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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something

mario-6 reps
donkey kong- 3 reps
wario/wario ware-3
zelda-6 reps
f zero 2
pokemon-6 reps
starfox-4 reps
3rd party- ??? um 5-6 maby
golden sun- 2 reps
sin and punishment-1-2

any ideas for others.
i think its suitable for each franchise, sry if i forgatin any.
if you disagree your scared of change and sucess.

and kudos to clownbot above ^^^^^
Just a few things:

Wario doesn't need 3 reps. 2 at most and even then it's questionable.

Metroid doesn't need 3 reps either because, truth be told, the franchise doesn't really have that many note-worthy characters that genuinely deserve a spot.

Olimar is good enough to represent Pikmin by himself. Louie and the President would pretty much be clones.

Kirby has the max number of reps it deserves already. Honestly, aside from the three we already have, who else deserves a spot?

Realistically, the third party characters probably won't exceed four. Sakurai said that adding third party characters was hard and Sonic wasn't even added until the summer of 2007 due to complications.

Currently, Golden Sun only needs one person. I'd personally go with Isaac as Felix is slightly less significant and they pretty much have the same moveset anyways.

Sin and Punishment is the same way.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Sorry, I could only read some of the pages, but...

1. On the subject of Ridley...isn't that such a lost argument that it's in the hands of the designers' opinions? Most of the sane people know anyone can be resized. Even Ridley. And he IS the best choice as a Metroid rep.

2. On the subject of rosters, I've been pooling together EVERY SINGLE NAME I've heard on this thread. Even the jokes. And put them in notepad. I'd post them, but I dunno if I'd get yelled at or what.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Sorry I didn't catch this earlier, but...

There's nothing I hate more than when a person thinks they're so sure of something that they say it as if its pure fact, especially when it isn't.

Ridley is the 2nd most important character in the Metroid series; even if he DOESN'T get in, he SHOULD.
Maybe he SHOULD, but he WON'T. Go ahead and think what you want, I think he should get in to, he is an awesome charcater. I just like to look at things realistically. He WILL NOT get in. Trust me.

Now can we move on please? :)


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Pikmin with 2? WW with 3? SF and Kirby with 4? Reduce all these series by one, and then you're acceptable in my own opinion. Mario/Zelda/Pokemon should also probably be at max 5 in technical spots. (Though I could believe Paper Mario and Bowser Jr. both getting in, with the former being in a different series)


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Krystal should not bea added. She's not as relevant as Falco, and Wolf is a unique moveset, why would you cut him?

The FE series is coming out w/ an 11th game. It could use a 3rd character. You're trying to add a Mother rep, but FE is way bigger and less dead than Mother.
I cut Wolf because Krystal is rising in significance in her series, has popularity, and could easily have a much more unique moveset that Wolf. We don't need Smash Bros. to have its own set of Shotos, do we?

Also, when did I try to increase the MOTHER series in the roster?

To KumaOso:
Ridley can so make a good playable fighter. He should have gotten in before that Zero Suit transformation of Samus.
Even though Zero Suit Samus was one of my mains before I converted to Street Fighter-ism, I agree with this.

Since most people don't want the three Starfox characters cut from SSB4, then Nintendo should add Krystal as its fourth Starfox rep. And they should make it so only one of them has the Landmaster as their FS and give them all different Final Smashes.
I can see what they could do for Falco, an Arwing that acts as a floating landmaster, but what about Wolf? Maybe a Wolfen Assault?

For the Zelda franchise, we don't need anymore toon reps. Link should be given his Wolf transformation with Imp Midna by his side. And Ganondorf should be decloned (I feel so bad for him, but I can't play as him in a Smash game unless he's decloned). And I would like to keep Sheik. I'm fine with Tingle in SSB4's playable roster.
Tingle is not exclusive to the Toon subseries since he debuted in Majora's Mask. Anyway, Wolf Link may prove to be irrelevant by SSB4.

Ganondorf needs to be decloned, no questions asked.

For the Animal Crossing rep, I personally believe it should be the Animal Crosser. And his color schemes should be different costumes with different hats and accessories, like a pirate theme could be his blue team outfit, for example.
There's a problem with the Animal Crosser: It doesn't have a set appearance or gender. Tom Nook on the other hand does.

If WarioWare gets a new SSB4 rep, I would prefer it to be Kat & Ana.
As I said earlier, I think it would be Mona or Syrup considering that these two are the most popular within their respective subseries.

And Pikachu and the current Pokemon Trainer in Brawl are fine in Smash 4, but we don't need Jigglypuff. If anybody is going to say that Jiggs should stay just because it's part of the "original tewlve," then I don't think they could come up with a better reason.
That's pretty much why I've kept her in. If Street Fighter IV is any indication, it's a good idea to keep her in. If her and Ness were removed in Brawl, we would've had another T. Hawk and Dee Jay problem.

The Fire Emblem series only needs two reps for Smash 4, and they are... Marth and Ike!
Why? It has plenty of games underneath it's belt so it should have at least another.

To UberMario AND KumaOso: If you didn't mention Porky because his spider walker is too small, then you should know that he can get a smaller walker for Smash 4.
I just don't think Porky should happen. If any MOTHER character should get in, it should either bee Paula or Kumatora as a clone or Claus.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2009
between earths and heavens shadow
ppl are scared of progress

why cant a new franchise start with 2 reps

why not have pikmin add new rep.


its to please everyone to an extant to make people happy. theres other opinions and wants out there besides yours. the rep post is to make that possible without it being crazy and unballanced.

keep that into concederation

Mario the Jumpman

Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2009
Why would I tell you guys that?

mario-6 reps
donkey kong- 3 reps
wario/wario ware-3
zelda-6 reps
f zero 2
pokemon-6 reps
starfox-4 reps
3rd party- ??? um 5-6 maby
golden sun- 2 reps
sin and punishment-1-2

any ideas for others.
i think its suitable for each franchise, sry if i forgatin any.
if you disagree your scared of change and progress.

and kudos to clownbot above ^^^^^
I hope this isn't too harsh...

Good idea for giving Mario 6 reps

I have nothing against Donkey Kong, but until he gets more love from Nintendo, the DK series is best with two reps

Good idea of increasing WW's reps, but I think 2 is good enough

Zelda could get six reps, could be a good idea

If ZSS counts as a rep, then Metroid should get 3 of them

If Sakurai could do something spectacular with another Pikmin character, then it should get 2 reps

Good idea for F-Zero

How many does the retro category already have? Let's see... I guess about four reps should do it

Yeah! Six reps for Pokemon.

Kirby has all the reps it needs, sorry to tell you. Though it is possible for it to get another.

Starfox should get four reps, that's what I agree with you on

About third-parties, 2-3 is probably the right amount

I don't know much about Golden Sun, but I think it is good with just one rep. The same goes for Sin and Punishment.

Do you like Punch-Out!!? If you do, you should add a rep to it.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
...A rep from Wario Woods? If you want Toad, just put him with the Mario series.

Oh, and regarding SF, I think it will only have three reps next time, and that they will be the same three reps as we had in Brawl. The thing with Wolf is that he's less than a clone of Falco, but Falco has shown up twice, so he should problably stay to. If you really had to take one of them away, I'd say Falco should get the axe in favor of Krysal, instead of Wolf.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2009
between earths and heavens shadow
From Wario's Woods? Um... there's... Toad... and... Wario... and... Birdo...

Wait, don't tell me you want Wanda the fairy playable?!?
ment for wario games like wario shake not just woods. i was aiming for cap syrup

for mario the fifth or 6 is for toad

for sf 4 just trying to have possibilities

um falco ftw dude. i say no cuts if possible


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2009
between earths and heavens shadow
Oh. That'd be the Wario Land series. Wario's Woods is not a series, but it is just a single game for NES, SNES, and Satelleview (or whatever it's called.)

And yes, the next Mario spot belongs to Toad. :D
toad hi five. the 6th is bowser jr

an idea for other is paper mario has his own rep for paper mario and not under regular mario franchise

*prepares flame sheild*


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Dr. Mario was put in the Mario series in Melee.

Paper Mario would probably be put in the Mario series in Smash 4.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Captain Syrup doesn't deserve a spot though. Even in her latest apperance, she really didn't do anything combat oriented....just ran a shop. Really, if the Wario series does even get one more rep, which is somewhat doubtful, it should be from WW. (And in my opinion, Mona)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
ppl are scared of progress

why cant a new franchise start with 2 reps

why not have pikmin add new rep.


its to please everyone to an extant to make people happy. theres other opinions and wants out there besides yours. the rep post is to make that possible without it being crazy and unballanced.

keep that into concederation
Adding filler characters is not progress... The only things that genuinely differentiate Olimar and Louie, for example, are minor differences in their character designs. Nothing in the games set them apart like Mario and Luigi. Overall, it would be a waste. Also, you need to consider 1. the franchise's size 2. it's age and 3. it's overall significance to Nintendo. Also, the part I bolded goes beyond ironic considering what a fuss you're making about someone criticizing your roster which you consider "perfect."


Smash Ace
May 29, 2008
One thing that'd be really nice for SSB4 would be different suits. Not just colors, but suits. Like a Doc suit for Mario and whatnot. As for characters, I just really would like to see Isaac (he sort of seems like a lock to me, given his assist trophy). Bomberman would be a great addition, as well as Geno. Other than that I could care less.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
One thing that'd be really nice for SSB4 would be different suits. Not just colors, but suits. Like a Doc suit for Mario and whatnot. As for characters, I just really would like to see Isaac (he sort of seems like a lock to me, given his assist trophy). Bomberman would be a great addition, as well as Geno. Other than that I could care less.
I personally think textures would be easier to do as suits would take up more data. With textures, you could simply make your own suits and I maybe you'd be able to remove things like remove hats in an editing mode. For example, take a look at all these textures:


*refresh if it doesn't come up right away*

All of these were made simply by altering with the color schemes.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Wow, I think I just found more support for the possibility of Slime being in Brawl! I have never heard of this game before, it is a japan only game called Itadaki Street DS. It is a board game game produced by Square-Enix in 2007 that pitted Mario characters against Dragon Quest characters in a Mario Party style game (minus mini games).

I have said this before and I will say it again, I think with enough support Slime could really have a good shot at being a surprise third party character. It would essentially be like what we have now:

Snake: Shock factor
Sonic: Huge fan demand

Slime: Shock Factor
Megaman: Huge fan demand

I think I know what I will be doing come time for a Smash 4... >_>

[In reference to the game]
If no one has a clue what I am talking about. See for yourself.


Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
This is a long read, I'm sorry, but it is a REALISTIC ROSTER based on my research of Smash Bros., Sakurai, and Nintendo game franchises. PLEASE at least read the two paragraphs below and the Roster, then further direction will be given.

I've managed to piss off a lot of people here with my realistic thinking and my "What would Sakurai do?" theory. So now, I'm going to post that Roster and explain some elements of it to help you understand why I chose these people.

This IS NOT MY ROSTER, it is a Roster that I have come up with that seems most likely to be in an SSB4 game. You may disagree with a few elements, and thats fine. Go ahead and debate it but please don't be a [insert derogatory word here] about it. I've done plenty of research and I'm pretty confident with this roster, but I know many here will criticize it and be disappointed with it. Again, try to BE NICE please. Thank you.


Bowser Jr.

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong

Toon Link
(New Legend of Zelda rep)

Samus/Zero Suit Samus


Meta Knight
King Dedede


Pokemon Trainer
(Next-generation Pokemon)

Captain Falcon

(New EarthBound/Mother rep)

(New/Next-generation Fire Emblem rep)



Ice Climbers (Ice Climber)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
R.O.B. (Gyromite)
Mr. Game & Watch (Game & Watch)
Sonic (Sonic)
Snake (Metal Gear)
(New Series rep)

*The following list is a list of characters that have a good chance of making it into the game, but are also very debatable. These characters are the ones that will most likely be scrapped or cut if not playable.

(New Metroid rep)
Samurai Goroh
(New EarthBound/Mother rep)
(New series rep)
(New series rep)


Why Bowser Jr.? Bowser Jr. is constantly appearing in every Mario Title since Super Mario Sunshine, and he has been seen fighting in each, an attribute of Smash Bros. Plus, he is popular and a very recurring character with vital in-game roles. Some may argue Toad is more deserving; read below in the Toad section.

I am extremely positive that Dixie Kong is the next DK rep to make an appearance. Sakurai has shown interest in adding her, he has considered her for two game so far. She didn't get in because there were more deserving characters to fill the roster, but I'm sure there will be room in the next game.

This is difficult and very debatable, as there are quite a few deserving characters. The first on my list is Toon Zelda, because, like Dixie, Sakurai has had his eye on her and has obviously wanted here playable. The other candidates include Vaati (a popular Toon rep), Tingle (I honestly don't agree), and Skull Kid (although he is a bit out of date). Also, Wolf Link and Midna just doesn't seem like a realistic possibility. Sorry guys.

Krystal is the perfect choice for a new Starfox rep. You really can't debate that much, she is the most popular of the Starfox characters not represented in Smash and she is very deserving as well. I was acually a bit surprised she didn't appear in Brawl, same for Bowser Jr.

Pretty obvious and self explanatory. It is almost certain that there will be a next-gen Pokemon in SSB4, obviously a rare or legendary Pokemon. This is another one you really can't debate much.

The reason I say Earthbound/Mother is because this character could be from either Mother, EarthBound (Mother 2), or Mother 3. Anyway, the series may be dead, but it has a dedicated fanbase, the most dedicated I've ever seen in fact. Plus the games were big hits back in the day. Mother deserves another rep. I would go with the first choice as Jeff, because he is known around the world for Earthbound rather than Japan only Mother and Mother 3. Plus, he represents the non-PSI players. Then, if Sakurai decided to give more rep to the original Mother, Ninten would obviusly take this spot. And finally, either Claus, Kumatora, or Flint from Mother 3.

Fire Emblem s a diverse game, and is gaining popularity around the world. The series obviously won't stop soon, so by the time SSB4 might be out, there will probably be a new generation of Fire Emblem reps. If Sakurai decides to stay with the present, we'll get a popular, worthy character from Ike's generation, like Lyn, or maybe a magic person. But I'm almost positive we'll see a new Fire Emblem rep.

SSB4 should have at least ONE new series represented with a character. The most popular, diverse, and familiar series not represented in Brawl by a character include some like these: Custom Robo, Advanced Wars, Golden Sun, and Chibi-Robo. But there is one more, and it would also represent a new Retro character for the series: Balloon Fighter. I'm gonna branch off a bit to talk about the Balloon Fighter:

When Melee was being made, there was a debate between three retro characters and which one should be represented in the game. They were Ice Climbers, Pit, and Balloon Fighter. Ice Climber won and got in Melee, the runner up was put in Brawl (Pit), so guess who would be the Retro character for SSB4?That's why I think the Balloon fighter would be a good choice for a new series rep.

*Now I'm going to discuss the Possible Cut characters and why they are deserving, but what holds them back.

Some may argue that Toad is more deserving than Bowser Jr., and they may be right. After all, Toad has been with Mario since the beginning, constantly appears with vital roles in Mario spinoff titles, and is being represented in slightly bigger roles in the upcoming New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Galaxy 2. But, Toad and Bowser Jr. and both tied in terms of worthiness, Bowser Jr. just seems a bit more popular and is seen actually fighting more. Plus, those who don't like Toad really hate him, and that kind of weighs down the popularity factor.

This is one of the most debated probably due to Ridley, and thats why I left it out. Sakurai could do anything with this one. However (don't freak out please) I'm pretty sure Sakurai will keep Ridley in his famous and fitting "Boss" position. The next candidate being Dark Samus, but some argue that Dark Samus is already dead and therefore, can't appear playable. That leaves a tough knot in the Metroid series, so I don't know what Sakurai will do with this one.

F-Zero hasn't had a new rep since SSB64 (I know, neither has Yoshi, but F-Zero is far more diverse than Yoshi). It is very deserving, despite it being near dead. It was very popular back in the day and still is quite popular. The only tough spot is movesets. The movesets usually have nothing to do with the game. Why I chose Samurai is because he is popular and familar, Sakurai has obviously been paying attention to him. He appears in the Melee intro and he is an Assist Trophy, he seems most likely in Sakurai's mind. But with the "dead series" factor and the lack of moveset, I don't know what to think.

Once again, this could happen. Two new EarthBound/Mother reps seem likely to balance things out. For example: Ness and Jeff = Earthbound reps, Lucas and Claus/Kumatora/Flint = Mother 3 reps. With Ness, Lucas, Jeff, and Flint, there would be a PSI and non PSI Earthbound rep, and same with Lucas and Flint but for Mother 3. However, being a dead series, it doesn't seem likely that Mother would get 2 more reps while more popular ones would only recieve one.

I stated the four most likely series above. Any of these series, most likely Custom Robo or Advanced Wars, could make an appearance. The others would probably be represented in stages or something.

Oh no! Third Party! Sakurai obviously wants to focus on mainstream titles more than Third Party titles, in fact he considers them "guest appearances", so don't expect more than 1 rep per Third Party franchise. It is very likely that another Third Party rep will appear in the next SSB. That is, without a doubt, Mega Man. Sakurai has to have noticed the extreme popularity of Mega Man, and he is deserving too, with his vast majority of popular and familiar games. The creator of Mega Man also stated he would be very willing to alow Mega Man in he game if Sakurai only asked. Seeing all the hype, Sakurai may have to do just that for SSB4. But, we know Sakurai isn't too fond of going overboard with Third Party, so he may want to draw the line at Sonic and Snake, but you never know.

*Now I will make a few points that may concern some people...

I didn't include them both, because, if you haven't noticed, Sakurai tries to limit the size of each franchise. In Brawl the limit was four, which was what caused much of the cuts.

For example: Dr. Mario = cut to reduce the size of the Mario franchise to four, and most unpopular Mario character.

Pichu and Mewtwo = Cut to allow room for the Pokemon Trainer (more deserving than Pichu) and to amke room for a next-generation rep (Lucario rplacing Mewtwo).

Young Link = cut to allow room for Toon Link, who is slowly gaining popularity, while Young Link is out of date.

Anyway, the next game will most likely increase the size to 5 per series, so you can't have both Toad and Bowser Jr.

First of all, Pikmin honestly doesn't need another rep. Its not that popluar, its fine with one. WarioWare is a newer series, and although it is very popular, it isn't as popular as most of the other franchises in the game. Metroid, Kirby, and Donkey Kong are WAY more popular than WarioWare and they didn't receive more reps until Brawl (counting ZSS). F-Zero and Yoshi still remain without a new rep. WarioWare doesn't need a new rep for a while.

This means that there would be around 8 newcomers (not so great, I know, but its realistic), not including the scrapped ones. But Sakurai said himself that in a sequel to Brawl, he doesn't think that adding much characters will do much, so we shouldn't expect to much. But, if you add the scrapped characters, we'll have 8-15.

I guess that wraps it up, sorry for the long read! Remember, PLEASE DON"T BE MEAN ABOUT IT, but feel free to debate. I may change something up there, but the chances of that are slim. I've been working on this roster for a while. Anyway, DISCUSS!


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Despite that I am a fan of the MOTHER series despite never playing the games myself, I'm very skeptical on a third MOTHER character getting in. From the looks of things, I don't think Jeff would be that character.

Each game in the Smash series has had at least some partial clone. Luigi to Mario in SSB; Roy to Marth, Pichu to Pikachu, Dr. Mario to Mario, Young Link to Link, Falco to Fox, and Ganondorf to Capt. Falcon in Melee. Although this was handled better in Brawl with Lucas and Wolf sharing a number of moves from Ness and Fox respectively while being handled much differently. Toon Link and Ganondorf were more like clones with Falco being the new Luigi. With this in mind, I think we may expect some clones in SSB4 if there is extra time this time around and a MOTHER clone would be the most likely thing to come for another MOTHER rep, that character either being Paula or Kumatora.

Anyway, I doubt that a third MOTHER character will get in unless this series turns into Nintendo's Final Fantasy. However, the vocal fanbase in both the U.S. and, more importantly, Japan may have a key role in another inclusion.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Wait, F-Zero is a dead franchise, but Mother isn't? News to me. In any case, Little Mac/Ridley should be there, and I'd also think that the WW series would get a second rep before the Donkey Kong series gets a third.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
The list is very well done, granted there are some disagreements with the choices you presented. All in all it is a rather well thought out list.

The possible 5th Mario rep is hard to pin down, we have Bowser. Jr, Toad, and Paper Mario as the main front runners of filling that spot. Each have their pro's and con's, though I personally am more inclined to want to go with Paper Mario as a spin-off group similar to Yoshi.

I do not think we will get another Mother character, I am a huge fan of the series, but the odds are not likely. Though Sakurai himself is a fan of the series, we do not really know what could happen. To be honest all I really care to see is more tracks from Earthbound like Pokey Means Business, New Age Retro Hippie, Kraken of the Sea, Battle Against an Otherworldly Foe, Fourside, Saturn Valley, or Twoson. The options are their, Nintendo never uses them.

Megaman will most likely get the Sonic treatment which hopefully leads to his inclusion. Really the maximum amount of 3rd party characters I see are 4, since that could fill up an entire row and gives it a nice even feel. If I had my choice I would kep Sonic and Snake, and add Megaman and Slime. Sonic and Snake are a part of the Smash universe know and I highly doubt they will be removed, Megaman is way too popular to ignore a second time, and Slime has a very good chance of being a surprise due to many reasons, all he would need is some more fan support. Man, with as many times I have been repeating all the reasons why Slime may be in a Smash 4, I should go ahead and make one huge post discussing it and save that for future reference.

I also think we will likely see Golden Sun, Punch Out, Sin and Punishment and Legendary Starfy representation in the next Smash. Due to these series currently getting a new game in their series, especially Starfy.

Soeaking of Starfy, I really think he has the best chance of becoming one of the first new playable characters. His game is selling well in North America currently (top 5 selling DS game on Amazon) and is already an established series in Japan. He already has been introduced into the Smash world in a minor way, so next time more time can be spent on actually making him playable rather than non.

I will reserve making any kind of prediction on the Metroid rep until Metroid: Other M is released, for all we know they could create a new character in that game who just might be a more feasible representative than Ridley or Dark Samus. If not I want to see both Dark Samus and Ridley (though I still fail to grasp how) playable, if Kirby could get two reps added in one game, why not Metroid? Ridley is popular and has history, while Dark Samus represents the Prime series, a very important trilogy/spin off. To those who say she (DS) cannot appear due to her being dead in the series, remeber this is not canonical.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2009
between earths and heavens shadow
Adding filler characters is not progress... The only things that genuinely differentiate Olimar and Louie, for example, are minor differences in their character designs. Nothing in the games set them apart like Mario and Luigi. Overall, it would be a waste. Also, you need to consider 1. the franchise's size 2. it's age and 3. it's overall significance to Nintendo. Also, the part I bolded goes beyond ironic considering what a fuss you're making about someone criticizing your roster which you consider "perfect."
hmmm pikmin best seller
sequel being worked on
prety impotrant to nintendo
prety younge but has big fan base

theres lots of ways louie wont be a clone. i even made a post and most ageed

i prety much added one to star fox no bid deal. same with metroid. and its no big deal if a new franchise starts with 2 reps.
and no i said consider others opinion, h0w do u know what i consider. dont be so self induldgent and put words in my mouth.

enzo? pikmin has 2 best sellers theres only 2 pikmin games if it wasnt popular nintendo wouldnt make a 3rd game. and make 2 remakes for wii

eh dont care much for wario though

oh and star whats with you and slime lol not my first square pick but not my last. your point(s) are being took into concederation


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
*looks through quickly*

Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any posts about how Louie wouldn't be a clone.

But really now, the series doesn't deserve the second rep just yet. Its too young, and hasn't done enough. Heck, there's only one viable character, and in his own games he had pretty much the same moves as Olimar, did he not?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
hmmm pikmin best seller
sequel being worked on
prety impotrant to nintendo
prety younge but has big fan base
Let's see...

1. Since 2001, the Pikmin franchise has had two games (with one remake). In comparison, Metroid has had seven (one remake), Zelda has also had seven, Kirby has had six (two remakes), Star Fox has had three, Animal Crossing has had three, Fire Emblem has had six, Wario has had eleven, Yoshi has had three, Donkey Kong has had nine (along with two arcade games and four remakes), F-Zero has had five, and, last but not least, Mario has had, fourty-two. This makes points 2-4 moot.

2. Metroid Prime alone sold more than Pikmin and Pikmin 2, combined. Source. Pikmin 2 wasn't even in the top 25 best selling Gamecube games. This makes point 1 and 5 moot.

Also, while we're at it, name three ways that Louie is different from Olimar in Pikmin two without mentioning differences in personality or character design.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 5, 2009
Hm, I forgot about Skull Kid but now I think he'd be great in SSB, I could imagine his final smash bringing the moon down onto the stage.

My list of ideal new characters would contain more people from newer and different franchises rather than just adding more from existing franchises:

So my list of characters would include

Phoenix Wright (OBJECTION!!!)
Professor Layton
Rabbids (series was established on the wii)
Viewtiful Joe
Doshin the Giant (most likely as an assist trophy)
Chibi Robo (could be assist trophy too)
KK Slider

As for adding to existing franchises I'd like to see the mentioned Skull Kid, Funky Kong (though I think many will disagree with me), Krystal and Bowser Jr for Mario


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Alright, guys. Get your bomb shelters ready... I'm gonna be posting my gigantic pool of roster additions I've heard on this thread. Thus far, it has...

101 1st party additions, 14 Retro additions, and 32 3rd party additions. This is for a current, unfinished total of 147 names.

I'd appreciate if you guys could skim through it and send me any names you'd like on it that aren't there. This is going to be my third biggest project ever undertaken. :bee:


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2009
You won't find Adobe here in Nairobe.
With all this talk of Slime being with the Mario cast in Itadaki Street DS (as well as the rest of the Dragon Quest cast,) we also can't forget about the other half of Square-Enix. Black Mage, White Mage, Ninja, Cactaur and Moogle from the Final Fantasy series all appeared in Mario Hoops 3 on 3. So, although I can definitely imagine Slime being in SSB more than a FF character, it seems more likely than there would be a FF character, due to FF being popular in Japan AND America.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
With all this talk of Slime being with the Mario cast in Itadaki Street DS (as well as the rest of the Dragon Quest cast,) we also can't forget about the other half of Square-Enix. Black Mage, White Mage, Ninja, Cactaur and Moogle from the Final Fantasy series all appeared in Mario Hoops 3 on 3. So, although I can definitely imagine Slime being in SSB more than a FF character, it seems more likely than there would be a FF character, due to FF being popular in Japan AND America.
It is very possible we could see a FF character as well, Black Mage would be pretty nice. I just think because Square is really trying to make Dragon Quest more mainstream in NA they might go with Slime. Not to mention Nintendo is personally making strides themselves to advertise the game in North America. Even though Final Fantasy is big everywhere, Dragon Quest is still more popular in Japan than Final Fantasy.

Another reason I lean towards Slime is due to the fact that Nintendo's subsidary company Inntelligent Systems (responsible for the Fire Emblem/Paper Mario series) has helped produce Dragon Quest Wars for the DsiWare. No it is not a big game, but it does show for whatever reason Nintendo's hand of help toward the series.

One last thing. One of the most eagerly anticipated titles in Japan right now is Dragon Quest X for the Wii, there was some sort of poll in Japan about what game most people were excited for, the top (and greatest) percentage of people were all waiting for Dragon Quest X. As stated before, Satoru Iwata has stated that Nintendo would help advertise the series to overseas markets to try and (obviously) boost sales. They could use this game (whenever it is releases) as the main setting for a Smash 4, by that I mean having a stage that people could recognize instead of generic plains or mountains.

DQ has the history with Nintendo, has the popularity, and Nintendo seems to have friendly relations with the series and the company currently. Square has stated they want to become one of the top 10 electronic companies globally, what better way to increase sales than by advertising your game (this is just in general now, not only DQ) in one of what is sure to be the biggest games in the future.


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2009
You won't find Adobe here in Nairobe.
It is very possible we could see a FF character as well, Black Mage would be pretty nice. I just think because Square is really trying to make Dragon Quest more mainstream in NA they might go with Slime. Not to mention Nintendo is personally making strides themselves to advertise the game in North America. Even though Final Fantasy is big everywhere, Dragon Quest is still more popular in Japan than Final Fantasy.

Another reason I lean towards Slime is due to the fact that Nintendo's subsidary company Inntelligent Systems (responsible for the Fire Emblem/Paper Mario series) has helped produce Dragon Quest Wars for the DsiWare. No it is not a big game, but it does show for whatever reason Nintendo's hand of help toward the series.

One last thing. One of the most eagerly anticipated titles in Japan right now is Dragon Quest X for the Wii, there was some sort of poll in Japan about what game most people were excited for, the top (and greatest) percentage of people were all waiting for Dragon Quest X. As stated before, Satoru Iwata has stated that Nintendo would help advertise the series to overseas markets to try and (obviously) boost sales. They could use this game (whenever it is releases) as the main setting for a Smash 4, by that I mean having a stage that people could recognize instead of generic plains or mountains.

DQ has the history with Nintendo, has the popularity, and Nintendo seems to have friendly relations with the series and the company currently. Square has stated they want to become one of the top 10 electronic companies globally, what better way to increase sales than by advertising your game (this is just in general now, not only DQ) in one of what is sure to be the biggest games in the future.
I do see where you're coming from. It indeed seems that with all the remakes and new DQ games coming out in America, Square is making an effort to spread DQ. And besides (to many fanboy's dismay,) I could much more easily see Slime in SSB than Cloud.

And in the end, it's Japan's opinion that matters.
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