Wow @ all of the complaining and pointless arguments.
In my opinion the PR list should simply answer the question "Who are the good players in your state?" Right now it answers that question, just look at the top 5: "Dojo, Razer, Gnes, PX, Dphat" There's no reason to list anymore players. These players have high consistent placings and perform well against other high ranked players in tourneys. These are our top players, our cream-of-the-crop.
So why does this list go to 15? Heck, I don't know, probably because TX is so dang huge and we have decently good players scattered all over it. It's only fair that we give them a chance by including them on "the list"... right? We gotta be fair... Yet the larger the list becomes, the less accurate it gets and the more people complain about what a sucky job the PR panelists have done. It's unfair to everybody!
So how do we fix this problem?
From this point forward, only look at the names in the top 5. Those are the only good players this state has to offer. Don't even bother looking at the names below, they don't mean much of anything. Sure they're great players, not your typical scrub, but they aren't consistent and therefore aren't the best we have to offer. The only reason why you see more names on this list is so that we can say "Yeah we have some other decently good players too!"
The more I think about it, the more a PR list looks like a Tier list than anything else. Pretty dang accurate when it comes to "How well this person/character does against another person/character" but never is it set in stone. Determined players can override the general opinion.