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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Looks like you will be praying to jesus this time Harold... I am able to host a random games fest at my place this saturday. I can also house people if they want. I already have 2 TV's and plenty of space to not get gigacrimped on a futon (Orlando and Dan know what I mean).

I am also willing to drop off/pick up guys if they live far out.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
A few things (which you must all read since everything I type is pure gold):

1. Great Street Fighter/Random Games fest. It went perfectly and had the optimum amount of people, I found. My thoughts in point form:
- Thank you Cam for bringing that TV. While it wasn't used (Dan's was bigger and size does matter - ask Rose, she has one huge scarf...) it was very much appreciated.
- Cam is a natural at Street Fighter and could get very good at it if he so chooses.
- I felt like I got a good number of turns and such. I was never waiting longer than I felt I should for a turn at something.
- It was a great learning experience for me and I hope that it was the same for those who wish to improve at IV.
- MONOPOLY! Ok, so, I wasn't too keen on playing it at first but in the end it was totally worth getting off my lazy *** to do so. Also helps that I won. :laugh: I'm pretty sure that you're not allowed to make the kind of deals that we all made though.
- How many people can you fit on one futon? We now know the answer. My apologies for being too tired/lazy to have provided better accommodations.
- Randy, I hope you're feeling 100% from your head bang thingy. You seem to have a problem with that. Remember, Asian or not, if you keep banging your head on things your intelligence will eventually take a hit. Why do you think I'm still unemployed?
- I regret not having played Castle Crashers as I've yet to go four-player. How far did you guys get?
- While I'll be too busy thanking Jesus for somehow saving my soul by being killed and... doing some thing... and then using a Phoenix down on himself (if any of you are Christian I challenge you to come up with non-embarrassing explanation for this Easter thing) this weekend to host again (i.e playing Resident Evil 5), I think I'll host next Saturday again. It's not official yet.
- So, in the end, GGs to all. Thanks for coming and making it a fun Friday/Saturday/whatever the hell day it was on. Cam, it was great to see you outside of your smashfests.

3. Just in case I don't go to the Smashfest this Friday, I hope everybody has a good Easter weekend. Remember that Jesus loves you... unless, of course, you happen to be an athiest, in which case he will show you no mercy when he sends you to eternal ****ation.
4 was pretty fun for a while, and the overall fest was pretty awesome despite the limited space. Got alot of melee matches in which was really fun, thanks for the help Cam.The futon was hilarious and painful at the same time, next time I may bring a sleeping bag.

Lol at Monopoly, despite me not wanting to play it it was actually pretty fun. I have mad chance and community chest johns though. Getting pay house and hotel repairs twice is ridiculous, although if I hadnt landed on them I woulda had to pay rent so I guess either way I was screwed. Poor Ariel :p.

Four player Castle Crashers was pretty good, although Dans arrow character must of been pretty boring cause 4 players soon became 3 players. We still got ***** at the lava place though, so we didnt make it any further.

Will you have re5 on friday. Im free on friday (after work) so after singles we can try that out if you want.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sounds good. I'll see if I can get it from Dan tonight so I'll have it ready. If I come in first in singles I'll get us some KFC to eat on the way home. :p

And yes, Melee is still tons of fun, just not at the tournament level. Melee without Brinstar Depths is like Brawl without Battlefield.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
well, i have a drill press and a table saw, so I already have all the tools for making the box, and wiring really isn't that difficult, I just need to figure out a way to mount 2 pcb's inside easily... anyways, they're like 40 in parts + wires (should be free, all the old ribbon cable from hard-drives lol) + wood (like 5 bucks tops... if that... mdf is cheap) + time
Hmm, sounds more complex than I thought it would be :/ Wood? Saws? Wtf?

If I paid for parts and your time, could I ask you to make me one? (Yes, this is a serious question.)

Looks like you will be praying to jesus this time Harold... I am able to host a random games fest at my place this saturday. I can also house people if they want. I already have 2 TV's and plenty of space to not get gigacrimped on a futon (Orlando and Dan know what I mean).

I am also willing to drop off/pick up guys if they live far out.
I know vaguely what my family's plans are, but I don't know what days I'll be gone. I'm 50/50 for being able to make this; I would have to leave Saturday night for sure though. I can bring TVs/systems if you'll give me a lift. As far as what I could bring, I can bring a Brawl setup, Melee setup, SSF2THDR setup, and/or....Arcana Heart setup :p

4 was pretty fun for a while, and the overall fest was pretty awesome despite the limited space. Got alot of melee matches in which was really fun, thanks for the help Cam.The futon was hilarious and painful at the same time, next time I may bring a sleeping bag.

Lol at Monopoly, despite me not wanting to play it it was actually pretty fun. I have mad chance and community chest johns though. Getting pay house and hotel repairs twice is ridiculous, although if I hadnt landed on them I woulda had to pay rent so I guess either way I was screwed. Poor Ariel :p.

Four player Castle Crashers was pretty good, although Dans arrow character must of been pretty boring cause 4 players soon became 3 players. We still got ***** at the lava place though, so we didnt make it any further.

Will you have re5 on friday. Im free on friday (after work) so after singles we can try that out if you want.
No problem; if you want any other matchup practice/advice, let me know.

Sounds good. I'll see if I can get it from Dan tonight so I'll have it ready. If I come in first in singles I'll get us some KFC to eat on the way home. :p

And yes, Melee is still tons of fun, just not at the tournament level. Melee without Brinstar Depths is like Brawl without Battlefield.
You're probably just trolling, but Melee is tons of fun at the tournament level :) You are trying to play SF4 competitively, so I don't want to hear any "takes too much tech skill" johns. You can always main Peach or Jiggs if you don't want to learn lots of crazy technical stuff...


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Playing Jiggs doesn't require tech skill, it requires equal parts genius and manliness.

Playing Peach requires a Cstick that only necessarily needs to work at 25% efficiency, provided that 25% efficient direction is down. Press the win stick down, win tourneys, win money, bang hot *****es. That's how to play Peach. You'll never need to learn "mindgames", "tech skill", "game mechanics," "matchups," or "the rest of her moveset" with that strategy. When in doubt, Dsmash. THinking of shielding? Dsmash. Recovering? Dsmash. (provided you make it to level first. You don't want to use a move that's not Dsmash, that's the mark of a true noob)

Playing Captain Falcon requires that you be cool. It doesn't matter if you're good, it just matters if you're willing to go bungee jumping out of a moving airplane while drinking Mountain Dew. That's the mark of a real Falcon player.

That's how to play Melee. Any questions?

I love Melee sooooo much. I can't believe I've never played any of you guys at it


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
as soon as I'm done doing my own I'll check out how long it took, (I'll obviously reduce the amnt of time it took since I'll be better at it after the first time ... lolz inuendo...) anyways, yeah I definitely would be down for selling services (paid per hour) to whomever would like it... i'm currently in talks with my friend who does animation and graduated from sheridan to do my artwork... I think that if there was the possibility of more she'd be more interested lol

anyways, i have to get back to work :(


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Mike going back to Melee? Shameless! Then again Mike, playing Soul Calibur IV at your place that one time really made/makes me want to try and pick it up to see if the Kilik/Xianghua stuff from Soul Calibur I/II might work at all. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
It is funny because I can only play charge characters on the stick, and others on the pad. So I'm on the fence of buying a stick. Then again, I'm on the fence on spending that much time on SF4.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
as soon as I'm done doing my own I'll check out how long it took, (I'll obviously reduce the amnt of time it took since I'll be better at it after the first time ... lolz inuendo...) anyways, yeah I definitely would be down for selling services (paid per hour) to whomever would like it... i'm currently in talks with my friend who does animation and graduated from sheridan to do my artwork... I think that if there was the possibility of more she'd be more interested lol

anyways, i have to get back to work :(
Sounds good, provided the hourly rate is reasonable :)

Everyone must move away from the games that they are now playing and play Spy vs. Spy competitively.
That game was so fun!


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Some people (Randy, Ariel) talked about maybe going to see Watchmen tonight.... sadly it looks like we are having Eastery company tonight so I wouldn't be able to leave until after that's done, which is maybe 9 or 9:30ish, which is pretty lame. My cell number is five one nine seven two one three two four one in case something's happening and I could just show up late lol but idk mebbe that's silly. I'll be back in ottawa soon tho for funtimes and to get my tv :bee:

happy easter, all!


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Some people (Randy, Ariel) talked about maybe going to see Watchmen tonight.... sadly it looks like we are having Eastery company tonight so I wouldn't be able to leave until after that's done, which is maybe 9 or 9:30ish, which is pretty lame. My cell number is five one nine seven two one three two four one in case something's happening and I could just show up late lol but idk mebbe that's silly. I'll be back in ottawa soon tho for funtimes and to get my tv :bee:

happy easter, all!

that sucks


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
If I show up this Friday I'll be down for both Melee and Brawl. I've been in a Melee mood since I'm two levels away from getting the best ending on hard in Roy's game. According to the game I've played for more than 60 hours this file so I'm pumped that I'll finally be doing it (my last attempt failed and I never continue from Game Overs when I play Fire Emblem).

That video was pretty neat but that Bison was clearly sandbagging. I could probably beat that kid in a money match.

Anyhow, I'm glad that you and your family are alright =)
Actually, he didn't tell us the ending...

James: It's a cool feeling, eh? Yeah, I too rarely get it but it certainly feels empowering when you're in that state. It would be nice if we could go all focus-mode through willpower alone.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
If I show up this Friday I'll be down for both Melee and Brawl. I've been in a Melee mood since I'm two levels away from getting the best ending on hard in Roy's game. According to the game I've played for more than 60 hours this file so I'm pumped that I'll finally be doing it (my last attempt failed and I never continue from Game Overs when I play Fire Emblem).

That video was pretty neat but that Bison was clearly sandbagging. I could probably beat that kid in a money match.
@Fire Emblem stuff: Wow...I hope the last boss doesn't end up killing you then. I've only played the first GBA FE (I don't know which one it is in Japan...6? 7?) but the last boss was pretty ridiculous even on Normal mode; only a handful of my characters could even hurt it.

Also, I don't think 2 year olds have much money to MM with...

No, he wrote a book on playing to win.
I have the answer to this inquiry!


Scroll down to 'The Slaughterer' heading, and read about the theoretical nine-year-old girl with no skill at the game.

Summary/tl;dr: Playing To Win against said two-year-old means beating him/her as quickly as possible so that you have more time to play the other people who do have skills.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I have the answer to this inquiry!


Scroll down to 'The Slaughterer' heading, and read about the theoretical nine-year-old girl with no skill at the game.

Summary/tl;dr: Playing To Win against said two-year-old means beating him/her as quickly as possible so that you have more time to play the other people who do have skills.
I have the answer to THAT inquiry!


Scroll down to 'The Teacher' heading and read about it.

Summary: We must teach this kid all the nuances of the game so that he can further better himself into potentially becoming the best Street Fighter II Champion High Definition Remix player in the world. But in doing so will result in less time for us to further improve our skills and we will fall behind and develop bad habits.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Sirlin contradicting himself? That's not possible! :laugh: Sirlin has to get off his high horse and you all have to stop listening to his garbage and start listening to what you think. Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
lol he's not contradicting himself... i read the book (thanks harold :)) and he's just summarizing different outlooks on the game...

though I do think that a lot of what he says needs to be taken with a grain of salt... i could barely stand reading his shameless self-promotional article about the game he made/helped make... w/e... the guy totally deserves to say "i'm awesome" but i don't have to listen :)


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
ps. double post... add "wood 4 sheep" on xbla, i bought sf4 and am currently at 1200 bp's and rising fast :)

I'm making my stick this week, ahead of schedule (or 4 years behind lolz) and I can't wait to see that rise even more


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Actually, he didn't tell us the ending...

James: It's a cool feeling, eh? Yeah, I too rarely get it but it certainly feels empowering when you're in that state. It would be nice if we could go all focus-mode through willpower alone.
Yea definitely, I think it's sort of like a zen type thing. Maybe we can Harold, we just have to give up all our worldly possessions and live on a mountain in the himilayas with Yogi's lool.

I'll tell you the ending to the story next time I see you, it's convoluted.

ps. double post... add "wood 4 sheep" on xbla, i bought sf4 and am currently at 1200 bp's and rising fast :)

I'm making my stick this week, ahead of schedule (or 4 years behind lolz) and I can't wait to see that rise even more
Yay Ben is getting serious about SFIV! woot! :)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Should I ask about that "Wood 4 sheep" bit, Ben? And, speaking of SFIV, I've always wondered whether the majority of people who play it in scenes use the PS3 or 360 version, same sort of thing with Soul Calibur 4. Heck, I can't even remember if Ben has a PS3 or 360 to sort of say "well, he has THIS, so maybe most do as well". And I don't remember what (PND)Mike had/has either, even though I remember playing SCIV on whatever system it was. Ah well. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Ben plays on 360 (I know that "wood 4 sheep" is his Live name).


This Friday will be dedicated to finding and executing the most broken strategies possible on Rumble Falls.



Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i have a 360, so does harold, suo has a ps3... I know there's about 80k people with sf4 on 360, and probably near the same number (actually i'd wager a little less, 60k) on the ps3, so either way you will definitely get some valid competition

as is, vega and guile beat me... i'm terrible :( most other characters I just beat, and ps. don't ever play drunk! i ended up staying at 1200 bp's 'cause I can't execute crap right now...

also, alan, i will not be playing brambles with you... ever... lol :) the legality thread is cool, but if we spend every smashfest trying to prove all these jokers wrong, that's all we'll ever be doing! lol

edit: 1653 bps butting me at 36443 on xbox live lolz


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
and I hate you for it lolz :) (just kidding, but really, I don't think it's a competitive level... I posted in the appropriate thread)
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