Dantarion is awesome.
Now, that aside, I am (officially) very interested, and I'm curious where you have gotten in stage hacking in general. I mean, we can't even edit the hitbox properties of stage hazards, and we have this? It makes me think massive improvements in our ability to manipulate stages are coming shortly (though this itself is a pretty massive improvement!).
So, to get to some somewhat more specific things...
-How well do we understand stage files, and how malleable are they? It seems clear that these stages are taking on many properties of the WiFi Training Room which suggests some degree of ability to manipulate stage properties to me. Are things in stage files like events (i.e. "Smashville's balloon passes overhead" or "Rumble Falls enters Speed Up!") reasonably malleable as well as, of course, the properties of stage objects (hitbox properties of hazards, movement patterns of moving objects, health of destructible objects, etc.)? Maybe I'm getting at something really unrelated, but seeing as you're obviously really deeply manipulating stage files, I figure this sort of stuff must be at hand as well.
-On the SSE stages, are only the "normal" stages workable? Every example I've seen has been from a stage with fixed blast zones where you were able to encounter enemy characters (as opposed to just subspace monsters). I know it probably wouldn't be very useful to deal with "stages" like the normal sidescrolling areas, but are they generally workable via this model?
-On the second stage you show, how does it handle platform placement? That stage has a different platform layout for each "shadow" fight, many (most?) of them completely unique to any stage in Brawl. I would be surprised, given how the stages are 99% identical, if each platform placement were a unique stage file. The coolest would of course be platform arrangement changing mid-game, but even an ability to decide platform layout pre-match would be pretty awesome (and probably far more reasonable given that transformation is doubtless a procedure not normally associated with that stage).
Like I said, I'm really interested in this, and I really hope you encounter much future success and look forward to any and all expansions in our ability to manipulate stages.
Also, off the top of my head (for those curious, I saw someone ask for something like this), here are the "normal fighting" areas...
-Floating Stadium (shown in video 1, identical to Pokemon Stadium 2 except with no platforms or transformation, also Petey Pirahna's boss area)
-Area you fight shadow Bowser (as Fox and Diddy)
-Area you fight Mario/Pit or Link/Yoshi (has one walk-off but overall pretty good)
-Area you fight shadow Diddy (has walk-offs on both sides and is flat, pretty lame)
-Area you fight Wario (has two pretty tall walls, suckier version of Shadow Moses Island in practice)
-Area you fight Charizard (I don't really remember this area)
-Area you fight Meta Knight or Lucario (has a lot of narrow pits, would be Ness's doom)
-Smash Skiff? (area after you rescue Donkey Kong; I don't know if it counts since you don't fight any characters or bosses here)
-Area you fight Bowser (like a longer FD, really cool background with dead Master Hand in background and massive stairs)
-Areas you fight shadow versions of character in Great Maze (shown in video 2 with no platform arrangements)
-Porky boss area (completely flat with walk-offs)
-Ridley boss area (FD like with "worse" ledges)
-Meta Ridley boss area (just riding the Falcon Flier)
-Rayquaza boss area (completely flat with walk-offs)
-Galleom boss area 1 (completely flat with walk-offs)
-Galleom boss area 2 (completely flat with walk-offs)
-Duon boss area (Halberd's deck with no platform or transformation)
-Tabuu boss area (completely flat with no platforms and "worse" ledges)
I maybe forgot some (probably forgot some really). My memory is really good, but it's not perfect.