Heh, I love you're confidence Koarin. You sound pretty sure that Sonic's already in. I hope he is too, and I think I'd rather unlock him. It would add more to the...anticipation.
Mewtwo's not as suckful as you think Dyce, I've seen some good ones.
I too like Koarin's confidence. LET'S GO SONIC!!!
And yes, I've seen some good Mewtwo players too but you need to be REALLY experienced with Mewtwo in order to keep up with people. He's good where he is if you're a pro. But if you're a casual gamer (like my friends and I [except for Smash, but I only casually play with Mewtwo]) it's not fun to see him when you play random.
Okay I understand, but even to people like you I can explain why Sheik's removal would be for the best. First of all, she's gonna be nerfed... Like hell. PAL's Sheik already got nerfed and she still was overpowered. Also, if your such a Zelda fanboy you surely want more new Zelda characters. Sheik would take up a spot for a new Zelda character. And do you want Princess Zelda herself to fall in the shadow from her own shadow again?
Yes, she will be nerfed, that's a good point I didn't think of that, but hopefull not too much. I'm also praying for the denerfification of Ness and Kirby. Sakurai said he is going to moderate the speed of the game. From watching the trailers, it looks like everyone who is slower is going to be hastened, and every fast character will probably be slowed down a bit.
And yes I do want more Zelda characters, but Sheik is like the ULTIMATE Zelda alternate identity. Tetra's got nothing compared to Sheik. The only way I'd be happy if Sheik was nixed is if they make Zamus or some other character similar to her. It looks that way a bit for Zamus, but I could be wrong.