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I think Kumatora would be a good choice too and I would like it if she were in SSB4 in some form, but she lacks the little-girly teddy-bear pwning charm Paula has. The good thing going for her though is the tomboyish attitude and the rude yawning she does, and could represent today's modern women more.
So guys, why would you like another "badass" guy like Claus over a girl who beats you with a teddy bear providing lighthearted embarassing fun?
From the looks of that, Paula and Kumatora are even in terms of coolness, but they're stronger in certain aspects. Does anyone else think that these two should at least be playable alt. models for Ness and Lucas? Considering that they sacrificed their PSI for their partner's first debuts, I think they deserve it.
As for why people are willing to choose Claus over Paula is becuase of a few reasons:
1. They're afraid of a clone that might come out of it - PK LANDMASTERSTOOOOOOOOOOOORM!
2. They want a villain.
Although, adding Claus, Kumatora, or Paula would bring something that the roster lacks now.
In my perfect setup, the playable characters are:
Ness (PSI and items he actually uses)
Lucas(See above)
Kumatora - Lucas alt. model.
Paula - Ness alt. model.
Poo - Ness alt. model.
First of all, that is the single longest "moveset", if indeed it can be called that, that I have ever seen. So, you get an A for effort. Reading it, I'd enjoy playing as them, but...
Eh, I still don't fully see the appeal. Also, Fortune Teller, Sacrifice, and Yune sound really broken.
Chris Lionheart said:
Poke'mon Trainer Customization (in steps)-
1. Male or Female
2. If male do you want Red or Silver (Ruby Sapphire). If Female do you want May (Ruby/Sapphire) or the one from Leafgreen and Fire Red.
3. Choose 3 Poke'mon-
Water- Squirtle, Piplup, Totodile, Mudkip, Vaporeon
Grass- Ivysaur, Bayleef, Grovyle, 2nd stage of Turtwig, Leafeon
Fire- Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, Last stage of Chimchar, Flareon
Electricity- Raichu, Jolteon, Electabuzz, Manectric
And this is all going to happen on the...character select screen? Seems like alot of work for one/three character(s).
I think we'll get another Brawl-specific Trainer, not one directly from any game. So we won't be switching between versions, but a gender option would be nice. (Also, random fangasm: the FR/LG girl's name is Hikari)
But what really kills this idea is that you're saying the developers should make a character that consists of (count em') NINETEEN different fighters. Even if they are just alternate outfits...that's still way too much work for a single character--heck, for a single franchise!
Paula, Claus, or Kumatora. Right now, I totally vote Kumatora, but that's a personal preference, and is based on the idea that Nintendo will do nothing with the Mother series in North America before SSB4 comes out. Claus, however, is my first pick if Mother 3 ever gets localized--I could care less how many Landmasterstorms I have to wade through, as long as the best darn villain on the GBA gets in Smash Bros.
First of all, that is the single longest "moveset", if indeed it can be called that, that I have ever seen. So, you get an A for effort. Reading it, I'd enjoy playing as them, but...
Eh, I still don't fully see the appeal. Also, Fortune Teller, Sacrifice, and Yune sound really broken.
And this is all going to happen on the...character select screen? Seems like alot of work for one/three character(s).
I think we'll get another Brawl-specific Trainer, not one directly from any game. So we won't be switching between versions, but a gender option would be nice. (Also, random fangasm: the FR/LG girl's name is Hikari)
But what really kills this idea is that you're saying the developers should make a character that consists of (count em') NINETEEN different fighters. Even if they are just alternate outfits...that's still way too much work for a single character--heck, for a single franchise!
Paula, Claus, or Kumatora. Right now, I totally vote Kumatora, but that's a personal preference, and is based on the idea that Nintendo will do nothing with the Mother series in North America before SSB4 comes out. Claus, however, is my first pick if Mother 3 ever gets localized--I could care less how many Landmasterstorms I have to wade through, as long as the best darn villain on the GBA gets in Smash Bros.
Well the Poke'mon Trainer thing doesn't work quite like you think. It would work more like this.
The default Poke'mon trainer icon (the one shown on the brawl board) is shown. When you click it, a customization window pops up. This menu is divided into the sections in the directions you quoted.
Once you are done you can save it to your name tag for quick loading purposes.
Well the Poke'mon Trainer thing doesn't work quite like you think. It would work more like this.
The default Poke'mon trainer icon (the one shown on the brawl board) is shown. When you click it, a customization window pops up. This menu is divided into the sections in the directions you quoted.
Once you are done you can save to Profile.
...Yeah, in a roster that's generally assumed to reach up towards fifty characters, that seems more than a bit excluding. And that doesn't say anything about the whole 19 characters thing, which is really the big problem with the theory.
EDIT - I think I've got a more elegant solution. Instead of a big menu popping up and obscuring the screen for everybody else, there can be two Trainer icons on the select screen: one male, one female. Once you've picked one, you can then press Y to switch colors, or X to switch "teams" of three Pokemon. For every other character in the game, X would rotate between their alternate characters/outfits.
The actual teams aren't that important, though probably nothing like you suggest above.
...Yeah, in a roster that's generally assumed to reach up towards fifty characters, that seems more than a bit excluding. And that doesn't say anything about the whole 19 characters thing, which is really the big problem with the theory.
It seems like a superfluous way to do something the game already handles fine. Y = Color swap. X = Outfit swap. Or vice versa, whatever floats your boat.
Still though...nineteen characters...are you actually serious about that?
It seems like a superfluous way to do something the game already handles fine. Y = Color swap. X = Outfit swap. Or vice versa, whatever floats your boat.
Still though...nineteen characters...are you actually serious about that?
Man don't I look like the donkey's ass. In that enlightening case, sorry about the constant pestering.
Totally my bad.
EDIT - Even still, fifteen is alot. And, for instance, all the water PKMN you listed couldn't move and fight like Squirtle, or even one another. Even if you disregard special moves, how is a Mudkip going to do Squirtle's Fair? I still think it's too much work for so little reward.
For that matter, I think alternate outfits are a wasteful idea too. So really, why am I arguing for them...?
Just that it's a ridiculously thorough examination of a character's presence in the game, not just a moveset. So in that sense, I really wouldn't call it simple "a moveset".
And do you think those 3 moves would be more balanced if I add the following changes:
Yune- Not spammable (make it return like a boomerang). Controller input from opponent makes throwing Yune off easier.
Sacrifice-Make ending lag roughly 2 seconds.
Fortune Teller- Make ending lag roughly 1-2 seconds.
The probelm with Yune is that it stuns, yet I can't imagine it having any start-up lag, a la Zamus' Paralyzer. Making Yune return before going out again certainly makes sense, but really, there has to be a decent amount of lag if it's going to stun, and for the life of me, I can't think of anything Micaiah could do that would make sense.
I mean, all she's doing is throwing a (very) small bird.
Sacrifice, by it's very nature, will always be spammable, no matter how much lag is on it. If the move was there as is, I guarantee every Sothe/Micaiah strategy would revolve around stunning the enemy with Yune/knocking them away with a powerful attack, then healing. It's not even a question--everyone would do that. You could heal a good 20-30 percent if you get a meteor KO. 10 every time your opponent taunts. If you're fighting an enemy like Ike, whose FS can't usually KO at low percents, when a Smash Ball pops up, just stay away from it, and while your opponent chases it down, heal yourself.
To keep the move in there, you'd have to attach some negative effects to it. Por ejemplo: whenever you use sacrifice, you're unable to use specials or dodges for a few seconds (since Micaiah's all tired). Something like that. And maybe have the damage restored be more around the range of 3-6, like Food.
Fortune Teller is just broken. Why fear Nikita Missiles, Charge Beams, Aura Spheres, heavy characters in general, a number of ATs/Pokemon, Final Smashes, or practically any stage hazard? Again, if left as is, every Sothe/Micaiah player would fill every match with nothing but Sacrifice and Fortune Teller.
And people complain about how bad camping is in Brawl...
2. Get rid of the tripping crap. It's very annoying (although funny) when Sonic trips at 300mph.
3. Character Changes:
Shadow the Hedgehog
B: Chaos Blast (chargeable, like Ike's Eruption thingy)
Side B: Chaos Spear (chargeable, like Sheik's needle throw)
Up B: Chaos Snap (like Mewtwo's Teleport)
Down B: Spin Charge
Final Smash: Chaos Control (slowing time)
Paper Mario
B: Colonel Bobery
Side B: Hammer
Up B: Paper Crane
Down B: Quake Hammer (stuns enimes, chargable)
Final Smash: Giant Pixel Mario from Super Paper Mario
Animal Crossing Villager
B: Slingshot (chargable)
Side B: Axe
Up B: Fishing pole (like Olimar's Pikmin Rope)
Down B: Bug Net (chargeable, stuns enemies
Final Smash: Golden Tools (stronger attacks, invincible (like Wario-Man))
4: New assist Trophies
Miles "Tails" Prower - Follows your Character, saving you from falling off the screen
5: Final Smash Changes:
Falco - He prefers the air, so why not give him an Arwing?
Wolf - I don't know, give him a Wolfen for all I care.
Toon Link - Why not the Phantom Hourglass or the Four Sword?
Sheik - Your a ninja! Do something ninja-like for a final smash!
as much as I love Knuckles, and I deeply do, I just don't see him in the next smash as a playable character, my reason:
the next smash will most likely get 1 or 2 at most 3rd party characters, and if Sonic makes it into SSB4 I don't think another Sega character would be the best choice
This is mechanically impossible. Even on the best connections, there will inevitably be latency issues with every game you play on the internet. From my...decent experience with online games, I have to say that Brawl's lag level is actually above average.
There are other things to change with the online mode.
This, however, is a really cool idea. The four Link's would get together in the cross formation, then double-charge their spin attack, ending by doing the 4-Person Hurricane Spin, which would control like DK's Spinning Kong on crack. A metric *uckton of start-up animation, but really, really cool.
Just that it's a ridiculously thorough examination of a character's presence in the game, not just a moveset. So in that sense, I really wouldn't call it simple "a moveset".
The probelm with Yune is that it stuns, yet I can't imagine it having any start-up lag, a la Zamus' Paralyzer. Making Yune return before going out again certainly makes sense, but really, there has to be a decent amount of lag if it's going to stun, and for the life of me, I can't think of anything Micaiah could do that would make sense.
I mean, all she's doing is throwing a (very) small bird.
Sacrifice, by it's very nature, will always be spammable, no matter how much lag is on it. If the move was there as is, I guarantee every Sothe/Micaiah strategy would revolve around stunning the enemy with Yune/knocking them away with a powerful attack, then healing. It's not even a question--everyone would do that. You could heal a good 20-30 percent if you get a meteor KO. 10 every time your opponent taunts. If you're fighting an enemy like Ike, whose FS can't usually KO at low percents, when a Smash Ball pops up, just stay away from it, and while your opponent chases it down, heal yourself.
To keep the move in there, you'd have to attach some negative effects to it. Por ejemplo: whenever you use sacrifice, you're unable to use specials or dodges for a few seconds (since Micaiah's all tired). Something like that. And maybe have the damage restored be more around the range of 3-6, like Food.
Fortune Teller is just broken. Why fear Nikita Missiles, Charge Beams, Aura Spheres, heavy characters in general, a number of ATs/Pokemon, Final Smashes, or practically any stage hazard? Again, if left as is, every Sothe/Micaiah player would fill every match with nothing but Sacrifice and Fortune Teller.
And people complain about how bad camping is in Brawl...
I see your point for Sacrifice (and possibly Fortune Teller) but I see nothing wrong with Yune (because it is a really predictable projectile, with a straight horizontal trajectory, counterable by a single jump, and everything.)
Well if I increased the beginning lag to 2-3 seconds and have it temporarily disable all specials for an additional 3-5 seconds I could see Sacrifice working at 10% (anything below 7% just wouldn't be worth anything.)
Fortune Teller.. hmm maybe a 50% chance of failure (Micaiah would sometimes get cloudy visions due to fatigue.)
I see your point for Sacrifice (and possibly Fortune Teller) but I see nothing wrong with Yune (because it is a really predictable projectile, with a straight horizontal trajectory, counterable by a single jump, and everything.)
Well if I increased the beginning lag to 2-3 seconds and have it temporarily disable all specials for an additional 3-5 seconds I could see Sacrifice working at 10% (anything below 7% just wouldn't be worth anything.)
Fortune Teller.. hmm maybe a 50% chance of failure (Micaiah would sometimes get cloudy visions due to fatigue.)
Well, now that you cleared up Yune a bit more, yeah...that'd probably be fine.
Sacrifice sounds fine like that too. Fortune Teller, though...
What's to stop a player from just pumping out three or four of them for better odds? Since fortune telling is titularly luck-based, how'z'bout this: every time you use the move, there's never any visible difference, no matter what effect you get. There's a 1 in 8 chance (same odds as Luigi's Green Missile) that when you use it, instead of the next attack being negated, that attack deals 2x the damage and 1.5x the knockback to you.
So you could never tell whether you're completely safe or not, and players would be less inclined to spam it, especially in a heated match, where that would really hurt them.
Every time you'd use it, though, it would replace the "fortune" of the previous one. This is so that if you do get a Bad Fortune, you the game doesn't make you keep it.
For fortune teller, I really meant to say that once used, the special is locked and can't be used again until the fortune comes true (or not.) And yeah, there would be no visual effect except for a little flash (that looks the same regardless of a true or false fortune.)
If there is to be a negative effect randomly, then I would probably make it not so devastating... like a 1.1-1.2x damage boost.
About the fortune teller, wouldn't you just grab Sothe/Micaiah if they were doing it? I do agree it seems really hard to balance it out. Or would the fortune teller affect grabs too, it's not just a counter?
Also, would Yune bounce off of you if you shield? The player should also be able to hit Yune. Also, if Yune stuns you then you should be able to "DI" out of the stun to make it not so horrifying. Either that or make it not so bad.
So Yune you should be able:
1) Shield Yune and the bird bounces off harmlessly
2) Hit Yune and the bird flies back to Micaiah
3) DI
Given these three options it'd seem less scary right?
About sacrifice, that does sound sorta broken. If Micaiah could fight, I always imagined for SSB4 she'd learn a new technique called "reverse sacrifice" which she touches the enemy and steals health from him and gives it to either herself or Sothe. So you cannot heal unless you attack the enemy, and it'd have something like lag or bad range or slow or bad priority to balance it out.
About the fortune teller, wouldn't you just grab Sothe/Micaiah if they were doing it? I do agree it seems really hard to balance it out. Or would the fortune teller affect grabs too, it's not just a counter?
Also, would Yune bounce off of you if you shield? The player should also be able to hit Yune. Also, if Yune stuns you then you should be able to "DI" out of the stun to make it not so horrifying. Either that or make it not so bad.
So Yune you should be able:
1) Shield Yune and the bird bounces off harmlessly
2) Hit Yune and the bird flies back to Micaiah
3) DI
Given these three options it'd seem less scary right?
About sacrifice, that does sound sorta broken. If Micaiah could fight, I always imagined for SSB4 she'd learn a new technique called "reverse sacrifice" which she touches the enemy and steals health from him and gives it to either herself or Sothe. So you cannot heal unless you attack the enemy, and it'd have something like lag or bad range or slow or bad priority to balance it out.
Obviously you could attack or grab them sometime during the beginning lag of Fortune Teller (just like with any counter).
No Fortune Teller does not protect against grabs (but grabs don't cause it to end.)
It will last until an attack would have been successful then it will run out. There is no counter hit so essentially it just provides you with a cover defense and a chance to punish your opponent during their hit lag.
Edit: I think this pretty much fixes it (and if something is still broken, atleast it isn't Snake's Up-Tilt broken.)
Sothe and Micaiah
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (FE10)
The standard FE character symbol.
Available From The Beginning.
Story (spoilers):
Sothe and Micaiah met when Sothe was but a child. Since then they have been close friends. Micaiah may appear to be younger than Sothe, though she is really much older. In her veins flows laguz blood that makes her age slowly. Micaiah also has many gifts in the forms of a healing touch, futuresight, and the ability to hear the voice of Yune (the goddess of Chaos, who her bird is named after.) Sothe serves as Micaiah's guardian and can always be found near her. At the end of Radiant Dawn they get married if you keep their A rank support with each other.
Wii-Mote Sound:
The spell incantation that Micaiah uses in The Escape cutscene to blind her enemies and aid in her and Sothe's retreat (its written like this: Ekarif Magae Teiodasto leraka.)
Default (the ones in the picture). Counts as red alternate.
Blue. Micaiah gets her Light Sage outfit. Sothe is unchanged.
Green. Micaiah gets her 3rd class outfit. Sothe is unchanged.
Default 2. Micaiah is unchanged. Sothe gains his Whisper outfit.
Blue 2. Micaiah gets her Light Sage outfit. Sothe gains his Whisper outfit.
Green 2. Micaiah gets her 3rd class outfit. Sothe gains his Whisper outfit.
*Outfit selection is based mostly on Micaiah
*When more than 1 Sothe (using the same outfit type) are present in the same match, the 2nd will be wearing red clothes, the 3rd blue clothes, and the 4th will be wearing a dimmed version of the green outfit.
How they work as a team:
Both Micaiah and Sothe will always be together on the screen, much like Nana and Popo. These are their differences:
Sothe is responsible for most A attacks.
Micaiah is responsible for specials and some A attacks.
Micaiah cannot be harmed (all attacks aimed at her hurt Sothe instead due to his Guard ability.)
Micaiah and Sothe can not be desynched (or desynching will have little to no benefit.)
Things to remember: When using them-
Micaiah can heal Sothe with Sacrifice.
Try to keep Micaiah from getting hit. Her damage is redirected to Sothe.
Micaiah's Fortune Teller ability helps improve your defensive game.
Try comboing with Sothe and finishing with an aerial or with Thani. When facing them-
Target Micaiah when possible. Its harder for the opponent to protect her than Sothe.
Try to prevent Sacrifice from being successful if possible.
Sothe is best in the air.
Specials (all specials are used by Micaiah):
Neutral B- Yune
Micaiah's pet Yune flies out straight forward and starts pecking the enemy. This works just like a single thrown Pikmin (without fire, electricity, poisin, etc. effects) except that it also stuns the enemy in place while they try to throw Yune off. When Yune is knocked off, he flies back to Micaiah (like a boomerang) and returns to hiding in her scarf. This projectile can't be spammed well and can be thrown off semi-easily through controller input on the opponents side.
Other Properties:
The start up animation of Yune, shows Micaiah reaching her hand out and Yune flying off her hand.
Yune can be shielded, in which case it will fly harmlessly back to Micaiah.
Yune can not be attacked, as it will dodge the hit.
The maximum stun time of Yune is 3 seconds (without controller input.)
Side B- Sacrifice
Micaiah places her hand on Sothe and uses Sacrifice to heal him for 10% damage. Has roughly 2 seconds of beginning lag. This spell disables all specials for 3-5 seconds (depending on how much damage Sothe has).
Other Properties-
There is a glow of light around Micaiah's hand when the heal is successful.
Up B- Thani
This move has 2 effects.
When used on the ground:
A large area around Micaiah is surrounded in a huge glowing light dealing 10% damage and good knockback.
When used in the air:
The ground effect occurs AND Micaiah and Sothe jump out of the blinding light holding hands a distance in the controlled direction. This can bring them back to the stage or if it takes them to the edge, Sothe will grab the edge with one hand while holding on to Micaiah, and will then pull them both up.
Down B- Fortune Teller
Micaiah sees the future, allowing them to evade a coming attack. This has a preperation effect, allowing you to apply it before entering combat. It will last until the fortune comes true (you are hit). Only one fortune can be active at a time, as this move is locked until this fortune ends. The full effect of Fortune Teller (beginning to available dodge) takes rougly 1-2 seconds (of beginning lag), so it is unwise to use in combat. This vision has a 50% chance of failing (being a cloudy vision.) There is no visual difference from a true fortune and a false fortune.
Other Properties:
The animation is a small flash near Micaiah's eyes.
The most reliable way to counter Fortune Teller is to attack or grab them during its beginning lag.
Fortune Teller does not protect against grabs (but grabs do not end Fortune Teller.)
Fortune Teller does not produce a counter attack (only a dodge.)
Normal Attacks:
Dash Attack- Pounce
Sothe pounces on the foe and punches them. Low knockback. 8%
A- Stab
Sothe stabs the foe for low damage. 3%
A,A- Slice
Sothe slices the foe with the dagger across the chest for higher damage. 5%
A,A,A- High Kick
Sothe kicks the foe in the head, causing decent knockback. 4%
Situational Attacks:
Get up attack- Break Dance
Sothe does a quick break dance on both sides. 5%
Ledge attack- Team Slide
Sothe pulls himself up to the ledge and performs a sliding kick. He also pulls Micaiah up and she does a sliding kick, doubling the range. 5%
Forward- Slash
Sothe slashes forward with both daggers. Average tilt. 8%
Up- Handstand
Sothe does a handstand and kicks the foe for low knockback. Great range. 7%
Down- Trip
Sothe trips the foe in the direction he is facing with one leg. 7%
Forward- Flip
Sothe kicks the foe and then propels himself off of them, flipping in the air gracefully. This looks much like the flip in The Escape cutscene of Radiant Dawn. This has very high knockback, but a lot of ending lag. 13%
Up- RexAura
Micaiah shoots her RexAura spell above Sothe. This has high knockback but its range isn't much to envy. It has an extended duration. Comparable to Zelda's Up Smash. 15%
Down- Team Effort
Micaiah fires a Shine spell at the ground in one direction. Sothe performs a two leg trip in the other direction. This has decent knockback (though low for a smash) on Sothe's side and high knockback on Micaiah's side. 12% Micaiah, 8% Sothe
Nair- Team Spin
Sothe and Micaiah throw each other around 360 degrees. This is a pretty average Nair. 8%
Fair- Air Slice
Sothe slashes forwards with his dagger. Low range but pretty good knockback. Comparable to Pit's Fair. 10%
Bair- Whisper's Dive
Sothe does a flip over Micaiah's head and does a kick comparable to the spike in Samus's down special. This spikes the foe downwards and to the direction of the kick. 10%
Uair- Team Toss
Sothe stands on Micaiah's hands and Micaiah throws him into the air. He then does a flip kick. This move has great range and good vertical knockback at its sweetspot. Depending on where the kick hits, you can also be knocked backwards or forwards. 12%
Dair- Falling Sothe
Sothe dives downwards and strikes with both daggers, creating a spike comparable to Marth's Dair. 11%
Grab- Sothe grabs the foe by the neck.
Grab Attack- Light
Micaiah fires her light spell at the foe striking for weak damage. 3%
Forward Throw- Roundhouse Kick
Sothe Roundhouse kicks the foe forwards. High knockback throw. 7%
Back Throw- Toss
Sothe tosses the foe backward. Subpar knockback. 6%
Up Throw- Team Throw
Sothe throws the foe upwards. Micaiah fires an Ellight spell at the foe increasing knockback. Highest knockback throw. 7%
Down Throw- Assassinate
Throws the foe downwards and then pounces on them, striking them with his dagger. Bad knockback. Can't be chained. 10%
L/R Button:
(Note both Sothe and Micaiah activate defenses)
Shield- A Fire Emblem barrier staff effect appears over both Sothe and Micaiah. This works just like a normal shield. The barrier dims when it gets weaker.
Sidestep- Both Sothe and Micaiah evade to the side while holding hands.
Forward Roll- Sothe and Micaiah roll forward while holding hands. Double the normal roll range.
Back Roll- Micaiah jumps back and Sothe does a back flip over her head.
Aerial Dodge- Pretty much the same as Sidestep (just in the air.)
Final Smash:
Yune's Blessing-
Yune possesses Micaiah and transfers her power into Sothe's weapon. Sothe glows with blue fire while blessed. Sothe is free to be controlled during this period and is invinceable. His attacks have increased knockback.
Micaiah warps in while reading her light magic tome. Sothe walks out of her shadow and in front of her.
Up- Yune flies around and starts pecking Sothe. Sothe says "Stupid bird... ouch ouch I take it back!"
Side- Micaiah enters her "praying pose" and Sothe enters a ninja pose.
Down- Micaiah starts reading her tome and Sothe sheathes his daggers.
Idle Pose:
Micaiah starts tossing around a ball of light magic while Sothe sharpens his daggers.
Victory Pose:
Shouting in unison "For the Dawn Brigade!", both Sothe and Micaiah cheer.
Height- Sothe 4/5 Micaiah 3/5
Weight- Sothe 2.5-3/5 (medium light) Micaiah N/A (can't be hurt)
Traction- 5/5
Average Attack Speed- 4/5
Average Power- 3/5
Jumps- 4/5
Final Smash- 3/5
Average Range- 2-3/5
Average Priority- 3/5
Movement Speed- 4/5
Dodges 4/5
Crawl- Yes
Wall Jump- Yes
Wall Cling- Yes, 3 seconds. Sothe clings to the wall while holding on to Micaiah.
Many attacks are fast and combo well.
No lack of killing moves.
Thani has great range and knockback.
Yune helps stop approaches.
Micaiah can heal Sothe with Sacrifice.
Fortune Teller adds a great boost to defensive game, especially when applied before combat.
Good final smash.
Good recovery.
Unlike Nana, Micaiah can't die.
Good throws.
Great air game.
Forward roll has double the normal range.
Can trip with Down Tilt.
Yune is a projectile.
Good dodges.
Fast movement speed.
Excellent traction.
Good jump height
Smashes are quite strong.
Sothe has 2 spikes, Dair and Bair.
Can crawl.
Can wall jump.
Can wall cling.
Most of Sothe's attacks and some of Micaiah's attacks have low range.
Only projectile (Yune) is not spammable.
All attacks against Micaiah are redirected to Sothe.
Fortune Teller is easily punishable in combat.
Forward Smash has punishable lag.
Attacks can be out-prioritized especially by sword wielders like Marth.
Farily large targets.
They can not be desynched.
Role in the Subspace Emissary:
When Tabuu learns of Micaiah's talents he attempts to capture her and make a dark form. Sothe, realizing he can't protect her own his own, joins the other heroes of Trophy Land. Together they add their strengths to the fight against Tabuu.
Codec Conversation:
Snake: Colonel, what can you tell me of my opponents?
Colonel Campbell: Their names are Sothe and Micaiah. Sothe is an expert theif and a master of martial arts and knife combat. He protects Micaiah, the light mage.
S: So how should I fight them.
C: Aim for Micaiah. Damage against her is redirected to Sothe.
S: Ok sounds easy enough.
C: Micaiah wields dangerous light magic and can heal with just a touch. She can also predict the future so be careful.
S: .... Why can't I ever fight normal people?
Kirby Hats:
Kirby gains Micaiah's silver hair and pet bird Yune. (This is because Micaiah is responsible for all specials, and Yune is her Standard B special.)
Herb- Heals for 10% upon pickup. Drops randomly among food items.
Vulnerary- Heals for 20% upon pickup.
Elixir- Heals completely.
Heal Staff- Heals 5% everytime you hit an ally with it. May become a stronger Mend staff that heals 10% or a physic staff that shoots a projectile that heals 5%.
Light Rune- Lays a trap that noone can run through when you throw it. If it hits someone they are trapped inside until you knock them out.
Mine Bag- Lays a mine that deals 10% damage and stun (but no knockback) when someone runs over it.
Assist Trophies:
The Black Knight- The Black Knight warps in and starts fighting with his Alondite. He is invinceable and immensely powerful. Lasts about 20 seconds before he warps out.
The Dawn Brigade- Edward, Nolan, and Leonardo join the fray. Edward attacks with basic sword strikes while Nolan uses a more beserk axe style and Leonardo fires arrows.
Heron- A random heron (Rafiel, Reyson, or Leanne) appears and sings a Galdr. The herons sing the following Galdrar:
Rafiel- Vigor- Increases the movement speed of the Assist Trophies user as well as decreasing attack lag temporarily.
Reyson- Rebirth- Heals the user completely and removes any effects on him such as attached Pikmin or a broken shield.
Leanne- Bliss- Causes the user's knockback to rise through the removal of anger and the increase in focus.
Related Trophies:
The Black Knight
Yune (goddess)
The Dawn Brigade (Sothe, Micaiah, Nolan, Edward, Leonardo)
The Greil Mercenaries (Ike, Titania, Soren, Mia, Boyd, Oscar, Shinon, Gatrie, Rolf, Mist, Rhys)
The Tower Of Guidance-
This is the tower where you fight
Ashera, the Goddess of Order
. It has a basic layout. Occassionally "The Chosen" may warp in and join the fight. They are each only about as strong as a sword Primid. At moments the screen may light up with a wave attack used by many of Radiant Dawns last bossess. This is for effect only. Noone is hurt.
------ ------- -------
Legality- Neutral/Counterpick
Fire Emblem Theme (Radiant Dawn version)
Echoes of Daybreak
Eternal Bond (Ike's Theme)
Dawn Brigade
On Glory's Wings
The Devoted
Time of Action
Waves Of Discord
Battle of Pride
Beauty is a Mad Mistress (pretty much this stage's version of Power Hungry Fool)
Unstoppable Destiny
The Black Knight Lives (Against the Black Knight)
Battle Is Joined
Stalwarts Unite
Zelgius The Brave
Skrimir's Pride
*All of these songs are from the Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn soundtrack.
Included Bosses (Spoilers):
Ashera, The Goddess Of Order-
Ashera is the final boss of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. In an ironic plot twist, the "dark god" Yune sealed inside the medallion becomes the worlds only hope of escaping Ashera's angry judgement. Empowered by Yune, the heroic cast of Fire Emblem must defeat Ashera.
Size-Roughly the size of Zelda
This is Ashera's most straightforward attack. It deals as low as 20% in Very Easy Mode or as high as 50% in Intense Mode. In Intense Mode it can OHKO light characters. It is a straightforward projectile aimed at the ground with a shockwave effect. jump out of the way of the beam and the projectile to avoid.
Summon Spirits-
This attack is used quite rarely. 3 Elemental Spirits (the servants of Ashera) appear on the stage. One is thunder, one is wind, and one is fire. They are easy to kill but possess a projectile attack.
Ring Attack-
This attack is highly random and Ashera's most rarely used attack. As a general rule, the closer you are to Ashera, the worse you are hurt. It comes in one of 3 random forms.
1. Light Ring- This ring deals damage affected by your distance from Ashera and the difficulty.
2. Dark Ring- This ring deals knockback affected by your distance from Ashera and the difficulty.
3. Daze Ring- This ring breaks shields (looks similar to Dark Ring.)
All rings may be avoided by learning the timing and side stepping (the timing is pretty much like side-stepping the first ring of Tabuu's X-Box 360 attack.)
Aura- A light blue aura surrounding Ashera must be broken before Ashera is hurt (does not rebuild).
This possesses the Aurora effect. It strikes people who hit it with projectiles for half of the projectile's damage. (Fox's blaster will not hurt him, seeing as 1/2 of 1 damage is less than 1%.)
The Aura isn't to strong. It can only take about 50% damage.
Additional Information:
Ashera is located in the center of the stage.
Only Ike and Micaiah and Sothe may fight Ashera.
DLC is certainly a much more possible process for SSB4, seeing as Nintendo's already planning on offering DLC in this generation. Old stages would be a great thing for the service, as are trophies and stickers (sold in packs of, like, 10 trophies and 100 stickers for three or four bucks). Downloadable characters should not happen though.
Also, "Female Pokemon Trainer?" The practice of packing three characters into one convenient slot is fine, but let's not get redundant. If you must stuff more Pokemon into the same character, replete with one less special move than every other character...well, that's what Pokemon Trainer's there for. Just let the player choose which "team" of three Pokemon they want to use.
That said, I'm totally against the idea. They shouldn't clone one of the most original characters in the game. Any new Pokemon should be stand-alones. It's pretty smart to reckon on Plusle and Minun (as a paired character), and if you add back Mewtwo and a fifth gen rep, you're set.
DLC just for that (SONGS! and stuff) and not characters, I agree. More characters? Dunno, expansion disk maybe.
And a Female Trainer, now that comes the idea to finally give names to the Trainers, but it was just a mere excuse. (I prefer "Red" than "Pokemon Trainer").
I still think that most of veterans should return. Give Mewtwo more kickass B attacks (has the huge potential for powerful attacks, and also a POWERFUL Final Smash, his A attacks yeah... shouldn't be weak actually?). Roy should get his ranged attack from FE6. Dr. Mario... no need for a change, he's freaking Mario... just the pills is the difference. And Pichu... other attacks, but I just wonder if anyone would bother using Pichu if still can damage itself.
Oh, BTW... I'm against the idea to add more 3rd Party characters from already-in characters (example: Shadow the Hedgehog, Raiden, Knuckles the Echidna).
Eh... having just one third-party guest per series IS enough, no need for more. The rest can be AT.
Now that I think about it... the next Smash Bros. should have downloadable patches to fix problems (such as horribly broken characters, tripping, bad hit stun).
Except a bit of freedom of choice could play a role in it.
Perhaps make a special menu in options labeled Download Patches.
The patches would be labeled with the name of the patch and you can click on it for more information (what changes are included in the patch.)
Then you have the option to select what patches to enable and what patches to disable (with no enabled patches being the game itself with no modifications.)
Of course you could not get more characters through patches.
This way everyone is happy. The casuals have their easy game. The competitives have a moddable Melee 2.0.
Tournaments would then have the option of using the patches to provide the desired competitive experience.
But no extra characters, even on a physical disc (which is a horrible idea for the console market anyways). Among other things (balance issues), you couldn't use them online.
And a Female Trainer, now that comes the idea to finally give names to the Trainers, but it was just a mere excuse. (I prefer "Red" than "Pokemon Trainer").
I think he lacks a specific name because he...really isn't the character, anyway. He sits there, and has one "move". Having a specific name would denote a specific back-story, which is redundant, since there's really not much to say about the Pokemon protagonist's past.
Oh, BTW... I'm against the idea to add more 3rd Party characters from already-in characters (example: Shadow the Hedgehog, Raiden, Knuckles the Echidna).
With you there. Save those precious few 3rd-party slots for worthwhile picks like Viewtiful Joe, Simon Belmont, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe, MegaMan, and (who could forget?) Viewtiful Joe.
Chris Lionheart said:
This way everyone is happy. The casuals have their easy game. The competitives have a moddable Melee 2.0.
In a perfect world, sure. But you (and alot of people here on these boards) forget this fact: the only consumers who want something like that are hopeless nerds who spend a significant amount of time talking about one single game on an internet message board, debating such wonderfully meaningful things such as whether or not, tires do or don exit.
In other words, majoriy rules, and the majority doesn't care. So Ninty isn't going to spend extra time and money after the game's release to please an amazingly small percentage of their customers.
I don't think it is possible to add more characters without an expansion disk. However, more songs and Nintendo-made stages would be sweet.
I loved the idea of doing a Fire Emblem representative that did a double team. However, I don't think it will be applied realistically speaking, unless some miracle occurs.
I made a roster that seemed logical so let me go find it and put it here. I will also state why some characters are in this roster I made. I didn't do anything crazy. However, I did throw in a character here and there that are indeed Nintendo owned, but are probably so not well known but I'll give my explanation about them too.
And a Female Trainer, now that comes the idea to finally give names to the Trainers, but it was just a mere excuse. (I prefer "Red" than "Pokemon Trainer").
The trainers had more realistic names in the later versions. I suppose those could be used. I don't know about Diamond and Pearl, but I believe the Ruby-Sapphire generation's trainers were named Brendan and May, for the boy and girl respectively.
Oh, BTW... I'm against the idea to add more 3rd Party characters from already-in characters (example: Shadow the Hedgehog, Raiden, Knuckles the Echidna).
Eh... having just one third-party guest per series IS enough, no need for more. The rest can be AT.
I mostly agree with you there, although Knuckles would be a freaking awesome character. I think we need to make sure we don't go crazy with the third party. Add Megaman, Bomberman, and Viewtiful Joe, and I say that's probably good.
But no extra characters, even on a physical disc (which is a horrible idea for the console market anyways). Among other things (balance issues), you couldn't use them online.
I think he lacks a specific name because he...really isn't the character, anyway. He sits there, and has one "move". Having a specific name would denote a specific back-story, which is redundant, since there's really not much to say about the Pokemon protagonist's past.
With you there. Save those precious few 3rd-party slots for worthwhile picks like Viewtiful Joe, Simon Belmont, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe, MegaMan, and (who could forget?) Viewtiful Joe.
In a perfect world, sure. But you (and alot of people here on these boards) forget this fact: the only consumers who want something like that are hopeless nerds who spend a significant amount of time talking about one single game on an internet message board, debating such wonderfully meaningful things such as whether or not, tires do or don exit.
In other words, majoriy rules, and the majority doesn't care. So Ninty isn't going to spend extra time and money after the game's release to please an amazingly small percentage of their customers.
Why do you have to be so negative? I didn't say they would... I said it would be a great idea. And if Nintendo had any common sense, they would know that satisfying the hardcore (or at least not pissing them off) leads to a longer sale life of a game (Melee proved that.)
Wow... When did this thread turn into "copy and paste your MYM movesets"? Lol. I could do quite a few...
Seriously, though, guys, couldn't we just post links in here? I got used to the extremely long posts in that thread, I'd rather not have to scroll through them here as well.
And a Female Trainer, now that comes the idea to finally give names to the Trainers, but it was just a mere excuse. (I prefer "Red" than "Pokemon Trainer").
I still think that most of veterans should return. Give Mewtwo more kickass B attacks (has the huge potential for powerful attacks, and also a POWERFUL Final Smash, his A attacks yeah... shouldn't be weak actually?). Roy should get his ranged attack from FE6. Dr. Mario... no need for a change, he's freaking Mario... just the pills is the difference. And Pichu... other attacks, but I just wonder if anyone would bother using Pichu if still can damage itself.
Oh, BTW... I'm against the idea to add more 3rd Party characters from already-in characters (example: Shadow the Hedgehog, Raiden, Knuckles the Echidna).
Eh... having just one third-party guest per series IS enough, no need for more. The rest can be AT.
well, I like your idea of a Female Trainer maybe May or Misty, but honestly I rather see someone who's badass such as Gary(Blue), Rival Trainer(Gold/Silver), Lance(Dragon Trainer) or maybe even Giovanni who definetly has potential of having a powerful team
as for the vets, Mewtwo should definetly return, and yea I agree, his damage ratio should be higher and gain more weight since he was too light in Brawl, also a better modified moveset wouldn't hurt such as a Psybeam instead of Psychic Charge or Barrier instead of Disable, also how cool would it be having Armored Mewtwo as an alternate costume layout!
as for Roy I really don't see this guy coming back ever, reasoning is because there are a buch of FE character who are more original and have potential such as Lynn, Sothe, Macaiih, Hector, Lance etc.. than Roy who was just a clone of Marth in Melee, maybe just an AT at most.
Dr. Mario should be Mario's alternate costume which includes pills, we don't need this guy wasting a roster spot.
Pichu should NEVER come back, even if he were to get a new moveset, he would still damage himself so NO! I'd rather see Plustle & Minun as a Duo that this yellow roddent
I definetly agree with having one 3rd party character representing their series, the rest of the 3rd party slots should go to a different series such as Megaman, Bomberman, Simon Belmont etc..
While Yoshi's origins are with Mario, and he has significant ties to the Mario series, he's gone off on his own quite a bit. Think about a few things. "Yoshi's Island" got a separate section in trophies from "Super Mario." Yoshi has a different symbol (the egg) than the rest of the Mario characters (the mushroom). Yoshi, like Donkey Kong and Wario, has more or less separated himself from being just another Mario character. His primary interactions, however, are with characters like Baby Mario, who are actually also included in the "Yoshi's Island" section.
Wow we have completely different views! I personally think, the more characters the better. Indefinitely. Bare minimum of 50 for the next game, preferably around 75.
However I definitely share your view about online. They really need to focus a lot more on online for the next game.
Has anyone had this thought yet? What if you could have custom costumes, like, something where you could edit the colors of a character's costume? We already have hacks to do it, but I think it should be a full-fledged feature in SSB4.
They should make SSB4 compatable for both casual and competitive players. Megaman and Dr.Wily should be in. More options for tournament mode, and for special mode
as for the vets, Mewtwo should definetly return, and yea I agree, his damage ratio should be higher and gain more weight since he was too light in Brawl, also a better modified moveset wouldn't hurt such as a Psybeam instead of Psychic Charge or Barrier instead of Disable, also how cool would it be having Armored Mewtwo as an alternate costume layout!
as for Roy I really don't see this guy coming back ever, reasoning is because there are a buch of FE character who are more original and have potential such as Lynn, Sothe, Macaiih, Hector, Lance etc.. than Roy who was just a clone of Marth in Melee, maybe just an AT at most.
Dr. Mario should be Mario's alternate costume which includes pills, we don't need this guy wasting a roster spot.
Pichu should NEVER come back, even if he were to get a new moveset, he would still damage himself so NO! I'd rather see Plustle & Minun as a Duo that this yellow roddent
I definetly agree with having one 3rd party character representing their series, the rest of the 3rd party slots should go to a different series such as Megaman, Bomberman, Simon Belmont etc..
Well... we agree on that, Mewtwo is a MUST-RETURN for next Smash.
Roy could return in two ways: Current Support he still has (I mean, he was one of the most questionable veterans along with Mewtwo about their removal), and also, possible remake for FE6, if they are remaking Marth's game, some fans for sure will ask for a remake of Roy's game. Or even better, remaking all the Japanese FE Games. And in my oppinion, Roy has a nice and really decent moveset potential.
Actually, that was one of my options. Yeah.
Well, quite right, but I just mentioned it to make if "fair" (Fair = All Melee characters to return)
Um... I don't understand it, but what I mean is this:
Snake ONLY must represent MGS.
Sonic ONLY must represent his own series.
And so on... Adding other characters such as Knuckles, Raiden and etc would be a waste of spotlight. I prefer Megaman or different 3rd parties over them.
the huge purple one you're thinking of is Chunky, and you freakin' idiot, you forgot Tiny. Tiny is the coolest one!!! How could you forget the coolest one?!? EPIC FAIL!!!
btw: Tiny couldn't even be playable in SSB4 cuz there's more of a chance of Dixie making it instead (Tiny's sister incidentally). King K. Rool has the most chance of being the next DK rep. Then it's Dixie. Dixie for SSB4!!!
and I hate it when everybody's like, "I want Shadow, Knuckles, *insert MGS rep.*, Mega Man, and Bomberman." People, use your heads: either there is going to be: no 3rd party characters in SSB4, NONE; or ONLY Sonic and Snake; or Sonic with ONLY one rep. and Snake with ONLY one rep. (no Mega Man, no Bomberman); or Sonic (no other reps.), Snake (no other reps.), Mega Man, and Bomberman (if he makes it but frankly the support of Mega Man surmounts all other 3rd party characters maybe except Geno though, those two are pretty close : l). Smash Brothers 4 will not have 60+ characters. We'll probably have...idk 53 at the absolute most.
btw: what would be Roy's and Mewtwo's final smashes? Roy could have an altered Critical Hit if he's a luigified Marth, but wtf would Mewtwo have? Too many possibilities to even think about lol, thoughts?