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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
copy/past blog from praxis from aib.

"OK so Genesis was amazing (more on that tomorrow), but I wanted to speak up about some controversies going around.

The first was is the claim that Mew2King sandbagged against Ally.

Since sandbagging implies deliberate action, I call this FALSE. Mew2King did NOT sandbag against Ally. I would state, however, that Mew2King was not playing at his best after we moved back to the hotel. He was visibly agitated, spasming, and ignoring any advice given to him, and at one point when he got frustrated he just started running at Ally with grabs and got ftilted three times in a row :/ He wasn't playing at the same level as prior (back at the venue).

I believe that as players, Mew2King and Ally are very evenly matched, but Ally held up under pressure. Ally outplayed him, plain and simple.

As to the effect on the Metaknight ban discussion? Snake doesn't counter MK. They might be even, though I disagree with this, it's a debatable point and not for this blog (most top Snakes consider it 55-45 MK). The simple reality is that Ally is just ridiculous xD places 2, 3, and 4 were all metaknights, and interestingly, every Metaknight at the tournament only lost to OTHER METAKNIGHTS and Falcos (EDIT: And Ally, duh >_< ). The Falco part is curious (SK92 beat DSF and Havok, DEHF beat Dojo the first time they played in winners bracket), but the fact that none of the EC players took out a ranked WC Metaknight is telling and IMO furthers the pro ban point.

I believe that Genesis as a whole furthers the pro-ban argument, though I concede Ally's beastlyness does cast a positive light on beating Metaknight. MK isn't an unbeatable character- but he centralizes the entire game far too much. The entire game is about being able to beat Metaknight. Soooo many players switched to Metaknight as a "clutch second" when needed, including Lain, Vex, DEHF, Fiction...

Now that brings us to the second set with Dojo against DEHF.

People wanted to DQ Dojo for stalling the timer out against DEHF.

This is ridiculous. I'm honestly astounded that this was even an issue.

The rules are clear cut. There is a 50 ledgegrab limit to prevent ledgeplanking. "Excessive Stalling" is banned and clearly defined as things that make the match unplayable, with a listed example of Dedede's infinite on a wall or standing infinite on DK- things that remove control of your character and can be done for an hour if the player wishes.

Dojo did not violate either. Dojo air camped- ran away, stayed on top of platforms, ran out all his jumps airdodging lasers. He took hits in the process. The match was not unplayable, and would eventually have ended given more time. This is generally viewed as the proper way to beat Falco with Metaknight, and the other Metaknights DIDN'T DO IT.

You cannot disqualify a player who did not break a rule. If aircamping is a problem, then you have to award Dojo the win and THEN discuss changing the rules. You cannot punish a player for abusing an in game mechanic that is not banned- abusing mechanics is something ALL of us do. If it's legal, then it goes. If what Dojo did is wrong, amend the rules, but you can't punish him for doing it before the rule is in place. This is a universally accepted viewpoint in competitive gaming, and the SBR voted nearly-unanimously in Dojo's favor.

Amusingly, Dojo was singled out because he was Metaknight, because both DMG and UTD Zac got wins in the tournament by running away until the time ran out. xD

NOW, air camping might very well be a problem. In which case, a rule needs to be made. The problem is that there's no realistic way to limit it.

Let's be frank here- we've instituted a bunch of rules to keep metaknight legal. We banned planking to keep him from getting free wins on half the cast. We banned Infinite Dimensional Cape to keep him from getting free wins on everyone, and even if not used for stalling purposes, giving him a PERFECT safe option out of every situation (making him a true broken character).

No other character can truly airplank and run the timer out on jumps like metaknight can. Further, the planking rule can't be abused by anyone like MK can- he can still camp under the platform for half the match using all his jumps and then side-Bing to the edge the opponent is further from and not hitting 50 edgegrabs in four minutes. Other characters that can plank (like G&W) have to grab the ledge far more often.

There's no way to institute an air camping rule. The only real solution, IMO, is to ban Metaknight. :/

I've said my view. Peace. "



Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Hmm, when I started reading I thought "this is just a long quote who cares," but I actually thought it was a pretty interesting read. Thanks for sharing that.

Praxis does make some interesting points. I'm still waiting for the next of Chibo Sempai's pro-ban videos.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Chibo's videos are ********. A lot of people are saying m2k just acted and lost on purpose anyway. Also, I can't believe Armada's that good.

Also, i wanna buy today's woot shirt.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
that actually was a pretty good read.

and oklahoma melee tournament is in the works. i'm aiming to get texas to come...maybe i can find a way to get arizona over here. they drive longer to norcal and axe/taj would bring some big hype. also might get midwesterners, at least MO area to come. expect a september date. SGS.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
If you didn't see the oh snap thread my school starts august 13th..... day before the tournament.

I don't really know how to go about this.
... Why is the date so ****ty..... baaaaw
Am I cursed o_O? Your the 3rd doubs partner that may bail on me in less than a month X_X

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
I really really would love to team with you bassem, but I talked to my parents and they said I can not miss school for a tournament.


I might be able to go, but it's not likely. We could still team at the monthly or any event that we both go to.... :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Well heck since Daniel isn't having that smashfest this weekend I'll try to invite some of you guys over to my house since my mom is actually getting more ok with me hanging out with others who are like in their 20's.

Wait OH Snap is on a Friday??? crap....

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Starts august 14th, it is on a friday and saturday.

I might be able to show up at like 4 o clock on august 14th if it ends up i cant show up on time, but pools would probably have already started by that time....

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
It opens at 10 a.m.

What Im thinking is since my dad works early monday through friday. Is that I could stay with someone thursday, take an absence at school (this is what parents disapprove of) and ride stay until Sunday morning.


Smash Cadet
Jun 11, 2009
In a pan
Wait-WUT? FRIDAY? Why not saturday and sunday?
Then again..... It'll be a long drive home for most people so they wont get much sleep for monday......
Why not Oh snap in winter break?


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I'm actually pretty surprised Dojo ran the clock out on SK92. But I'll save that for later.

And Hyper nailed it. It was gonna be a week before, but no go on that. :/ So it had to be delayed, and if we want a second Oh Snap in the winter, we had to push this one up now.

And Bassem, I can find you a teammate probably.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
I'm actually pretty surprised Dojo ran the clock out on SK92. But I'll save that for later.

And Hyper nailed it. It was gonna be a week before, but no go on that. :/ So it had to be delayed, and if we want a second Oh Snap in the winter, we had to push this one up now.

And Bassem, I can find you a teammate probably.
But who? I really think If I have a good teammate I can win doubles. I need someone that I KNOW is good. Le thein and KOS-MOS, are both of you guys teaming with people already?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
So what ever happened to smashing in Lawton?
Alex, melee tourney sounds awesome. Maybe I can help?
Melee, BlazBlue, SC, come on someone.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
PowaStar, I'd like to play you this weekend if you're able to have company.

Bassem, I'd team with you, but I believe it is understood that I am teaming with Po Pimpus. I think we should definitely try teaming sometime, though, since I think the opinion is that I'm the best 1 vs. 2 person here (well, at least some people seem to think so).

Also, Bassem, I want to play you online sometime. I've given online play another go, and my patience with it is holding up better this time (and I actually have a win/loss ratio that is greater than 1, woohoo).


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2005
Norman, OK
It happened. And we smashed >_>. Are you in town?
I'm in Norman town and was wondering was hoping another smashfest would be in Lawton since Vectorman wants to meet up :-O. I was hoping some norman brawlers could come down as well.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2005
Fuyuki City
MK should not be banned.

I am still really sick, but I had a lot of fun.

I'm taking a break from smash for a week or two.

Melty Blood is amazing (played that a lot at Genesis).

Armada has the best Peach in melee hands down.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
yawara/brett able to do me a favor on thursday? my friend is coming in from pennsylvania so i need to pick her up at the airport at noon...so if you aren't busy from like 11-1 on thursday, i shall give you gas munies :o


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Am I cursed o_O? Your the 3rd doubs partner that may bail on me in less than a month X_X

But who? I really think If I have a good teammate I can win doubles. I need someone that I KNOW is good. Le thein and KOS-MOS, are both of you guys teaming with people already?
They are teaming together. Team ***** Crushers ftw!

yawara/brett able to do me a favor on thursday? my friend is coming in from pennsylvania so i need to pick her up at the airport at noon...so if you aren't busy from like 11-1 on thursday, i shall give you gas munies :o
I can be late to work and pick her up if you cant find anyone else Alex. Just give me a call.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Nice of you to quote my blog xD

Some factoids I should've put in there;
1) Mew2King ***** Ally in Winners Finals
2) Mew2King fell asleep, woke up, and drank a monster before playing like a ****** in Grand Finals.

I don't think 1. Snake 2. MK 3. MK 4. MK is a healthy metagame. People are freaking out over Ally beating M2K, but I honestly think Genesis helped the pro ban argument.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
I like Bryan's posts a lot as of late. Good one in the Oh Snap thread too. With that said, I think I'm spending 100% of tomorrow doing nothing but Econ tests.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Bryan, when did you become so pithy? Did you get laid or something?

So, yeah, OHSNAP. Less than a month away. Need to practice against someone other than Marc. Have to be ready to win all my matches. (Money and in-bracket)

Smashfest. SOON. Someone step up.


If need be, all you weaklings can ride on my back towards the summit, but I'll be damed if I let that infamous "Oklahoma Apathy" claim my one last chance at coronation.

The King WILL Be Crowned In August.

No one will stand in my way, nor hold me back.

Whether I train alone or within a group, I will make ready all my ability and will for this one last task... Before Hanson leaves us, I will give him and everyone else a glimpse of the infinite well from which I once drew my power and let out a furious cry...


Lo, the King has finally returned.

Let he who wields the Green Power sit once more upon his throne.

And he shall cast out the wicked Knights of Meta, the dark mercenaries of Serpents, the fey Princes, the bloated false Penguin Kings, and flatulent Riders of W.

Once more shall He Who Is Pimpest rule over the kingdom shaped like a Finger, and the people will rejoice and sing his song:

"The Un-Crowned King is no more so!
The undying Flame of Justice flies ever skyward,
Look upon the master, and see his Crown,
for it is the very Sun that illuminates the Day,
Now, and forever more,
Po Pimpus Lives!"

GET BIG, *****ES...

Young Deezy

Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2008
Paoli, Oklahoma
Whether I train alone or within a group, I will make ready all my ability and will for this one last task... Before Hanson leaves us, I will give him and everyone else a glimpse of the infinite well from which I once drew my power and let out a furious cry...


Lo, the King has finally returned.

Let he who wields the Green Power sit once more upon his throne.

And he shall cast out the wicked Knights of Meta, the dark mercenaries of Serpents, the fey Princes, the bloated false Penguin Kings, and flatulent Riders of W.

Once more shall He Who Is Pimpest rule over the kingdom shaped like a Finger, and the people will rejoice and sing his song:

"The Un-Crowned King is no more so!
The undying Flame of Justice flies ever skyward,
Look upon the master, and see his Crown,
for it is the very Sun that illuminates the Day,
Now, and forever more,
Po Pimpus Lives!"

I just **** my pants.
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