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Ottawa Ontario Canada HD Remix


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2007
Ben plays on 360 (I know that "wood 4 sheep" is his Live name).


This Friday will be dedicated to finding and executing the most broken strategies possible on Rumble Falls.

Seriously, I do not appreciate being your personal lab rat in your fight to un-ban banned stages.

The process of unbanning any aspect of a game can only be justified with a data spanning over YEARS, not a singles smashfest fest.

And I'm in the same boat as Ben. I will not be playing Rumble Falls come this smashfest.


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
<.<; Then this Friday I will be dedicated to testing Rumble Falls in a more professional environment.

And I honestly think it should be the other way around :/ The process of banning an aspect should take a long time.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
For what it's worth Alan, first Smashfest after I'm back (though, that's be like....May 29th likely since the 24th is a Sunday, lol), I'll spend an hour straight on Rumble Falls with you if you still want to test it. :bee:

Edit: And it's good to know there's a good amount of people playing it on the PS3, since I've seriously been considering getting one (I just HAVE to play MGS4), and have been wanting to try SCIV and SFIV since they were out.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yea Tyler, there's definitely a really good user-base on PS3 for SFIV.

You can play me! :)

Oh Ben, My Xbox stick finally arrived today, so Im gonna look into what I need to mod it. Are you still down to help a brotha out? :) lol


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1. Street Fighter IV sucks. Everytime I miss an Ultra input, somebody in the world gets cancer. This game needs Sirlin.

2. I've already done extensive tests on every last thing in Brawl and am therefore THE authority on what is broken and what isn't. Rumble falls can be a lot of fun (and it can be a lot of not-fun...) but sadly, it fails the 'dominated by a single tactic' dealie. It's very much BanneDDD.

Edit in response to Linkshot: It's BanneDDD. *points to the DDD part*

Also, once again, there's no SFIV fest this Saturday.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Just for observation purposes, can someone tell me why people would buy a PS3 over an Xbox 360? I just don't get how it is better in any way other than the couple exclusives it has. I'm not trying to bash anything here, just curious seeing how I don't own a PS3.

P.S. Rumble Falls is the devil. Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, the PS3 is backwards compatible with PS2 and PSX titles (though, some of the cheaper ones/newer ones have taken out the PS2 backwards compatibility for...some reason), hasa generally better controller than the Xbox or 360 controllers (the original XBox controller seemed like such a ripoff of the DC one). And as silly as this sounds, truthfully I'm a cynical ol' fogie who is kind of sickened by the thought of Microsoft even being in the console race. The 360 seems to focus way too much on being a "mini PC" than a system that plays games. And to me, most of the titles on it seem like they're either FPS games, or some kind of PC port. It's hard to explain but I've sort of voiced my dislike for the 360 to where if I got one I'd be a hypocrite. Weird and stupid, I know, but I've never gotten the big deal about the 360 and the whole "HD graphics" bit doesn't do much for me. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
false information... only one model of the ps3 is backwards compatible AND has a hard drive, and unfortunately it is discontinued...


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
I want Meteos Wars >O I don't have a 360, but I'm not getting a 360 nor Meteos Wars for it because there's no "quick screen access" that Meteos requires. (Stylus/Wiimote)


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Yeah, I know Ben, it's the 60GB model, right? I've been looking through GameTZ for it, and it and the 40 gig ones seem to be the most common ones that show up.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2003
Ottawa, ON, Canada
<.<; Then this Friday I will be dedicated to testing Rumble Falls in a more professional environment.

And I honestly think it should be the other way around :/ The process of banning an aspect should take a long time.
I'll try out some Rumble Falls matches with you.

Just for observation purposes, can someone tell me why people would buy a PS3 over an Xbox 360? I just don't get how it is better in any way other than the couple exclusives it has. I'm not trying to bash anything here, just curious seeing how I don't own a PS3.

P.S. Rumble Falls is the devil. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
Why I spent $599 US (not really) on a PS3 over an Xbox 360:

- Disgaea 3
- God of War 3, whenever it comes out
- Blu-Ray player
- No Xbox 360 (exclusive) games are out, or will be coming out in the near future, that I actually care about
- Somewhat care about not wanting Microsoft to monopolize yet another industry, but I bought an Xbox 360 controller for my PC, so I'm a hypocrite and don't know why I bothered writing this point
- Funnier memes: Giant Enemy Crabs, Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!, strike its weak point for Massive Damage, $599 US, etc.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2008
FYI: I believe microsoft is coming out with a blu ray add on for the 360 since HD DVD got ***** in the format war. Too lazy to confirm -.-. This gen the 360 seems like the better option, where last gen it would have been the ps2.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
false information... only one model of the ps3 is backwards compatible AND has a hard drive, and unfortunately it is discontinued...
False information :p

The 20GB and 60GB models had hardware backwards compatability with PS2 and so were really compatible. The first 80GB's had software bc so they were only mostly bc; it got better with a system update. Then Sony decided that they weren't selling PS3 games enough so they stopped shipping the software bc with newer 80G and up. 160s and 40s never had backwards compatability. I know nothing about PS1 compatability but Sony seems to indicate that it's minimal at best (although now they downplay any bc ever existing in the PS3 line so ppl don't whine that it's gone now lol).

Nevertheless, a couple weeks ago I got myself a used software-bc 80GB model from Microplay on Bank.... $299 booyaaaaaaa

just get a ps2 and wait for sony to start selling good consoles again :urg:
but as much as I hate sony, I hate M$ a billion times moaarrrrr

and yes that's my basis for everything

(well, kingdom hearts too <3)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Well, the PS3 is backwards compatible with PS2 and PSX titles (though, some of the cheaper ones/newer ones have taken out the PS2 backwards compatibility for...some reason),
Backward compatibility doesn't make the console itself better but the library and seeing how only a small fraction of the models support it I cannot see it as a valid point.

hasa generally better controller than the Xbox or 360 controllers (the original XBox controller seemed like such a ripoff of the DC one).
Dude! The only thing the PS controller has over the Xbox360 is the D-Pad. The rest of the 360 controller is better in every way. SIXAXIS doesn't count seeing how like 3 games support it... and not even well.

And as silly as this sounds, truthfully I'm a cynical ol' fogie who is kind of sickened by the thought of Microsoft even being in the console race. The 360 seems to focus way too much on being a "mini PC" than a system that plays games. And to me, most of the titles on it seem like they're either FPS games, or some kind of PC port. It's hard to explain but I've sort of voiced my dislike for the 360 to where if I got one I'd be a hypocrite.
I to was anti Microsoft when the first Xbox came out. I didn't like Microsoft in the console market and never liked their way of marketing and the players that played it. I was strictly Gamecube. When the 360 came out I was still skeptical and later realized that it was a system done well and I don't care for much of a company logo if the console is done well. With the XBLA and community games, there are loads more genres than just FPS. I haven't looked at the PSN but I'm pretty sure there is more on Live.

Weird and stupid, I know, but I've never gotten the big deal about the 360 and the whole "HD graphics" bit doesn't do much for me. :ohwell:
The PS3 boast just as much as the 360 does about "HD". Heck it was raving on and on about how many processors it has and blueray and how it has the better graphics out of the 3 consoles (obviously we all know the winner *cough* wii *cough*).

- Disgaea 3
- God of War 3, whenever it comes out
- Blu-Ray player
- No Xbox 360 (exclusive) games are out, or will be coming out in the near future, that I actually care about
- Somewhat care about not wanting Microsoft to monopolize yet another industry, but I bought an Xbox 360 controller for my PC, so I'm a hypocrite and don't know why I bothered writing this point
- Funnier memes: Giant Enemy Crabs, Riiiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!, strike its weak point for Massive Damage, $599 US, etc.
God of War 3, hands down, going to be their best thing. No arguments there.
Memes are awesome, I'll give you that. I always liked the weak point for massive damage.

FYI: I believe microsoft is coming out with a blu ray add on for the 360 since HD DVD got ***** in the format war. Too lazy to confirm -.-. This gen the 360 seems like the better option, where last gen it would have been the ps2.
As much as that is true that the PS2 was top, I NEVER liked the PS2. It was way to predominant in RPGs and always liked the Nintendo games.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Straight up, console discussions are pointless, it comes down to personal preference.

Xbox360 is a great value, and the PS3 is as well.

Both systems have great exclusives, depending on your taste in genre's.

For me it was Disgaea 3+ MGS4+ Bluray+ no RROD.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I actually liked that the PS2 had a good focus on RPGs. There was well, a lot of everything on that system that made it good, and that's why it appealed to me more than the original Xbox. I admit I could have some bias towards the PS3 controller since it's pretty similar to the PS1/PS2 controllers, which I've been used to using since 1999 (though, the 360 controller is by no means bad...it's not the Jaguar). Also, I have to admit the PS3 would likely be right next to my PS2/PSX, so switching between the 3 would just be a case of switching a plug making backwards compatibility issues almost not a problem. I think there's a good bit of sticking with "the devil you know, instead of the one you don't". I mean, I've had my PS2 for like 7 years and only had one problem with it, and that was like 6 years ago. I haven't had a problem with it since, and have heard from people the PS3 has similar reliability. There've been a good bit of "Red Ring of Doom" issues with the 360 I've heard about since its release and still hear about people having them. The 360 (and the "new gaming crowd" these days) seems more for people who have no patience and just want constant flash in the games to me, not sure why.

But yeah, I like the Wii better than both systems, especially since it seems more geared towards playing games, rather than being a "multimedia platform". Really, I don't care if a system plays DVDs, music CDs, Blu-Ray, HD-DVDs, lets me surf the internet, has a keyboard/mouse compatibility or what. What really concerns me is that it plays the games for it, and plays them well.

Edit: Yeah, you're right Suo. Both are great values for different tastes, and people with those tastes probably aren't going to up and change them overnight, if at all. Kinda got carried away with all that, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Straight up, console discussions are pointless, it comes down to personal preference.

Xbox360 is a great value, and the PS3 is as well.

Both systems have great exclusives, depending on your taste in genre's.

For me it was Disgaea 3+ MGS4+ Bluray+ no RROD.
I will disagree with you on this one. It doesn't only come down to personal preference. There are facts on both sides and I just wanted to know the PS3's side seeing how I own a 360. I'd say that the 360 has more exclusives and one of the biggest things that PS3 failed at was support. Dev support is horrible and the game library has suffered because of it. If they focused on that from the start then I think the PS3 would have had a really strong life. What is RROD?

I find the PS2/3 controller very uncomfortable. My index fingers are often sore and I don't like having the main stick where the D-Pad is on the other console's controllers.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Well, my thought would be you could sort of understand why PS2/3 owners might prefer their controller over the 360 one, since it's the same sort of thing to them, correct? Though...seeing as I play Brawl using a GC controller, and its d-pad/joystick set up is switched around to how the PS2/PS3 one is, I have no idea how that works in this case. :laugh:


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
RRoD supposedly activates sometime soon after the warranty expires, if you didn't get the Elite package (the most expensive). It kills your Xbox completely. There are other "partial-rings" that are just hardware failures/bugs that can be fixed.

Please correctly me if I'm wrong on any of this.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ah, Red Ring of Death, duh. Ya, I know about that. With the falcon chip in the new 360s since 2 years ago I think, there are less RRoD.


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
there's the rrod and the e57 (i think that's the code) which is the new one... both have to deal with the solder over-heating and basically melting off the contact points... microsoft has extended the "warranties" so if you get EITHER of the errors, even if you box is no longer under coverage, you can get a replacement...


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I didn't ever have any intention of getting a 360 until MK vs. DCU came out. Same with the Wii and Brawl (my on-topic statement :)). In the end you just get whatever you believe will make you happy to an equal or greater amount than what you spent on it.

That being said, looking back, I think I would have derived more pleasure from spending that $400 (or whatever I paid for it) on signing up for more capoeira classes or something along those lines. My 360 and Wii have offered me nothing that I couldn't get on my PS2 and Gamecube.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 1, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Harold: I'm taking the Capoeira classes now actually. We're on the 2nd week so you wouldn't be missing much if you were to join in. I must warn you though, I have fallen from top tier to the lower end of mid tier. Just more experienced people. I go twice a week now but there is an option of having either just tuesday or thursday. This all happens at the Plant Rec Center at the corner of Sommerset W and Preston. Speaking of which, I might take it again at Carleton next semester.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
<.<; Then this Friday I will be dedicated to testing Rumble Falls in a more professional environment.

And I honestly think it should be the other way around :/ The process of banning an aspect should take a long time.
Please do not take up an entire station just to play RF. I am in the same boat as Randy in that I do not appreciate you taking up a station to play exclusively on a level to tell to someone over the internet that you have hard evidence that they should play their game differently. I don't mind playing serious matches with you and if you want to go to RF, I'll play some matches there, but not the entire time.

If you take up the station to play exclusively on RF, it gimps EVERYONE. This is because most people at smashfest(I ASSUME. IF I AM WRONG PLEASE CORRECT ME!)don't care either way for RF and probably don't want to play on it, so they'll go to another station, which then increases the lineup to get a game in because an entire station is being taken up to test for a stage no one really likes.

Harold: I'm taking the Capoeira classes now actually. We're on the 2nd week so you wouldn't be missing much if you were to join in. I must warn you though, I have fallen from top tier to the lower end of mid tier. Just more experienced people. I go twice a week now but there is an option of having either just tuesday or thursday. This all happens at the Plant Rec Center at the corner of Sommerset W and Preston. Speaking of which, I might take it again at Carleton next semester.

Also, 360 has ToV. And nicer controllers. And it is more green, which is good because green is a nice colour.

Also, for Friday, could we ahve a serious games station? I'd like to get in some really sweet games.

EDIT(though, this isn't the first one): I forgot that I might have plans Friday and would therfor be unable to show. Don't hold your breathe for me.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Haha, Alan, it seems like you've scared some people into thinking it'll be some crazy Rumble Falls ONLY fest. :p

When we play together we'll go to Rumble Falls a few times. I'd say all the time but I don't actually like Dedede that much...

Actually, on that note, since I'm currently in a 'play Brawl in a lighthearted manner' kind of mood, I'd like to play some matches on any of the usually banned levels (but with honor :)).


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Harold :D

I woke up feeling like a pile of crap on its bad day this morning, but your post inspired me to harden the **** up.

I'll pack my Wii now and eagerly await this evening o/

Btw Patrick said he'll be coming (he called me yesterday), so there's your D3 chaingrabs :D

I'm pretty sure all chaingrabs get nullified by the moving camera, though (since it pushes the target away from D3/whoever).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
No, the chaingrabs are not nullified by the moving camera. The problem is that your DDD player probably isn't good at chaingrabs and that you've been playing TL who is the most difficult character to CG in the game.

EDIT: Not coming tonight guys. Next time.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Ariel, you lose by default because you're too young to even get in to the rockclimbing place. :p

But if you could somehow have a rockclimbing money match with Joblin, I'd be betting on him. Sorry. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Sooooo, who is down for an SFIV fest this week. What day works for the majority? I work on Saturdays for the time being :(


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Gah, darn you people and your SFIV fests when I'm still scrounging dough for a PS3. Though...Alpha 3 will tie me over SF wise until then, of course. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Ariel, you lose by default because you're too young to even get in to the rockclimbing place. :p

But if you could somehow have a rockclimbing money match with Joblin, I'd be betting on him. Sorry. :)
I'll climb MM on anything, really. Pro tip: climb on top of bus shelters. Often times you will find loose change. I found 3.79 the other day while waiting for the 85.


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
No SFIVfest this time either (so much for it being regular...). I wanted to go swimming (well, diving board centric swimming) at the Nepean Sports Plex but apparently it's (at least the deep end) closed that day for whatever random reason. Instead I'm thinking Carleton/Ottawa U. Anybody interested?
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