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Oklahoma Thread: Weekly events for all games in OKC and Tulsa


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
i really want to play ganon now. some (not a lot) of those things can be applied w/o items.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Bryan, when did you become so pithy? Did you get laid or something?
No :(

Whether I train alone or within a group, I will make ready all my ability and will for this one last task... Before Hanson leaves us, I will give him and everyone else a glimpse of the infinite well from which I once drew my power and let out a furious cry...


Lo, the King has finally returned.

Let he who wields the Green Power sit once more upon his throne.

And he shall cast out the wicked Knights of Meta, the dark mercenaries of Serpents, the fey Princes, the bloated false Penguin Kings, and flatulent Riders of W.

Once more shall He Who Is Pimpest rule over the kingdom shaped like a Finger, and the people will rejoice and sing his song:

"The Un-Crowned King is no more so!
The undying Flame of Justice flies ever skyward,
Look upon the master, and see his Crown,
for it is the very Sun that illuminates the Day,
Now, and forever more,
Po Pimpus Lives!"
Seriously, are you Barack Obama's speech-writer or something?

Someone main ganon so I can play items vs you and maybe lose.

Man, only the Japanese would waste their time on pointless **** like this just to entertain us Americans. I guess that explains exactly half the things that Kevin does. As well as half the things Yawara does (a certain larger-than-life image of a Prince origami comes to mind).

But oh, how I am entertained...

Also, I think this is why Sakurai made Ganon suck so much, because if we played with items like he probably wanted us to then he'd actually be broken. No wonder Ganon was his character of choice in that video.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
GOD, some of the Genesis friendlies are amazing.
Link please? :)

Btw, just making sure, but the norman monthly will be on the 25th at the memorial union right?I think thats what its called...the same place where Oh snap!v4 was at. And what time does registration close?


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
KOS-MOS is the ****. Yes Bassem, you got everything right except that it will be on the third floor of the union. Registration opens at 3:30 hopefully and will close at 5. Norman monthly on July 25th at the Memorial Union at OU! Hope everyone can come!


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2006
KOS-MOS is the ****. Yes Bassem, you got everything right except that it will be on the third floor of the union. Registration opens at 3:30 hopefully and will close at 5. Norman monthly on July 25th at the Memorial Union at OU! Hope everyone can come!
OK. What about the actual tourny info? How much is singles? Will there be doubs? Is there a venue fee? If so, is it cut if we bring setups?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
*I've posted this in a few places already but I thought I would go ahead and post it in here too*

True story everyone:

I had to fly out of the Austin Airport without any ID. I assumed this wasn't too big of a problem, I wasn't put through additional screening, I wasn't interrogated, I was just asked a few questions about my flight/how it was purchased/my info and they let me on. This was on Airline "A".

Now, fast forward to after Genesis. I was at the San Fransisco airport about to check in for my flight back to Texas, I had to go to check in to get my boarding pass. This is Airline "B". I see the ladies at the front desk and I tell them that I had no ID. They IMMEDIATELY tell me that was gonna be a problem. Soon after asking me some questions, phone calls were made, supervisors were called from INTERNATIONAL offices, I had at least 3-4 security guards hovering over the desk. While they are going through all of this, they notify me that I am on the TSA top 100 Watch List. I asked them how I got on that list, and they proceeded to tell me that they could not disclose that information to me.

Multiple supervisors declare that I absolutely cannot board the plane, and for whatever reason they decide that it's ok for me to fly ONLY on the original airline, and that if they would not assume full responsibility for me and the possible risk I posed, that I would just have to stay and not fly out of Cali.

So after this, I am transferred to Airline "A", and after some questions and what not I get my ticket and go through security. THIS time however, I went through it all. I was patted down, had a metal detector passed all over me, was swabbed for gun powder residue, and was also put into a big air chamber that passed air all around me and collected info I guess on possible residues of any kind that they were looking for. After all of that, I see a guy putting on some gloves and approaching me. I HONESTLY thought I was gonna be told to strip down and get a body cavity search, but luckily he told me I could move on without "touching" me lol.

So, for those of you who don't know, that list is like, for known terrorists/highly suspected terrorists, and somehow I got on there. I'm not even 18 yet and I'm considered a top 100 Dangerous Flyer. As badass as that may sound, that scared the SH** OUTTA ME when they told me that. Especially when I was told that they could not tell me how I even got on the list. Dphat ****ing thought that **** was hilarious and started busting his *** off once he realized I was on that list. I mean it sounds kinda funny now, but back then with everyone watching me carefully, that was the WRONG TIME to bust out laughing lol.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
that's ****ed up, dmg. in america, though, if you're within 100 miles of any border your rights are pretty much non-existant thanks to the patriot act, though. so...suck :\ TSA is also really sketchy for holding people for having money, and trying to require people to answer questions that they have a right not to answer in order to board a plane or even leave a detainment.

can't wait until i go to swedenland.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Have no idea what's being discussed right now, so I'll just go for the general stuff.

I live about an hour's drive away from OKC. If anyone knows where Shawnee is, that's even closer. Some of the people I know personally do play Brawl, but play it sparsely and for fun. While I play it for the same reason, I play it more often than others in the hopes of getting better with some characters. It helps pass the time away when nothing else is going on.

If anyone lives nearby, I'd like to know, so we can get acquainted and so we could play online matches much better, without lag. I'd also like to take part in some tournaments too, if there are any available for me. Granted, I'll probably suck, but at least I'll know what I can strive for. =P


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
LOL @ story

What sucks is like I 100% can see Dphat doing that LOL Jeez dude, hope you still get no troubles from all this.


The True Zaft
Aug 17, 2005
Any of Oklahoma interested in going to FS7 (melee)? If so, you can join forces with Dallas player(s) on the ride down. The benefits of riding with bluezaft include, but are not limited to, free housing and meals, as I'm from SA.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
Any of Oklahoma interested in going to FS7 (melee)? If so, you can join forces with Dallas player(s) on the ride down. The benefits of riding with bluezaft include, but are not limited to, free housing and meals, as I'm from SA.
if i can get chris and/or brett to go, i would love to...since it's waaaay closer than smym and it's melee unlike hobo.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Smashfest tommorrow (yes this saturday) at... (drum roll)

MY HOUSE!!!!!!

@ 3p.m tomorrow I can have company so I hope to see you guys there!!!

Address: 2800 Blue Quail Pass (Edmond, Oklahoma)

Umm if you need to reach me call my cell- (405)-889-4525 you must dial 405 or it wont connect.

Seriously come >.> my mom is finally OK with me hanging around with people in their 20's or higher.

EDIT: Welcome Sonic Storm and I also forgot to welcome Shoes Magoo as well.


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2006
Smashfest tommorrow (yes this saturday) at... (drum roll)

MY HOUSE!!!!!!

@ 3p.m tomorrow I can have company so I hope to see you guys there!!!

Address: 2800 Blue Quail Pass (Edmond, Oklahoma)

Umm if you need to reach me call my cell- (405)-889-4525 you must dial 405 or it wont connect.

Seriously come >.> my mom is finally OK with me hanging around with people in their 20's or higher.

EDIT: Welcome Sonic Storm and I also forgot to welcome Shoes Magoo as well.
i have a break from 2 to 5 tomorrow, so i might stop by and see whats up.

i might just take a nap though, well see how tonight goes


Smash Apprentice
May 14, 2009
Lost in my head up my ***.
Ok so I now just noticed that at HOBO 17 it said meta gone FOREVER so has Texas banned MK or is it just HOBO?
Xyro is one of the main TOs in Texas and he is banning Metaknight from all his future tourneys. I am only assuming the rest of Texas will follow suit
Have no idea what's being discussed right now, so I'll just go for the general stuff.

I live about an hour's drive away from OKC. If anyone knows where Shawnee is, that's even closer. Some of the people I know personally do play Brawl, but play it sparsely and for fun. While I play it for the same reason, I play it more often than others in the hopes of getting better with some characters. It helps pass the time away when nothing else is going on.

If anyone lives nearby, I'd like to know, so we can get acquainted and so we could play online matches much better, without lag. I'd also like to take part in some tournaments too, if there are any available for me. Granted, I'll probably suck, but at least I'll know what I can strive for. =P
Welcome Sonic Storm! We have a tournament coming up on the 25th of July at the OU student Union starting at 4pm. You are welcome to come play and I am pretty sure you will meet the majority of the smashboard players there.
For Bassem: Yes there is a venue fee and it will be $10 and no there will be no discount this time since I am a hard ***. We should hopefully have enough set ups for a small tourney anyway so no worries. Please bring a TV if you can.

Powa, how long is your smashfest running? If I finish studying early hopefully I can make it over in time? I think it would be very awkward if everyone but the one guy that met your mom showed up tomorrow....

And DMG, you are the most ****ing badass Wario player ever. You should have told them you had a motorcycle hidden away and then farted on them when they searched for it. 60% KO!


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2005
Lately I've been pondering about why we as human beings do things. How does a collection of microscopic neurons and its respective firing sequences form mental processes? The notion that human consciousness is created by random arrangements of subatomic particles is, I find, rather mind-numbing, and this prospect really makes me rethink life as a whole. I have compiled a complex data collection from which I have conducted chi squared tests, looked for correlations, positive or negative, and put into numerous forms of graphs, but I just can't seem to figure it out. No amount of pondering or research, as well as even gesticulation, seems to produce an adequate answer. Sometimes I wonder if there simply is no answer, or perhaps there is an answer but it is of the sort that is impossible to know. In the end, I have decided to simply prolong my existence, watching the world turn around me and feel the chemistry churn within, and perhaps an answer, or even a hint of an answer, will show itself to me. Ergo, I bid you all good day and hope that your journeys to enlightenment are of a productive sort.
Found this.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
TypEx,Fling,FK, and Kos-Mos have been to my house to play smash they didn't get to meet my mom but they met my dad so my mom is cool with it.

@Everyone who is planning on going to my smashfest.
No setups since my mom is expecting company as well we will only be able to play in my room.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Dallas, TX
TypEx,Fling,FK, and Kos-Mos have been to my house to play smash they didn't get to meet my mom but they met my dad so my mom is cool with it.

@Everyone who is planning on going to my smashfest.
No setups since my mom is expecting company as well we will only be able to play in my room.
Powerstar...that's probably not a good idea. Just sayin'. more than 5 people in that room...that is.

Not being a downer...just making sure you've thought it through. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Powerstar...that's probably not a good idea. Just sayin'. more than 5 people in that room...that is.

Not being a downer...just making sure you've thought it through. :)
Yeah I know what you mean...

But people have been wanting to go to a smashfest this week so this was the best I could do.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
If his room is at least as big as the dorm rooms at OU (which weren't very big), we should be fine. I appreciate it, PowaStar (it'll probably take me awhile to start calling you by your real name on the boards, lol).

I'll probably be able to pick up the slack and host something at my place sometime. My only reservation is that my house is just so... inhabited.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2008
i could have one at my place and have bryan pick will up? since bryan is only like 10 minutes away.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2005
Edmond, Oklahoma
Inhabited by what? Boxes upon boxes of things collected over decades?
Dead bodies.
and like 27 dogs and 700 turtles
All that and more my friends.

i could have one at my place and have bryan pick will up? since bryan is only like 10 minutes away.
Eh, I don't really feel like driving out to Norman today. And Will lives more like 17 minutes away, according to Google Maps.
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