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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
This assumes that only the competitive players like Melee better. Brawl has superior graphics, content, stages, sales and reception, but many people (not just competitive players) don't feel that these things make up for the shallow gameplay. Brawl felt like a step down because it was TOO casual of a game and completely derailed from where N64 and Melee had left off.

Hopefully Sakurai can take a hint.
You have no basis that a majority of non-competitive players find Brawl to be sub-par. Everyone I have talked to so far has found Brawl to be superior to Brawl in both content and playability, there is no unanimous consensus. Outside of the fan-community most people really do not care about such things, a large part of the Brawl community are families or little Johnny/Jane sitting around playing a Nintendo fighting game. Sure, there are issues regarding balance and some of the metagame, but Melee and 64 did as well.

Melee and Smash64 were no less "casual" than Brawl is.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
@WheelOfFish: If by "many people" you mean "a few people," then sure. There are casual players who still prefer 64 too.

You know what the #1 complaint is for casual players?



Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
Y'know what I want? Someone in charge of the Smash Series who'll listen to us, and actually take our input. Someone who doesn't only ask the Japanese public what they want in the game. Someone that's not Sakurai. Have you seen how involved Harmonix is with their Rock Band community?? Three words: Rock. Band. Network.

In terms of the actual game, I think it's obvious that WiiSpeak compatibility is a must, along with better WiFi in general. Nintendo also has to figure out how to back up WiFi compatible games onto SD Cards. What happens if your Wii decides to brick?

Now I must admit, I am a Pokemon fanboy, so most of the characters I want in SSB4 are Pokemon. I need Blaziken in the game. Literally NEED him. I had a spaz attack when I saw my 2nd favourite Pokemon up on that ice mountain in SSE, and now I need my #1 favourite. Blaziken could either be a stand-alone character, or with a female Pokemon Trainer who also has Treecko and Marshtomp. Many people seem to want Mudkip, Grovyle and Blaiken, but I personally see Treecko being more of a fighter than teh Mudkipz. I was kind of looking forward to Meowth being in Brawl, even though he was never confirmed and is kind of annoying. Shadow and Knuckles would be some nice additions. Right-handed Link was in the Wii TP, so he should've been right- handed in Brawl, which is for Wii. Besides, weren't left-handed swordsmen considered to be evil back in Link's times? I always wondered about that...

I'm actually glad that most of the Forbidden 7 didn't make it in. I miss Roy, and Plusle&Minun would've been cool, but...Dixie Kong? Dr. Mario again? Toon Zelda & Shiek? ... No thnx, no thnx.

I don't care what Sakurai says; SSB4 is coming, with or without him. Hopefully this time, they'll listen to what the North American public wants. And in return, I assume that the North American public will give Nintendo the time that they deserve to work on this project, as opposed to flipping out every time the release date gets pushed back (like with Brawl). And to all you MegaMan super-fans, give it a rest. Sega is now partners with Nintendo, and the MGS guys were begging for Snake to be in the roster since Melee. That's the ONLY reason Sonic and Snake got in. The SSB Series is for Nintendo/Nintendo-owned characters. Last time I checked, MegaMan was Capcom. So go play your Marvel VS Capcom 3. Or, should I say, Disney VS Capcom 3.
*Dancing Mad Plays*

oh, boy.

-unfortunately for you, unlike the Kirby Series, Sakurai looks like he's going to keep the Smash series. best chance you have is if HAL gets the series back. the only way you can possibly get an american poll is if Retro Studios gets it, because Nintendo rarely ever associates with non-Japanese companies, so don't get your hopes up.

-yep, Wiispeak and better Wi-i is a must, in a sense.

-a new PT would be kind of cool, but it's chances are slim, because female PT could be classified as a clone. If any Sonic Character goes in, it will most likely be Shadow, but don't get your hopes up. and I think lefties were considered cursed, which Link ind of is, since he's bound by the Triforce along with Zelda and Ganon.

*insert Keftka Laugh here*

- the funny thing about your comment is that of the 3 studios, Capcom is the CLOSEST to Nintendo. they didn't buy Sega- otherwise they would be a second party company making games for Nintendo only and not release stuff like Valkyria Chronicles on other systems. Capcom helped make the Gameboy Zeldas, and RE4, Viewtiful Joe and MM9 all debuted on a Nintendo System, so I don't see where you are getting this theory that Capcom does little for Nintendo. infact, Konami has less to do with them, yet they got a rep, so that stops your theory. and it's TATSUNOKO VS CAPCOM, a new entry of the Vs. series. get your facts straight before making such negative comments.
Keftka blesses and forsakes you.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
This assumes that only the competitive players like Melee better. Brawl has superior graphics, content, stages, sales and reception, but many people (not just competitive players) don't feel that these things make up for the shallow gameplay. Brawl felt like a step down because it was TOO casual of a game and completely derailed from where N64 and Melee had left off.

Hopefully Sakurai can take a hint.
I really think it is a fair assumption that its only the competitive players who really view Brawl like this, since its only in those deeper levels of playing that anything like that becomes evident. If one doesn't play competitively, and still thinks that the gameplay is shallow, odds are they didn't like Melee or 64 either. Really, how do you define "casual" here and how do you think Melee or 64 lacked those traits?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
@BG3: It's a waste of my time to even talk to you let alone read any of what you posted (and I browsed thought it. Nothing exciting). Trust me, I've been around much longer then you and probably understand this much better then you do. I'm not going to reply to you because you see competitive Smash as the only Smash. Your entire talking point were just competitive smash, most things I already know. I could talk reason all day, but it's a waste of my time.

Also, yes, you never said anything directly. Go goggle the word "imply."

You know what the #1 complaint is for casual players?

Hey, don't we all. I think this is one thing no one is in disagreement over. :laugh:


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
@BG3: It's a waste of my time to even talk to you let alone read any of what you posted (and I browsed thought it. Nothing exciting). Trust me, I've been around much longer then you and probably understand this much better then you do. I'm not going to reply to you because you see competitive Smash as the only Smash. Your entire talking point were just competitive smash, most things I already know. I could talk reason all day, but it's a waste of my time.
His first sentence says otherwise.

OK, first, let's get something straight. I never said that you were playing the game the wrong way
You may not have interpreted it that way at the time, but this guy is not solely pro-competitive.

This is what shows me you know nothing about how people like myself play. This also means you can never understand that mindset most of us have for this game. This is why I frown on all your idea that make the game closer to Street Fighter.
So, your kind of people believe that items and stage hazards help balance the characters? As BG3 said earlier, this creates too many random factors when it comes to balancing. The only random factor that should be involved is what move will the opponent do next.

Let's also get something straight. As much as I love Street Fighter, I want it and Smash to stay separate entities, but I think they can benefit from learning from each other. I'd like to see Smash with hitstun, combos, and a little faster with an overall system that rewards players for taking the time to be good with a character and may be a super meter for revamp Final Smashes.

I'd like to see Street Fighter with a training mode that lets you adjust speed, more modes for single player mode (like event matches or mini games), and more songs per stage.


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2009
@BG3: It's a waste of my time to even talk to you let alone read any of what you posted (and I browsed thought it. Nothing exciting). Trust me, I've been around much longer then you and probably understand this much better then you do. I'm not going to reply to you because you see competitive Smash as the only Smash. Your entire talking point were just competitive smash, most things I already know. I could talk reason all day, but it's a waste of my time.

Also, yes, you never said anything directly. Go goggle the word "imply."

Hey, don't we all. I think this is one thing no one is in disagreement over. :laugh:
What are you talking about? I said numerous times that the only statement of yours that I'm attacking was you saying that "Melee is less balanced than Brawl." I wasn't arguing anything else. I only said competitive play is the best way to find out which game is more balanced and see which characters are cheap. It would be logical to agree with someone who's played the game very long, has experience with it competitively and casually, and has much more experience than your every-day casual gamer like yourself(you said you were a casual.)

Anyways, you say Melee is less balanced, certain characters are cheap, and those are the only points of yours I attack, nothing else. Competitive players like Mew2King(I wasn't implying myself when I said "competitive players" earlier), know the game much better than you do and have much more experience than you don't they? You say that Link is broken in Melee because of his projectiles and his range? Clearly you don't know anything about competitive play. You act like you know both sides very well, but you don't know s*** about competitive play. If you said things like that in front of a competitive player, they would just laugh at you. I could explain in detail why Link, Ike, and Lucas are not "cheap" at all, but you wouldn't get anything out of it. Do some reserach before you say something, makes you sound smarter:).

Also, you attack me because you assume that I only say competitive play is the right way to play. I've explained many times over and over that it's not what I'm saying.

Doesn't anybody else agree that if someone spent time analyzing someone's moveset, has experience with this character by a lot, and can even tell you what frames each attack of this certain character has, they know the character much better, and it would be logical to agree with this person instead of someone like SmashChu who says Link f-smash is broken without any type of research. Seriously, do some research before you go stating things like fact such as "Ike too cheap!1!" Even places such as SmashWiki disagree with you, it's not only competitive players.


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
While I Loathe the idea of downloadable characters and stages, any option that allows Goemon to be playable I am open for.

As long as Nintendo releases the game with all DLC attached near the end of the games life cycle, I would be all for it.

I already made a goemon moveset, and I am slowly making the Yae one right now. Thinking about it, if DLC was possible, fans could abuse the system and put in fan characters. I mean, we are doing it somewhat right now for brawl.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2008
New York
You know what I would like? Some more original stages. The first stage in story mode would be a good stage and some of those subspace stages too.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
You know what I would like? Some more original stages. The first stage in story mode would be a good stage and some of those subspace stages too.
Maybe when you go to stage select it could say "Story Mode Stages" or something and you could play against each other on a bunch of different stages like the top of that mountain where MK and Lucario fought (just using as and example)

So it would be "Normal Stages" "Brawl Stages" Melee Stages" "N64 Stages (or classic or past stages)" and "Story Stages (or Story Mode Stages)"

That's a bunch of stages......

and more original stages aren't that hard to find if Nintendo/Sakurai would look :ohwell:


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Just kinda wierd......besides it's not from a Video Game.....aren't the ones in already all from VGs?
There are already several items that are Smash originals so a leek could happen. After all, we have the bat, fan, beam sword, gooey bomb, smoke ball, and more.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Ooo ooo I wanna train stage!

It probably will be Spirit Tracks though, and maybe make stops in, well, wherever they are in Spirit Tracks.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
I want to hear it

I hope for a better city stage to be in SSB4. I liked fourside. mushroom city from mario kart double dash could work.
Well, I didn't really have anything specific in mind, just a stage that would have you fight while falling down from the sky, or off a skyscraper, or something. :embarrass

I would like to see another city stage, though. I miss the previous ones (especially Saffron City). :( It'd be nice to have one of those in the next story mode, as well.


Smash Cadet
Dec 10, 2008
New York
How about a WuHu Island stage that represents the Wii sports resort and wii fit universe, and a Mercury, Venus, Jupiter or Mars lighthouse to represent The Golden Sun universe?

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
How about a WuHu Island stage that represents the Wii sports resort and wii fit universe, and a Mercury, Venus, Jupiter or Mars lighthouse to represent The Golden Sun universe?
Venus Lighthouse for GS

and WuHu Is. might be a good stage but if it's not a stage it should be part of the Story Mode where the Mii starts

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
I'd like any interesting stage and few normal ones so it's not too crazy

on a side note I hope they make and Earthbound or Mother game for the Wii Worldwide...


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
on a side note I hope they make and Earthbound or Mother game for the Wii Worldwide...
Don't hold your breath. :rolleyes: Nintendo didn't even release Earthbound for the VC (licensing issues) and didn't even bring Mother 3 over here, so I doubt that wish of yours will come true any time soon.

There's always hope, but still, in this case it's rather slim. :(
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