TDK+IT+Mar said:
one or two Wii exclusive Okami titles.
If this happens, I will be happy. It won't happen though, and so I am sad.
P.S. I think you'd get quoted more often if your username wasn't such a pain to type.
LavisFiend said:
It's a fine idea, and aside from some worries about visual clutter (ridiculously large puffs of dust whenever a character does anything + flying colored sparks + special move effects = indistinguishable blur of sparkly stuff), it sounds like a plan.
But I don't see how that alone fundamentally changes the shape of the game. I suppose I'll have to wait for the rest of your, uh, dissertation.
ducky285 said:
She's a hidden character, in her Fatal Fury outfit (a.k.a. the one with less boobage hehe). At least, that's what I heard.
Really? Maybe in the PS2 version...but I've only been playing the game at my local arcade, and as far as I know, she's not. Maybe I'll have to pick up the console version then...
Makoto (fav. char from Third Strike)
B - Oroshi (overhead chop)
SideB - Hayate (thrust punch)
UpB - Tsurugi (aerial axe kick)
DownB - Fukiage (upward punch) or Karakusa (command choking grab)
FS - Seichusen Godanzuki (punch....punchpunchpunchpunch WHAM *pose and shout random japanese*)
My favorite 3rd Strik'r is probably...Ibuki. No wait, Remy. Yeah, Remy.
B = Crouching Fierce
Side+B = Light of Justice (Smashed version skids along the ground)
Up+B = Rising Rage Flash
Down+B = Cold Blue Kick
FS = Sonic Boom
Because Slayer's coole
B = Mach Punch
Side+B = Dandy Step (from this, B = Crosswise Heel, A = Pile Bunker)
Up+B = Immortality Wings
Down+B = Undertow
FS = All Dead (seriously, Smash Bros. needs a character who recites haiku)
B - Gadouken
SideB - Dankukyaku
UpB - Koryuken
Downb - Here, have an autograph
Quoted for truth.
Kiyosuki said:
Oh god thinking of that classic stage with an awesome rendition of Ryu's theme in one of these games is enough to make any old-time game fan cream his/her pants.
Pants officially creamed, sir.
I agree with everything else you said, too. I really want him in now...but there's still Megaman (and Viewtiful Joe...anyone?) to think of. We'd probably only get one rep from any given company, so...
The only thing I still don't gel with is his potential Down+B. None of his signature moves really fits that, and I'd rather not let him go the way of Sonic, having two moves that are so stupidly similar. It doesn't to be Parry, but...well, maybe if I explain the idea a little.
Marth/Lucario's counter is a move you have to do separately, and it's not really spammable or anything. There's only a small window of opportunity for the move to activate, and it's generally an okay idea. But Parry would work differently. It wouldn't stop projectiles at all: just melee attacks. There'd be an incredibly small start-up animation, and no ending lag. The best part is that you can do it from any move, at any time. So in effect, it would let Ryu create feints out of his entire moveset. The only time you couldn't do it is when you've been launched, helpless, or taunting. Also it doesn't have any knockback. It might do 1 or 2% damage, but it's chief purpose is to stop any close-combat attack instantly, and leave the opponent stunned for a second or two in the process, allowing you to start attacking them freely.
Ilex said:
Toon Link
New Characters
- Toad
- Baby Mario Bros
- Wolf Link / Midna
- Lil Mac
- Balloon Fighter
- Gooey
- Leon Powolski
- Deoxys
- Blaziken
- Lyn
Let me first start out by saying that I know other hopeful character lists were posted, but this one was short, and has the most controversial characters, so...
Funky Kong will never happen, by the way.
Toad - Probably not. You know the drill: he's part of Peach's moveset, and he's a generic character besides.
Baby Mario Bros. - This is a terrible idea. I stand firmly by the side of a certain individual on these boards who shares with me a deep, terrible hatred for the Baby Bros.
Wolf Link w/Midna - I don't now why this idea is so popular. Wolf Link wasn't any fun to play as in Twilight Princess, so what makes you think he'd be a fun Smash Bros. contestant? Also, by the time SSB4 rolls around, there'll be another console Zelda, which is where Link will take his look and moveset from. Add in Toon/Young Link, and you're set. There's no way we're having
three "Links".
Little Mac - I say yes. I know 'Kibble wants Knuckle Joe, and really, since I haven't actually had any experience with that guy in his games, I can't say either way but...c'mon--the guy wears a pair or underwear on his head. What a loser.
Little Mac for the win.
Balloon Fighter - Nope. Unless Ninty makes a new WiiWare version of Balloon Fight (a la the online Dr. Mario game on the service), I don't think so.
Gooey - Who?
Leon Krystal - Sounds good to me!
Deoxys - I'm all for the guy, but I think he may have missed his chance when Brawl relegated him to a Pokeball. By SSB4, the fifth generation will be here, so with Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard, and Lucario (or Mewtwo, I doubt both)...that's already alot of Pokemon. Add in a fith gen rep, and I think we're solid.
Blaziken - Not as a standalone character. If anything, Blaziken might be in if, in SSB4, Pokemon Trainer was able to handle more Pokemon, or if they gave him different "teams" of Pokemon. He could have three sets: one for the first gen, third gen, and the shiny new fifth gen.
Lyn - Fire Emblem 7 is
really unpopular in Japan (they made the game easier and the story less complex for us American newcomers, apparently), and there are better choices *coughnepheneecough*.
Digimonkey said:
This is what they need...
When you click on "With Anyone" you get 2 choices (two person match, and four person match).
After that, there are three rooms (beginners, average, experts).
With a room specifically for experts only, they can bring back all the advanced techniques.
Yeah, this wouldn't work. All they need to do is let you create rooms in the "with anyone" section, and while you set the rules, random people will search for free rooms, and the game will assign them to your room as time goes by.
Matchmaking, I feel, has never really worked in online games yet. Halo apparently judges your skill level, and pairs you up with people of according skill for "fair" matches, but 98% of the time, I still get ***** online anyway.
Same goes for Smash--if you can't hack it, either get better, or only play with friends.