but im not coming if it brawl its a waste of my time

and brawl is fun for like 4 hours then it sucks


Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Ok ranting boy. I said its best we have a brawl tourney in april. The game can be competitive. U can do combos . Just because u cant doesnt mean it isnt there. I did a 0 to death on ppl a couple times. And being u dont have the game how can u state how the game is fully if u havent had alot of time with it. Yes lets not have a brawl tourney but Alu stop bytching like u always do and leave it alone. We'll have melee tourneys until april. Then we'll slowly change over. Case closed.

To be honest...Brawl is different. I enjoy both but you NL im on that Big brawl tournament already ;) heheh


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Hey Shin's having a smashfest in his crib startin from noon this Friday...if anyone's interested and doesn't wanna play Melee and just wants to play Brawl you can over there.

That way everyone can be happy. No crybabies will be conceived...just aborted.

Brawlfest @ Shin's House for ppl that don't wanna go to a Melee tourney @ Web2Zone.


If ppl have money problems or w/e you can come by Shin's a smashfest is always free remember.

Web2zone is a business place...you'll have to pay to play obviously.


And not to get at PC, but I don't give a **** about what Captain Jack says.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
Ok ranting boy. I said its best we have a brawl tourney in april. The game can be competitive. U can do combos . Just because u cant doesnt mean it isnt there. I did a 0 to death on ppl a couple times. And being u dont have the game how can u state how the game is fully if u havent had alot of time with it. Yes lets not have a brawl tourney but Alu stop bytching like u always do and leave it alone. We'll have melee tourneys until april. Then we'll slowly change over. Case closed.
first of all ur acting like wat u say goes .. .theres a lot more to it ... we2zone is a buisness ... if majority want brawl ... they will get it ... cuz its just the way it is ... $$ runs everything ... so if they want a brawl tourney they will have it this friday ... so i dunno about ur april crap ... i'm judging my opinions on the fact that there are people playing the game and talking about it in the back room ... also who ever u did a 0 to death on must have pretty ******** D.I. cuz EVEN bum who is all for brawl ... said that u can't really do anything that beast in brawl unless u randomly catch a persons second jump ...


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
There's too much drama going around here for no reason.

Both games are awesome. I don't care what anyone else says and neither should anyone else.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I'll play a tournament for either or both games...as long as it's for some sort of currency; not like last time where it ended up being a free doubles brawl tourney (which was fun though and I was still in :))


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Btw if you still wanna go to the Melee toureny @ w2z but wanna attend the fest as well...you can as it starts at noon. So you can drop by and play @ noon...and leave to get there in time for the Melee tourney.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Real typical to call what was said whining. That's not even the case. But I don't even want to comment on that. What I do want to comment on is the whole melee vs. brawl aspect. Come on people let's be serious, the game has barely been out a month and you already call it smash? That's hilarious, I'm pretty **** sure we werent shl and shine spiking within the first month of melee, so calm down on those accusations. Second of all, I think D1s thing about shin bowser's smashfest definitely just seems logical, but how many set ups will be at shin bowser's?

P.c. Chris

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2005
Port Chester Stadium
And not to get at PC, but I don't give a **** about what Captain Jack says.
I just hate what nintendo did they stripped melee of its pride taking out every thing that melee is all about. Dont get me wrong, i'll play brawl but i dont think it'll last very long because truthfully everyone is going to get tired of camping since thats what brawl is all about, at least campers in melee can do combos =/.. Everyone should call brawl mario party 9 btw nintendo made our beloved game into a party game =P


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2007
Dreamland c(-^.^-)b
umm, I **** in brawl.. and I still say it should be a melee weeklie. and the reason we are saying that brawl shouldn't be there is because it would not only deter people from the mission at hand, but it takes away the limited amount of set ups we have (unless you connected them to a plasma, than it's not really an issue)

but the same thing happened at pound. there was ONE brawl set up, and the tournament ran 6 hrs behind schedule.. coincidence?? maybe.. but doubt it

if anything, break out the brawl set ups AFTER the tournament is done.
you know for a fact that is not gonna happen... b serious lol
*Hugs the Jash*

Wait, I'm not Brandon, I can't do that...
gee im know for being gay and huggin *****s lmfaoooo
I'll come to the weekly if there's melee.
ps captain jack said brawl is garbage LOL if the japanese don't play a fighting game u know it sucks.
awww come on man... capt jack is just a normal person with an opinion..... and i like brawl
Ok ranting boy. I said its best we have a brawl tourney in april. The game can be competitive. U can do combos . Just because u cant doesnt mean it isnt there. I did a 0 to death on ppl a couple times. And being u dont have the game how can u state how the game is fully if u havent had alot of time with it. Yes lets not have a brawl tourney but Alu stop bytching like u always do and leave it alone. We'll have melee tourneys until april. Then we'll slowly change over. Case closed.
lmfaooo hes god on a cpu but in person ur the most silent person ever lol
Hey Shin's having a smashfest in his crib startin from noon this Friday...if anyone's interested and doesn't wanna play Melee and just wants to play Brawl you can over there.

That way everyone can be happy. No crybabies will be conceived...just aborted.

Brawlfest @ Shin's House for ppl that don't wanna go to a Melee tourney @ Web2Zone.


If ppl have money problems or w/e you can come by Shin's a smashfest is always free remember.

Web2zone is a business place...you'll have to pay to play obviously.


And not to get at PC, but I don't give a **** about what Captain Jack says.
lol took the words out my mouth
LOL pepper pals is a long story but after super champ combo like 40 smashers went to chili's for dinner (i think there's videos of it) m2k ordered a chocolate milk and it came in this little kid cup with a straw. It had this nerdy looking pepper on it with glasses and funny hair and cort said it looked like m2k. The cup said pepper pals lol and my cat is also named pepper and hes my pal so yeah i guess thats what it means LOL.
lmfaooo deffinately had me luaghin mad hard 4 no reason lol
Btw if you still wanna go to the Melee toureny @ w2z but wanna attend the fest as well...you can as it starts at noon. So you can drop by and play @ noon...and leave to get there in time for the Melee tourney.

woooorddddd... im in there just give me directions and its a rap lol


Smash Cadet
Jan 14, 2008
I think brawl and melee are the equivalents to the new and old Star Wars movies. Some people love the new, updated, fresh Star Wars films, while the classic lovers hate them and feel it ruined the series even though both set of films were made by the same director.. kinda like smash.. so some people will hate it, some people will love it. there will be new pros, there will be old pros. Take it for what it is and try not to look at what is missing but what you are gaining!



Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
What the ****? All this good **** happening the weekend I go back to CT.

**** that. PC tell Cort to buy Brawl and bring it to Wallingford or that general area. I'm sick of NYC sleeping on CT.

Actually that made no sense, so I'm gonna shut up because I don't know what I'm talking about.

Wow, that's kind of a microcosm of THIS WHOLE THREAD! Lawls.

But in all seriousness, I'd go to Shin's if I knew where it was, and I'd go to web2zone because it's right here and it's Melee and it's pros. That's all there is to it. I love Melee and I love Brawl. I just want to FUKCING PLAY THEM!

Can we PLEASE do something like this next weekend as well? Brawl or Melee? I'm so ahead of you all.



Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
first of all ur acting like wat u say goes .. .theres a lot more to it ... we2zone is a buisness ... if majority want brawl ... they will get it ... cuz its just the way it is ... $$ runs everything ... so if they want a brawl tourney they will have it this friday ... so i dunno about ur april crap ... i'm judging my opinions on the fact that there are people playing the game and talking about it in the back room ... also who ever u did a 0 to death on must have pretty ******** D.I. cuz EVEN bum who is all for brawl ... said that u can't really do anything that beast in brawl unless u randomly catch a persons second jump ...
Once again just because Bum didnt do it doesnt mean it isnt possible. I did a 0 to death on Leo Toon Link vs Olimar with no spike involved and against D1s sheik with my Ike last night. And they died off screen not by falling. Ur sayin majority but it seems majority wants melee because not many have played brawl. Im sayin april cause ppl will have it then and it gives them a month to practice the game and understand it. More legit rules and stages, techniques that have to be banned etc. Then it would be more professional and no johns sayin i dont have the game because they had a month to get it. That is all.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY

of course it makes perfect sense to completely analyze and disregard a game thats not out yet. it also makes perfect sense to have an "end-game" idea of wat the game will be in the long run when its not out.

love how ur mentality is" zomg stop being noob just step it up!" how many crews are in NY? do u not realize that u guys are still the only ppl that consistently practice with each other in NY?? and its only because ya live 5 mins from all of each other. im talking to dionis, brian, dj, jman mainly but also a couple others. for me to play with anyone that was decent in NY i had to travel 2 hours to get some decent sessions in. dj has been to my house ask him! the only decent practice i had near my house was warriorknight and he quit months ago. its hard for other ppl to step it up and theres no incentive when brawl is out in a matter of weeks. I dont claim to have ever been above average in melee and i tried for a really long time to step it up.

i freaking hate NinjaLink and i completely agree with him. and all the other ppl who are supporting brawl in this thread for "CASUAL PLAY" at web2zone. theyre not even asking for a tourney. theyre just asking if there will be a friendly setup so they can go. sucks ya have to go and divide the community just cuz ya dont want to let ppl occupy some tv's. yea because ya all need to squat on tv's and play infinite friendlies cuz theres nothing else goin on.

D1 for president.

oh and just because bum says sumthing or pc says sumthing or capt jack says sumthing does not remotely make any of it the be-all end-all of the conversation.

Alex stop telling ppl to shut up cuz the conversation WAS a debate (im not trying to revive it d1 made a perfect solution) about whether or not there should be brawl friendlies at the weekly. its perfectly valid to talk about it on this thread as its completely related to the weeklies.

ps. i might be in NY soon i miss u guys :p


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY

of course it makes perfect sense to completely analyze and disregard a game thats not out yet. it also makes perfect sense to have an "end-game" idea of wat the game will be in the long run when its not out.

love how ur mentality is" zomg stop being noob just step it up!" how many crews are in NY? do u not realize that u guys are still the only ppl that consistently practice with each other in NY?? and its only because ya live 5 mins from all of each other. im talking to dionis, brian, dj, jman mainly but also a couple others. for me to play with anyone that was decent in NY i had to travel 2 hours to get some decent sessions in. dj has been to my house ask him! the only decent practice i had near my house was warriorknight and he quit months ago. its hard for other ppl to step it up and theres no incentive when brawl is out in a matter of weeks. I dont claim to have ever been above average in melee and i tried for a really long time to step it up.

i freaking hate NinjaLink and i completely agree with him. and all the other ppl who are supporting brawl in this thread for "CASUAL PLAY" at web2zone. theyre not even asking for a tourney. theyre just asking if there will be a friendly setup so they can go. sucks ya have to go and divide the community just cuz ya dont want to let ppl occupy some tv's. yea because ya all need to squat on tv's and play infinite friendlies cuz theres nothing else goin on.

D1 for president.

oh and just because bum says sumthing or pc says sumthing or capt jack says sumthing does not remotely make any of it the be-all end-all of the conversation.

Alex stop telling ppl to shut up cuz the conversation WAS a debate (im not trying to revive it d1 made a perfect solution) about whether or not there should be brawl friendlies at the weekly. its perfectly valid to talk about it on this thread as its completely related to the weeklies.

ps. i might be in NY soon i miss u guys :p
He only hates me cause of my roy lol ^_^


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
I think brawl and melee are the equivalents to the new and old Star Wars movies. Some people love the new, updated, fresh Star Wars films, while the classic lovers hate them and feel it ruined the series even though both set of films were made by the same director.. kinda like smash.. so some people will hate it, some people will love it. there will be new pros, there will be old pros. Take it for what it is and try not to look at what is missing but what you are gaining!

Hey, I played you on Wifi before lol. Can you play today? (I fixed my lag problem)


Smash Lord
May 25, 2006
BergenField, Bergen County(North East Jersey)

of course it makes perfect sense to completely analyze and disregard a game thats not out yet. it also makes perfect sense to have an "end-game" idea of wat the game will be in the long run when its not out.

love how ur mentality is" zomg stop being noob just step it up!" how many crews are in NY? do u not realize that u guys are still the only ppl that consistently practice with each other in NY?? and its only because ya live 5 mins from all of each other. im talking to dionis, brian, dj, jman mainly but also a couple others. for me to play with anyone that was decent in NY i had to travel 2 hours to get some decent sessions in. dj has been to my house ask him! the only decent practice i had near my house was warriorknight and he quit months ago. its hard for other ppl to step it up and theres no incentive when brawl is out in a matter of weeks. I dont claim to have ever been above average in melee and i tried for a really long time to step it up.

i freaking hate NinjaLink and i completely agree with him. and all the other ppl who are supporting brawl in this thread for "CASUAL PLAY" at web2zone. theyre not even asking for a tourney. theyre just asking if there will be a friendly setup so they can go. sucks ya have to go and divide the community just cuz ya dont want to let ppl occupy some tv's. yea because ya all need to squat on tv's and play infinite friendlies cuz theres nothing else goin on.

D1 for president.

oh and just because bum says sumthing or pc says sumthing or capt jack says sumthing does not remotely make any of it the be-all end-all of the conversation.

Alex stop telling ppl to shut up cuz the conversation WAS a debate (im not trying to revive it d1 made a perfect solution) about whether or not there should be brawl friendlies at the weekly. its perfectly valid to talk about it on this thread as its completely related to the weeklies.

ps. i might be in NY soon i miss u guys :p
ur mad far away... lol

WEEKLY oh YEA!!! gonna be fun. i just have one comment about what alu-lu said. its hard to just step it up when not everyone has enough time to play melee as you guys did. im not callin you fiends on the game im just saying you've had far more experience in competitive play than most people which is why ur better. you can't expect us to just get better out of nowhere. it takes time. also i feel scared to ask for advice from alot of people cuz i feel like they'll just **** on me if i do.

if you want people to get better so they will actually support and want to play melee you have to help them dont **** talk to them. thats why most people want brawl.


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2006
queens, NY
ur mad far away... lol

WEEKLY oh YEA!!! gonna be fun. i just have one comment about what alu-lu said. its hard to just step it up when not everyone has enough time to play melee as you guys did. im not callin you fiends on the game im just saying you've had far more experience in competitive play than most people which is why ur better. you can't expect us to just get better out of nowhere. it takes time. also i feel scared to ask for advice from alot of people cuz i feel like they'll just **** on me if i do.

if you want people to get better so they will actually support and want to play melee you have to help them dont **** talk to them. thats why most people want brawl.
word everytime i saw luck nikkas is **** talking him. i admit even ive done it. and its always like that. ya nikkas is always "sandbagging" and ya dont help ppl outside of ur circle learn. it sucks and it takes the fun out of melee. i was only decent at one point cuz i had warriorknight coaching me and once he like got a job i was screwed :(

why has no one challenged me in diamond!

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
Im defiently gona have to agree with what pc said they made it more into a family game and not a true fighting game/tournament game dont get me wrong i like brawl but its not better than melee no way in hell,the game truly is about camping,like seriously and people definetly need to step up their melee performances the only reason they like brawl even more is because they sucked at melee and think that brawl is a fresh start and people who said that cannot lie because ive heard every person say that,*when brawl comes out im gonna be mad beast cuz its a fresh start* its clearly not because u still dont have mindgames and figuring out combos in brawl is alot simpler its not technical ITS NOT TOURNAMENT WORTHY! MELEE FTW BYTCH


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2007
Im defiently gona have to agree with what pc said they made it more into a family game and not a true fighting game/tournament game dont get me wrong i like brawl but its not better than melee no way in hell,the game truly is about camping,like seriously and people definetly need to step up their melee performances the only reason they like brawl even more is because they sucked at melee and think that brawl is a fresh start and people who said that cannot lie because ive heard every person say that,*when brawl comes out im gonna be mad beast cuz its a fresh start* its clearly not because u still dont have mindgames and figuring out combos in brawl is alot simpler its not technical ITS NOT TOURNAMENT WORTHY! MELEE FTW BYTCH
Ok So I take Azen is wack in melee right? Yeah you're probably right. Oh yeah and even umm...GaWes? also wack at melee. **** even that wack *** ***** Bum, yeah he's bad at melee. Needless to say, don't jump on the bandwagon man, because that is definitely not the truth.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
Well pros don't like brawl now cuz it makes peepz like PC look beatable. Not much of a challenge. Its safe to say but they made Brawl "n00b-proof" don't sweat it tho, ppl didn't start getting nice in Melee till later years so wait till everybody else get the game, we'll definitely find glitches and new ways to replace wavedashing. Too be honest Melee has always been viewed to me as slo pace untill I seen Wavedashing 4 the first time :O


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
brawl is cause soooo much conflict in like every thread I walk into.. I'm not even sure I want it to hit US anymore <_<

we should just do melee weeklies..

brawl is fun, but as a competitive game, it's lolworthy
Vanz is right lolz. When it hits shores in the US, u can expect ppl to at more crazy than Halo 3


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
jman speaking : shinigami mm in melee 20$ and brawl 20$ ... since i can't ever beat u ... and me losing to mop in a friendly doesn't mean anything ... i lost to her and ninjalink with me and vanz teaming and that was our first time playing brawl .... and we gave them a challenge so look who looks bad here

hax speaking: **** n!gga jman must be pretty ****ing good if this MOP person goes home just to say she beat him


alukard finally speaking >.> ... i'm hungry ... and ummm these guys are beasting for brawl ... and i am too ... cuz mario party 8 is boring already... and LOL @ these noobs coming out of no where thinkin they are good at brawl ... listen guys if i gave brawl my 2 cents i would camp the living life out of ur *** and make u go home and learn how to play fighting games ... QUIT LYFE

hax speaking again: to everyone who sucks at melee and is using brawl as an escape rope (get at my pokemon knowledge)... MM me jesus or brian $20


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2007
Dreamland c(-^.^-)b
jman speaking : shinigami mm in melee 20$ and brawl 20$ ... since i can't ever beat u ... and me losing to mop in a friendly doesn't mean anything ... i lost to her and ninjalink with me and vanz teaming and that was our first time playing brawl .... and we gave them a challenge so look who looks bad here

hax speaking: **** n!gga jman must be pretty ****ing good if this MOP person goes home just to say she beat him


alukard finally speaking >.> ... i'm hungry ... and ummm these guys are beasting for brawl ... and i am too ... cuz mario party 8 is boring already... and LOL @ these noobs coming out of no where thinkin they are good at brawl ... listen guys if i gave brawl my 2 cents i would camp the living life out of ur *** and make u go home and learn how to play fighting games ... QUIT LYFE

hax speaking again: to everyone who sucks at melee and is using brawl as an escape rope (get at my pokemon knowledge)... MM me jesus or brian $20
ok no offence... and i love u all lol but ya r ***** lol... and mop deffinately not the kind of person 2 talk **** so get that notion out ur head guy lol

o and btw http://youtube.com/watch?v=HrJ47f-uIJU lol


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
hax speaking again: to everyone who sucks at melee and is using brawl as an escape rope (get at my pokemon knowledge)... MM me jesus or brian $20
I'LL TAKE THAT MONEY- hey wait, I don't suck...least I don't think. o.o;;

How much to MM ya if they're decently skilled? lol
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