In any case, we have differing opinions. That's not fail logic, that's called people being individuals.
Also, aren't you the one who just wrote a whole spiel on being mature, respectful, kind, etc....?
That's not at all what I was referring to but I'll comment anyway hahaha
If someone doesn't like a movie, they don't like it, if they do, they do.
Whether it's a good movie or not is not an opinion however. If a song is well put together, really fancy and technical or something else, it can be good, but it has to be entertaining in some way to classify that way. Or it's just noise. Just like a horrible song can be entertaining and not be good.
Transformers and Click are both good movies, both entertaining on different levels and have different high quality traits put into them.
You can twist perceptions all you like, reality won't budge. *cookie if you know where those words are from*
Doesn't mean you have to live by it every second.
It's called freedom baby, enjoy it
@dynamism- one is almost done and the others are partial right now. i still have at least a year till they are done with. i wanna make sure that when they aer done, they are truly done and i wont have any regrets. they are all a little different. one is a love story that has a mystery to it. the other is also a love story but super action. another is like a drama that has a scary side to it. basically all of my movies have a twist to them that make them really hard to predict. so if anything, the movie attracts people who like love stories or feeling suspense.
twists in plot as in the movie War, or twist in character like in Mr Brooks, or what kind of twists?
Twists are good, like really good. One of the things that make people want to see movies a second time. :D
Eat something that'll put you to sleep. Preferably something with a lot of barbecue sauce. Might I suggest ribs?
dairy has sleepiness ensymiez so go drink milk (like babies) or eat cheese...