Okay, Hold on now. Who did I beat GOOD that I used MK or IC's against?
My wins against d4ba AND kismet were with Pit.
THANK you.
Also, I used Luigi and D3 too. SO why not put them by my name? Oh, I know why. Because you think I have to steal wins to do well. You always fail to mention good accomplishments you only capitalize on bad ones.
Please name one person I couldn't have beat when I went meta/IC's.
You really wanna know the reason I go MK/IC's Allan? Truth is, I know that your tournaments usually last a long time. So in reality, I just wanna do my big buddy a favor and speed his tournaments up. So when I'm going Metaknight or Ice Climbers, I'm really just thinking about you, Allan. Helping out a friend in time of need. Otherwise, that would add another 5 minutes to the tournament EVERY set. So if you want your tournaments to run an extra half hour, I guess I'll stop helping you out. =/