@Koops: Bored? Go write your thoughts on the chances for the following characters:
Andy (or someone else from Nintendo Wars)
The best Final Fantasy character ever:
Not really bored but I'd prefer a different change of direction, but anyways since it's something interesting;
Takamaru: A very plausible retro suggestion, however this one really depends soley on what Sakurai thinks as a mere Cameo may help, and Sakurai's definition of "Appearing in another game" Wasn't that specific. There's also a chance that he sees a VC release in the US, as It's never been flat out denied by Nintendo (At least from what I've heard) as we have a lot of time between now until Smash 4. For now however with not even a glimpse of info at his Cameo asides from just appearing, his chances look fine. Really depends on the mans mind for retro characters in general If we're just applying now, as we never truly know with them.
...No serious who expected Pit?
Advance Wars: When discussing new franchises we have to consider how much weight they hold to nintendo in general, as with the installed ones, It's mainly about having every huge (Or not so but still huge in some way) Franchises. With that said, Advance Wars surely falls under this category at least decently well. It really applies to Sakurai's general opinion how an advance war character would work. The series very well fights unlike say Animal Crossing, but It's probably a positive that Andy would
not fight directly based on how the general development team does Movesets. I wouldn't be that doubtable on this, but I really have no clue just as much as the next guy on how Sakurai determines weight for a series showing from Brawl, so I don't have any hopes up.
Chibi-Robo: Well, this one has slight fighting in it last I recall, still don't have it/may have it soon but It's a very small ended series compared to the rest of Nintendo's history and mainly just has the fact "It's unique" - With 2 US releases? If there's more popularity and it seems to sink in at least a bit more to Ninty's history along with Chibi having more...Fighting then well It's surely possible, but with all the higher franchises running around it seems like with what info's currently given It's more Assist-Trophy material. It wouldn't be that bad; Just imagine Chibi-Robo scrubbing you off on the stage with a
Starfy: in before arcadenik Well the series has a nice amount of popularity in Japan so it really depends on It's future here as I'm sure he can be made to work as a character considering all the other stuff the devs have done, and It's one of Nintendo's more plausible franchises that has yet to earn a character. However, the way the Assist Trophy is used is making me think otherwise. For now, I'm leaning a tiny bit towards less likely from the indifference, but hey; Could pull a Mother here. (No pun intended)
Mii: I've never had anything for or against it, really, this is a complete mix one. It really depends on how much the Mii will be worth. Will it stay as an iconic figure to Nintendo's future or will another thihng like it come up? And furthermore, what does Sakurai think on this one? Could there be programming issues? Probably not. Many questions bring along the table for technically ourselves
Wiibo: wat
Galuf: Final Fantasy 5/V? Well, to start off with, probably none of the main FF characters would get in due to the "Generic" Ones representing a lot of the series. The main FF characters have priority over Galuf (Even If you just make it 1-6/I-VI) Then you have to consider If FF5 would be picked out of those since It's had the
least notice in the US and fans/sales consider it not that great for the most part or just enjoy the job system or a few things in it. Then you have the fact that Bartz at least beats Galuf in priority.
Then to add up you have to realize that Square may not even license with nintendo or may go for a different series; Probably not on the second account.
In short:
Takamaru - Possible
Andy - Possible, real question goes to how he'd fight and mainly what Sakurai thinks on other obscure/"Lesser" series
Chibi-Robo - Unlikable, but still a neat suggestion for an AT.
Starfy - Possible, and surely looks to have a potential bright future with Nintendo.
Mii - Very questionable and debateable.
Wiibo - Wat
Galuf - Square even licensing -> picking FF -> picking a main game to focus on -> picking five as that main game -> throwing over the protaginist -> debates on which supporting character rules over the rest of the supporting cast -> Galuf! Yeah not really. It's however always a possibility for Dissidia 2: Square's back with more fanservice! Yay!
Best Train Stage:
the game; spirit tracks just lost it.