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Pastaboy Saves Only In Niagara - RESULTS! -


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party

1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145)
2nd. KingAce (Metaknight) ($80)
3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25)
4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight)
5th. Buenob (ROB)
5th. Minus (Falco)
7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers)
7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers)
9th. Fool (Falco)
9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong)
9th. Iliad (Marth)
9th. Mikey7 (Marth)
13th. Dimmy (Metaknight)
13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff)
13th. Carter (Samus & Pikachu?)
13th. Fogel (Snake)
17th. sauc3 (Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight)
17th. AvariceX (Ness)
17th. Patches (Mr. Game and Watch)
17th. Pho (Toon Link)
17th. Warchamp7 (Falco)
17th. RyanFW
17th. Biltz (Metaknight)
17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi)
25th. KalEL (Marth)
25th. Will

There was actually a mix up in these results. Ambrose first placed 9th, losing to Fool. However, after this match Fool & the rest of Sauga had to leave. Ambrose took Fool's place and went on to place 4th.

If anyone can fill me in on which players used which characters, that would be GREAT.



1st. KingAce & Ambrose (Metaknight & Metaknight) ($120)
2nd. HolyNightmare & SilverDoc (ROB & Metaknight) ($60)
3rd. Nutter Butter (KC18 & Pastaboy) (Luigi, Ike & Diddy Kong) ($20)
4th. Team Subcon (Minus & Percon) (Falco & Kirby)
5th. Eating Old Cheese Brose (Mikey7 & Carter)
5th. Fix Your Pipes (buenob & delorted) (ROB & Peach)
7th. Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions (PNDMike & Fogel) (Snake & Snake, Metaknight)
7th. Steel Town Brawlers (Iliad & KalEL) (Marth & Marth)
9th. OBM & FOW (Patches & AvariceX) (Mr Game And Watch & Ness)
9th. dun wori arbitur. its all gun b k (sauc3 + Raidos) (Kirby, Ice Climbers & Ice Climbers, Toon Link)



1st. raynEX
2nd. unknown522
3rd. i.b.
4th. Sanuzi
5th. Idea
5th. Jake
7th. Percon
7th. Fogel
9th. Mikey7
9th. Europhoria
9th. KirbyKaze
9th. Will
13th. WorldJem7
13th. AvariceX
13th. Kai
13th. RyanFW
17th. Hypernon
17th. Smoke
17th. lawlb0t
17th. Dimmy
17th. Linksta888

Since I wasn't paying attention to who used who in Melee, it'd be great if someone could tell me who used who.


I'm not 100% sure if raynEX lost his match against Unknown522 the first time, thats how the data was put it when I got there so I just finished it up knowing he won grand finals.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
GGs all, very fun tourny. Sucks that sauga had to leave early but i cant really complain since at least i got to be there for most of it.
Will do shouts later.
If anyone has news about my wii please let me know.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
GGs all, very fun tourny. Sucks that sauga had to leave early but i cant really complain since at least i got to be there for most of it.
Will do shouts later.
If anyone has news about my wii please let me know.
I'll ask Jarred if he's seen it.

Edit: He said he thinks Ambrose has it right now.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145) - Came all the way down from montreal to play, and you're a champ for doing so. Had to leave before the finals, but I'm sure it was a sick match. That makes you 2-1 against Phil now doesn't it?

2nd. KingAce (Metaknight) ($80) - ****ty dice that you lost to Holy, but you're still the 1st place player in my heart ;). The advice about dolphin slash woulda helped a bit more DURING my match with minus, but it's all good. I'll keep that in mind next tourney. You're a ***** in doubles btw. lol

3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25) - Wicked pool match, and I liked that you couldn't pick a side between me and raidos, I feel loved. Next tourney i'll see you in semi's/finals, whether it's winners or losers.

4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight) - "How do you think Doc would feel about that?" Psh, you're too humble in victory, you need to like jump up on a table, and start thrusting in the air like you're face ****ing them after you win. Good placing dude.

5th. Buenob (ROB) - Wicked placing man, I didn't think you'd go so far as to get 5th. Your ROB is still the beast it was from Mikey's tourney it seems.

5th. Minus (Falco) - Our bracket match was too ****ing close. I don't like losing that way, and you've said you don't like winning that way. So a rematch is in order sir. I can't believe our epic match was ended with a noob air dodge to ground followed by a punishing fsmash.

7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers) - Your diddy is a beast. You let me take the first stock of the match, then three stocked me lol. ****ty luck against ambrose, but you're a top for a reason, you'll land on your feet next tourney.

7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers) - I ****ing hate iceclimbers. Spacing works, but it gets predictable, but there's nothing I can do about it, nothing else would work for spacing except dtilts, but your approach mooted those. I'll try to think of something tricky to beat you next time we play.

9th. Fool (Falco) - You beat ambrose. Thats too ****in good. Mississauga needs to tell their parents they're too old for a bed-time, it's getting tired the way you guys all drop out of brackets.

9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong) - We didn't play in singles for once, holy ****. Wicked job in doubles man, i thought you had Ambrose and Phil done for sure. Well run tourney, more tvs woulda made it better, but that was out of your hands. For a last minute effort you still got good attendance, and I hope you got enough for the venue fee.

9th. Iliad (Marth) - Ninth? Thats ****ing it? You suck balls. Next time, up+b out of jab locks you scrub and ****ing learn how to beat iceclimbers. GOD.

9th. Mikey7 (Marth & Dedede) - Didn't get to see many of your matches, did get to see you vs ambrose, but nothing impressive ;). STAY AT TOURNEYS LONGER! COME ON WTF! You're always sayin "Mississauga's got this" I'm thinkin you left out the last part of the sentence "van that we rented and it has to be back by 9 o clock."

13th. Dimmy (Metaknight) - Good matches dude, sick MK. I don't care if you're only playin for fun, keep comin and try to place, you can easily do it if you take it seriously.

13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff) - We never did have our matches... Wtf? Pownz tourney, we'll play. First ****ing thing. I loved that you highlights the one match you took off of Ambrose in pools with little dashes and and a bold [bold]1[/bold]

13th. Carter (Samus/Pikachu/Snake) - Gayest way to lose a bracket match ever. Your metaknight is slow as ****, and I thought I would take it, but I realize it's not slow, it's methodical. You don't hop around or do any flashy bull**** you just do what needs to get done. Good matches regardless of a gay SD, hope to see you at pownz.

13th. Fogel (Snake) - You totally don't look like fogel. And you have a good snake dude, PND mike was telling me he wants to play my wolf and marth to give you tips so you can own me in the rematch. Good luck with that :D

17th. sauc3 (Metaknight & Kirby) - lolololol you weren't 25th for once. If you seriously start to main MK i'll kick you square in the nuts. Hamilton doesn't fly like that. But dun worry arbitur- itz all gon b k.

17th. AvariceX (Ness) - Elliot motha****in' Ness. lol no wonder you two play in matches all the time.

17th. Patches (Mr. Game and Watch) - You were totally rocking purple pants. You're intense.

17th. Pho (Toon Link) - Yeah I don't get how you're 17th, we were talking outside with KC, and we figured you got 13th, and I got 7th, apparently we were one placing higher than we imagined. Didn't get to play you, but I'm sure you impressed, that ****ing TL of yours always does.

17th. Warchamp7 (Falco) - Lolololo Ganondorf. Save him for doubles bro, honestly. Singles he gets picked apart by everyone. In doubles he's underrated and avoided, meaning lots of killmoves for you to get off, and it's not like ganondorf has a shortage of killmoves to pick from.

17th. RyanFW (ZSS) - Your falcon was pwning Pho. I love you.

17th. Biltz (Metaknight) - I sat there for two minutes. Left, took a piss, sat down, had a drink, and you still didn't finish your hooking up process. LOL. Good match dude, hope to see you at the next tourney.

17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi) - Your ike is BEAST. You three stocked ambrose in that doubles match... Wtf dude. Sick ike ditto, you sded on the last, making it gay, therefore we need a rematch.

25th. KalEL (Marth) - We suck at doubles.

25th. Will (Olimar) - I kinda wanted to play you, shouldn't have picked norfair! I'd already played warchamp wanted to try your oli on for size.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145) - Fun matches against your ROB. The rest / flip was hilarious. Too good.
4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight) - I guess timing you out was big news :( Sorry! :laugh: Your IC's are too good.
5th. Buenob (ROB) - 5th place. Keep repping Ottawa. Come down for Canal days so we can drink (and run the timers)
9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong) - Thanks for saving Niagara. Our matches were certifiably "Too good." Except not Brinstar. That didn't happen lawl. Claw kill in pools was WTF, but we had good friendlies. I need to work on that banana re-skin.
9th. Iliad (Marth) - You're too funny/cool/awesome/marf. Let's get some friendlies in next time.
13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff) - This guys a scrub.
13th. Fogel (Snake) - Glad to see your Snake doing so well. Thanks for the ride, and good to see you again!
17th. sauc3 - Fun matches in pools. My Jiggs will beat your DeDeDe eventually. (And I'm sure your Kirby will beat my Snake eventually, too!) :laugh:
17th. AvariceX (Ness) - I dun got ***** by Ness. :) GJ, that first Brinstar "kill" was awesome.
17th. Pho (Toon Link) - Good matches. Nice Toon Link.
17th. RyanFW - I'll get your ZSS one of these days lol! It's really good, gj.
17th. Biltz (Metaknight) - You're really cool. Our matches were fun.
17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi) - I legit afraid of your Ike.

3rd. Nutter Butter (KC18 & Pastaboy) (Luigi, Ike & Diddy Kong) ($20) - Too close! WE SHOULD HAVE WON THAT $20, NOT YOU! j/k Lol. Good games.
5th. Eating Old Cheese Brose (Mikey7 & Carter) - Good games. Mikey, your DeDeDe is too good. Stop gaying me at 0% plz? :chuckle: I look forward to beating you. . . eventually
9th. OBM & FOW (Patches & AvariceX) (Mr Game And Watch & Ness) - GG, I think Snake / Snake was too much explosions to handle. (or look at)

5th. Jake - I'm not using your screen name! Nice meeting you, see you again sometime.
13th. Kai - Also nice meeting you. Your Ike is beastly in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
Tourney went pretty good. Thx to everyone who had come.

GTA at my house, lol @ my roommate.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain

good stuff brawl community

raynex too good

unknown522 also too good

jake hi

imadh too good i guess

kirbykaze get ***** you scrub

mike didn't get his name spelled incorrectly zomg first time for everything

kyle who did you lose to?

adnan failed

josh too good

i don't think i'm going to the next one

melee flopped for me to no fault of the to, pasta did a good job imo about organizing stuff and was really considerate, but housing failure by niko combined with various other failures makes me not want to leave my general vicinity for smash anymore, it's too much effort and stuff always goes wrong anyway


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
1st. HolyNightmare -best rob in canada, nuff said, and props to comin down hope you made it back ok
2nd. KingAce
3rd. Percon - wish we could have gotten more friendlies in
4th. Ambrose - i need to learn how to not get grabbed
5th. Buenob
5th. Minus - epic match with iliad lol too close
7th. SilverDoc -
7th. Raidos - fun time teamin with you, we should work on our mks
9th. Fool - god dam falco, ill learn that matchup soon enough
9th. Pastaboy - lol at me picking mk, thanks a lot for the tourney well done, shoulda banned fd
9th. Iliad - why did you lose to minus, WHYYYY, but dun worry arbitur, its all gun b k
9th. Mikey7 - to bad we never got a chance to play
13th. Dimmy
13th. PNDMike - great snake learn how to beat ddd and ull be placin no time
13th. Carter (Samus & Pikachu?)
13th. Fogel (Snake)
17th. sauc3
17th. AvariceX (Ness)
17th. Patches - great gaw, see you in london next year
17th. Pho (Toon Link)
17th. Warchamp7 (Falco)
17th. RyanFW
17th. Biltz good games bro, nice mk
17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi)
25th. KalEL - need to learn how to play marth, good games and thanks for the lift, i left my wallet and phone in your car lol
25th. Will


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
I have your wii, and your bag fool. If you're going to Gi's tournament next week, I can give it to you then, or any casuals in between.


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2006
I'd like to apologize to those in my car and the Melee community for acting too hastily. In recent days, I was becoming more and more depressed with myself, for reasons I cannot say, and that bit of failed understanding lead to misplaced disappointment which pushed me over the top causing my abrupt leave.

Luckily, a friend consoled me and made me realize why I was so depressed and what I needed to do. I have since reverted to my old, non-depressed self.

I hope you can all forgive my actions and I apologize sincerely to those I had inconvenienced.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Double Meta Knight is so beautiful and fun!

I wonder if ROB players will stop johning about MK now that HolyNightmare beats all of the MKs up in Canada all the time... >_>;


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada

1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145)
2nd. KingAce (Metaknight) ($80)
3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25)
4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight)
5th. Buenob (ROB)
5th. Minus (Falco)
7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers)
7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers)
9th. Fool (Falco)
9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong)
9th. Iliad (Marth)
9th. Mikey7
13th. Dimmy
13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff)
13th. Carter (Samus & Pikachu?)
13th. Fogel (Snake)
17th. sauc3 (Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight)
17th. AvariceX (Ness)
17th. Patches (Mr. Game and Watch)
17th. Pho (Toon Link)
17th. Warchamp7 (Falco)
17th. RyanFW
17th. Biltz (Metaknight)
17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi)
25th. KalEL (Marth)
25th. Will

If anyone can fill me in on which players used which characters, that would be GREAT.
Dimmy used MK. Mikey used Marth.


No we won't.

Vids of finals plz
Don't worry: All 15 games of KingAce vs Holy were recorded :D


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
No we won't.

Vids of finals plz

HolyNightmare is obviously the best ROB main right now. He's ****** everything up there, and we know players like KingAce, Percon, and Ambrose are really good. Beating them (especially KingAce, clearly a very good MK), means something. He's beating everyone with ROB.

He's doing something other ROBs (besides NinjaLink) aren't.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145)
- lol I finally closed the gap again :) next time you're going down, as always it was good seeing you again
3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25)
- epic matches :) your pit is pretty good, but seriously the pink puff is way better... I need to come down so we can play more... congrats on your placing
4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight)
- curse you! next time, hopefully, I'll have more MK experience :) and maybe you can stop suiciding against me?
5th. Minus (Falco)
- lol @ japes :) i'll rematch you any time... good games for sure
7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers)
- thanks for the friendlies :) don't quit lol
7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers)
- great climbers :) it was fun playing you, I think I had a bit more matchup experience so that worked in my favour
9th. Iliad (Marth)
- lol surprised? I guess I was a bit of an upset, but expect to see me higher next time ;) hope to play you soon
9th. Mikey7
- fun teams games, and good talking with you afterwards :)
13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff)
- who's this scrub? jigglypuff on delphino ftw! thanks for the housing, pancakes, and lolz (and tent)
13th. Carter (Samus & Pikachu?)
- your samus is inspiring :) keep it up, good to see you again
13th. Fogel (Snake)
- lol another snake scrub :p 6th worst in ottawa represent!
17th. AvariceX (Ness)
- you have a really technical ness, keep it up and i hope you find yourself in this game :
17th. Pho (Toon Link)
- good job, see you in a few months!
25th. KalEL (Marth)
- fun brackets matches! hope to see you out to a few more tournaments... the first 30 seconds of our pools were the most confusing 30 seconds of my life :)

and of course, thanks jake for putting up with my team-shennanigans... couldn't have asked for a better peach partner :)


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews

good stuff brawl community

raynex too good

unknown522 also too good

jake hi

imadh too good i guess

kirbykaze get ***** you scrub

mike didn't get his name spelled incorrectly zomg first time for everything

kyle who did you lose to?

adnan failed

josh too good

i don't think i'm going to the next one

melee flopped for me to no fault of the to, pasta did a good job imo about organizing stuff and was really considerate, but housing failure by niko combined with various other failures makes me not want to leave my general vicinity for smash anymore, it's too much effort and stuff always goes wrong anyway
we'll hold mini tourneys at my place, for $2 or something. seems easier to have that not fail =P

and, i lost to ryan in winner's, josh in loser's. D*MN YOU FOX MCCLOUD

imadh was playing soo well after you left...his set with bernard (loser's finals) was pretty close. and me + whoever i talked to about it agreed he was doing some pretty ridiculous combos on people he played.


Winner's Finals went to game 5 with Holy winning and Grand Finals went to game 10 with Holy winning.

I would do shoutouts but I pretty much talked to everyone after the tourney and everyone knows where I'm going from here....
i don't understand how this works. 5=3+2 ... 10=5+5.
so they both won 5 games. why didn't it stop at 9 or 11?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
I have your wii, and your bag fool. If you're going to Gi's tournament next week, I can give it to you then, or any casuals in between.
Gi is hosting a tourney? Wtf, I did not know of this.

Sounds like this tourney was fun despite not having the sex that is Wolfblade there.

Gonna see if I can make the next OiN, here's hopin.


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Percon - You're always a cool guy man, good to see you again. Kirby is still beast!
Ambrose - Fun bracket matches dude, I've got nothing against ICs so I played for a good time
Minus - Nice job in doubles, we didn't play at all though man
Pastaboy - Great tourney dude, fourchamp7 approves
Iliad - Man, I had nothing against your Marth, you stomped me in pools so our bracket match was for ****s and giggles. Maybe next time I'll put up more of a fight ;P

Overall, with the exception of one Snake player, every pool or bracket match I played was against short characters. Falco says **** you all

Great tourney everyone, one of these days I'll be the winner. Someone ****ing move out here so I can practice. :)


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario

HolyNightmare is obviously the best ROB main right now. He's ****** everything up there, and we know players like KingAce, Percon, and Ambrose are really good. Beating them (especially KingAce, clearly a very good MK), means something. He's beating everyone with ROB.

He's doing something other ROBs (besides NinjaLink) aren't.
Dude Phil was right about you, you've got to be the most arrogant person on smashboards go *** yourself.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Doc, you sure like to use the word arrogant.

You're pretty arrogant yourself.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
No I'm not, theres a difference between arrogance and cockyness, I'm cocky, I'm not arrogant, you're just a scrub give me my 5 bucks you stupid kid...


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah Holy is clearly the best ROB. Ninjalink is definitely second to me, pretty much because of what Inui said. Also, it would help if he used him a bit more in tournament lol.
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