- If Paper Mario got in, he would be a clone whether he has the potential to prevent it or not entirely because he's Mario. Only two characters have had multiple movesets, and they're both drastic transformations (with both variations existing in the same games). Young/Toon Link have the same basic moveset as Big Link because those moves define every version of Link. Paper Mario would be defined by being Mario just like Doc was, not by being Paper.
I know you problably replied to my last post directed towards you, but I really don't feel like looking for it, since I'm not at the top of my game right now. (Four wisdom teeth pulled out) Still, when I'm feeling a bit better I'll try to get back.
Buuttt...I'm going to reply to this! (ow my head) Anyways, I don't think Paper Mario would be a clone because of the fact that if he were to be included, he couldn't use Mario's standard model. He's paper thin like G&W, and thus probably have to be remade from the ground up. That being said, since they'd have to redo all moves anyways, why would they decide to make him a clone if that would take the same effort as making a new moveset? As a side note, there's no way Sakurai would let PM use a fireball attack, judging from his stance on Dr. Mario. He mentioned before that he couldn't see Dr. Mario shooting fireballs, and thus we got pills. Seeing as Paper Mario is in fact made of paper, I'd think his logic would still apply. Of course having a different neutral B doesn't automatically make you not a clone, but its just a side note.
Mushroom City (Mario) (A skyscraper battlefield)
Airship (Mario)(A fight on a large airship that auto-scrolls through cannons etc.)
Rainbow Road (Mario)(Similar to Mute City)
Gelato Beach (Mario)(A walkofable stage with an awesome background)
Bowser's Castle (Mario Bros.)(A fight inside the castle)
NOVA (Kirby) (You start off on a platform similar to Halberd's (but longer), and after a while you go through NOVA himself.)
Float Islands (Kirby)(A Green Greens clone but suspended in water and without the blocks.)
DeDeDe's Arena (Kirby)(SE)
Jungle Puddle (Yoshi) (A fight on mangroves above a giant-fish infested swamp)
Crystal Caverns (Yoshi) (A bigger Meta-Crystal)
Yoshi's Island (Yoshi) (An auto-scrolling version of Yoshi's Island 3 from Super Mario World)
Castletop (Yoshi) (The turrets of a castle, witha Giant Mecha-Bowser hurling fireballs from the BG)
Gangplank Galleon (DK)(The stage from DKC)
Death Egg Zone (Sonic) (A walkoffable stage with the Giant robot of Robotnik slamming it's hands into the stage.)
Pokemon Gym (Pokemon)(Self-explanatory, can be any of the original eight gyms)
Dark Cave (Pokemon)(SE)
Viridian Forest(Pokemon)( A walk-offable stage in the forest)
Hoenn Sea (Pokemon)(Ride on a Wailord's back to several port cities.)
Mario Stages: I don't think we would have a Mushroom City stage, since the only thing I can think of it being from is Mario Kart, and you already have Rainbow Road. RR is also a bit faulty in itself, since a SMG stage would be a better space-related Mario stage. Another Sunshine stage also doesn't seem likely, since it makes more sense to put Delfino back in (Or not if there is a Wii Sports Resort stage) Anyways, as I've said many times before, a Flipside/Flopside, as well as a Mushroom Kingdom II are things that I would add.
Kirby Stages: NOVA is a good idea. Somewhere in space selike a good move, kind of like Fountain of Dreams. In this case, I'm not sure how well a Green Greens clone would work, since that's kind of copying both Melee stages, but then again NOVA doesn't need to be outside I gues.... Lastly, Dedede Staidum is something I don't want, since I'd much rather have a Punchout stage in a boxing ring.
Yoshi Stage: A swamp would be a nice idea I guess, though in my (still in progress) stage/music list, I don't really have that. Still it would work just fine as far as I'm concerned. Outside of that, I'd also include the sidescrolling SMW stage, and keep it at that. The Yoshi series is better off with two new stages, rather than four, since it probably won't get a new character anyways.
DK Stage: ...Only one? Anyways, a Kremling pirate ship type stage would be nice (as long as its far away enough from the LoZ Pirate Ship stage) If you ask me, a second DK stage that could be good would be one based on the DK racing games. (Maybe a dash of Mario Kart as well)
Sonic Stage: Don't play Sonic, so can't say much.
Pokemon Stages: Two is fine...and there's a bit too much Kanto focus in there. If you ask me, the Gym and Hoenn Sea should be the two to use. (I remember seeing that Hoenn Sea stage idea awhie ago on the stage board here, and really liked the concept)