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Phoenix Brawl 6 (Important Venue Change! Details inside)


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The BBR-RC is happy to announce the new Experimental Unity Ruleset System! This new system will allow TOs that follow the Unity Ruleset to run tourneys with slight alterations, while still retaining the full benefits of a regular Unity Ruleset tourney! These tourneys will be used as a means of gathering data on the slight ruleset alternations. The Experimental Unity Ruleset System will be active until December 31st, 2011. We will then take a short break of 1-2 months to analyze all data and make any potential changes, then re-open Experimental Rulesets to everyone after a month or two.

The BBR-RC acknowledges that it is rather difficult to test out different rules when there is a universal ruleset that most tourneys use. This system would help remedy that flaw. Want to run an MK banned tourney while still using Unity Ruleset? This system would allow that! Think Norfair should be legal and want to test it out? Then this system is for you!


1. You must PM one of the following BBR-RC members that you wish your tourney to be accepted as an Experimental Unity Ruleset: Bizkit, Chibo, Player-1, Technical Chase, or Tin Man.
2. State what rule alternation(s) you wish for your tourney to use in the PM.
3. Make sure your tourney threads & pages state that you are using an Experimental Unity Ruleset after the BBR-RC member permits your tourney to use the altered ruleset.
4. After the tourney, PM the same BBR-RC member with the results of your tourney and any information or data you have written down or remember.


- This system requires that the BBR-RC gives your tourney permission to use an Experiemental Unity Ruleset. Because of this, your ruleset alterations must have valid intentions, and you must be willing to collect data based on your ruleset alterations. The data you will be expected to collect will be in your approval PM.
- Do not alter too many rules at once. For example, there is no point in banning MK and then banning Rainbow and Brinstar at the same tourney, as that would not give us any helpful results.
- This system is not a way of dodging Unity Ruleset because you do not like one or two rules. We will be keeping track of all of the TOs and tourneys that run the rulesets. If a TO is trying to abuse the system, they will no longer be permitted to use it.

Suggested Ruleset Testing

Metaknight Banned
Brinstar and/or Rainbow Cruise Banned
2 or 1 stock matches with a different timer
5-9 stage starter lists
2 Stage Bans
Testing any of the following stages: Jungle Japes, Norfair, Pirate Ship, Green Greens, Port Town, Onett, Yoshi's Island (Melee), Luigi's Mansion, and Distant Planet
This is awesome.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I think it is a terrible idea. I mean, the brawl back room doing something that everybody likes and is in favour of? It's almost like they're trying to get a good reputation. Why can't they do bad things so that everyone can be mad at them? :(


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Sounds interesting. Would be nice to see a larger variety of chars being used especially for doubles.



Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Sounds interesting. Would be nice to see a larger variety of chars being used especially for doubles.

There's no way this can really be accomplished (bar a certain rule change that can only be discussed in social groups), unless the players decide to play them despite their severe weaknesses.

With the new Unity testing rule, Unity tournaments can be run with slight rule variations (we could keep our beloved Picto :troll:) while still remaining Unity.


Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
For the record it has been established that Zelda is beast at doubles <3

What can be more dull than watching 3/4 MKs or a MK ditto?


Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
I don't think we should use this version of the unity ruleset.

Or at least, if we use an altered ruleset I don't really think we should keep the unity tag. Whether we run an MK banned or not, a Meta Knight isn't gonna win this tournament (unless some Americans come, or Ben starts ****** everyone). So it's not like any data we gather from an experimental ruleset is going to be at all statistically significant. I guess having picto legal would be no big deal, but personally I'd rather just stick with either unity, or a different ruleset but not bother calling it unity.

That's just me though.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Yeah we don't need to use any testing rules for this tournament, for sure. B.C. never really has large enough scale tournaments to be applicable, but I like that the BBR-RC implemented the rule to allow TO's of large tourneys to alter their ruleset slightly in order to test rules they would like to see added.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I will be completely honest, when I read what Feint quoted (the unity ruleset announcement), to me, it sounded like they were saying

hey, you know how we are forcing you to use our ruleset for every tournament you host? Well I have good news for you. If you want, you can change one rule* in the entire ruleset, pre-approved** by one of our representatives***. You may then announce that your tournament is being run through the "Experimental Unity Ruleset"© ****. As soon as the tournament is finished, report the results of your tournament to the representative you previously spoke to, including any additional notes you have noticed*****. Happy Smashing!******

*Rule changed is limited to one of a few set options

**If not pre-approved, you may not announce that your tournament is using the "Experimental Unity Ruleset"©

***Our representative may change your projected ruleset so that it fits our allowable variability. See * above.

****If your tournament is not using either the "Unity Ruleset"© or the "Experimental Unity Ruleset"©, you are hosting a terrible tournament, and all results will be considered flawed and ignored by the entire community.

*****Give any and all information about your tournament to the representative who approved your tournament.

******These rules will very likely not have any effect on any future rulesets, but we are doing this just so that you think we are caring about the community.

ps: As always, whatever we say goes, and you have no power to change that fact.

... OR you could just ignore whatever the backroom says and just use whatever custom ruleset you want. If everyone wants Spear Pillar as a legal stage, then why not add it as a legal stage, or as the only stage. If everyone wants items on, why not add items. If everyone wants to play a giant metal curry low-gravity stamina brawl, why not play a *whatever I just typed*.


Brawl is garbage. Play melee or 64 instead.

(This entire post is a heavily over-exaggerated joke. Don't take it seriously at all. The only serious part is the end summary).


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2011
BC(Vancouver Island) Canada
I can likely make it by myself, I just need pickup/dropoff times from GrapE/IHT (or anyone else who knows, but I doubt it.).

Along with housing info (place and phone #.).


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
The reason we have unity is because brawl is yet to find a universally accepted ruleset. Melee and 64's metagame has settled to the point that the rulesets are pretty standard without dispute. Since brawl has so many stages and characters, it will take longer for the metagame to settle. Unity is just a non-mandatory way to adapt a universal ruleset while we wait for the calming of metagame development.

/responding seriously to a joke post


| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
Lol, going to a big man basketball camp and I was supposed to be doing runs and stuff.
I've done p90X, hopefully that carries me through.

JM wants to go so he probably will go.

With the items though, I haven't fully tested, but it's is essentially air dodging and dropping an item at the same time.

This has been known about but not being used to the fullest extent.

When you air dodge drop an item. The item raises a good amount before it drops.
This allows you to land before the item can hit the opponent.

With this you basically get a free grab because of the shield push/lag.

The problem with this is the priority of the item. For example, Peach's turnips get out prioritized by attacks and Diddy's bananas have godlike priority and works very well.

If the item hit's, assuming you moved forwards, it's basically a free attack. This works for peach due to the low knockback of her turnips and combos into usmash. This also works really well for Wario due to his high mobility in the air.

For the Links, it sets up kill moves up to 100 and if the opponent attacks, it serves as a grenade counter.

It's a good escape against juggling, especially Metaknight considering his attacks don't interact with items. (unless he nados you, but bananas get you out of this and so do bombs)

It sets up Diddy's ground release into banana into regrab. The banana choke chain grab

It can be a safe aproach, but definitely not your best option. It's good for a mix up and a really good defensive option.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2008
oooooooh p90x huh? i'm liking you already

we defintiely gotta do pushup mms now

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
So Jake is currently at a tournament (streaming). Bryan is about to be at a tournament (streaming). Tin Man is about to be at a tournament (possible streaming). I'm about to head to a tournament (very unlikely there will be streaming, probably only SKidd would watch :p).

Why is everyone going to a different tournament? :p

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
K I didn't get 1st in singles :( (TO Joe got 212 this tourney), but my 2nd in singles and 1st in dubz made me $134, and I'm saving e'ry penny of dat for this. Only (about $166 to go) :bee:. At this rate, yeah I'm prolly reaching :bee:

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