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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Bro

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2009
Finishing school in Rustboro City
Yeah. Despite how much I <<33 Pokemon, it can't have too many characters. Then again...we could always think of more characters from other series-es to balance out the amount. ...Just trying to keep the Poke-hope alive...

I can see Miis as a possibility.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Mushroom Kingdom
That Mii idea is really weird, I say that they could be in even w/o the game being on the Wii and you should have some way on SSB4, like a mode or something, of customizing what he/she looks like and give them parts of characters or something and those modes were really weird too and vague in some places.....and didn't they kinda reject the idea of using motion in Brawl?

motion was used in brawl. swing wiimote to do smash attack.

customizable costumes could work.
you haven't said anything about the stages.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Oh, and no more assist trophies.
Well, you just lost all your credibility right there. :ouch:

I like this thread. It gives me the fake idea that the North American public's opinion actually matters to Smash Bros JP. It also gives the Smash Bros fans a chance to share their opinions and, in theory, create the #1 Smash game that will really please fans. Who knows? Perhaps, one day, Nintendo of Japan will stumble upon this thread and say, "We hear you. And we care."
While this thread ultimately has no effect on upcoming Smash content, it is nice to speculate and give our own opinion on all the possibilities of content that we might see in the future.

However, as for Nintendo of Japan seeing this thread? That's about as likely as Link growing a goatee.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Mushroom Kingdom
Well, you just lost all your credibility right there. :ouch:

While this thread ultimately has no effect on upcoming Smash content, it is nice to speculate and give our own opinion on all the possibilities of content that we might see in the future.

Nintendo of Japan seeing this thread? That's about as likely as Link growing a goatee.
link growing a goatee is likely!


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2008
New York
Seeing as how the Pictochat section of the DS was used as a stage in brawl I don't see why the Mii channel can't be a stage in the next game. Im thinking something like smashville with the Miis you've made in the background watching the brawl.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Given the sucess of Miis, I would think that the next console will either use them as well, or something very simmilar. That being said, I really do think that they stand a good chance of beng in, since if you are allowed to import your own then they add in a "create-a-character" function that really couldn't work any way else.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Seeing as how the Pictochat section of the DS was used as a stage in brawl I don't see why the Mii channel can't be a stage in the next game. Im thinking something like smashville with the Miis you've made in the background watching the brawl.
My money is on something from Wii Sports Resort, although I think that it may end up being a retread of Delfino Plaza.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
He doesn't care only about Japan, they just have more influence over the roster.
Aside from Marth, how many characters in the roster were chosen based on Japanese demand despite Western appeal?

Keep in mind he "picked" Roy and Lucas (among others) before their games came out.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
Aside from Marth, how many characters in the roster were chosen based on Japanese demand despite Western appeal?

Keep in mind he "picked" Roy and Lucas (among others) before their games came out.
The only reason Jigglypuff got in was because it was the most popular pokemon in Japan. Americans could care less about Jigglypuff. Much better choices such as Ridley could've been made. Also, what's kind of interesting to note is that Metroid solely does well in America, it doesn't do nearly as good in Japan. Then you start noticing the shaft Metroid has kind of been getting for the past three games. I'm not saying that this is the reason as to why Metroid is being underreped, but it's just peculiar to notice that. Also, characters like Captain Falcon and Ness were logical choices for the Japanese public, but their inclusion only raised questions for the American gamers. Don't get me wrong, these Japanese characters are still good, but I think it would be a little more fair to include someone from a game released only in America. That might even the odds a bit.

Smash Bro

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2009
Finishing school in Rustboro City


But yeah, chances are they're not just gonna "stumble upon" this thread. So, let's shove it in their faces? Or better yet, we should create a petition to legally force Nintendo JP to include North America as equally as Japan in any "decisions" made for the game! IT'S GEEENIOUS!!1!!!eleven!!1



Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
Yeah, it's not that fair. After all, there is a huge fanbase of smash in America, Europe, and Austrailia. Sure the game is made in Japan, so it should have some benefits. But Japanese gamers shouldn't be the only ones allowed to vote in character polls for which characters they like. It just doesn't seem fair.


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2009
Are there any information about a new SSB? I mean, did Sakurai say that he will develop a successor to brawl? I read in several forums that he won't make a new SSB, so I'm a little bit confused. Please bring light into my dark mind ^^
But if he will create a new one, I would hope for these things:

- No more clones (kick out Falco)

- Create more unique move schemes for the other clones. (For example integrate a move for Luigi where he uses his vacuum cleaner or give Toon Link his wind leaf from Windwaker)

- Less Pokemon please! Kick out Jigglypuff and Lucario, or replace Lucario with Mewtu. Two Pokemon characters are enough. The trainer is a very nice idea, he can stay in the game.

- New characters:
-> Horror Kid
-> Young Link (With mask morphing; same principle like the Pokemon trainer)
-> Megaman
-> Bomberman
-> Banjo and Kazzooie (I know that Rare belongs to Microsoft now. And btw, they destroyed this amazing series with this horrible game on the XBox 360)
-> Spyro
-> Rayman
-> Someone from the FF-Series (Zidane or Cloud)
-> King K. Rool (So we have a bad guy from the DKC-Series

That's all I can think of. Less clones, and more unique fighting styles and mechanisms. Don't developing a new SSB would be idiotic, because this series is too popular.

Smash Bro

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2009
Finishing school in Rustboro City
Just another reason why (North America) should have input, if not more so than Japan. According to Wikipedia:

The original Smash Bros. game for N64 has sold 2.93 million copies in the US, and 1.97 million copies in Japan.

Smash Bros Melee for the GCN has sold 4.06 million "units" in the US out of the total 7 million "units" worldwide.

The most recent SSB game, Brawl, has (so far) sold 3.539 million "units" in the US, and 1.681 million "units" in Japan.

Despite the fact that the US has quite a few more people than Japan, I think it's safe to say that the sheer landslide of a difference between the number of copies of each game in each country should be the deciding factor in who deserves more input. Just sayin'. And in case this happens to backfire on me, I want Canada included in the whole "US deserves a roster poll" thing.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
are There Any Information About A New Ssb? I Mean, Did Sakurai Say That He Will Develop A Successor To Brawl? I Read In Several Forums That He Won't Make A New Ssb, So I'm A Little Bit Confused. Please Bring Light Into My Dark Mind ^^
But If He Will Create A New One, I Would Hope For These Things:

- No More Clones (kick Out Falco)

- Create More Unique Move Schemes For The Other Clones. (for Example Integrate A Move For Luigi Where He Uses His Vacuum Cleaner Or Give Toon Link His Wind Leaf From Windwaker)

- Less Pokemon Please! Kick Out Jigglypuff And Lucario, Or Replace Lucario With Mewtu. Two Pokemon Characters Are Enough. The Trainer Is A Very Nice Idea, He Can Stay In The Game.

- New Characters:
-> Horror Kid
-> Young Link (with Mask Morphing; Same Principle Like The Pokemon Trainer)
-> Megaman
-> Bomberman
-> Banjo And Kazzooie (i Know That Rare Belongs To Microsoft Now. And Btw, They Destroyed This Amazing Series With This Horrible Game On The Xbox 360)
-> Spyro
-> Rayman
-> Someone From The Ff-series (zidane Or Cloud)
-> King K. Rool (so We Have A Bad Guy From The Dkc-series

That's All I Can Think Of. Less Clones, And More Unique Fighting Styles And Mechanisms. Don't Developing A New Ssb Would Be Idiotic, Because This Series Is Too Popular.
Crash Bandicoot!


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Don't get me wrong, these Japanese characters are still good, but I think it would be a little more fair to include someone from a game released only in America. That might even the odds a bit.
Those that I have in mind aren't exactly America-only (or 1st party, for that matter), but they're close enough:

And in case this happens to backfire on me, I want Canada included in the whole "US deserves a roster poll" thing.
Being a Canadian, i approve this.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
The only reason Jigglypuff got in was because it was the most popular pokemon in Japan. Americans could care less about Jigglypuff. Much better choices such as Ridley could've been made. Also, what's kind of interesting to note is that Metroid solely does well in America, it doesn't do nearly as good in Japan. Then you start noticing the shaft Metroid has kind of been getting for the past three games. I'm not saying that this is the reason as to why Metroid is being underreped, but it's just peculiar to notice that. Also, characters like Captain Falcon and Ness were logical choices for the Japanese public, but it only raised questions for the American gamers. Don't get me wrong, these Japanese characters are still good, but I think it would be a little more fair to include someone from a game released only in America. That might even the odds a bit.
Except all of those characters and series were liked in all regions. Yes, Jigglypuff has always been popular over here and Ridley has always been popular in Japan. F-Zero has always been a big deal worldwide. That leaves Ness, the closest thing to an obscure character in the West for 64 (a game that wasn't supposed to leave Japan anyway). But we did get EarthBound, so he wasn't unheard of like Marth (unless you live in Europe).

Explain how Metroid has been getting the shaft in any Smash Bros. game so far. Aside from a playable Ridley in Brawl, everything is perfect with this series. And show me a Western-only Nintendo character that A) doesn't suck and B) isn't already in Brawl in some way.


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2009
Crash Bandicoot!
Oh yes, I forgot Pacman :) Would be amazing. Next to Mr. Game and Watch an extremly old-school character that could have a very interesting ability scheme. With his ultimate, every enemy would turn into one of those blinking ghosts for a certain duration, so he could eat them =O This would be mind-blowing.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Are there any information about a new SSB? I mean, did Sakurai say that he will develop a successor to brawl? I read in several forums that he won't make a new SSB, so I'm a little bit confused. Please bring light into my dark mind ^^
But if he will create a new one, I would hope for these things:

- No more clones (kick out Falco)

- Create more unique move schemes for the other clones. (For example integrate a move for Luigi where he uses his vacuum cleaner or give Toon Link his wind leaf from Windwaker)

- Less Pokemon please! Kick out Jigglypuff and Lucario, or replace Lucario with Mewtu. Two Pokemon characters are enough. The trainer is a very nice idea, he can stay in the game.

- New characters:
-> Horror Kid
-> Young Link (With mask morphing; same principle like the Pokemon trainer)
-> Megaman
-> Bomberman
-> Banjo and Kazzooie (I know that Rare belongs to Microsoft now. And btw, they destroyed this amazing series with this horrible game on the XBox 360)
-> Spyro
-> Rayman
-> Someone from the FF-Series (Zidane or Cloud)
-> King K. Rool (So we have a bad guy from the DKC-Series

That's all I can think of. Less clones, and more unique fighting styles and mechanisms. Don't developing a new SSB would be idiotic, because this series is too popular.
Be prepared if this is a little harsh.....

1. I have a quick question, have you played SSB64 or SSBM?
2. Why would you axe Falco? Give him an Arwing and he's good
3. This is one of the reasons why I asked that question....Kick out Jigglypuff? One of the Original 12? Is kinda like kicking out Luigi or Pikachu, not gonna happen
4. Zid...ane or C...loud? Appear on a Nintendo system? Black Mage has, even better appeared in a Mario game.
5. Horror Kid? Young Link Toon Link and Link? Spyro and Rayman? I understand if you like those two but they probably won't get in.

btw if you were here a few pages back we discussed "clones", there aren't two Foxes or two Captain Falcons are there? It's just a word people came up w/ for characters that have similar movesets.


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2009
Be prepared if this is a little harsh.....

1. I have a quick question, have you played SSB64 or SSBM?
2. Why would you axe Falco? Give him an Arwing and he's good
3. This is one of the reasons why I asked that question....Kick out Jigglypuff? One of the Original 12? Is kinda like kicking out Luigi or Pikachu, not gonna happen
4. Zid...ane or C...loud? Appear on a Nintendo system? Black Mage has, even better appeared in a Mario game.
5. Horror Kid? Young Link Toon Link and Link? Spyro and Rayman? I understand if you like those two but they probably won't get in.

btw if you were here a few pages back we discussed "clones", there aren't two Foxes or two Captain Falcons are there? It's just a word people came up w/ for characters that have similar movesets.
1. Yes I played both. For a very, very VERY long time. And SSB64 was one of the most amazing games of this series. It's still absolute fun, and I played it fanatically. I have to admit: I never played Brawl. Yes, now it's out :( I only saw it sometimes when I was with a friend, but nothing more. So maybe my thoughts are senseless anyway ^^ But I will get this game as soon as I have the money.

2. There are already 2 Fox clones. And I use this word, because they all have the same special abilites for example. This is senseless. And Falco wasn't that important in the Lylat Wars series. Wolf is okay, he's the villain, and a counterpart to Fox.

3. Maybe it's not going to happen, but I think this is one of the most ridiculous characters ever. Maybe it's just me who has this opinion. I can understand that Pikachu is in, because it's extremly popular. But this pink singing ball? Meh...

4. Yeah I didn't think about that. Wrote this in a moment of stupidity, sorry :) For some reason I always have the picture in my mind, that Squaresoft belongs to Nintendo, don't know why :)

5. Horror Kid isn't that unsure, I think. It's an interesting and characteristic being. My personal opinion is, that Toon Link can be kicked completely too. Spyro is possible too, because there are three games on Nintendo consoles, and he's popular too.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
2. There are already 2 Fox clones. And I use this word, because they all have the same special abilites for example. This is senseless. And Falco wasn't that important in the Lylat Wars series. Wolf is okay, he's the villain, and a counterpart to Fox.

3. Maybe it's not going to happen, but I think this is one of the most ridiculous characters ever. Maybe it's just me who has this opinion. I can understand that Pikachu is in, because it's extremly popular. But this pink singing ball? Meh...

5. Horror Kid isn't that unsure, I think. It's an interesting and characteristic being. My personal opinion is, that Toon Link can be kicked completely too. Spyro is possible too, because there are three games on Nintendo consoles, and he's popular too.

2. Abilities? I hope you don't mean Specials, like B moves. Wolf is the farthest from Fox and Falco is right in between the two in terms of "cloneness". Falco is still considered the side kick and 2nd important of all Star Fox, I mean how was a 1st gen Pokemon Trainer "important" to the R/S/E or D/P/Pt?

3. Jigglypuff was (if not still is idk) pretty dang popular at the time of 64

5. I still don't know who exactly he is....Hopefully TL will get a moveset from his 6 games (including Four Swords on the GBA) out of 15-16 games total (that's at least a little bit more than 1/3)
Oh, you mean the Spyro games that have nothing to do w/ the rest of the series which is better except for Dawn of Dragons, it was pretty good.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Mushroom Kingdom
I thought spyro was dead. the square enix characters that have any chance would be geno (through fanbase like sonic), black mage, and white mage.

the two games that had nintendo colliding with square enix
super mario RPG
Mario hoops 3-3
I hope for black mage or white mage to be playable. or atleast trophies.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
I thought spyro was dead. the square enix characters that have any chance would be geno (through fanbase like sonic), black mage, and white mage.

the two games that had nintendo colliding with square enix
super mario RPG
Mario hoops 3-3
I hope for black mage or white mage to be playable. or atleast trophies.
I agree it should be Black Mage and maybe one of the other characters from
Mario Hoops 3-on-3 or Geno could be an AT or just a normal Trophy


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2009

2. Abilities? I hope you don't mean Specials, like B moves. Wolf is the farthest from Fox and Falco is right in between the two in terms of "cloneness". Falco is still considered the side kick and 2nd important of all Star Fox, I mean how was a 1st gen Pokemon Trainer "important" to the R/S/E or D/P/Pt?

3. Jigglypuff was (if not still is idk) pretty dang popular at the time of 64

5. I still don't know who exactly he is....Hopefully TL will get a moveset from his 6 games (including Four Swords on the GBA) out of 15-16 games total (that's at least a little bit more than 1/3)
Oh, you mean the Spyro games that have nothing to do w/ the rest of the series which is better except for Dawn of Dragons, it was pretty good.
My answer wasn't meant to start a discussion that will end in nothing constructive...At least I have the feeling that it will end in something like that. However:

2. I think it's not important what terms I use to describe the specials of the characters. Abilities, skills, moves...who cares? I agree that Falco is important as his companion, but why have there to be like 3 of the Lylat Wars characters? It's hard to make them unique since they were sitting in their space ships all the time, and never fought outside of them. 2 chars are enough, I think.

3. The only thing I liked about Jiggly was, that I beat her up all the time because I felt she was very underpowered. No very unique playing style. More like a Kirby, but with even weaker standard attacks, and no special gameplay mechanisms. Boring character, I think. More useful as a punching bag :)

5. Is it important in how many games a character was to become part of the SSB league? For my part, I never heard of Ness in my life for example, before I started playing SSB64, but I knew Spyro quite well, even if I'm not a fan of the series.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
My answer wasn't meant to start a discussion that will end in nothing constructive...At least I have the feeling that it will end in something like that. However:

2. I think it's not important what terms I use to describe the specials of the characters. Abilities, skills, moves...who cares? I agree that Falco is important as his companion, but why have there to be like 3 of the Lylat Wars characters? It's hard to make them unique since they were sitting in their space ships all the time, and never fought outside of them. 2 chars are enough, I think.

5. Is it important in how many games a character was to become part of the SSB league? For my part, I never heard of Ness in my life for example, before I started playing SSB64, but I knew Spyro quite well, even if I'm not a fan of the series.
2. Have you played Star Fox Assault? They aren't in their ships the entire time. Actually most of the time they weren't, plus there's Krystal w/ her staff and SF Assault stuff

5. Never mind but TL still represents a third of the Zelda series


Smash Rookie
Sep 6, 2009
2. Have you played Star Fox Assault? They aren't in their ships the entire time. Actually most of the time they weren't, plus there's Krystal w/ her staff and SF Assault stuff

5. Never mind but TL still represents a third of the Zelda series
2. No, but I know that in this games they acted outside of any vehicles most of the time. But my core complaint is, that it's not possible to make let's say Falco unique and special in comparison to his fellow Fox, because he had no characteristic features/tasks etc. in the Star Fox series. I don't know about Krystal, if she had any outstanding abilities.

5. The Legend of Zelda series is one of the flagships of Nintendo, so I think the toon version will stay ingame anyway, and maybe a third version of Link will be added, too (Mask Link? It's possible, in my opinion). So in this case it would be great to give Toon Link a moveset that's more different from the one the vanilla Link has, to satisfy me. As I said, maybe the Windwaker leaf or a move that involves the Minish Cap? I don't know.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2009
In a box filled with peas 300 feet below ground
Oh yes, I forgot Pacman :) Would be amazing. Next to Mr. Game and Watch an extremly old-school character that could have a very interesting ability scheme. With his ultimate, every enemy would turn into one of those blinking ghosts for a certain duration, so he could eat them =O This would be mind-blowing.
Yes, I made a pacman moveset, but I won't post it a THIRD TIME!!!!


In general, FF is one of the best series, but Cloud and stuff, would NOT fit, at all!!!

Oh, 3 links in one game?, i dont think so.
Maybe link, and toon link, but not young link.
I like midna and wolf link however, it would add a cool style to the game


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Explain how Metroid has been getting the shaft in any Smash Bros. game so far. Aside from a playable Ridley in Brawl, everything is perfect with this series. And show me a Western-only Nintendo character that A) doesn't suck and B) isn't already in Brawl in some way.
I think most people will answer your first question by using sales as an argument and how there hasn't been a new character box for Metroid along w/ F-Zero (who got off worse) this whole time. Other than that, I guess some of the stage choices were unsatisfactory to some.

Anyway, Mike Jones from Star Tropics is a Western-Only character who was never intended to be released in Japan for some reason. he's probably already in as a sticker though.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
As I've said before Midna IF gets in the game she should be on Wolf Link and be by herself (if you've played Twilight Princess to the end you know what I'm talking about)

I have a new moveset for TL, but like Mowrt, I don't want to post it again

Soooo what are we talkin about now? Anybody want to go back to discussing what the HG/SS Pokemon should be?

Smash Bro

Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2009
Finishing school in Rustboro City
Sakurai said that he would not be working on another Smash Bros game. Yet, due to the Smash series' popularity, it would be completely idiotic to end the series there. Therefore, chances are, it's either a bluff or the next SSB game will be sans Sakurai. So we're thinking of what could and/or should be in the next game.
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