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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
You should definitely come out, you can finally be the hostee rather than the hoster for an ottawa gamefest.

P.S. what is banned?
What's sad is that I don't think I've been to a smashfest that hasn't been at my house for the past year or two :/ There was one time I was going to go to Harold/Ariel's, but I had made tentative plans with other people beforehand that ended up coming through. It doesn't really seem like people run other smashfests anymore though :/


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I want to hold a Smashfest, but my place isn't the most welcoming, lawls.

(No, I have nothing dark-natured in my room at all. I'm referring to my parents and a small room with no curtains.)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
IvanEva here:

Ok, so the SFIV-fest has now been moved to this Saturday instead of Sunday. Hopefully Dan and Lavi will be showing up as well. They MIGHT bring a TV and 360 but in case they don't (and they most likely won't) if somebody else brought that it would help. Of course, since it's whenever, there's always a possibility that everybody won't be there all at once.

If it gets crowded we'll be following these rules:
- Loser out
- Rounds set to three, not five
- NO REMATCHES (Dan will have trouble with this one...)

Hopefully Dan and Lavi will show since they'll probably be better at helping the weaker players improve than I will. Ariel can help you with spacing as well since he can somehow 360 on command...

On topic: Chun-Li is manlier than Marth.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
IvanEva here:

Ok, so the SFIV-fest has now been moved to this Saturday instead of Sunday. Hopefully Dan and Lavi will be showing up as well. They MIGHT bring a TV and 360 but in case they don't (and they most likely won't) if somebody else brought that it would help. Of course, since it's whenever, there's always a possibility that everybody won't be there all at once.

If it gets crowded we'll be following these rules:
- Loser out
- Rounds set to three, not five
- NO REMATCHES (Dan will have trouble with this one...)

Hopefully Dan and Lavi will show since they'll probably be better at helping the weaker players improve than I will. Ariel can help you with spacing as well since he can somehow 360 on command...

On topic: Chun-Li is manlier than Marth.
If I recall, Sandbag was manlier than marth.

On Topic: Is this at the aprtment? I might bring a TV but it is kinda big and I REALLY don't know if there is room.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
i can't saturday, I have a pool tournament all saturday... I fail at communication, sorry for the mixups :(


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
IvanEva again:

Ben: That sucks. :( hopefully you'll be able to come next time (or even host?). I hope to make this a regular thing.

Cam: 2929 Carling Ave. apt 101 (ring up is 101 as well). You're totally encouraged to come try it out.

Randy: If you could bring a TV that'd be excellent. It's easy to rearrange things here so it all fits. Trust in my **** powers - thirty Mexicans in one car? No problem.

Everyone: Assuming we have the transportation for it, would everybody be up for going for Pho at around 7-ish? We'd go back to Cam's if there's still time. It'd be nice to socialize as one big group outside of just games for once.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
Is the pho happening today or tomorrow? You said Cam's which implies today but just wanna make sure. Ive been craving pho for about 3 weeks, too bad I wont be there today :(.

As for the sf4 fest, does it start at any particular time or can I arrive whenever? Im looking to be there by around 12/1 may leave a little early.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Sounds like he meant for today. But I wouldn't mind going for pho tomorrow as well.

Also, I don't think I can help with spacing since I am terrible at spacing. I only move back and forth to pretend as if I know how to space >_> 360'ing on command is really easy btw; you just spin the analog in a circle. If you use the garbage pluspad(moar like plusbad amirite?) doing a 360 is a lot harder imo.

EDIT: Since the space is limited, I am going to do a sign up thing. Besides, seeing how many people are going to be there will give a good idea on how much play time each person can expect.

So far it looks like:

Looks like a 2nd TV is very necessary. Also, I strongly recommend that someone take over for Harold. There is no space in the apartment and he cannot host it regularly... or even this time, I'd wager. No room, no chairs, no turns. If we want to play SF4, someone else will *have* to take over.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
I would definitely be down for some pho (seeing how it was my idea and all) for 7-8ish and if we have some time go back to Cam's to continue smashing.


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
I has car, I can give guys rides.

And yeah, I think next time, the SF4 fest should NOT be at Harolds. Since there is obviously no room for that much people and setup.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Since Randy is driving, I can bring my small Commodore monitor today if we need another setup.

edit: Should we try that Pho place today?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hm, just about the SFIV thing. I remember you guys talking about how good the Street Fighter pads for it were (I'm assuming the 360 ones?) and how you wanted them/rare they were. Just thought I'd say that someone on GameTZ is selling a Chun Li one for $35 so if anybody has an account there and wants to try for it or would want me to try and get it for them and they'd pay me back later, let me know and I'll see what I can do.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
All this Street Fighter talk is boring up the boards... **** hooligans and their street gangs. Where I'm from, we brawl on weird floating platforms with a strange vortex in the background.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Hm, well back on Brawl topic, any chance of me going to OiN is officially out the window as I have consecutive family dinners on Friday and Saturday night so well, I kind of have to be there for those. Oh, and I had an MRI last night in Ottawa (the hospital was actually around Cam's lol), and have an EEG at another hospital on Monday so I'll let you guys know what the doctors say when I get the results back.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
and OiN may be cancelled? I don't know if that was a late april fools or what have you but **** I'm not very impressed...

I ended up coming in 5/6th in my pool tournament... I had to play the #1 player in the league who sent me to b side first round, then I got gimped by another old-timer (60+ year old guys really know how to play pool) oh well... my friend phil came in 4th and won 350 so we had a good night yesterday

also... alan, great matches on friday :) thanks for the practice...if anyone is interested monday, tuesday or thursday during the day I could travel/host to play some smash / sf4 (but I'd rather play smash)


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Friday was definitely fun. I have found new love for Ness. Monday sounds possible. I'm just taking a break today from being outside~ I played laser tag yesterday and came 13th out of 37. My cousin won both games by a landslide.

I'd love to come over more often. Next to Cam's, you have the most welcoming environment.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
and OiN may be cancelled? I don't know if that was a late april fools or what have you but **** I'm not very impressed...
Well, come down anyway? Worst case scenario: The tourney IS canceled. We play smash and get drunk for a weekend. Or, if the tourney ends up happening, you'll be down here. And we can get drunk and play smash all weekend.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
mike-> get bryant to get in touch with me! someone... i tried msg-ing his account, anyways, i need confirmation... I'll totally come down for the weekend and party it up for no reason if that's still an option


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
back on topic:

sf4 actually worked and overall it was pretty fun even though I left for most of it. Also, castle crashers with stick was lol and noisy.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Not that anybody really cares but I'm finally going to change the thread picture sometime this week. It'll be a masterpiece.

(The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your character to at least 10 characters.)


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
A few things (which you must all read since everything I type is pure gold):

1. Great Street Fighter/Random Games fest. It went perfectly and had the optimum amount of people, I found. My thoughts in point form:
- Thank you Cam for bringing that TV. While it wasn't used (Dan's was bigger and size does matter - ask Rose, she has one huge scarf...) it was very much appreciated.
- Cam is a natural at Street Fighter and could get very good at it if he so chooses.
- I felt like I got a good number of turns and such. I was never waiting longer than I felt I should for a turn at something.
- It was a great learning experience for me and I hope that it was the same for those who wish to improve at IV.
- MONOPOLY! Ok, so, I wasn't too keen on playing it at first but in the end it was totally worth getting off my lazy *** to do so. Also helps that I won. :laugh: I'm pretty sure that you're not allowed to make the kind of deals that we all made though.
- How many people can you fit on one futon? We now know the answer. My apologies for being too tired/lazy to have provided better accommodations.
- Randy, I hope you're feeling 100% from your head bang thingy. You seem to have a problem with that. Remember, Asian or not, if you keep banging your head on things your intelligence will eventually take a hit. Why do you think I'm still unemployed?
- I regret not having played Castle Crashers as I've yet to go four-player. How far did you guys get?
- While I'll be too busy thanking Jesus for somehow saving my soul by being killed and... doing some thing... and then using a Phoenix down on himself (if any of you are Christian I challenge you to come up with non-embarrassing explanation for this Easter thing) this weekend to host again (i.e playing Resident Evil 5), I think I'll host next Saturday again. It's not official yet.
- So, in the end, GGs to all. Thanks for coming and making it a fun Friday/Saturday/whatever the hell day it was on. Cam, it was great to see you outside of your smashfests.

2. Bell sucks. I didn't much feel like paying $50 per month for internet and so I downgraded to their light package. The lady on the phone didn't mention anything about there now being some bull**** bandwidth limit of TWO ****ING GIGS so, on top of the $25 downgrading fee I was also hit with a bull**** $30 I-feel-over-charging-you fee. Pissed, I canceled my internet until I feel unlazy enough to find another provider (that probably uses Bell lines anyway :() and I get a job to pay for it.

As a result, of course, my online time has been drastically cut short and I will therefore not be posting all that much for a while. I've been staying occasionally at a buddy's house and he has the connection I'm currently using but otherwise I'll be internet-less. So, I'll therefore be using this "telephone" dealie that I keep hearing so much about more often now. If anybody cares for me to have their number, PM/message/tell me.

A consequence of my new offline world is that I will no longer be able (at least in any sort of reliable way) to update the first post of this thread or my bi-weekly results list on the bi-weekly thread. I know that the first post is, dare I say, the single most important post in all of Smash World Forums and therefore you guys will be lost and confused without it informing you of all the latest happening in our little community as well as giving your eyes a massage with my beautiful, professional-level art. I'll try to update it when I can when I'm at Cam's.

3. Just in case I don't go to the Smashfest this Friday, I hope everybody has a good Easter weekend. Remember that Jesus loves you... unless, of course, you happen to be an athiest, in which case he will show you no mercy when he sends you to eternal ****ation.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Gotta say, I brought this idea up to Alan earlier today, and thought it might be decent to try. Nothing special about it, just like essentially a "as many different fighters as there are TVs" thing of sorts. Not necessarily tourney style with it (since it might be hard to do it like that barring some "points system"), but just like, have one tv with Brawl (or Melee if preferred), one with SFIV, one with dunno, MK vs DCU, or Soul Calibur IV on another (I think there's only 4 TVs at Cam's). Or failing that, a different kind of game on each TV, like Brawl on one, Mario Kart on another, an FPS on one more (whether or not it's a Halo game or whatever wouldn't really matter), and something else. It's pretty much just the random thing that sometimes gets done, but well, in....I dunno a more organized way. Of course, this is just me rambling about things and admittedly half an excuse to try SFIV when I'm back but hey... :laugh:


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
No, no. Smashfests are pretty much exclusively for Brawl, Melee, or MK vs. DCU. If you're looking to try out SFIV, post again a few days before a non-bi-weekly 'fest and perhaps James might bring it (Cam has a PS3). Any other games night, for playing other non-Smash/MK games should be labeled as such.

Ariel: It took Leonardo approximately 50 years to finish the Mona Lisa. Don't rush me. :p


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
but.. rob pwning a city is epic!!

also, I think my weekend plans are now kaput... i'd rather stay in the city, hit up this friday's bi-weekly and then get some serious work done on saturday than head to montreal when ally will be half way across the continent lol

oh well... point is, i'll be making a stand-alone stick on the 1st week of may, and then I'm going to buy sf4... i was playing at a friends house and I got the shoryuken-> ultra with ken :) so satisfying... ph33r ken!


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
1. Great Street Fighter/Random Games fest. It went perfectly and had the optimum amount of people, I found. My thoughts in point form:
- Thank you Cam for bringing that TV. While it wasn't used (Dan's was bigger and size does matter - ask Rose, she has one huge scarf...) it was very much appreciated.
- Cam is a natural at Street Fighter and could get very good at it if he so chooses.
- I felt like I got a good number of turns and such. I was never waiting longer than I felt I should for a turn at something.
- It was a great learning experience for me and I hope that it was the same for those who wish to improve at IV.
- Randy, I hope you're feeling 100% from your head bang thingy. You seem to have a problem with that. Remember, Asian or not, if you keep banging your head on things your intelligence will eventually take a hit. Why do you think I'm still unemployed?
- While I'll be too busy thanking Jesus for somehow saving my soul by being killed and... doing some thing... and then using a Phoenix down on himself (if any of you are Christian I challenge you to come up with non-embarrassing explanation for this Easter thing) this weekend to host again (i.e playing Resident Evil 5), I think I'll host next Saturday again. It's not official yet.
- So, in the end, GGs to all. Thanks for coming and making it a fun Friday/Saturday/whatever the hell day it was on. Cam, it was great to see you outside of your smashfests.


As a result, of course, my online time has been drastically cut short and I will therefore not be posting all that much for a while. I've been staying occasionally at a buddy's house and he has the connection I'm currently using but otherwise I'll be internet-less. So, I'll therefore be using this "telephone" dealie that I keep hearing so much about more often now. If anybody cares for me to have their number, PM/message/tell me.
Yes, thanks for hosting SFIV night; it was fun! Also, thanks for the SFIV props...I guess playing the CPU a lot 15+ years ago in SNES SFII paid off :p I also thought space was fine; people were exaggerating how small it was and I was expecting a one-tv-standing-room-only kind of room, but it was fine with 6-7 people.

I don't want to post my number here in the thread because I'm e-paranoid, but I'll PM it to you later if you need to get ahold of me.

Gotta say, I brought this idea up to Alan earlier today, and thought it might be decent to try. Nothing special about it, just like essentially a "as many different fighters as there are TVs" thing of sorts. Not necessarily tourney style with it (since it might be hard to do it like that barring some "points system"), but just like, have one tv with Brawl (or Melee if preferred), one with SFIV, one with dunno, MK vs DCU, or Soul Calibur IV on another (I think there's only 4 TVs at Cam's). Or failing that, a different kind of game on each TV, like Brawl on one, Mario Kart on another, an FPS on one more (whether or not it's a Halo game or whatever wouldn't really matter), and something else. It's pretty much just the random thing that sometimes gets done, but well, in....I dunno a more organized way. Of course, this is just me rambling about things and admittedly half an excuse to try SFIV when I'm back but hey... :laugh:
This sort of happened last Friday; for a while we had one SFIV TV, one Melee TV, and two Brawl TVs. I wish Jan came more often so we could play more GGXX:AC/Melty Blood on PS2 :( I can always set up Arcana Heart too, but no one seems to have been craving it lately (I guess it's like the MK vs. DCU of PS2 fighters?).

but.. rob pwning a city is epic!!

also, I think my weekend plans are now kaput... i'd rather stay in the city, hit up this friday's bi-weekly and then get some serious work done on saturday than head to montreal when ally will be half way across the continent lol

oh well... point is, i'll be making a stand-alone stick on the 1st week of may, and then I'm going to buy sf4... i was playing at a friends house and I got the shoryuken-> ultra with ken :) so satisfying... ph33r ken!
I'm curious to know how hard it will be to make one of those. I wouldn't mind getting a stick of my own if it's not too tricky to make one.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
well, i have a drill press and a table saw, so I already have all the tools for making the box, and wiring really isn't that difficult, I just need to figure out a way to mount 2 pcb's inside easily... anyways, they're like 40 in parts + wires (should be free, all the old ribbon cable from hard-drives lol) + wood (like 5 bucks tops... if that... mdf is cheap) + time
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