I don't like the term "filler" for this type of thing but if I had to guess, it would be a late addition character who is almost certainly a clone (Or in Jigg's case, just a character who is imported over) I don't think said character has to be someone no one likes or anything, but rather just someone who wasn't really important to make it in the round one picks. Out of MtJ's list, I'd say the technical filler characters could be...PM (Though just barely. I'd think PM would require quite a bit of work to add in, so he wouldn't be likely for a spot like this, but who knows) Doc, Black Shadow, possibly the FE lord thing, depending on what lord (Sigurd, Leaf, Roy, Eliwood, Eirika, and possibly Hector or Lyn but those last ones are pushing it), possibly Masked Man (don't know Mother 3 well enough), possibly Mach Rider as a CF clone, Daisy, Rosalina, and Young Link. I guess the PO characters could be viable for this if Little Mac actually was used, but by that logic any of the other characters MtJ listed could be clones of some other hypothetical character inserted in. Also, I'd like to point out that Mewtwo could theoretically be one of these "filler" characters on the same basis that Jiggs was.
Also, I thought Galaxy (and Sunshine for that matter) were better than Mario 64. :V