I know that a lot of fans want a playable Golden Sun character (whether it is Isaac or Matthew is up for debate but my money is on Matthew) in the next Smash Bros. I think I have come up with a good moveset that reflects the gameplay of the Golden Sun games. A character's available Psynergy change whenever their Djinn change states in the Golden Sun games. What I came up with is something that is loosely based on that concept. Okay, I really hope you guys can understand what I am trying to explain/describe. I am just going to show you his special moves first and then I will explain them and how they work.
Quake (0-1),
Thorn (2-3),
Gaia (4)
If you have no Djinn or one Djinni, you are able to use the Quake Psynergy. If you have two or three Djinn, you are able to use the Thorn Psynergy. If you have four Djinn, you are able to use the Gaia Psynergy. This is essentially a charging move where the longer you hold down the B button, the stronger the move gets and the bigger its range grows. The closer the opponent is to the Adept, the more damage the opponent gets.
Quake: 0-2 seconds (up to 6%)
Earthquake: 3-6 seconds (up to 17%)
Quake Sphere: 7+ seconds (up to 32%)
Thorn: 0-3 seconds (up to 11%)
Briar: 4-8 seconds (up to 23%)
Nettle - 9+ seconds (up to 46%)
Gaia: 0-4 seconds (up to 10%)
Mother Gaia: 5-10 seconds (up to 25%)
Grand Gaia - 11+ seconds (up to 50%)
Side B:
Move /
Force /
Grip (0-4)
This move is available at all times regardless of the number of Djinn you have on standby. Simply tilt the control stick while pressing the B button and the Psynergy hand will appear out of thin air. The hand will harmlessly move the opponents away from the Adept. The longer you hold down the B button, the hand will continue to move off screen... but there is a catch. While you are holding down the B button, the Adept will be unable to defend himself from behind because he is immobile... just like Snake is during his Side B move. Simply release the B button to end the Move Psynergy. This move is pretty useful for pushing opponents off the stage.
Smash the control stick while pressing the B button and the Psynergy hand will appear in the form of a fist. The punching hand will move faster in a short distance, I would say about the distance of Link's boomerang. The hand will disappear after it travels a certain distance or after it punches an opponent. This is the Force Psynergy and it has decent knockback.
If you are falling off the stage and you are very far from the ledge that the Growth Psynergy isn't enough, simply use the Grip Psynergy instead. Tilt the control stick towards the ledge and press the B button and the Psynergy hand will appear and seek out the nearest ledge. The hand will automatically grip on the ledge and pull you towards the ledge. I would say that this move would function similarly to Ivysaur's Vine Whip and Zero Suit Samus's Side B move. This can be used as a secondary recovery.
Up B:
Growth (0-4)
I mentioned the Growth Psynergy briefly. Yes, the Growth Psynergy is the Adept's recovery move and it is available at all times, regardless of the number of Djinn you have on standby. Push the control stick up and press the B button to make a vine grow. The vine is fast-growing and the Adept starts climbing on it like the characters climb ladders in Brawl. Once the Adept climbs up and you feel it is high enough to jump off the vine to reach the ledge safely, press the jump button or use the Grip Psynergy to reach the ledge.
Down B:
Flint (0-3),
Ragnarok (4)
This is the most important move of all and is the Adept's defining trait. The Adept will have up to four Djinn following behind him. They are a little bit smaller than Olimar's Pikmin but they are large enough to be visible and they are intangible, too. They are all Venus Djinn, of course, because Isaac and Matthew are both Venus Adepts.
If the Adept appears to have no Djinn floating around, it means the Djinn are recovering and you cannot use the Down B move. Once a Djinni is recovered after a 10-second waiting period, it materializes out of thin air as a floating orb. This is when you are now able to use the Down B move. Once you use the Down B move, the floating orb transforms into a Venus Djinn and you use your Djinni-powered sword to attack "with a blow that can cleave stone". Now you have one Djinni floating around you. This is how you set a Djinni on standby.
You are once again unable to use the Down B move until a second orb appears. When it appears, you can use the Down B move to strike your opponents with your Djinni-powered sword. Afterwards, you cannot use the Down B move until a third orb appears. This repeats with the fourth orb as well. This is assuming that you use the Down B move as soon as a new orb appears... this is to prevent the players from spamming this powerful move.
But what happens after you use the fourth orb? Now, you can use the Down B move repeatedly but this time, you are using the Ragnarok Psynergy instead of the Djinni. Ragnarok, I envision, would be similar to Pikachu's Down B move, with a massive sword striking from the sky. This is a powerful move that could potentially score KO's at high damages, especially with the explosion on the ground where the sword hits.
Final Smash:
Odyssey (0),
Venus (1),
Ramses (2),
Cybele (3),
Judgment (4)
Yes, you read that right. Five different Final Smashes for one character! Which Final Smash you get to use depends entirely on the number of Djinn you have on standby. There are two ways to lose all your Djinn. One way is getting KO'd off the stage. Using Final Smashes is the other way.
When you have no Djinn, you can only use the Odyssey Psynergy as your Final Smash. This is basically a stronger version of the Ragnarok Psynergy but it has a horizontal range that deals massive damage on multiple opponents with high knockback. I would probably compare it to Samus's Final Smash.
If you have one Djinni, you can use the Venus summon. With two Djinn, the Ramses summon. With three Djinn, the Cybele summon. With four Djinn, the Judgment summon. After you use the summon, you lose all your Djinn and they are now in recovery mode. And you will not be able to use the Down B move for the next 10 seconds.
Umm... I hope it wasn't too confusing for you. LOL