Forever Zero (FZ/Latias/Get up & Go)


Location: Arcata, CA
Favorite Pikachu Costume: Trucker Hat
Pokemon Rep: Latias
FZ has his BA degree in Psych, and is pursuing his MA to get licensed as a Therapist.
FZ is a big fan of modest mouse
FZ has has more latias merch than any latias fan, and challenges anyone on that matter
FZ's diction, spelling, and grammar has improved significantly since he joined the boards and started dating his grammar nazi gf.
FZ's whole tag is Forever Zero, which many chrono cross fans should be familiar with
FZ dosent like MLP much, but loves the people in the pony chat
FZ is 5'8, 135 lbs
FZ has written a few guides for the pika community including a stage discussion guide that took forever to complete, and a guide on pikasliding
FZ believes every pika should utilize pika sliding and that not enough of you do it
FZ thinks the OP should really consist of ACTIVE members of the pgd, not people who hardly show up here anymore
FZ also really loves OST's and remixes of them.
FZ is surprised you read all of this XD